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| name = Trex Varax
| image = http://art.swc-empire.com/avatar/8061_varax.jpg
| race = Kiffar (Formerly Human)
| homeworld = Kiffex (Formerly Tatooine)
| mother = Unknown
| father = Unknown
| spouse = None
| siblings = Unknown
| children = None
| born = N/A
| branch = Imperial Navy
| positions = Imperial Navy Officer, Group Executive Officer
| prior service = Imperial Security Bureau, Imperial Army, Imperial Academy, Mandalore
| awards = http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/IABG.jpg http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/MID.jpg http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/CSA-1.jpg http://www.swc-empire.com/images/awards/ISM-2.jpg http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/ICM.jpg http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/IMM.jpg http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/CMM.jpg http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/CISA.jpg
== Current Affairs ==
Lieutenant or Mr (preferably pronounced as Mister) Trex Varax is currently serving as an Imperial Navy Officer and Group Executive Officer within the 11th Group, 3rd Imperial Fleet under the command of Group Commanding Officer Lieutenant Zeige Shadar. Additionally, Varax is serving as an Military Intelligence Officer of the [CLASSIFIED] sector, within the Department of Military Intelligence. He is also an Archivist in the Imperial Archives and Writer for the Imperial News Bureau within the Imperial Information Service. At the moment, he is also studying an educational qualification that is based on computer's, relating to many different computer based subjects. He has recently embarked on this course and is due to complete it near the start of the next year. His motivation for commencing this course was to do it to further augment his abilities as an Imperial Navy Officer, since the job itself requires the use of many different computer based systems, which he is required to use for job related reasons. He is always seen wearing his signature black Imperial Stormtrooper Armour, it's capabilities are unknown to most.
== Character History ==
[Join Date: Year 11 Day 142]
[If Trex Varax was born in the SWC universe he would have been born in: Year -6 Day 172]
Age - Judging by medical age (Aging) 19 years.
Existence - 3 years and many days.
=== Beginning ===
At first it appeared as if Trex Varax suddenly materialized out of thin air on the infamously lawless planet, Tatooine. He had absolutely no recollection of his past or the current situation that he dealt with in that first instance. As he continued on, walking around the fairly rocky urbanized area, he asked a nearby citizen of the planet where he currently was, the sentient replied and said FFC Tatooine. The city was generally a moderately populated spaceport that contained the typical groups of sentients that included, smugglers, bounty hunters, merchants, freighter pilots, and the usual ragtag local police forces. At times the population increased now and then, generally though, it went up and down depending on how many sentients went through the place. Mostly everyone was there temporarily. At that time, he had no education or life experience whatsoever. Everything he saw and did he took in like a dry sponge. It took a fairly small time for him to learn basic life skills that sentients in the spaceport practiced. A short time later, he enrolled in a local school based at the spaceport. He distinctly recalls steaming hot and humid days that appeared blurry at times due to the sheer density of the heat and humidity in the air, and cold rainy days that saturated the entirety of the school grounds and caused the flooding of the class rooms at times. Both of which he felt were almost solitary like confinements. Mentally, these were some of the hardest days he had encountered. Not because of the temperature or environment, but because of the social obstacles he had to deal with. In terms of his physical characteristics, he was always around 5'5 - 5'9 in height. He weighs around 75 kilograms (132.277 pounds) to 80 kilograms (176.37 pounds). The latter is usually the case since he participates in many cardiovascular and muscular exercises of many different kinds, primarily cardiovascular these days. He is also of a solid medium build. At times, he is unable to constantly physically train himself due to faction related commitments of an administrative nature.
Time passed and he faced constant isolation from his peers besides a brief reprieve now and then from the more understanding individuals in the school community. He also had to cope with the constant boredom and hard slog of the regimented repetition of set classes, and the unavoidable interactions with fellow pupils. Unfortunately, due to his physical and mental difference to others, his unique mindset, and the way others were unforgiving and were composed of different races and religions, he had significant issues with socialization with sentients his age and younger, and was the victim of bullying and the occasional push and shove fight, and at times came close to an all out fist fight. This was partly due to him not understanding other sentients and their behaviors and the fact that he was very hard headed and arrogant and hated many sentients for a wide variety of reasons, this hatred grew as time went on. He was amazed that he didn't get beaten up. Though he did sustain a few hits here and there, that caused little more than a blood nose or purple bruise from a larger or stronger sentient of generally a different race. He always stuck up for himself verbally, or physically, most of the time, besides a few occasions which he did stick up for himself but gave up because the person who confronted him was larger, older, and stronger, and was of a different race, but as time went on, he did deal with those bullies and he stood up for himself and acted accordingly in all of the situations he faced. Now and then, he was known to punch, manhandle and throw fellow classmates a couple to a few meters away from him when they would constantly harass him, and in the process he would a times, rip their clothing or force them onto the ground. Additionally, staff members at the educational institute assisted him with the social situations and many issues that concerned these things were resolved by their interventions. His thoughts are that he had a rocky beginning, but it could've been much worse. All of the above contributed immensely to his mental toughness as an individual.
In terms of education, he studied basic Mathematics that covered addition, multiplication, division, and many other factors. Additionally, he also studied Galactic Basic that was composed of grammar and basic comprehension. He also studied Science that covered basics that ranged from studies that related to, chemistry, biology and practical scientific exercises. Lastly, he also studied History that covered past events in the Galaxy and current affairs. All of his educational subjects were set in a structured, and regimented format that lasted for roughly 12 months. The Teacher that hosted the History class he attended was the one he found most interesting since he had a Military background in the Armed Forces. In all subjects, besides History where he preformed to a reasonable standard, he had preformed horrendously and received grades roughly between 10% - 50% out of 100% on the majority of the tests. He would rarely exceeded these overall percentages. This was due to the fact that he was dealing with many different social problems at the time, and because he felt little need to put in the required amount of effort to improve his scores and was what some would deem "obsessed" with joining a Military force at the time and contributing to a worthwhile society. He thought that to do this he did not require effort to attain reasonably good academic scores. Soon after, he decided to commence research based on the various factions that was present within the galaxy, a short time afterwards, as his behavior and mindset steadily improved and matured. At the end of his first year of his civilian education, and with two years to go, Varax decided to leave the school finding his studies to be extremely dull, boring and tedious. Soon after, he proceeded on with life as usual and went forth to submit his application to the Mandalore faction with a strong desire to join the military arm of the Mandalore faction, the Mandalorian Army.
=== Service in Mandalore ===
Time went on, Trex was accepted into the faction and was assigned a Training Instructor. He was also appointed to the rank of [E-1] ''Evaar`la Verd'', Mando'a for Recruit. Shortly afterwards, he was tasked with completing theoretical and practical academic tasks. Additionally, he also was taught a great deal in the academy, one of those being how to fly a ship and use it utilize it to it's maximum potential. He completed and passed his academic tasks and testing that were based on what he learned in the Academy to a very high standard within a week and graduated from the Mandalore Academy with a high score within the high 90% percentage out of a 100%. Unfortunately, but fortunately for him, he also received a large amount of assistance with the testing as well. Some time later, he was assigned to the ''1st Akaata, 2nd Ol'averde'', translation: (1st Battalion, 2nd Company), Mandalore Army, and was promoted to the rank of [E-2] ''Verd'ika'', Private. After a few months of stellar service he was promoted to the rank of [E-3] ''Verd'ika Sol'yc'', Private First Class. Months after that, he was then promoted to the rank of [E-4] ''Alor`uus'', Corporal.
As he served, Varax decided to complete a educational equivalency course that was based on Mathematics and Galactic Basic. He passed all the required material but came very close to failing due to lack of attendance of classes and lack of motivation. Luckily, towards the end of the course, and after much persuasion from the faculty of the educational institution he was studying at, he decided to bite the slug thrower slug and attend all the remaining classes and with much help from his fellow teachers passed the required course based competencies to pass the course and afterwards he attained the qualification.
Later on, Varax was selected to along with some members of his unit to participate in a build war against the Eidola Pirates in ''Aka Shukalar Valazog'', Mission to Conquer Valazog. He and his comrades were assigned Cloud Car Combatspeeder, and then worked tirelessly, securing over 99% of the planet extremely quickly, almost completely city slabbing the entire planet. Varax also distinctly remembers seeing Teniel Djo's ship, a YV-666, nearby on a planetary square. The name of the ship itself escaped his memory as time went on. Afterwards, Varax and his comrades left the planet, and returned to regular military duties. Throughout the entirety of his career in the Mandalore Army, he was assigned ships that originated from the YT series. For example, the YT-1300 and YT-2000. The first ship that came into his possession was an ETA-2 star fighter he named ''Star''. Additionally, he also developed a great liking to the YT-2000 and purchased one from a comrade for himself and retained it's name ''Red Runner 3''. He continues to own these assets and considers them to be of great sentimental and financial value.
After much reflection and day dreaming, he decided to apply to join the Galactic Empire, and in particular it's Military branches throughout his life, from when he first saw the original, faded, advertisement for the faction, it greatly appealed to him, the mindset and values that Imperials represented suited his own perfectly. He also frequently pestered the recruiters just before joining the faction and then made the decision shortly afterwards to sent in his join request the infamous and highly respected faction, and the stalwart Imperial Academy. It was accepted days later. He was then appointed as a Recruit [E-1] in the Imperial Academy under Training Officer Lieutenant Ardath Lemeth. Although Varax decided to join the Empire, he will always credit Mandalore for providing him with the foundation of becoming a self-made, dedicated, growing, commendable, and selfless Imperial, and most of all, human being. As time went by, Mandalore decided to promote him even though he wasn't apart of the faction, to [E-5] ''Ruus'alor'', Sergeant and [E-6] ''Ruus`alor Sol`yc'', Sergeant First Class.
He is fairly fluent in Mando'a and continues to learn more each day, studying daily.
=== Service in the Empire ===
He was accepted into the Galactic Empire, and the renowned Imperial Academy. He went through the relevant academic testing and also studied and completed a short course in some additional Mathematics, English, and Scientific based exercises that increased his previous knowledge of these educational subjects, ultimately though, he participated in this educational short course so that he could serve to a higher standard overall as an Imperial. He dedicated himself to studying the educational material and answering the required exam questions and completed the exams within 24 hours. Shortly afterwards, he graduated with a final combined exam graduation score of 93% out of 100%. Some time later, he decided to apply for enlistment into the Imperial Army in an ground combat Infantry-based role. Shortly afterwards, he was assigned to an Imperial Army unit. Before and after his experience in the Imperial Academy he was considering the possibilities of a worthwhile and extensive career in the Imperial Navy, Imperial Army and also the Imperial Security Bureau and it's relevant departments. Luckily for him, and because of his motivation, dedication, intelligence, and commitment, as well as race, those were just a few out of many options.
Before that, he was an Imperial Army Second Lieutenant, [O-1]. In that position he served as the Brigade Executive Officer of the 6th Brigade, "The Pathfinders", one of the subordinate units of the 3rd Imperial Legion. He served the entirety of his enlisted career in the Imperial Army. Though, after he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, he decided to retire from the Imperial Army and take a short break to explore the Empire's part of the galaxy and to deal with a few personal matters. Afterwards, he applied to join to the Imperial Security Bureau as a Imperial Security Bureau Agent and Sector Liason. Some time afterwards, his request to join the Bureau was approved by the leadership of the Bureau and he was given the position of probationary Imperial Security Bureau Second Lieutenant, [O-2], and was appointed as the probationary Imperial Security Bureau Sector Liason of the Kuat Sector of Imperial space.
Previously, he was a fully certified full-time Imperial Security Agent who possessed the rank of ISB Major [O-4]. He was also the Imperial Security Bureau Sector Liason, commandeering and maintaining the presence of law and order within the Kuat Sector in a lawful and structured fashion. Recently, he transferred from the Imperial Security Bureau to the Imperial Navy. Navy High Command also decided to post him to a Command position within 11th Group, 3rd Imperial Fleet, now 5th Imperial Fleet as the Group's Executive Officer. In a part-time capacity, he continues to this day serving as an Imperial Archives, Archivist and Writer for the Imperial News Bureau. Recently, he was appointed as the Military Intelligence Officer of the [CLASSIFIED] sector. He also has a fairly strong and in many cases 'developing' knowledge in many different skill fields that are what some would see as potentially 'dangerous'.
=== Revelation ===
On Year 14, Day 31 in Coronet city on Corellia. Trex Varax met a human male who was a highly qualified and scientist unknown to most of the galaxy by the name of Lekon Hendar. He informed Trex of the results of a test previously taken via a blood sample and physical test that he was of Kiffar origin, not Human which he previously thought. His family origins are unknown. Trex has a strong feeling that he just happened to have originated from Kiffar ancestry in a way that will always be unknown. This amazed Trex. He has recently joined a clan of Kiffar. Though the name of the clan and it’s members remain unknown. Overall though, he now serves the Empire as a Kiffar Imperial, now belonging to a family. He is also beginning to learn Kiffu, studying it whenever he can.
== Personality and views ==
Varax is a self-made individual that has drastically improved in everything that he is and does and continues to do so. His personality is entirely set in stone. He also has a strong set of moral values and seeks to contribute to society and dedicates his life to others. A huge improvement from the start of his existence. He always sees himself as a work in progress and continually seeks to improve himself in any way, shape or form for the benefit of the Empire, the Emperor and himself. For him, much has happened so far in his galactic experiences.
He is a model citizen of the Galactic Empire. Throughout his life he has always displayed what few would consider an obsessive will to win. He is the strong silent time. A man of few words. At times he has a very dry sense of humor. He possesses the following traits, born leader, honorable, respectful, tenacious, committed, strong, analytical and most of all, lucky. He may not be the strongest or the smartest Imperial but he is most certainly one of the luckiest. That he knows is a fact. Ironically, even though he is a man of few words he is quite sociable and speaks to many within the Empire and has always had an interest in different sentients, cultures, histories and how people go about their daily lives. Overall, he is a mindful and quick-thinking human-being. He always puts others before himself in all aspects of his daily activities, and treats others how he would like to be treated. He views the Galactic Empire, and the Imperial Union as the true leaders of the galaxy for order and prosperity in the boundless, dark, unpredictable and foreign depths of the galaxy. He considers the Empire to be the beacon of light that seeks to illuminate the galaxy and bring peace to it and all of it's worthy sentients. He also greatly respects the Emperor, and his superiors and sees them as inspirational individuals that have motivated him to excel in his ongoing service to the Empire and Emperor.
He respects his subordinates from all walks of life, from his immediate colleagues in the Imperial Security Bureau, to his other service members in the different branches of the Empire, to his comrades in the Imperial Union. He also respects those he does not know and never judges someone by their appearance or what they are rumored to be. He only judges those by their actions, and when this is the case, he bases his opinions on them based on how they act as an individual. Though, he generally keeps these judgements to himself unless they are constructive criticism or when his opinions are required. He always bears in his mind that the future is always far ahead and beyond for him. Though he never knows what's to come of it and when.
Lastly, he has strong interests teamwork based activities, information technology, specifically networking, and in piloting ships and vehicles of all kinds in all environments, he also likes to utilize projectile weaponry for self defense purposes and for target shooting. Additionally, it is rumored that he is extremely proficient with many different types of weapons.
== Experiences and past events ==
He has traveled all over the galaxy, from the dullest, most remote and crime infested hell holes, to the infamous and most well structured places almost anybody would dream of going to. Even though his career in the Empire and experience in the Galaxy is still quite limited, he is a very experienced individual for his age and he is learning new things each day.
== Likes and dislikes ==
He at times has an insatiable thirst for credits and assets of all kinds. Primarily ships, and some vehicles. He also has an occasional weakness for luxurious things, like rare ships or property's. He also greatly enjoys his own personal selection of beverages that are all currently of Kiffar origin. He drinks all of them rarely, usually between 1-3 glasses that are a foot or two, in height, and four to six centimeters in width. He generally consumes Corellian Ale now days, though. He reserves an enjoyment of the large, practical glasses with big hand grips. Along with the Kiffar alcoholic beverage named "Cas Rum" it being his favorite drink. The rum itself is distilled by the Kiffar Clan Cas on the famed Cas island region on the planet Kiffex. In the end though, he knows when enough is enough in regards to ships and alcohol and knows where the buck ends in that regard, it's a certainty that it hasn't once gone in the way of his duties as an Imperial and as a respected member of Clan Nah'utal. A distinguished member of the clan, Soren Cas, personally sold him his first crate. Also, he has never been intoxicated by alcohol even once, favoring a clear head over an unconscious one in a gutter by a filthy spaceport speeder parking lot.
Lastly, he has a dislike of sleeping, no matter how tired he is, and wishes that he never had to sleep knowing he would be able to do much more if he didn't need to. But does it anyway for obvious reasons.
== Appointments and positions ==
<table border="1">
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Imperial Navy Officer - [Y14 D59 - Current] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Group Executive Officer of the 5th Fleet, 11th Group - [Y14 D59 - Current] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Part-time Military Intelligence Officer of the [CLASSIFIED] Sector - [Y14 D133 - Current] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Part-time Imperial Information Service, Imperial Archives, Archivist and Writer - [Y12 D212 - Current] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Imperial Citizen of the Galactic Empire - [Y12 D61 - Current] </td></tr></table></td>
<table border="1">
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Served as an Imperial Security Bureau Agent in a full-time capacity - [Y13 D203 - Y14 D59] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Served as the Imperial Security Bureau Liason of the Kuat Sector - [Y13 D207 - Y14 D59] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Former Imperial Army Brigade Executive Officer, 6th "Reconnaissance" Brigade "The Pathfinders", 3rd Imperial Legion "The Shadow Guard" - [Y13 D0 - Y13 D151] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Former Imperial Army Officer, 6th "Reconnaissance" Brigade "The Pathfinders", 3rd Imperial Legion "The Shadow Guard" - [Y13 D86 - Y13 D154] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>Former Imperial Army Legionnaire, "Alpha Brigade, and 6th "Reconnaissance" Brigade "The Pathfinders", 3rd Imperial Legion "The Shadow Guard" - [Y12 D61 - Y13 D86] </td></tr></table></td>
== Ranks ==
<table border="1">
Mandalorian Ranks
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/images/ranks/E-1.jpg - [E-1] Mandalore Academy - Recruit - ''Evaar`la Verd'' - Earned: [N/A] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/images/ranks/E-2.jpg - [E-2] Mandalore Army - Private - ''Verd`ika'' - Earned: [N/A] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/images/ranks/E-3.jpg - [E-3] Mandalore Army - Private First Class - ''Verd`ika Sol`yc'' - Earned: [Y11 D5] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/images/ranks/E-4.jpg - [E-4] Mandalore Army - Corporal - ''Alor`uus'' - Earned: [Y12 D37] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/images/ranks/E-5.jpg - [E-5] Mandalore Army - Sergeant - ''Ruus'alor'' - Earned: [N/A] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/images/ranks/E-6.jpg - [E-6] Mandalore Army - Sergeant First Class - ''Ruus`alor Sol`yc'' - Earned: [N/A] </td></tr></table></td>
<table border="1">
Imperial Ranks
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-1.gif - [E-1] Imperial Academy - Recruit - RCT - Earned: [Y12 D61] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-2.gif - [E-2] Imperial Army - Private - PVT - Earned: [Y12 D62] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-3.gif - [E-3] Imperial Army - Corporal - CPL - Earned: [Y12 D90] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-4.gif - [E-4] Imperial Army - Sergeant - SGT - Earned: [Y12 D124] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-5.gif - [E-5] Imperial Army - Master Sergeant - MSGT - Earned: [Y12 D250] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-6.gif - [E-6] Imperial Army - Command Sergeant - CSGT - Earned: [Y13 D0] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/MO-1.gif - [O-1] Imperial Army - Second Lieutenant - [2LT] - Earned: [Y13 D86] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td> Imperial Citizenry - Citizen - Retired on: [Y13 D154] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/COMPNOR/ISB/ISBO-1.gif - Returned from retirement - [O-1] ISB Second Lieutenant - ISB-2LT - Earned: [Y13 D203] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/COMPNOR/ISB/ISBO-2.gif - [O-2] ISB First Lieutenant - ISB-1LT - Earned: [Y13 D262] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/COMPNOR/ISB/ISBO-3.gif - [O-3] ISB Captain - ISB-CPT - Earned: [Y13 D339] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/COMPNOR/ISB/ISBO-4.gif - [O-4] ISB Major - ISB-MAJ - Earned: [Y14 D51] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/MO-3.gif - [O-3] Lieutenant - LT - Earned: [Y14 D59] </td></tr></table></td>
== Awards ==
'''Note:''' Some awards were awarded late and were therefore deemed overdue.
<table border="1">
Mandalorian Awards
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/generalinfo/library/awards/db3m.jpg - 3 Month Duty Bar - DB-3 -  Earned: [Y11 D5] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/generalinfo/library/awards/db3m.jpg - 6 Month Duty Bar - DB-6 - Earned: [Y12 D37] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-mandalore.com/generalinfo/library/awards/asv.png - Aka Shukalar Valazog - ASV - Earned: [Y12 D102] </td></tr></table></td>
<table border="1">
Imperial Awards
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/IABG.jpg - Imperial Academy Basic Graduation - [IABG] -  Earned: [Y12 D62] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/MID.jpg - Mentioned in Dispatches - [MID] - [Earned: [Y12 D116] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/CSA-1.jpg - COMPNOR Service Award - [CSA] - 1 Year - Earned: [Y12 D221] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/ISM-1.jpg - Imperial Service Medal - [ISM-1] - 1 Year - Earned: [Y13 D68] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-empire.com/images/awards/ISM-2.jpg - Imperial Service Medal - [ISM-2] - 2 Years - Earned: [Y14 D61] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/ICM.jpg - Imperial Campaign Medal - [ICM] - [CLASSIFIED] - Earned: [Y13 D85] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/IMM.jpg - Imperial Monthly Meeting - [IMM] - Earned: [Y13 D114] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/CMM.jpg - COMPNOR Member Medal - [CMM] - Earned: [Y13 D206] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://swc-empire.com/images/awards/CISA.jpg - Certified Imperial Security Agent - [CISA] - Earned: [Y13 D262] </td></tr></table></td>
<td><table cellpadding="2"><tr><td>http://www.swc-empire.com/images/awards/LOC.jpg - Letter of Commendation - [LOC] - Earned: [Y14 D163] </td></tr></table></td>
== Quotes ==
''"Nothing's impossible."''
''"Nothing's ever easy."''
''"There's no such thing as easy.."''
''"The past is not as important as the future.."''
''"It will never end..."''
''"Don't procrastinate. Do it."''
== Memories ==
A cherished image of Varax serving as a commissioned officer in the Imperial Security Bureau, immediately after honing his skills on a obstacle course on the planet Kuat at around 00:09:30 CGT during the murky, overcast day of Y13 D300. At this time he was reflecting on his earlier experiences, and day dreaming of what the future was to have in store for him.
| width =
| float = none
| image = http://i49.tinypic.com/2zoxj7b.png
| description = Alone, exhausted, and at his mental and physical limits, maneuvering through the ruins of obliterated city proceeding to his objective while evading enemy aerial and ground forces.}}
| width =
| float = none
| image = http://i46.tinypic.com/jzi1ia.png
| description = Just after disembarking from a star ship and looking off into the distance seconds after a strategic insertion into a hostile environment.}}
| width =
| float = none
| image = http://i47.tinypic.com/347hfmu.png
| description = Outfitted in armor and heavily armored, returning from a lap of a rigorous obstacle course.}}
| width =
| float = none
| image = http://i49.tinypic.com/2a5j3aq.jpg
| description = A detailed sketch of Trex standing idle, communicating with superiors via his armor's inbuilt communication systems.}}
== OOC ==
Game time:
The individual playing as this character joined the Star Wars Combine on Year 11 Day 142 and has been active on the Star Wars Combine since mid 2010. This has been his only character. It is a carbon copy of him in his real life.
2011 Halloween:
2012 Halloween:
[[Category: Individuals]]

Latest revision as of 12:29, 31 July 2014