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Nae Oros

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Nae Oros
Biographical Information
Race Zeltron
Homeworld Zeltros
Mother Lar Oros
Father Deoriah Oros
Spouse N/A
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Year -8, Day 235
Imperial Service
Branch academy.png

Imperial Academy

Positions Student
Prior Service N/A
Awards N/A

Recruit Kal Eysar (b. Year -8 Day 235) is a Zeltron female and recruit in the Galactic Empire.

Character History

Early Life

The Oros family came from well-to-do stock by the enlightened standards of the inner rim. Lar and Deoriah Oros had a largely peaceful life insulated from the more raucous happenings that are a common occurrence on Zeltros. Both had the privilege of Imperial service and due, in part, to Lar's connections in the Empire, the family was a distinguished caste in their local community. The same connections also afforded premium positions (for a Zeltron at least) and is where most of their wealth came from.

The birth of Nae Oros was the culmination of her parents dream to have a child and they were pleased it had been a girl. As the only child, Nae--named after her maternal grandmother and chief proponent of her parents coupling--was given nearly everything she desired. This left her with an indelible mark that she was special and gave her an heightened sense of self-worth. The early years of her life were in many ways typical of many young children of her pedigree and she grew spoiled under their care.

She was also cloistered and kept from the world at large. As a result she had a low tolerance for crowds and strangely, a disinterest in much physical contact. Through no fault of her own, Lar and Deoriah had decided to insulate her from much of Zeltron culture in order to continue the family fortunes--the opinion was shared that the excesses of the planet might lower her ambitions and if it were not for their local positions they would have left Zeltros altogether. The Oros residence became a hive for Imperial newsfeeds, propaganda, employment opportunities, and miscellaneous information to instill into Nae the importance of what the Empire has provided for the galaxy. Nae was intrigued, even if it was because of her parents insistence, and she was nevertheless loyal to her family. She abandoned the individualistic indulgences of her youth and as she transitioned into young adulthood was a fervent champion of selflessness and duty.

By the time she turned twenty-one, she had come into her own fully. A minor identity crisis spawning from her lack of self-identity provided her with a nuanced view and renewed interest in Zeltros culture. She strongly identified herself with heroes of eons past and tried to incorporate forgotten Zeltron folk knowledge into her philosophy. Nae was more at home in Zeltros than her parents were, who seemed to chafe somewhat at the idea of being Zeltron. Although she never had much opportunity to explore the planet she felt proud and tried to incorporate a native philosophy into her Imperial teachings. She felt that the incorporation of her physical body (loaded with the implications of what it meant to be Zeltron) was not anathema to the Empire and could provide its own strengths.

Recruitment to the Empire

The Oros connections soon faded through the passage of time and the future of the family was in doubt. Nae Oros would be needed to continue her family legacy and the solution was obvious. There was protest at the thought of joining the Empire, she felt ill-prepared (though by her own standards) but moreso she hadn't decided what she wanted to do with her life. To her chagrin, the window for any indecision was long gone and without any other alternative, Nae Oros enrolled into the Imperial Academy. Her parents were proud of her for being accepted as Nae knew she would and the flutters of self-doubt soon dissipated--their happiness was important to her and to see them overjoyed at her success gave her a small measure of pride. Nae would become an Imperial and live her life in dedication to the code of the Empire.

Service Summary

Ranks Held

Grade Insignia Rank Time Held (Combine Time) Branch
[T-1] MT-1.png Recruit Year 17 Day 308 - Present Imperial Academy