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Sennex Crane

From Imperial Archives
Revision as of 13:05, 17 September 2008 by Sennex Crane (talk | contribs)
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Sennex Crane
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Byss
Mother Korda Crane
Father Brennex Crane
Spouse /
Siblings Rick Crane (missing)
Children /
Born Classified
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Sergeant [E-5]
Prior Service Schooling as a Policeman on Byss
Awards IABG FoM1 3AL




Sennex is a Sergeant within the Imperial Army and the 3rd Imperial Legion (Shadow Guard). His currently CO and XO is Marcus Aurelius (CO) and Lee Tolten (XO). His former command staff included CO Rex Corwyn and XO Marcus Saretti in the Imperial Navy, the 7th Imperial Fleet. He served many month within the Imperial Navy and hoped to become one of the best pilot in the Empire and rise up the ranks. But then he joined the Army as a volunteer....

Character History

Full biography of character (From early life to Adult life and service in the Empire).