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===The Rough Life===
===The Rough Life===
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With each passing day, Elvira's job began to take up more and more time. Several operations required her full attention as a scout and sniper, while other missions saw her as a field medic taking care of the wounded. She started to return to her old condition of being quiet and lonely, the war against the New Republic and its Galactic Alliance taking up most of her time. She lost contact with most of her few friends again, such as Kiari, who had resigned from the Empire while Elvira was on the battlefield and Nixon was placed in the reserves after a revolt in the First Imperial Legion caused by the demotion of Captain Imperium, which also lead to her betraying the Empire to the Falleen Federation. The revolt cost the life of some soldiers who, in their despair, had committed suicide, and also saw the departure of other soldiers who resigned from active duty or who followed the traitor captain, or command sergeant after her demotion. These events left an impact on the girl, but her devotion to her job kept her on track and was probably the only reason she didn't slip into a depression. Her devotion only fed her ambition and by now, she already was a Sergeant First Class and veteran of several operations and battles. But even in those harsh times, there were some positive turns of events. One of those was the transfer of her old friend, Josef, to the Imperial Army to serve as one of the new Lieutenants.
With each passing day, Elvira's job began to take up more and more time. Several operations required her full attention as a scout and sniper, while other missions saw her as a field medic taking care of the wounded. She started to return to her old condition of being quiet and lonely, the war against the New Republic and its Galactic Alliance taking up most of her time. She lost contact with most of her few friends again, such as Kiari, who had resigned from the Empire while Elvira was on the battlefield and Nixon was placed in the reserves after a revolt in the First Imperial Legion caused by the demotion of Captain Imperium, which also lead to her betraying the Empire to the Falleen Federation. The revolt cost the life of some soldiers who, in their despair, had committed suicide, and also saw the departure of other soldiers who resigned from active duty or who followed the traitor captain, or command sergeant after her demotion. These events left an impact on the girl, but her devotion to her job kept her on track and was probably the only reason she didn't slip into a depression. Her devotion only fed her ambition and by now, she already was a Sergeant First Class and veteran of several operations and battles. But even in those harsh times, there were some positive turns of events. One of those was the transfer of her old friend, Josef, to the Imperial Army to serve as one of the new Lieutenants.
It was at this time that the Commanding Officer of the Army, Brigadier General [[Graeda L'Annan]] organised a mission, codenamed Operation Sneak Peek. She hand-picked several soldiers to participate in this mission and Elvira was placed in the team to serve as medic. This mission would soon provide her with not only her first, but with her first two confrontations with death. A base of operations was set up on the planet of the volcanic planet of Baroonda. The outpost was soon attacked by vicious creatures native to the planet, and both Elvira and Command Sergeant [[Tremec Basir]] were trapped under the body of an enormous bird-like monster. Luckily, the rest of the squad managed to free them both before she suffered any severe injuries. But even then, the operation was doomed to fail. Lord Krall, who had accompanied the squad on their mission, stormed into the camp and warned the troops of an impending volcano eruption. The soldiers only had half an hour left according to calculations and the evac ships were nowhere to be seen, but minutes before all hell would break loose, the General arrived with a ship to pick the soldiers up and save them all from a certain death.
It was at this time that the Commanding Officer of the Army, Brigadier General [[Graeda L'Annan]] organised a mission, codenamed Operation Sneak Peek. She hand-picked several soldiers to participate in this mission and Elvira was placed in the team to serve as medic. This mission would soon provide her with not only her first, but with her first two confrontations with death. A base of operations was set up on the planet of the volcanic planet of Baroonda. The outpost was soon attacked by vicious creatures native to the planet, and both Elvira and Command Sergeant [[Tremec Basir]] were trapped under the body of an enormous bird-like monster. Luckily, the rest of the squad managed to free them both before she suffered any severe injuries. But even then, the operation was doomed to fail. Lord Krall, who had accompanied the squad on their mission, stormed into the camp and warned the troops of an impending volcano eruption. The soldiers only had half an hour left according to calculations and the evac ships were nowhere to be seen, but minutes before all hell would break loose, the General arrived with a ship to pick the soldiers up and save them all from a certain death.
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===Moving On===
===Moving On===
The focus of the Empire was slowly changing. All planets under the control of the Empire had to be reinforced to protect the citizens of the ever expanding and growing Empire. Amongst the soldiers who were deployed to help build new housings and defences was Master Sergeant Falston. She was finally close to home again and the more peaceful situation gave her the opportunity to slowly develop herself and move on. Her father had died long ago, but the effects on the Coruscanti woman were still there. During this time of (relative) peace, she was approached by Vizier [[Jarek Sankin]] who offered her a chance to train herself both physically and in her social skills so that she would learn to open up again and step by step, reveal more of herself to others. The Vizier had bought a Colonial Shockball team and offered her a place in the team as a wing player. Elvira first accepted the offer with hesitation, but soon found herself in love with the rather aggressive, but tactical sport.
The focus of the Empire was slowly changing. All planets under the control of the Empire had to be reinforced to protect the citizens of the ever expanding and growing Empire. Amongst the soldiers who were deployed to help build new housings and defences was Master Sergeant Falston. She was finally close to home again and the more peaceful situation gave her the opportunity to slowly develop herself and move on. Her father had died long ago, but the effects on the Coruscanti woman were still there. During this time of (relative) peace, she was approached by Vizier [[Jarek Sankin]] who offered her a chance to train herself both physically and in her social skills so that she would learn to open up again and step by step, reveal more of herself to others. The Vizier had bought a Colonial Shockball team and offered her a place in the team as a wing player. Elvira first accepted the offer with hesitation, but soon found herself in love with the rather aggressive, but tactical sport.

Revision as of 15:36, 21 March 2010

Elvira Falston
Biographical Information
Race Human, Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Silestra Langer
Father Jordan Falston
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -15 Day 157
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Enlisted - Soldier
Prior Service None
Awards IABG.jpg DB6M.jpg
LOC.jpg DIS3.jpg MBUH.jpg

Appearance and Personality

Elvira is a young Coruscanti with long, blond hair and light blue eyes. She's of average height, around 5 feet 9 inch tall, and has a slim, athletic figure. Her skin isn't tanned, but she has a healthy appearance along with a proud, tall posture. This young girl can best be described as "mysterious and cold". Nobody really knows a lot about her, as she rarely speaks. She acts rather cold-hearted and avoids all contact with strangers, especially if they aren't human. She has a great deal of respect for her superiors and is a firm supporter of order and hierarchy.


Elvira Falston was born on Coruscant into a wealthy Imperial family. Her father was a merchant and her mother stayed at home to take care of her, their only child. Thanks to her stable and fairly wealthy family, she grew up without having to deal with any big problems or complications, making her a slightly spoiled child, but because of her persistent and ambitious nature, she didn't let it weaken her personality.

A Spoiled Youth

Business went well for Jordan Falston and the first to enjoy his success would be his young daughter. Always arriving at kindergarten and later school in trendy clothing and equipped with the most expensive pens and pencils, Elvira thoroughly enjoyed the jealous looks of her classmates, and all the attention that their jealousy brought. At the age of six she was already well-known for her meanness. Her father gave her everything she asked for and she often showed up at school with a large box of biscuits; biscuits that she would only share with those that often gave her compliments. Slowly, she grew up to become the typical image of a spoiled girl, often mocking those who weren't as fortunate as her. This behavior even continued in secondary school, where she collected a band of admirers around her, only hanging out with girls whose parents were just as wealthy as hers.

Turning Point

At the age of sixteen, Elvira was called out of class one day. One of the teachers told her that she could go home, that her mother had something to tell her. Preparing several excuses to explain her bad results at school on the way home, Elvira was surprised to find her mother in tears. Her father, Jordan, had been murdered by pirates in a robbery as he was on his way to a business associate. Elvira's perfect world collapsed and in a matter of days, the spoiled bitch became a reserved, quiet girl. She spent most her time in her room and rarely had any social contact outside of school. Around this time, she began to take interest in the behavior of everyone around her and quietly observed her schoolmates and teachers.

Imperial Interest

When she turned eighteen, Elvira went to the University of Coruscant and studied Medicine. During her time at the University, she came in contact with some Imperial Recruitment Officers from the local garrison and decided to go have a look in the garrison some day, out of interest for the Empire, but also out of interest for the rather handsome officer that had visited the University. As the weeks went by, Elvira began to visit the garrison more often and started opening up again. Her new friends at the garrison allowed her to train with weapons in her spare time and they quickly noticed she was rather skilled with blasters and rifles. At the day of her graduation, Elvira walked up to her mother and informed her that she had decided to join the Emperor's military forces.

His Majesty's Army

In the Imperial Academy, Elvira took on her old habits again: she barely spoke to anyone and spent most her time analyzing her fellow Imperials. Under the guidance of Training Officer Aalon, she graduated with a final result of 90,3% and was accepted into the Imperial Army. As a private, she became fascinated by the way the Empire is run. She deeply respected the Sith and the Emperor, who she followed as if he were a God. She quickly rose through the ranks and it became obvious that she had a bent for making herself known to several important members of the Empire, hoping she would later be able to start a career in the governmental administration of the Empire. She barely had any social contact when she was just a Private First Class, barely ever seen talking to another Imperial. The only exception to this seemed to be Nixon Spears, another new private in the army.


No longer the shy girl she once was, it didn't take the young Corporal long to have conflicts with other Imperials. An argument with Captain Inara Imperium even had a minor impact on the running of the Army and its legions. Despite these small incidents, Elvira proved to be an ambitious and hard-working Imperial and was rewarded for her good behavior and initiative. She took on several administrative positions and began to appreciate the technical side of the Army. Together with her legion, she participated in several operations and served as both a field medic and a scout trooper, even catching the attention of the Eidola Pirates. Slowly, Elvira began to feel as if she were part of a new family, the Imperial family. Even though she still had an obsession with the behavior of others, she learned to open up towards some of her fellow Imperials. She become close friends with Kiari Delcroix and Josef DeLaurel, both members of the Imperial Navy, and occasionally held conversations with the Grand Moff himself, Orphaea Imperium.

The Rough Life


Elvira Falston at the Imperial Ball

With each passing day, Elvira's job began to take up more and more time. Several operations required her full attention as a scout and sniper, while other missions saw her as a field medic taking care of the wounded. She started to return to her old condition of being quiet and lonely, the war against the New Republic and its Galactic Alliance taking up most of her time. She lost contact with most of her few friends again, such as Kiari, who had resigned from the Empire while Elvira was on the battlefield and Nixon was placed in the reserves after a revolt in the First Imperial Legion caused by the demotion of Captain Imperium, which also lead to her betraying the Empire to the Falleen Federation. The revolt cost the life of some soldiers who, in their despair, had committed suicide, and also saw the departure of other soldiers who resigned from active duty or who followed the traitor captain, or command sergeant after her demotion. These events left an impact on the girl, but her devotion to her job kept her on track and was probably the only reason she didn't slip into a depression. Her devotion only fed her ambition and by now, she already was a Sergeant First Class and veteran of several operations and battles. But even in those harsh times, there were some positive turns of events. One of those was the transfer of her old friend, Josef, to the Imperial Army to serve as one of the new Lieutenants. It was at this time that the Commanding Officer of the Army, Brigadier General Graeda L'Annan organised a mission, codenamed Operation Sneak Peek. She hand-picked several soldiers to participate in this mission and Elvira was placed in the team to serve as medic. This mission would soon provide her with not only her first, but with her first two confrontations with death. A base of operations was set up on the planet of the volcanic planet of Baroonda. The outpost was soon attacked by vicious creatures native to the planet, and both Elvira and Command Sergeant Tremec Basir were trapped under the body of an enormous bird-like monster. Luckily, the rest of the squad managed to free them both before she suffered any severe injuries. But even then, the operation was doomed to fail. Lord Krall, who had accompanied the squad on their mission, stormed into the camp and warned the troops of an impending volcano eruption. The soldiers only had half an hour left according to calculations and the evac ships were nowhere to be seen, but minutes before all hell would break loose, the General arrived with a ship to pick the soldiers up and save them all from a certain death.

Meanwhile, her interest for the Sith and the Dark Side kept growing, the impact of the Dark Side fascinating her and inspiring her in her many psychological experiments. Her job often brought her near important Sith, such as Lord Krall and Darth Iudicium, and her first experiences with near-death only making her more and more curious about the Dark teachings.

Moving On

The focus of the Empire was slowly changing. All planets under the control of the Empire had to be reinforced to protect the citizens of the ever expanding and growing Empire. Amongst the soldiers who were deployed to help build new housings and defences was Master Sergeant Falston. She was finally close to home again and the more peaceful situation gave her the opportunity to slowly develop herself and move on. Her father had died long ago, but the effects on the Coruscanti woman were still there. During this time of (relative) peace, she was approached by Vizier Jarek Sankin who offered her a chance to train herself both physically and in her social skills so that she would learn to open up again and step by step, reveal more of herself to others. The Vizier had bought a Colonial Shockball team and offered her a place in the team as a wing player. Elvira first accepted the offer with hesitation, but soon found herself in love with the rather aggressive, but tactical sport.

To keep herself in shape, Elvira visited the Imperial Dojo as often as she could where she often met with Darth Iudicium, who often participated in duels. On Galactic Day 111 of Year 11, the Imperial Ball commenced and the Sith Lord asked her to accompany him to the Ball. The young Coruscanti initially wasn't going to the Ball, but the offer to accompany one of the people that fascinated her, a Sith Lord in person, quickly changed her mind. While it was mainly her curiosity and respect for the Sith that led her to the Ball, it would be one of the many steps on the path to moving on from her father's death once and for all.


Imperial Army


Elvira while on duty

Private [E-2] - Graduating without honors under Training Officer Aalon, Year 10 Day 203

Private First Class [E-3] - Year 10 Day 238

Corporal [E-4] - Year 10 Day 266

Sergeant [E-5] - Year 10 Day 300

Staff Sergeant [E-6] - Year 10 Day 314

Sergeant First Class [E-7] - Year 11 Day 40

Master Sergeant [E-8] - Year 11 Day 65