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| name = Dante Erinith
| name = Dante Erinith
| image = http://art.swc-empire.com/Art-Seren/dante_erinith.jpg
| image = http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn63/Jascarell/dante_erinithl-1.jpg | race = Echani
| race = Coruscani (Mandalorian Heritage)
| homeworld = Rhen Var
| homeworld = Coruscant
| mother = Elia Erinith
| mother = Elia Erinith (Condition: deceased)
| father = Jias Dormir
| father = Jias Dormir (Condition: deceased)
| spouse = Single
| spouse = None
| siblings = Rick Dormir
| siblings = Rick Terras Erinith (Condition: unknown)
| children = None
| children = None
| born = Year -13, Day 218
| born = Year -13 Day -Unknown
| branch = Imperial Army
| faction = Unknown
| positions = Legionnaire, Unknown
| positions = Unknown
| prior service = Unknown
| prior positions = 1st Brigade BXO of the Imperial Army, Unknown
| awards = http://gi145.photobucket.com/groups/r228/PO025O4H13/ErinithDante20101016.jpg
| affiliation = Unknown
''"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyway."'' - Dante Erinith's defining quote
'''"Why, what's so special about Dante?" "He's an unstoppable force of fierfekking nature who has put me on my shebs more times than I really care to talk about at the moment."''' - Keth and Jane Lemen discussing Dante
A man of few words, the Coruscani known as Dante Erinith has a violent past; one that he is neither proud about, nor willing to elaborate on. A Master Sergeant in the Imperial Army, now aged 25, Dante has gradually come to accept the men and women around him. But as ever, he sleeps with one eye open. Any man with his past would.
'' '''"Dante" is, as of Year 13 Day 72, Dishonorably Discharged for a variety of reasons. However, no word has been heard of his whereabouts or his current activities; he seems to have dissolved into thin air.''' ''
== Character History ==
=== Early Life ===
=Imperial Personnel Profile=
Little is truly known about the earlier years of Dante's life. Details remain fuzzy, and the little confirmed facts are debated by those who care. The son of a military commander and a simple maiden; the worst way to enter a life.
==General Information==
<b>Surname</b>: Erinith<br>
<b>Given Name(s)</b>: Dante<br>
<b>Race</b>: Echani, Class B Citizen - Expelled<br>
<b>Gender</b>: M<br>
<b>Rank</b>: Formerly Second Lieutenant, Imperial Army - Dishonorably Discharged<br>
<b>Age</b>: 26 Standard Years<br>
<b>Homeworld</b>: Rhen Var, Unknown<br>
<b>Family</b>: Unspecified<br>
Even before Dante was born, his father had left Coruscant, as he considered the previous relationship to be just a fling; to be enjoyed like a toy, and then cast aside as such. His mother, upon news of her pregnancy, fell into shock and died shortly after delivery. He constantly had to be watched over by others, such as neighbours, or dumped at the local bar, but more often than not would go off to do his own thing, hating the company of others since a very early age.
==Psychological Profile==
Fending for himself, Dante knew nothing of his father and little of his mother. The only thing he knew, the only thing he cared about, was survival. He didn't care who had to die or otherwise "disappear" to acheive that. For a while, Dante was the very thing he later despised; a parasite, living off other people until he no longer needed them.
===Social Attributes===
Things stayed this way for years to come.
<b>Loyalty</b>: Dante is remarkably loyal to those he considers worthy of it. He is also very caring and protective of those under his command, often taking the heat for things that they did - gladly. A trait that was passed on from his own superiors.
=== Teenage Life ===
<b>Outspoken</b>: Dante often seems to speak out of turn, often touching controversial issues and occasionally coming very close to treason. He has never, however, explicitly crossed the line.
It was just like any other day; the dark depths of Coruscant's slums, dirty and damp to the core. It was approaching dusk, and even then a man could barely see his hand in front of his face. Now, a nine year old boy, Dante felt the same emotions flow through him, day after day; hate, fear, anger...the daily requirements for survival in the slums. But there was also lonliness; he wanted someone - anyone - beside him, so he didn't have to feel alone anymore.
<b>Control attitudes</b>: Extremely tolerant, Dante is willing to accept anybody and everything, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, past, religion, allegiance, et cetera. As he has mentioned many times, he could care less what somebody is, so long as they can do the job.
Almost as if in silent acknowledgement, men began to shuffle through the slums. Children disappeared, young men disappeared, all were taken by them. Dante could barely make the figures out in the night, before he felt a twig snap behind him. Quickly tilting around in alarm, he felt a sharp crack at the back of his head. Before he knew it, he was being carried; presumably by the one who had attacked him. Slowly, he lost consciousness, after saying a bitter farewell to the air.
<b>Dependability</b>: Dante is highly dependable, almost to a fault. When given an assignment, you can guarantee he will get it done.
After what felt like forever, Dante finally awoke in unfamiliar conditions. Slowly looking around while on the floor, he realised he was in a tent, and around him on the floor were men just like himself. No, not men...these were children and young boys like himself. They were all bound at the arms and legs.
<b>Attitude towards Empire</b>: Dante has repeatedly expressed a surprisingly negative attitude of the Empire as a whole. More specifically, he sees the Empire as a vehicle of civilization, peace and cultural enlightenment; the people within it, however, he views in a completely different light. He does not, however, generalise; he is well aware there are "good apples" in the tree.
Unable to move, Dante felt fear creep back to his mind. Before he could close his eyes, the ragged cloth covering the tent's entrance was swept aside and 3 armed men walked into the tent. One after the other, they dragged the children outside, as well as Dante. Lining them up in single file, two men examined the boys as the other kept his gun fixed on the others. Occasionally, children deemed moderately fit were moved away from the others. Those deemed unfit were shot on the spot.
<b>Emotional expression</b>: From what can be seen, Dante typically keeps his emotions well under wrap; contrary to how he is often seen by others, he is immensely disciplined, particularly insofar as his mental state goes. He does, however, seem to have intense emotional scarring; it is unknown how he copes.
Dante was among the last to be examined. Full of fear, he thought a silent prayer and closed his eyes as he was inspected. He felt a sharp jab at his back after a minute, which alerted him, then he realised he was being moved towards the other still living children.  
<b>Fairness</b>: "Fairness" can be considered an understatement; Aedan views everybody in the same way and judges by similar standards, whether General or Private.
<b>Leadership attributes</b>: Dante has demonstrated himself to be a highly charismatic individual, demonstrating many traits of leadership. He does not, however, lead people most of the time, rather preferring to adopt the role of backbench adviser.
What was to follow would be 2 years of brutal training in combat and tactics. Many of the children Dante knew there died; those who remained changed. Some turned slowly into real men. Others broke and died on the battlefield. As a child soldier, Dante was forced many times to fight, often with weaponry he was either unfamiliar with or broke down after a few reloads. Never was he given any tactical information; he was little more than a piece of meat to his overlords.
<b>Physical appearance</b>: Dante is known to adopt a variety of fashions, but he virtually never wears or uses Imperial Standard Issue clothing or equipment; perhaps an indicator of his individuality. Often wearing either a red and black styled trench-coat scheme, or white and black armor. On a more primal level he is admittedly a highly attractive man, and many specimens from both genders and many races have expressed interest in him.
However, Dante grew close to 2 other child soldiers; Kelda "Shake" Pelas, and Rasco "Lucky" Keltan. Over many battles, these 3 child soldiers sticked together; they always stayed with each other, and never abandoned their brothers no matter how outnumbered or hopeless the situation seemed. For the first time, Dante knew friendship. He felt an emotion other than hate.
<b>Regard for Rules</b>: Dante follows rules, but only so long as they do not stop him doing his job. Once they get in the way, he tends to break them in a heartbeat.
<b>Team Spirit</b>: While he often portrays himself as the loner, Aedan is an incredible leader and team-player, perfectly willing to put the lives of his men before the mission's completion. He never leaves his men behind, and he makes it a point to get to know his men, establishing a genuine camaraderie.
=== The Felucia Affair ===
===Individual Attributes===
Dante and Kelda assisting in the evacuation of a number of civilians.
<b>Combat Skills</b>: Many times, Dante has demonstrated a remarkable mastery of the various combat arts. Well-trained in a variety of martial arts, including the Echani Arts, Teras Kasi, and some associated with the Jedi, he is also well-versed in the Lightsaber Forms, generally adopting Soresu and Juyo. With more conventional weaponry, he adopts a Bastard Sword, and has shown extreme skill in the use of sidearms, particuarly when using them akimbo. He tends to turn to Rifles as a last resort. While trained in the use of explosives and heavy weaponry, he usually avoids them, leaving them to specialists.
<b>Pilot</b>: While nothing special, Dante does have in-depth training as a pilot, and can hold his own in a dogfight.
<b>Achievement attitudes</b>: Dante does not seem to value personal accomplishment at all that much, although he often hides this behind a fabricated ego.
Month after month, year after year, wars were fought and blood was spilled. Dante, Kelda and Rasco all fought and survived. Alone they would have broken, but together they kept their minds intact. After Dante reached the age of 18, the three of them were shipped to the planet of Felucia. Nobody knew why, although rumors abound that they were to attack the limited pirate presence on the planet. To the three of them that didn't matter though. It was just another war.
<b>Emotional temperament</b>: Patient, tolerant, cautious. Yet outspoken. He does not take very well to threats to those under his command, although he tends to dismiss threats to himself.
They had already learnt that the whole affair "don't mean a thing".
The beginning of the end for Dante's career as a former child soldier ended on this planet. In a heated battle, Dante and his friends were seperated from the rest of their platoon. They were forced to make their way around on a planet about which they knew nothing at all. But they knew they were free.
<b>Energy level</b>: Dante has displayed many times to have a near-inexhaustible supply of energy, and his stamina is inhuman.
After almost 4 days of non-stop movement, the three eventually came across a guarded spaceport; ironically, it was operated by the same organisation that enslaved the three of them. Making their way in, they managed to secure a YT-1300 called the "Shadow Flame" before coming under heavy fire. While Dante was ready to fly, Kelda and Rasco ran to the ship; however, the two were cut down by blaster fire halfway across the hangar, and Dante was forced to flee for his own life. The deaths of his two closest friends would remain on his mind for years to come.
<b>Intellectual factors</b>: Intellectually, Dante's greatest asset is his common sense; he is streetsmart to the point of being a virtual genius. However, he also displays a massive wealth of knowledge, knowing many things you would expect only of experts.
<b>Knowledge</b>: Dante knows many things he should not. This is best exemplified by his in-depth knowledge of Jedi and Sith Philosophy, as well as being able to out-knowledge even the Sith in regards to the finer aspects of the Force, and of Lightsabers. He also appears remarkably informed of the goings-on in the Galaxy, suggesting contacts, or a wide circle of friends.
=== Life as a Pilot ===
<b>Mental Attitude</b>: Mentally, Dante is an enigma. Surface study has demonstrated that, mentally, he is in fact a child, suggesting potential cloning or mental stigma, and had undergone flash training. Experts dismiss this claim, however, suggesting other factors. Dante can generally be assumed as having a mental age of roughly 8 or 9 years.
For the first time in many, many years, Dante Erinith was free.
<b>Material attitudes</b>: Aside from his admittedly low number of personal possessions, Dante does not view material wealth as important.
It had been almost ten years since he could feel this sweet sensation which he once took for granted. But inside, Dante was hurt. The two men he had befriended and fought many battles with, the men with whom he had bonds forged in blood and war were now gone. Guilt and pain wreaked havoc on Dante's mind, but even now his will remained strong, keeping his santiy together, even if just barely. Yet on the outside, he appeared as he always did to an onlooker - cold and deceptive. It was clear something was plaquing him, but for the life of them, nobody could find out what...
Over time, Dante befriended a Barabel named Kael Ta'em, a ranking operative of SYT Transport. After joining this company, Dante found a new set of friends, not all of them human - indeed, the vast majority of them were not human, and this is the basis of Dante's respect for nonhumans.  
<b>Maturity</b>: While he may act immature, it has been shown several times that this is simply a facade; in reality, Dante is highly mature, and understands complex issues and situations at the drop of a hat.
Incredible to Dante, they all had a mere two things in common; an avid love of flying, and a fierce loyalty to one another. It was from his new circle of friends that Dante learned the ace piloting skills he would use in later life, as well as more about the galaxy in which he lived - knowledge which would prove to be painfully crucial in later life.
<b>Philosophical attitudes</b>:  Dante questions many things, including the Empire itself. Politically, he sees it as the best island in an ocean of badness. Religiously, he tends to follow the side of Light.
Eventually, after regaining his footing in the galaxy and learning as much as he could, Dante decided it was time he moved on. A born soldier, raised on the battlefield, it was rather obvious what his career choice would be - at least to Dante, it was. He was to become a mercenary, a gun for hire - selling his services to the highest bidder.
<b>Physical attributes</b>:  Muscular and very well built, Dante seems built for combat. He is, however, extremely fast and agile, almost to the point of being inhumanly so.
It sounded so romantic, didn't it?
==== Grounded ====
<b>Risk attitudes</b>: Risk does not intimidate Dante; in fact, sometimes he takes the riskier path just for kicks and giggles.
<b>Task performance attitudes</b>: While he often adopts a nonchalant, bored, lazy attitude, when Dante takes on a job he performs it to the best of his ability. Either do a job right, or don't do it at all.
=== Joining the Empire ===
Time passed as it always would, and Dante loved his new existence. It seemed that nothing could stop his new life, and that he had finally found what he was looking for; he was ready to put aside his prized A295 rifle, and live.
==Physical Description==
But combat found him yet again, though in a more discrete manner. A stormtrooper parade marched through the town, impressing all with their uniformity and teamwork. Dante was beginning to grow low on money, and he realised he couldn't live like this forever. He could use the skills he learnt as a child soldier to not only sustain himself, but sustain the galaxy as well.
<b>Height</b>: 6'1<br>
The decision was made. Dante Erinith, son of Jias Dormir, was to join the Imperial Army.
<b>Weight</b>: 195 lbs<br>
<b>Build</b>: Muscular, well-built<br>
<b>Skin Color</b>: White<br>
<b>Eye Color</b>: Heterochromia - Green/Blue<br>
<b>Hair Color</b>: Silver<br>
<b>Addendum</b>: Scruffy beard, indicating a degree of laziness<br>
Dante Erinith, present day
== Quotes ==
''"But...what if it goes wrong? What then? I don't know what'll happen. I don't know what to do..." | "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyway."'' - Dante Erinith, comforting Arik Trimence
''"I'd expect better of a Commander than that, even if he's justified. What a fool, huh?" | "It seems to me that people in power can be fools when they forget what they are and act like who they are, but they’re worse when they only remember what they are and forget who."'' Jalrin and Dante discussing the Commander Evals'ca.
=Service Record=
''"If you fell head first into a pigsty, you'd try to convince everybody you did it on purpose."'' - Dante to Kad
'''Imperial Army'''<br>
Recruit, Year 9
Private, Year 9
Private First Class, Year 9
Sergeant, Year 9
Master Sergeant, Year 11
Command Sergeant, Year 11
Master Sergeant, Year 12, Day 1
Command Sergeant, Year 12, Day 65
Second Lieutenant, Year 12, Day 212
Dishonorably Discharged, Year 13, Day 72
''"That was just too easy...these idiots aren't even half as good as I saw."  | "A crafty enemy will set a weak ambush you are meant to break through. Confident because you have dealt with the threat, your guard relaxed, you walk into the second, stronger ambush."'' - Jalrin and Dante after breaking through a small blockade in the Coruscant Undercity.
== Appearance ==
Boasting short/medium length dark brown hair, Dante does not appear at all particuarly unique at first glance. However, further study of his appearance would quickly indicate otherwise. The first thing many people notice about him is either his unorthodox dress sense, or his eyes - one being coloured bright green, and the other dark blue. Many people attribute this down to a genetic condition, however his Brother does not possess this facet, which implies otherwise. Aside from his eyes, he normally has very low amounts of facial hair - enough to look dashing, yet not enough to be downright grotesque. Overall, he appears to be particuarly attractive in his own way, although more often than not he does not take advantage of this natural advantage.
As earlier noted, his dress sense is not what an Imperial would call "Orthodox". He is rarely - if ever - seen in his Imperial Uniform, always sporting another outfit as if deliberately trying to avoid wearing it, and he is known to avoid a number of official occasions in which he is forced to wear it. It is unknown whether this is due to his innately rebellious personality, his preference for his own clothing and armor, or just downright distaste of anything which doesn't include a longcoat.
His first - and typical - appearance is perhaps a one-of-a-kind look, especially within the Empire. The first thing to be noticed about his fashion sense is that it revolves around two colours - Red and Black, with a focus on the Red aspect. The usual outfit is a tailed long-cait, Red in colour and stretching far enough down to touch his boots at the back. The tops of the boots are oriental in appearance, Red with Gold Dragons encircling it on the fabric - under this he usually wears his armored boots. Moving further up his plain black pants - serrated by a red stretch at his groin region - and before it can continue on, it is blocked off by a belt - this belt is black in colour, with a Gold Sigil as a buckle. He has 3 more such belts, two of them just above the first belt, and the third one across his chest, just below his ribs. The shirt is a zip variety, jet black like the pants, and collared - these collars are usually left to droop down slightly, and the zip is undone a little at the chest for comfort. Continuing down his arms, they are left bare once the black region of his sleeves are encountered - after his elbows, all he wears are fingerless gloves, or his Armored Gauntlets when he is at the Dojo.
== Education ==
-No Education Prior to Year 9 other than life experience-
* Year 9 Imperial Basic Training, Imperial Academy, Coruscant
* Year 9 Rifleman Course, School of Infantry-Coruscant, Imperial Academy, Coruscant
* Year 9 Sharpshooter Course, School of Infantry-Coruscant, Imperial Academy, Coruscant
==Awards and Decorations ==
http://art.swc-empire.com/awards/empire/DB6M.jpg Imperial Duty Bars - 6 Months
http://art.swc-empire.com/awards/compnor/IABG.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate
==Service Record==
'''Imperial Army'''
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-1.gif Recruit, Year 9
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-2.gif Private, Year 9
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-3.gif Private First Class, Year 9
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-4.gif Sergeant, Year 9
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-5.gif Master Sergeant, Year 11
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-6.gif Command Sergeant, Year 11
http://art.swc-empire.com/images/ranks/military/ME-5.gif Master Sergeant, Year 12, Day1

Latest revision as of 03:00, 25 December 2018

Dante Erinith
Biographical Information
Race Echani
Homeworld Rhen Var
Mother Elia Erinith
Father Jias Dormir
Spouse Single
Siblings Rick Dormir
Children None
Born Year -13 Day -Unknown
Galactic Involvement
Faction Unknown
Positions Unknown
Prior positions 1st Brigade BXO of the Imperial Army, Unknown
Affiliation Unknown

"Why, what's so special about Dante?" "He's an unstoppable force of fierfekking nature who has put me on my shebs more times than I really care to talk about at the moment." - Keth and Jane Lemen discussing Dante

"Dante" is, as of Year 13 Day 72, Dishonorably Discharged for a variety of reasons. However, no word has been heard of his whereabouts or his current activities; he seems to have dissolved into thin air.

Imperial Personnel Profile

General Information

Surname: Erinith
Given Name(s): Dante
Race: Echani, Class B Citizen - Expelled
Gender: M
Rank: Formerly Second Lieutenant, Imperial Army - Dishonorably Discharged
Age: 26 Standard Years
Homeworld: Rhen Var, Unknown
Family: Unspecified

Psychological Profile

Social Attributes

Loyalty: Dante is remarkably loyal to those he considers worthy of it. He is also very caring and protective of those under his command, often taking the heat for things that they did - gladly. A trait that was passed on from his own superiors.

Outspoken: Dante often seems to speak out of turn, often touching controversial issues and occasionally coming very close to treason. He has never, however, explicitly crossed the line.

Control attitudes: Extremely tolerant, Dante is willing to accept anybody and everything, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, past, religion, allegiance, et cetera. As he has mentioned many times, he could care less what somebody is, so long as they can do the job.

Dependability: Dante is highly dependable, almost to a fault. When given an assignment, you can guarantee he will get it done.

Attitude towards Empire: Dante has repeatedly expressed a surprisingly negative attitude of the Empire as a whole. More specifically, he sees the Empire as a vehicle of civilization, peace and cultural enlightenment; the people within it, however, he views in a completely different light. He does not, however, generalise; he is well aware there are "good apples" in the tree.

Emotional expression: From what can be seen, Dante typically keeps his emotions well under wrap; contrary to how he is often seen by others, he is immensely disciplined, particularly insofar as his mental state goes. He does, however, seem to have intense emotional scarring; it is unknown how he copes.

Fairness: "Fairness" can be considered an understatement; Aedan views everybody in the same way and judges by similar standards, whether General or Private.

Leadership attributes: Dante has demonstrated himself to be a highly charismatic individual, demonstrating many traits of leadership. He does not, however, lead people most of the time, rather preferring to adopt the role of backbench adviser.

Physical appearance: Dante is known to adopt a variety of fashions, but he virtually never wears or uses Imperial Standard Issue clothing or equipment; perhaps an indicator of his individuality. Often wearing either a red and black styled trench-coat scheme, or white and black armor. On a more primal level he is admittedly a highly attractive man, and many specimens from both genders and many races have expressed interest in him.

Regard for Rules: Dante follows rules, but only so long as they do not stop him doing his job. Once they get in the way, he tends to break them in a heartbeat.

Team Spirit: While he often portrays himself as the loner, Aedan is an incredible leader and team-player, perfectly willing to put the lives of his men before the mission's completion. He never leaves his men behind, and he makes it a point to get to know his men, establishing a genuine camaraderie.

Individual Attributes

Combat Skills: Many times, Dante has demonstrated a remarkable mastery of the various combat arts. Well-trained in a variety of martial arts, including the Echani Arts, Teras Kasi, and some associated with the Jedi, he is also well-versed in the Lightsaber Forms, generally adopting Soresu and Juyo. With more conventional weaponry, he adopts a Bastard Sword, and has shown extreme skill in the use of sidearms, particuarly when using them akimbo. He tends to turn to Rifles as a last resort. While trained in the use of explosives and heavy weaponry, he usually avoids them, leaving them to specialists.

Pilot: While nothing special, Dante does have in-depth training as a pilot, and can hold his own in a dogfight.

Achievement attitudes: Dante does not seem to value personal accomplishment at all that much, although he often hides this behind a fabricated ego.

Emotional temperament: Patient, tolerant, cautious. Yet outspoken. He does not take very well to threats to those under his command, although he tends to dismiss threats to himself.

Energy level: Dante has displayed many times to have a near-inexhaustible supply of energy, and his stamina is inhuman.

Intellectual factors: Intellectually, Dante's greatest asset is his common sense; he is streetsmart to the point of being a virtual genius. However, he also displays a massive wealth of knowledge, knowing many things you would expect only of experts.

Knowledge: Dante knows many things he should not. This is best exemplified by his in-depth knowledge of Jedi and Sith Philosophy, as well as being able to out-knowledge even the Sith in regards to the finer aspects of the Force, and of Lightsabers. He also appears remarkably informed of the goings-on in the Galaxy, suggesting contacts, or a wide circle of friends.

Mental Attitude: Mentally, Dante is an enigma. Surface study has demonstrated that, mentally, he is in fact a child, suggesting potential cloning or mental stigma, and had undergone flash training. Experts dismiss this claim, however, suggesting other factors. Dante can generally be assumed as having a mental age of roughly 8 or 9 years.

Material attitudes: Aside from his admittedly low number of personal possessions, Dante does not view material wealth as important.

Maturity: While he may act immature, it has been shown several times that this is simply a facade; in reality, Dante is highly mature, and understands complex issues and situations at the drop of a hat.

Philosophical attitudes: Dante questions many things, including the Empire itself. Politically, he sees it as the best island in an ocean of badness. Religiously, he tends to follow the side of Light.

Physical attributes: Muscular and very well built, Dante seems built for combat. He is, however, extremely fast and agile, almost to the point of being inhumanly so.

Risk attitudes: Risk does not intimidate Dante; in fact, sometimes he takes the riskier path just for kicks and giggles.

Task performance attitudes: While he often adopts a nonchalant, bored, lazy attitude, when Dante takes on a job he performs it to the best of his ability. Either do a job right, or don't do it at all.

Physical Description

Height: 6'1
Weight: 195 lbs
Build: Muscular, well-built
Skin Color: White
Eye Color: Heterochromia - Green/Blue
Hair Color: Silver
Addendum: Scruffy beard, indicating a degree of laziness

Service Record

Imperial Army
Recruit, Year 9 Private, Year 9 Private First Class, Year 9 Sergeant, Year 9 Master Sergeant, Year 11 Command Sergeant, Year 11 Master Sergeant, Year 12, Day 1 Command Sergeant, Year 12, Day 65 Second Lieutenant, Year 12, Day 212 Dishonorably Discharged, Year 13, Day 72