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Julius von Alard

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Julius von Alard currently serves the Imperial Navy as a Flight Corporal [E-3]

Julius was born on Year 4016 Day 108 of the Hapan Royal Calendar on the planet of Lorell located in the Hapes Cluster. Born to loving parents Inara and Alistair Julius was destined to live out his life as a rich and wealthy Hapan running his fathers estate and would eventually succeed his father as the Chief Operations Officer of Alard Corp a multi-billion credit facility.


Early Life

Born Julius von Alard on the planet Lorell, at the time of his birth the Hapes Cluster was under the ruling guidance of Andrew Rai'ix Chume Starfyre of the Hapes Consortium. At age 1 Julius was his parents prized possesion. Often seen being shown off by his Parents, the heir apparent of Alard Corp. Julius was passed around at several parties like an inanimate object and more. The baby Julius however delighted at the attention. Several months passed and as the young Hapan grew so did his reputation. Many of the competing Business owners know knew his name, many attempted to kill the young Julius to ruin Alistair's company.


Lorell Julius` Homeworld

Due to this fact, Julius as shipped away to a Junior Military and Political Academy on the planet Haradan when he was 10. Here he learned how to be disciplined and ruthless. He also learned the finer points of life, such as politics. Julius was a studious boy and learned quickly how to negotiate easily and how to win the hardest of battles. As his time in the JMPA continued he began more and more to like the armed forces and politics, this was his calling in life. SO as his time at JMPA closed, instead of boarding the transport home, the young Hapan now aged 14 escaped commandeering a Delta JV-7 shuttle from a spaceport with apparent ease and left the Cluster.

Teenage Years

Having learned the piloting essentials Julius easily maneuvered the light SHuttle and entered into Hyperspace, destination Coruscant the heart of the Galaxy. As he left Hyperspace he saw the majestic capitol of the Galaxy the bustling space lanes the Imperial Palace, but the thing that stood out most for Julius was the Imperial Star Destroyers guarding the Capitol, no less than 30 seconds had passed before he arrived and already he was hailed.

"Hapan Shuttle Pegasus this is [Classified] please transmit your manifest and reason for your visit"

" [Classified] I am Julius von Alard, transmitting manifests now"

Little did the young hapan know that on that manifest was 300x units of the Illegal drug Ryll.

"Pegasus you are to power down your engines and prepare to be boarded"

The Hapan Shuttle was boarded and the 14 year old Julius was arrested for Ryll Trafficking he was sentenced to 3 years in an Imperial Correctional Facility for Delinquent Children. Professing his innocence repeatedly didn't affect the Imperials, there discipline and practicality were unmatched in all the galaxy.

AT age 17 Julius was released from the facility, severally beaten, but somewhat 'battle hardened' the young Julius proceeded to join the Coruscant Academy. Known as the CA among the students Julius learned here more about Imperial History, saw the devastation the Vodo Bonais was reeking as the Emperor of the Galaxy, Julius watched as the NIO merged with the Galactic Empire.

At the CA Julius undertook basic graduate degrees in Fighter/Freighter Piloting as well as Capitol Ship Piloting Space Command and Naval Tactics. These courses took Julius 3 years to complete so at the age of 20 fresh and rejuvenated the now Adult Hapan began to make his own name for himself.

Adult Life and beyond

After leaving the CA Julius began to wonder the Galaxy, after working hard in several different Logistics Operations Julius finally managed to afford a Dynamic Class Freighter missing his homeland he named the Freighter the Spirit of Lorell and had it custom painted with the name along the side.


Spirit of Lorell

The Freighter was Julius' home for the next two years as he flew around the galaxy. Many times he could be seen running from Blockades and was even party to several Imperial Union Operations. On one such journey he encountered several Mandalorian warriors, this is where he acquired the Armour he wears. One such incursion led him to his homeland. Landing on his home world of Lorell the young pilot popped open the hatch and was met by 6 Lorell Security Officers and was immediately arrested, ever since his daring escape a reward remained for the safe return of Julius von Alard. Julius was questioned about his whereabouts for the past 6 years and after a rather fictitious recount he was released to the arms of his mother. Julius learned of his fathers death that day.

After several weeks on Lorell Julius returned to the Galaxy and then he returned to Coruscant showing thhe proper identification and very legal Shipping Manifests he landed on Coruscant and applied for a position in the Coruscant Security Bureau a subsidiary of the Imperial Security Bureau.

Imperial Life

The CSB as it was known was the law enforcement agency on Coruscant tasked with Civilian issues, initiated and given the rank of Probationary Constable Julius began to love what he did. Roaming the streets in his Mandalorian Armour Julius was feared among Civilians for his ruthless decisions and his harsh interpretations of the Law. Many of Julius' victims were subject to rigorous interrogation at his hands, he earned his reputation and was beginning to be noticed. This is where he earned his Call Sign Chimera because no one ever knew which of Julius' heads would strike, the calm peaceful one or the deadly one.


Julius on duty for the CSB

On one such occasion stands out as the beginning of his Imperial Life. Julius investigated the murder of an Imperial Stromtrooper, there was a brawl after Imperial High Command made an announcement about a reform of the military. The Stromtrooper had been cruising the streets (Clearly drunk) when he was jumped by a group of 3 sentient's, a twi'lek a Human and a nasty Bothan who had a mean right hook.

The Bothan tripped the trooper and then the Twi'lek and human beat him to death, several blaster scorch marks were seen around the neighborhood.


Scorched Imperial insignia at the scene

The trooper, a Sergeant managed to injure the Bothan in the initial fight, after killing the trooper the other 2 Sentient's ran after seeing their accomplice dead. Julius was called to the scene and the body was taken away and the scene processed.

Julius found out that the Bothan was a spy of the New Republic, the Bothan had been discharged from New Republic service and entered into a specialist Bothan Service. After the autopsy the body was released, after no leads in the case and a lot of Interrogating and too much bullshit for Julius, he closed the case and filed it away.

However as soon as it was entered into the CSB database the Imperial Security Bureau got wind o the investigation and the death of AWOL Sergeant who had no imperial clearance whatsoever. ISB found a leak and a break in security and several troopers were executed for high treason, Julius was commended and offered a position in the Empire. Julius accepted and will join the Empire after the end of his contract on Year 12 Day 179 when he will join the Empire.

Imperial Service Record


Year 12 Day 179, 07:53 You were accepted as a member of the Galactic Empire.

Year 12 Day 179, 07:53 Promoted to E-1 Recruit. ME-1.gif

Year 12 Day 179, 14:00 Enrolled in Imperial Basic Training.

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Completed IBT with a score of 90%

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Promoted to E-2 Crewman ME-2.gif

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Awarded Imperial Academy Basic Graduate [IABG] IABG.jpg

Year 12 Day 217, 03:00 Promoted to E-3 Flight Corporal ME-3.gif

Year 12 Day 217, 03:00 Awarded Mentioned in Dispatchers [DIS] DIS.jpg