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Third Imperial Fleet (Pre-Y12)

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3rd Imperial Fleet
Abbreviations 3IF
Motto "Pacis et Armorum Vigiles"
Active Year 7 Day 228 - Present (Current form)
Branch Imperial Navy
Garrison/HQ Fakir Sector
Fleet Command
FCO CDRE Walter Boole
FXO ENS Hiyo Rogo
CoS CFOF Patrick Martin
Calaron Holdout

Adkinien Operation

Hapes Escort

Vakkar Operation





The 3rd Imperial Fleet started out as one part of the European Division, created by Colonel Rahvin and Major Veynom with the goal of to enacting round-a-clock war principles and soon became an Elite Naval force which it continues to be to this day. The 3rd is one of the oldest Naval units in the Empire, although it has been disbanded and reorganised many times.

3rd Fleet Commanders

Gorn Veynom

Gorn Veynom was the co-founder and first CO of the 3rd Fleet. When the European Division split into army and navy Major Veynom became Commadner Veynom and took command of the new 3rd fleet. It quickly grew and became the “Third Naval Recon & Strike Fleet” simply known as Third Recon. Veynom was now promoted to the rank of Commodore. The Fleet XO was Commander Fox “Spookie” Spookers, he was in charge of the Esort and Supplies division.

A number of well known officers joined the 3rd as it grew and many new recruits flocked to join what was quickly becoming the Elite fleet of the Imperial Navy. Lt. Commander Gunther Von Eisling joined the Fleet from Nightmare Sqaudron and while serving with the 3rd became a Captain.

Lt. Ptjedi was the leader of Escort company, Commander Wicket was leader of Assault Company. Lt. Eole also served with the 3rd also reaching the rank of Captain. A young Lt Jessy James became the leader of the 3rd Elite fighter Squadron, Armageddon Squadron, known to be the most ruthless in the Navy.

Later Spookers would accused Commodore Veynom of treason and plotting to overthrow the Emperor, however soon after he is cleared of this by the Emperor and it is Spookers who turns traitor when he leaves the 3rd fleet.

The 3rd was nominated by the Emperor as the most effiect military unit in the Empire and Veynom was given a commendation for battle efficiency but soon after strategy changed than the fleet was disbanded to make way for the 20th and 21st sector fleets. Many from the fleet also served with the 2nd Fleet after this. Many are now legends of the Empire.

Adam Diggins

Arkhan Gambit

Commander Gambit took command of the 3rd fleet in it's current form following the Navy reform that lead to numerous changes to the existing fleets. Most of the fleet was made up of Flight Group two from the 1st Imperial Fleet. The rest of the fleet was made up of new recuits and members of the old 3rd fleet Fleet. Lt. Commander Bourget was his XO and LTjg. Anu Skycreaper became CoS.

Walter Boole

Missions and Operations

Calaron Holdout

While on a training exercise on Dathomir in the Ottega system word came in that rebel forces had declared themselves the New Republic. This newly formed government was hitting Imperial systems in an effort to gain strenght. One of the first to be his was the Calaron Sector. With the 3rd fleet being so close they were the first units to arrive. The 3rd fleet as asked to hold the front line until reinforcements led by Pro Consul Goth could arrive. Facing two New Republic build forces the fleet managed to hold onto one system. The New Republic took many losses against the third and Commodore Diggins' personal ship has become known as the "Ghost of Calaron" to the Republic, as it arrived out of no where quickly arresting builders before disappearing again. The heroic efforts of the 3rd fleet turned out to be in vain as the New Republic eventually took over all systems. However the Emperor was pleased with their efforts.

Hapes Escort

Adkinien Operation

Vakkar Operation

Elite Fighter Squadron

Over the years many elite squadrons have been formed within the 3rd fleet, most notable the ruthless Armaggedon squadron led by Lt. James, the now Hapan King. Following the reform and reorganisation of the fleet, aswell as the focus on supporting Imperial expansion led to deteriation of the fleets fighter wings. Then in year 9, Command Flight Officer Patrick Martin formed a new elite fighter wing, The Knights. The goal was to not only showcase the great skills within the 3rd but to improve the morale of all the fighter pilots in the fleet. It is almost impossible to become a knight, with only 12 being active at any one time and chances are few will die. The Knights can be identified by the rapier sword each member carries and their shoulder capes each wears.

Famous Past Members

Grand Admiral Gorn Veynom, Current Sim Master.
Gunther Von Eisling, Sith Lord and IHC member.
King Jesse James, Ruler of Hapes Consortium

Infamous Past Members

Fox Spookers, traitor to Empire and former Supreme Commander of Rebel forces.