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Svith Condra

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Svithian Condra Jr
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Naboo
Mother Mayaril Condra
Father Svithian Condra Sr
Spouse None
Siblings Rei, Ryition, Kaede, Boltan, Izan, Dychsrois
Children None
Born Classified
Imperial Service
Branch compnor_archive.png
Positions Sith - Lord Sector Adjutant
Prior Service Trade Federation - Dorinian Military Corps


"Minds clouded with the manipulative tongue of peace and prosperity, imprisoned by the code of light to limit and shut your emotions. The pursuit of passion is the only way to bring true justice to the galaxy."
— Svithian Condra, Crusader of Darkness

Svith Condra is the renowned royal heir of House Condra, and is known for his high intellect and tactical reasoning. Aside from his inquisitiveness and curiosity treating him as a Philosopher, Svith is well versed with physical and strong acquisitiveness for knowledge of the force. Formally, Svith Condra serves the Emperor as a Sector Adjutant of the Deep Core Sector.



Despite being human, Svithian is known for having unique set of physical features that set him aside from any typical human sentient. Svith's most memorable feature is both eyes being two separate shade of colors, the left Iris containing a simple ocean blue hue while the other rages with its own unique blood scarlet, though after his delving further into the teachings of Sith and Krath they had adverted into a violet hue. Aside from his eyes, a strange black tribal tattoo is emblazoned along the left side of his face added to his appearance a year after his birth by Mayaril Condra.

  • The seal itself was a counter measure to suppress and control Svith's affinity to the force, and avoid detection that could interrupt the Condra way of life.

The flow of genetics allowed Svithian to also maintain the same raven black hair of his parents that trails down pass his cheeks. Hes of average build standing at 1.75m tall. Being a practitioner of the dark side Svithian has manage to overcome dark side alterations in his natural state, which makes him look quite ordinary.

Svith's attire consists of either a suit and tie, or a Sith cloak over black padded kinetic armor, trousers, and combat boots. Occasionally donning a Sith mask, or royal guard armor.


Throughout his history most of his personality had surprisingly remained intact except for some minor alterations inspired by his allegiances. He remains to be tranquil and collective by nature, taking in situation with ease and coherence rather than making rash and unwise mistakes. Svithian also has a strong adherence to loyalty and respect believing that everyone must hold true to their pledges and promises as well as mutual respect towards allies. The extreme shyness and quietness he obtained as a child was slowly shredded throughout his adventures, especially during the CIS Arc. Rather than speaking verbally Svithian also tends to use his telepathy, mentally interacting with the people around him unless conversing with more than one person, surprisingly his voice is rather soothing and smooth, yet still chilling.

Likes and Dislikes


  • Dark Side Cookies: A homemade dark side cookie urged to be consumed sparingly.
  • The Sith:Family by bond of the darkside.
  • Holocrons: Hand held pyramid or cubes containing much information, tends to glow.
  • Corellian Ale: A very good beverage.


  • Traitors
  • Looters
  • Pirates
  • The Jedi Order
  • New Republic



With the traditions of the Sith now deeply indulged in Svithian still maintains a unique set of beliefs and guidelines that he goes by, which as mostly melded into her persona from his child hood and personal experiences. Svithian has a strong adherence to the principles of loyalty and justice,for without loyal members in a faction, or even the loyalty of your friends it becomes increasing difficult to achieve goals, and even function on a galactic scale. "Justice" is an ideal of his strictly involving the fair treatment of others, and a get what you deserve policy. Pirates should walk the plank, thieves should be incarcerated, and terrorist should be killed.

Another belief is a simple matter of what people call "peace" he believes that a state of peace is never a lasting one which in turn leads to that matter the the ideal itself is a lie. The only way true "peace" could be brought to the galaxy is if the galaxy itself was ridden to a state of genocide, only then can like minded individuals call for peace, but even still there's room for a shifting anomaly.

Svith's experiences within the Jedi Order as well as the tales of the New Republic has changed his ideals on a Republic Government. By being witness to the Black sun Shadow Vigo witch hunt as well as multiple conspiracies being developed over the constant shift of leadership amongst the republic government, Svithian is entirely against the thought of a republic and full heartily accepts the imperial aristocracy as a legit form to govern, with a rightful leader there's not much worry about the high command ranks being invaded, or the leadership to fall into enemy hands.


  • Svithian Condra Sr: Svithian Condra Sr ,son of a Nabooian noble,was a naval pilot for the Imperial Navy serving many + years in service of his majesty and all citizens of the empire. Though not quite an ace pilot Svithian Sr manage to obtain enough prestige to command his own squadron of TIE Interceptors and eventually providing support with Lambda class freighters. His service wasn't short lived but spent months at a time away from home and the core sectors, communicating with his family mostly Via holomail. Both of his son's however, Svithian Jr, and Dychsrois was still proud of the father to the point where they too wanted to venture the stars for themselves and explore the galaxy.

    Upon retiring from the imperial navy Svithian Sr sought jobs that still went with his experiences and previous profession, with his personal freighter he began a series of logistic contracts from the skyrocketing tax operations on Naboo. He was able to keep the family together briefly before Svithian left the planet for his own adventures, and soon Dychsrois followed.

    • Mayaril Condra: Mayaril's past and origins is primarily unknown, she came to Naboo as a immigrant in search of education, and riches to live a somewhat subtle lifestyle. Like most imperial females on Naboo rather than staying at home watching the kids she too preferred to work and be out and about to support the family, at the same time never neglecting her duties as a parent. By majoring in genetics and cybernetic interfaces Mayaril earned a place at a civilian medical institution as a medical specialist. She had the uncanny ability to heal wounds that most doctors would say was impossible to heal, such feats allowed the Condra family to be extremely well off.

    Mayaril is also an untrained force sensitive, though she didn't know what her own potential was capable of, sensing Svith's affinity forced her to become more defensive for his well being. Forcing Svithian into the Naboo Medical Academy as well as applying the seal to his face was all measures to maintain and suppress his affinity, and to monitor it so he could live a somewhat, normal life.

    *Dychsrois Condra: The only younger brother of Svithian, Dychsrois also had an undying interest i n exploring the far reached galaxies. Both of them shared a common child hood aside from the fact that Dychsrois wasn't sheltered and forced into the medical academy. Attending school regularly he excelled in flight computer training and technologies. Shortly after Svithian departed the planet Dychsrois would follow to find his brother, years later to eventually tracking him down at the Dorinian Military Corps.
    • Boltan Condra:
    • Kaede Condra:
    • Ryition Condra:
    • Izan Condra:
    • Rei Condra:



    • Computer Technology - Almost considered to be a natural genius, Svithian ability to tap into computer operations is second to none, the skill being acquired at a young age by having to manage medical transcripts and data. This skill has be the most useful of his entire career after leaving from Courscant to embark on an journey.
    • Piloting - Personally preferring capital ships Svithian has shown significant ability in being able to fly star fighters and freighters. Notable for his flight abilities during the battle of Mayagil, however flying doesn't have his complete focus.
    • Commanding - The ability to lead soldiers, builders, or even droids to perform numerous tasks Svithian always had the charisma to maintain command and stepping up to the plate. This skill however wasn't noticeable until Svithian time with the DMC, as the yearn for perfection and loyalty had first made its rise as a true ideal.
    • Teras Kasi - As Svithian disappeared from the face of the galaxy after leaving the rebel alliance, the hidden journey he embarked upon was also for means of self empowerment and understanding. During this time he had managed to find a sentient that knew the arts of Teras Kasi and in turn began to manifest it within himself.
    • Sword Play - Perhaps Svith's most destructive natural feats, when it comes to wielding melee weapons he is extremely proficient. Preferring to use two handed Blades/Sabers or Polearms. Throughout his life numerous styles has been learned especially those dealing with light saber based forms.

    Force Abilities

    • Arc Lightning - Utilizing the darkside energies Svithian is able to not only conjure lightning at his will but also use it in uncanny ways, prefer not to use it as a direct attack. Instead the bolts of electricity can be streamed underground striking the opponent from below, along walls, or even skipping along kinetic projectiles. The usage of the ability maintains an element of surprise on such a devastating attack, almost promising a direct hit for those note prepared for it.
    • Divine Affliction - A Combination of both telekinetic and telepathic abilities when using swords or any bladed objects he wields each other them as a force around him, either striking his opponent from all sides or hurling the objects. Upon contact the blades themselves dissolve and become a new form the most notable being viper snakes which then begins to viciously strike the opponent.
    • Illumini Palpate - Without manifesting the extreme nature of force lightning in conjunction with his unarmed prowess electricity can be gathered along the tips and palm of his hand; allowing free form to strike an opponents nervous systems, thus disabling them successfully upon contact.
    • Restore - Though not light sided Svithian can restore the life force of others at the expensive of his own, or a third parties life.
    • Senseless Illumini - A highly trained Telepathic skill, the mind of Svith's opponent comes a catalyst for their own demise.
    • Mentis Mutatio - Dominating ones mind, or empowering them with his own aura Svithian the ability allows for Svithian to telepathically bond with another's mind "Possessing" them in a sense. In turn it allows either the total manipulation of his enemy or increasing an individuals/Battle groups fighting prowess with a synced mind.
    • Scarlet Requiem - The grandness of Svith's telepathic techniques. The opponent themselves began to lose a gripe on reality and enter a world designed by Svithian, notable for its scarlet surroundings


    Early Life


    Life had never been too difficult under the Naboo banner. Born and raised on the planet Naboo, Svithian Condra was the first son of two well off parents living in the main imperial sector of Moneia. Despite being raised in an imperial society he wasn't required to attending schooling like many others his age, instead his career started early, at the age of 6, his mother enrolled him into the Medical Academy of Naboo, a place where once you'd come in you were destined for high careers in the medical field, and soon was also placed under her internship.

    During his apprenticeship he learned quite a lot of anatomy, primarily on the human body and sometimes different species, curing things like bacterial infections, sickness diagnosing , and mild surgical cutting. His passion however remained with his fathers interest, serving in the imperial navy, and piloting the fastest ships. Aside from working in the medical labs Svithian, along with his younger brother Dychsrois spent most of their time at the Galactic Library. By indulging himself with the knowledge of the galaxy at their finger tips his passion to venture the stars and discover entire worlds by himself quickly captivated him. Svithian overall was a quiet individual due to being secluded from public education, and tended to be shy in most situations.

    After seven years of apprenticeship he would meet a particular individual that would change his life forever. Encountering a Noghri that was severely injured in a skirmish against imperial TIE fighters as he was brought into the medical room he was astonished by the hospitality he received from the humans though it was illegal to help such sentients on Naboo. Svithian gave this alien his up most attention to learn more about what was outside the core worlds and the adventures in the outer rim. The Noghri would turn out to be a religious advocate of the AMS whom little by little passed on the teaching of kindness and peacefulness to Svithian.

    As the Noghri recovered Svithian asked if there was any way for him to reach the stars of the farthest galaxies, just like his father did. The Noghri simply replied with a alien smirk on his face, " Come with me..."

    The First Job - Spread Peace and Prosperity

    After leaving away from the core worlds Svithian Condra found himself heading straight for the Mayagil sector to begin his life as a adventurer. For his second apprenticeship Corey Kylani and Oilios Katastrefor was assigned to be his mentor for his experience in flight instructing, basic navigation knowledge, and combat. Svithian being comprehensive enabled him to quickly master the basics and even formed a bond with his instructors. Upon completion of his training Svithian Condra was finally offered his own personal vessel however he had to offer his services to the AMS (Association for Mayagil Sovereignty), accepting the offer He began light logistic work to help the transit of his new home.

    Portrait of Svithian Condra as a Pilot for the AMS

    The Battle for Mayagil

    Fleet in route within Mayagil Sector

    The peace which reigned for just a few months was quickly short lived as turmoil and conflict flooded the sector of Mayagil. Sorosuub, New Anzat Order, and various other factions aggressively began to set foot holds within the Mayagil sector, at first conflict reigned between the AMS and Sorosuub which would lead the AMS to be exiled from the Rebel Alliance and no longer receive support. During the course of the battles that took place Svithian piloted and transported coalition militants to secure planetary holdings, transport, and continue planetary expansion of the AMS, while still being heavily out numbered and almost out classed they still continued to hold their ground and what seemed to be a losing war.

    By using the funds stolen from his mother he also began to fund building operations and fleets in the Mayagil sector The partnership with the AMS allowed him to finally see the stars himself. Svithian was absolutely thrilled as he was finally able to live the dream his father had also sought out. Entire star systems were merely a button press away, however a lot of his work still consisted of planetary building and logistics. Due to the battle of Mayagil this gave him a natural hatred for the New Anzat Order later known as the Anzatan Common Wealth.

    Because the AMS was a organization and not a set faction, Svithian was granted faction ship to Akheton Mining. Not only could he continue his funding for the liberation efforts but he also worked as a prospector for the mining team. He worked here for the next few months, mostly clueless about his job but still managing to do it anyway as time grew on AMS had finally dissolved and the members formed a religious cult known as The Diversity Alliance. It wasn't long until Svithian was pushed into another acolyte ship, leaving his drill behind he worked with the monasteries of the Diversity alliance in church building and simply being a advocate to spread the religion of Peace and Justice.

    Just a month after his work with the Diversity alliance corruption brewed with the leadership. Blood was spilled and soon dozens of members were called criminals of the faction splitting it in two. Svithian lost hope with both sides, especially after seeing bloodshed within the monasteries for the first time he fled possible prosecution and threw down his acolyte robes abandoning his religious past. From there he was guided from past members of the AMS into a direction he never truly felt passionate for.... But still able to see the far galaxies.

    Unloyal Rebellion Service

    Long before the New Republic was born Svithian Condra joined the Rebel Alliance on its path to liberation and bringing justice to all sentiments in the galaxy. Due to his prior experience with Akheton Vehicles he was quickly assigned to a battle group and assigned a Guardian squadron of X-Wings for the Rebel Alliance Navy. Never once did he question his superior. His missions included reconnaissance,and hidden system locating.

    Space Recon, Svithian Condra of Guardian Squadron.

    This sort of job was quite fitting for Svithian however, with his pay low and his motivation at bare minimal he decided to give the Rebellion the boot within a month. On his way back towards his own personal ship he stranded his entire squad of X-wings throughout space on his path to Anzat. Once in his cloak shape he put it into high gear and hyper spaced to the unknown regions of space, without a goal, without any plans.

    The reason of his disappearance remains unknown to this day. After his time with the rebel alliance he took off to the outer reaches of space to find his path. Gone for a period of about 8 months. Its been rumored that this was when he encountered force sensitive tribe that changed his entire outlook on the world. When he joined the galaxy the boy known as Svithian Condra was nothing like he was in the past... he was born a new.

    A completely new mindset seemed to overwhelm him as if he was possessed, his ideologies changed from loyalty and service to personal gain. Quickly he rejoined with Akheton Vehicles with the hopes of obtaining riches and economic discounts on vehicles.. He was unsatisfied with the pay he was receiving and just after a few production triggers he left them without a two weeks notice. He became deranged, thinking things through to see what obstacle he would take next, the banner exchange flashed him a new hope... The Trade Federation.

    Legacy of the CIS

    Svith and his first appearance in the Glythe

    The Trade Federation was the stepping stone to being able to "Get Rich Quick" on his own he began piloting his way to the Glythe sector to start his cadet ship in the Trade Federation Ministry of Defense - Navy. Upon becoming a cadet of the navy he aced his BTSE with flying colors and was quickly put to work amongst the ranks of the trade federation. At first he started small, doing mild training mission to make sure his skills were up to par with the rest of the battle groups. He joined battle group IV and proceed to acknowledge the orders of his superiors willingly. Unlike the Rebel Alliance, The TF gave a since of community and humor, it wasn't just a simple dead beat. His Service and loyalty surged like never before, he came with the mindset of getting rich quick, but soon his passion and respect for the trade federation grew. This was no longer a way to get money, but now a passion to protect and honor the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

    Corruption of Allies

    Svith Securing the Renegade Droids

    During his service with the Trade Federation Svithian Condra was ordered a mission given to him straight from the high command. Treason plagued the the neighboring system of Vinsoth, the main head quarters of the Dorinian Military Corps known as Telti. Thieving and looting had taken place due to the corruption of its former leader Drega Loas. A conspiracy was brought to reality as Drega Loas managed to put the entire DMC command on a scheme to transfer all their assets into their personal pockets. As it was revealed Svithian Condra's mission was to arrest all rebelling personal, and to bring the rouges to their knees if necessary.

    He managed to apprehend a significant amount of rebelling workers, and rogue droids that wrecked havoc across the planet of Corhugorn, bringing them to justice and under arrest by the Trade Federation. He seeked to find the larger prey that caused the mess in the first place, however as soon as they were in reach they escaped from his finger tips and high tailed it out into the hidden vacuums of space.

    The Reconstruction

    "The only way to assure the success of the faction is to maintain loyalty in the name of the Confederacy," - Svithian Condra speaking to other members of the DMC

    Dorinian Droid Factory
    Production was set to a halt and the Dorinian Military Corps was in confusion. With the high command in shatters they were in need of a quick resolution to restore the ability of the droid production faction. Since Svithian was already in the system he applied to work for the DMC to get it off its knees and return it to the stable faction it used to be before the lootings. There he met a lady that really attracted his attention, though she was also the current leader of the faction to help bring it out of its hole. Countess Jeeva Ob at the time was the lady he had sworn his allegiance to, he was here to see the DMC rise back to power and to prevent any further lootings and disloyal members to destroy the foundation.

    Along with a few members of the CIS they worked hard to get droids back into production, move around resource materials and to recover returned assets back to their proper place. Even after this was done however Svithian never backed out of the DMC, he stood by his pledge to Jeeva he didn't just want to see this faction back on its feet, he worked hard trying to offer every service he could to see the business and assets skyrocket.

    Upon joining the DMC, due to his past training as a federation naval pilot he was easily instated as a senior logistics pilot whos duty was to put their back logged order of droids back in usual transit. With much ease slowly the DMC was rolling back into shape shifting into its former glory, mission by mission the foundation of the new crew had established an unbreakable structure. After some time Svithian Condra switched from logistics to full security as a Captain in order to rightfully protect the corps systems from enemy intruders.

    The Countess

    "Who's Jeeva?"

    "A red headed Goddess..."

    - Svithian, small talk at a Vinsoth Cantina


    Countess Ob, CEO of DMC had always been seen as an inspirational leader to Svithian. At first glance he assumed she was going to be difficult to get along with, with all the recent happenings in the DMC it was a wonder how she could trust the membership ever again, despite that she managed to inspire Svithian and other members, perpetually leading to the re-success of DMC. At that same time he began to develop his own relationship to her over time, though still business oriented a friendship had emerged as well as new found respect after various occasions. Jeeva is know for literally opening the door for Svithian and allowing him to reach his full potential way beyond company standards.

    After hearing much about her past and early stories Svithian felt compelled to stand by her side, whether it just his natural loyal attribute or passion built up inside him seeing the Countess as a love interest, either way was a pivotal point in his time which changed his outlook on the galaxy. Of course it'd probably never work out between a countess and a mere pilot.


    A series of events had managed to shake its way into the DMC ranks, luckily this time not by looters. Many of the high ranking directors of the DMC had suspectedly went absent, one had left to take off on their own near adventures while the other had disappeared without a trace leaving a hole in the security department, logistical command, and even the IC2. Svithian saw this as a threat that would indefinitely hinder the DMC's operation speed.

    Instinctively Svithian began to take command of both logistics and security working with the production Director who had the privileges to help Svithian command properly it wasn't long until he was promoted to Telti Operations Manager, almost single handily commanding both departments. With his new position however he deemed it his responsibility to think of better ways to increase DMC's Assets and increase its efficiency, which later produced into a series of operations and internal restructuring.

    His dedication to the DMC had provided him with quite a lot of promotions from recruit all the way to Second in Command. The loyalty he portrays is unmatched and real, unlike many of the rogues before that sabotaged the faction, Svithian has done everything possible to keep the faction out of the waters. His main attention is on the expansion of the Dorinian Corps and increasing its revenues to promote business. His loyalties remains with Jeeva Ob, along with the rest of the CIS. His experiences with the Trade Federation had turned him into the mature man he is and given him the ability to use his skills in ways he had never thought of in his previous factions. This life and community had completely captivated him.


    The Force

    Time grew on and it became quite obvious that he was a little different than anyone else. He managed to pull out of hyperspace millions of times without smashing into planets. Leadership came naturally to him as he managed to sway hundreds of workers to increase production. It wasn't long until a Jedi Knight had scheduled to meet with all members of the CIS to proceed on a test that would change Svithian Condra's life forever.

    Knight Gilbert Taylor of the Triumvirate Coalition checked for each members sensitivity, conspiracies about the testing arose due to the fact that the Trade Federation was acknowledged as a member of the Imperial Union a day before testing was to begin, what was a Jedi doing testing members of the Imperial Union? Slowly Svithian Condra walked through the doors of his capital ship looking around aimlessly before he saw the hooded figure himself. He could feel the radiating forces pulsating around him, almost enough to give him nausea before the Knight placed his palm against his head and felt the surge of energy pulsate within him. Soon it stopped as the hooded figure shook his head, " Sorry, but you are not force sensitive..."

    Unlocked... The Path of a Jedi

    All those times I managed to abort hyperspace... I kind of thought there was something special about me...

    - Svithian, conversing with Knight Taylor.

    Slightly dishearten Svithian Condra decided to quickly return to his work in Telti to make sure there was no pause on the work load. A few days later after the testing had been completed a holomail was com linked to his ship, a private message from Jedi Knight Taylor, " If you wish to begin your training as a Jedi please return to my ship at once.. I have much to tell you," the words rang through his head thousands of times. He was certain that Gilbert told him he wasn't in touch with the force, what would lean the moralities of a Jedi to lie point blank? Despite that fact, after negotiating with the TF High command, he decide to take the risk. If Gilbert was to kill him Svithian would become the necessary catalyst to figure out if the coalition truly was a enemy of the Federation. If Gilbert was true to his word... His life would become that much more interesting.

    As he arrived on Gilbert's ship it did turn out he was actually sensitive to the force. An immense energy jolted through his body revealing the presence of a strong untamed aura. Svithian decided to join the Jedi Order as he was shipped off to Triumvirate Space to ready himself for the Trials every Jedi must face... A trial that would rock the Jedi Order itself.

    A supposed hope for the galaxy, a beacon of justice and true virtue, little did they know their very foundation reeked of corruption...

    "The Jedi Temple"

    The Path of the Jedi was interesting, he followed the lead of his "Master" Jedi Knight Gilbert Talor a long with another Jedi Initiate that was activated when was, Marcos Falkore. Despite learning the ideals of the light side of the Force, the two initates constantly feuded with one another, about erasing ties with the Trade Federation for the Sake of the Order. When they both became full fledged padawans they began to form healthy rivalry, constantly training their abilities in the force to surpass one another force progression... Here his first, and only single blade light saber was constructed streaming of azure blue aura.

    However, there was more to the story of the Jedi Padawan, Svith Condra. Svith's loyalties never changed since activation and knew that if he was to become a Jedi he would have to leave the CIS forever for the life of Solitude and full support for the Galactic Alliance, a pledge he wasn't willing to take. The morals of House Condra and his relationship forged by friendship and camaraderie wasn't going to falter, he would not make enemies of his friends.

    Many events had molded Svithian Condra into becoming more rogue than any of the Jedi in the Order, strengthening his hate for the Jedi Order. The Structure was weak, the leadership was corrupt, one of them being the most promising and influential grand masters ,Uzziah Akim, was revealed as a Black sun Vigo; and not all the members followed the protocol they was expected to follow. There was even a point where Svith Condra's rank was bestowed upon him by senior Jedi Knights but not recognized by others.

    Still without a proper master Svithian Condra managed to escape the clutches the council by wishing to work more with the DMC until a proper master was assigned to him, by this time it was already to late however, his interest was already captivated by the free nature of the force, the ability to acquire what you wish without limitations... The Jedi knew of no justice, a mere shadow of what they pledge to be... And he wanted no part of it. Svith persuaded the Council to allow him to return to his former duties in the CIS, at least until a more permanent master was to arrive.

    The Jedi Exile

    Out of the blue a woman forwarded a holomail requesting Svithian Condra to force test her, even though there's wasn't any publication classifying him as a force user. This was rather alarming to figure out where the leak went, but despite the situation he gave her the coordinates to arrange the testing and possibly get to the bottom of the security leak. Telling the council about the information leak,they lacked a significant response to get to the bottom of it. Svithian personally took it upon himself to figure out how it happened.

    While she was supposedly on her way to Svith's ship, somehow she managed to get high jacked and kidnapped by criminals. The Criminals contacted Svithian requesting ransom for her safe return. Svithian wasn't interested in paying up any funds, and instead extended his offer of testing to the rest of the criminals. With the Offer accepted within a week they all boarded his capital ship and even joined the DMC in order to assure if they failed they could be around for the next testing.

    Little did they know that Svithian had zero patience when it came to criminals, rather than testing he began to systematically kill each individual on the ship however sparing the life of the young girl that was captured. He could sense the fear within her and wouldn't dare ruin his reputation as a "Jedi" yet. Kindly he sent a transmission to the Padawan Foster Yakan, especially being under the suspicious from the council due to his insubordination he made the act look like he saved the life of the girl and in turn served his duty as a Jedi, the girl was later escorted by Foster and into safety.

    After the slight scandal things still seemed to get worse in the Order,communicating with the force testee was apparently against protocol, and having distrust with many of the masters in the council it was making it unlikely to maintains Svith's interest. Formally, Svith Condra was exiled by the highest powers of the Jedi Order...Svith Condra would be able to redeem himself if he reinstated under the tutelage of Jedi Knight, Keishi Miahr of Anzat. The Jedi council sent Jedi Investigator Foster Yakan, Svith's first friend of the Order, to keep a close eye on him. The Jedi even joined the DMC to make this all possible. Svith eventually uncovered the plan and would use this as a focal point to separate himself from the Jedi Order entirely.

    After about a Week of working Svithian would confront Foster within a freighter. Meeting amongst the corridors of the bulk freighter Svithian revealed to Padawan Yakan his true intentions, detesting the Jedi Order and his darkside allegiance. After a disgraceful attempt at trying to be Svithian to the light side Svithian ended the talk with the ignite of his saber clashing with the Padawan as they locked blades. Sparks flew everywhere as they're blades shredded the interior of the vessel and what seemed like would be a stalemate was quickly tipped towards the darksider's advantage. Tapping into his rage a bolt of lightning ignited from Svith's finger tips expelling through the Jedi's body completely paralyzing him.

    The force then began to ripple and collect itself along the Padawan's neck suspending him in the air while reciting the Jedi code, a last resort to convert the fallen Jedi. As Foster spoken the last words of the code, " There is no death... Svithian replied simply with a tense force choke and pressing his saber into the Jedi's heart " There is the force..." With those final words the subdued Jedi collapsed on the ground, motionless in a sea of scarlet blood.

    "The Duel of Fate"

    Passion is Justice

    I understand the lies of the Light... The corruption of which they call righteous and truth... The Empire doesn't have those problems... - Svithian Condra a contemplation of the New Republic

    With the completion of this task Svithian Condra was deemed an enemy of the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi Order and his own support for the Sith and his Emperor Vodo Bonias became much stronger, he resigned from the CIS and departed on his journey to complete his training, quickly learning the elements of the dark side and the teachings of the Sith. With his ties to trade federation cut off his pledged one final time to serve of interests of The Order of the Sith and his Emperor to the best of his ability, and also the rest of the Galactic Empire.

    Embarking on his Quest

    Already having a abundance of knowledge for his self training Svithian Condra became known as the Dark Acolyte Loki, self deemed for his feat against the Jedi. Still there was much training to be done before he could be known as a Sith. Svithian had a natural affinity to the dark side easily tapping into the knowledge with the help of his new master, taming his wild force aura and teaching the discipline of the Sith in order to condition him as a head strong Sith Apprentice.

    Under this apprenticeship Svithian mastered a variety of energy based dark force abilities while at the same to tampering into a few other magnitudes of the force. The cultivation of knowledge allowed Svithian to return to his child hood traits of being inquisitive and curious prodding more into the psychology of the mind and understanding others, the teachings of the Sith wasn't just a mechanism to wield the force, it was a science, and a way of life.

    Proving to be a worthy apprentice it was finally time for him to move on to another to continue his force progression, little did he know, this lord of the force would lead to yet another pivotal event in his life.

    Union Effort

    The Imperial Union was coming closure with their ties, down to the enlistment of their personal. For the sake of increasing relations with the great factions, as well as increase the familiarity between individual members a Union Collation task force was grounded up to embark on a recon assault upon a rebel base, we're supposive youngling Jedi we're harboring at. Svithian Condra went along with the task force for the sole purpose of testing his new found abilities, and applying them to a real battle. He also acted as the force sensitive guide that would track the Jedi and lead their demise. During the mission Svithian had met quite a lot of people, and though mostly without words he obtained an interest in learning more about his allies, even coming to points where his morals we're much different from other factions which caused a clash.

    Union dispatching

    The mission itself met a success as each task member did their part on sabotaging the military base and luring out the Jedi, Though tempted by a Hapan lord to spare the children Jedi and instead convert them, Svithian however stood by the protocol to treat them as enemies of the empire, he made quick work of the untrained force users crashing fallen debris on top their bodies till they we're one with the force. The Task group went back to the IU Capital Scylla to await their next mission.

    Scylla Protection

    A meeting was taking place at the capital of Scylla, talks about economic development for the region as well as the trade agreements pertaining to each faction. Svithian volunteered for the "Guard Duty" with hopes of understanding more about his allies better. Upon waiting with the rest of the guard, including a few royals from Hapes some small talk was exchanged before his senses had slipped and the capital building was engulfed by insurgency fire. Sustaining minor energies the Guarding task force managed to push the insurgency out of the entrance and force the remnants to retreat at the hangar bay. The insurgency Leader was captured and soon they we're off to transport him to a detainment center... Little did the group know that all hell would shortly go loose..

    Possession of a Sith Spirit

    It didn't matter how they got there... They just had to get out...

    The Imperial task force somehow discoursed and crash landed on an unknown oasis. The planet itself was filled with vile creatures of the darkside's creation. Svithian himself wasn't with the main group however, instead his body remained encased within a tomb, his body preserved and protected under the blanket of darkness... It wasn't long until 1 group of Coalition task force members found him however; awakening him from the tomb his mind had been clouded as he eagerly looked them on with a murderous intent. He was possessed by a spirit of the darkside and sensing another force users presence, a presence of neutrality sparked the evil spirit to play the right cards, following them and protecting them from the dark creatures until he could meet the gray force user face to face...

    Finally the possessed Sith acolyte caught up with the Gray jedi eager to fight, without having much use for the task force either, he turned on them summoning the dark creatures to kill of the rest of the forces while he handled with Gray Jedi. Though managing to subdue the Jedi, the combined efforts of the Task force and the Gray Jedi managed to break through Svith's subconcious subduing the spirit from his body and destroying the creatures around the temple. Eventually their vessel was fix and they all left the planet.

    The Dark Lord

    "My Goal? Passion runs through us all... No one will understand the true legacy of the darkside until lives are ceased... The Galaxy destroyed... Then Reborn... I desire the power to change the galaxy"

    - Svithian Condra, testimony with Lord Raleep

    Lord Raleep,Former Master and Friend

    Upon returning back from his missions it came apparent that during the course of his training he had quickly managed to out grow what his current master had cultivated for him, it was now time to move on. Respectfully relieving his master, Svithian was open to another master once more; to his surprise however his new master was someone whom he was already filled with wonder about. Azrakh Raleep ,Dark Lord and staunch ally of the GE and Sith alike, the man whom he was very much acquainted with during his infiltration of the Jedi Order was offered training under his liege, an offer the acolyte wouldn't dare refuse.

    Rendezvous with Lord Raleep within a hidden system Svithian was quickly placed under the pressure of his immense dark aura. Despite Svith's showcase of power in his previous missions, it was now quite obvious there was still a lot more this acolyte had to learn if he was ever to achieve his goals. Silently Svithian Condra boarded the vessel, mind clouded with curiosity and wonder, before now Lord Raleep was simply just a voice and a listening ear, and now he was to come face to face with the Dark Lord himself.

    Rather than receiving a typical doorway greeting, Svithian was sent searching, never once being in a ship of this type, calling out to the force was almost close to useless since the entire vessel was engulfed with the menace of the darkside. He continued to make his way through the corridors of the vessel, finally reaching the head of the bridge where an ominous figure sat, face shrouded by the cloak of darkness. Not a voice was muttered, but rather a communication through the force that overcame Svithian, within an instant his legs buckled and soon his was on one knee, head bowed down before his new master.

    Of all things... Fear began to spike within the acolyte, a natural instinct to run for cover, but the force would not let him. In reality Svithian's self training, arrogance of his own strength, and his very goals was straying him from the true essence of the Sith, his training began now; leaving his prior knowledge of the darkside at the door, he now walked the path on how to properly conduct himself as a true Sith of the Order, and understanding the core of the darkside.

    The core of his training Svithian was being taught the proper tenants of the Sith, not just his ability to summon the power of darkness. The relationship between Master and apprentice was also becoming stronger, an inseparable bond developed by Svith's eagerness to learn, and Lord Raleep's willingness teach. The training with Lord Raleep had shed Svith's selfish reasons for training, and began to think of the Sith Order and Galactic Empire as his primary reason to train in the darkside, to protect his family, and crush its enemies.

    As Svithian and Lord Raleep toured the galaxy they continued to learn more of each other outside the force, and more into the personalities. It was with Lord Raleep that Svithian managed to transcend to his Lord status which only allowed their relationship to grow ever stronger. Sivith vowed to continue on with Lord Raleep's guidance so together they could understand the deeper mysteries of the Dark Side.


    Sector Governing

    After a year of strict force training, Svith decided to become more involved with the Imperial machine known as the Galactic Empire. In order to properly serve the emperor he decided to take a regional government job for the Deep Core in order to Bolster the system of the oldest stars in the galaxy and take on the legacy of the previous Dark Empire as inspiration. Svith worked hand in hand with Darth Vraith and Raleep, tasked with the overall bearings of territorial management and development... Later as Execurus Edun became Moff, Svith stooped to a higher level of management becoming the Sector Adjutant of the Deep Core Command. Despite having a full time government job, Svith is still very interested in the politics of the galaxy and the philosophies it has to offer... If not in an office he is doing more personal research, seen many times at the galactic library.


    "~Your emotions are what empowers you, don't let the Jedi turn you into their slave~ - Svithian Condra

    "~The destruction of the galaxy shall be catastrophic...and from the debris, rises civilization~ - Svithian Condra

    "~Anathematize limitations... Assimilate your Passion... Embrace your inner darkness... - It is your weapon.~ - Svithian Condra

    "~Many people have a false understanding of the dark side..."~ - Svithian Condra

    See also