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Julius von Alard

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Julius von Alard
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Lorell
Mother Inara Estezova
Father Alistair von Alard
Siblings unknown
Born Year 4012 Day 108 Year -14 Day 108
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Imperial Pilot
Prior Service none
Awards MIDx5.jpg - [MID5]

IABG.jpg - [IABG]
ISM.jpg - [ISM] IMM.jpg - [IMM]

On the 108th day of the 4012th Hapan Royal Calendar, within the atmosphere of the Planet Lorell Julius von Alard was brought screaming into the world. His parents, Inara and Alistair, wealthy Hapan politicians had their sons destiny mapped out from the day he was born. Immediately Julius was famous in being the first child to married politicians in Lorell's history. As he grew he became a rugged boy of astute knowledge often outwitting his parents. He eventually found his way out of his parent's plans and found himself in the core sectors of the galaxy. Landing on Coruscant his true ambition had been the Imperial Navy where he now serves.

Early Life


Born in a mansion Hospital in central Lorell Julius was a rugged child. The Hapes Cluster was under the rule of Andrew Rai'ix Chume Starfyre. At 1 year old Julius was a prize of his parents in the political world, often seen with his hand firmly in the grasp of his loving mother at functions, Julius was a star attraction and he lapped it up. As the young Hapan grew in stature and in knowledge he became well known in not only the political but in the public eye. His parents grew aware of the popularity of their son through the various News broadcasts as well as several political debates. Julius was often used as a softener at debates and parties and was commonly known to be subject to abuse and other forms of malicious intent in his first 2 years of life.

As such the young Julius began to build up his defenses against such attempts, his parents, oblivious to the torment of their young boy continued to use him as a political shield, it didn't work. One such night the 2 year old Julius sensed the mood of the room, shrugged of his oblivious mothers had and wandered out of the room. Finding himself in the streets of Lorell Julius began to enjoy his time as a free toddler. His parents took no less then 4 hours to release that their 2 year old son had gone missing, naturally bedlam ensued and the young Hapan was picked up by Lorell Police an hour later. However having thoroughly enjoyed his time outside the young Hapan had written his own plans.

Over the next week, Julius managed to escape his parents now watchful gaze 3 more times, each time he was found in a different place. The local Police Station the Gardens of Lorell and his own backyard. After the 3rd such incident, his parents refrained from taking the boy out and he was confined to the high security mansion that was his home. Julius now 3 years old and that little bit wiser began to test his parents security, on 2 more occasions he managed to escape the confines of his home to again wander the countryside.

Over the next 10 years of his life Julius spent more and more times learning about the outside world, learning the wonders of space and the expertise of piloting. However his daring escapes ceased during his 12th year as his parents finally confined him to his own room and was often locked out from outside contact for days and weeks on end. This meant Julius built great resilience, little did his parents know of the plans the young Hapan had devised.

Teenage Years

His father began to see the fire in hi son's eyes, the steely determination each time his son was returned to his waiting arms. Citing medical reasons his father quit politics and began a genuine relationship with his son. When Julius turned 13 his father told him he would allow him out every day for 2 hours if he spent time with his dad building a Dynamic Class Freighter together in a massive Factory brought by the wealthy Family. Agreeing with his fathers terms Julius immediately left the family home and spent the next 2 hours wandering the streets.

So over the next 2 years Julius and his father worked piece by piece on a Custom and modded Dynamic Class Freighter. Before his political and married life, his father had been a builder for the Corellian Engineering Corporation, after 10 years of service they gave him a complimentary Dynamic data card and his father re-payed them by quitting the next day. At age 15 Julius was at the epitome of his life, having built nearly a whole Freighter with his father and having spent endless hours learning and nurturing his gift Julius' true ambition began to take shape.

At 16 tragedy struck the young Julius, after completing the Freighter his fathers was installing the weaponry when trying to calibrate them he accidentally crossed a couple of wires and was electrocuted, after being rushed to hospital his father later died, Julius' passion for life was gone. Julius organized his fathers funeral while his mother took her money and left the family. After asking the leading politician at the time to speak Julius began to formulate his new life, he began to formulate his adult life and beyond.

"Alistair von Alard was a patriot and a well honored member of Lorell Politics, he emulated the true spirit of Lorell"
— MP Roger Triangrof

After hearing the words of the MP Julius named the Dynamic the Spirit of Lorell in honour of his late father, at 17 Julius was not ready to be alone, shrugging of welfare officers Julius secured his fathers remaining fortune and sold the family home, taking all that was important and packing it aboard "The Spirit or Lorell" and left Lorell, little did he know he would never return to his homeland.

Adult Life and beyond

After leaving Lorell Julius began to wonder the Galaxy, after seeing the dazzling Corellian shipyards and the ruins of several New Republic worlds. He spent his fortune and often took young women aboard his ship for misshapen activities that never seemed to end for the young 18 year old.

Eventually his life began get less and less interesting his money was never going to run out and his motivation for galaxy travel began to drop. Julius slowly made his way from Sector to Sector and arrived in the Coruscant Over-sector, landing his ship on Coruscant Julius began to look for the spark to look for work. Julius spent a couple of months in a small law firm as a note taking desk jockey, tapping away at a data-pad all day was not the life he envisaged for himself.

Julius desperate for work applied to the Coruscant Security Bureau.

Imperial Life

Upon his arrival in the Core Julius immediately headed for the center of the Galaxy and the capitol of the Imperial Government Coruscant. Under the reign of Emperor Vodo Bonais the capitol was in chaos, fear was the currency of the streets and a credit wasn't worth the metal it was carved from. As such Julius at the time was still in his teenage years decided that the life of crime that many took too was not for him. The life he would take would be one of greatness. Julius joined the Coruscant Security Bureau a local special forces operation sanctioned by the Imperial Government, but not necessarily supported by it.

Julius joined as a Junior Officer, in charge of minor city streets. His record spoke for itself after a year in service, the pictured image is Julius in Operational Command of a Strike on a suspected Eidolan Pirate Munitions depot coordinated with the ISB. Julius at the time had become an experienced commander and was moved to Regional Commander in charge of a whole district within Coruscant, widely known for its Munitions depot's their were strikes nearly everyday and planning during the rest of it.

The Operation began with days of planning, but at regular intervals new information would come in, intelligence was a like a computer chip-set in and out constant reams of intelligence.

Imperial Service Record



ME-6.gif Command Flight Sergeant E-6

Year 12 Day 179, 07:53 You were accepted as a member of the Galactic Empire.

Year 12 Day 179, 07:53 Promoted to E-1 Recruit. ME-1.gif

Year 12 Day 179, 14:00 Enrolled in Imperial Basic Training.

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Completed IBT with a score of 90%

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Promoted to E-2 Crewman ME-2.gif

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Awarded Imperial Academy Basic Graduate [IABG] IABG.jpg

Year 12 Day 217, 03:00 Promoted to E-3 Flight Corporal ME-3.gif

Year 12 Day 217, 03:00 Awarded Mentioned in Dispatchers [MID] MID.jpg

Year 12 Day 244, 13:06 Promoted to E-4 Flight Sergeant ME-4.gif

Year 12 Day 264, 03:30 Awarded Mentioned in Dispatchers 2 [MID2] MIDx2.jpg

Year 12 Day 283, 03:00 Accepted as a member of the Imperial Art Society

Year 12 Day 313, 04:10 Promoted to E-5 Master Flight Sergeant ME-5.gif

Year 12 Day 313. 04:10 Awarded Mentioned in Dispatchers 3 [MID3] MIDx3.jpg

Year 12 Day 348, 16:10 Awarded Mentioned in Dispatchers 4 [MID4] MIDx4.jpg

Year 12 Day 363, 01:17 Awarded Imperial Service Medal [ISM] ISM.jpg

Year 12 Day 363, 01:17 Awarded Mentioned in Dispatchers 5 [MID5] MIDx5.jpg

Year 13 Day 28, 08:47 Promoted to E-6 Command Flight Sergeant ME-6.gif

Year 13 Day 28, 19:27 Accepted as a member of the Imperial Information Service

Year 13 Day 113, 01:20 Awarded Imperial Monthly Meeting [IMM] IMM.jpg