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Second Imperial Fleet (Pre-Y12)

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Second Imperial Fleet
Abbreviations 2IF
Motto "Secundus Optimus Est "
Active 5th November 2005 - Present
Branch tinynavy.png Imperial Navy
Garrison/HQ Deep Core Sector
Fleet Command
FCO CAPT Janos Korin
FXO ENS Tareg DaRuup
CoS CFOF Silvio Caetano

Combat Missions

Trainings Missions

Y7D118 - FoM1.jpg - Fleet Of Month Award #1

Y9D212 - FoM2.jpg - Fleet Of Month Award #2

Y9D246 - FoM3.jpg - Fleet of Month Award #3

Y10D67 - FoM4.jpg - Fleet of Month Award #4

Y10D76 - DIS.jpg - Mentioned in Dispatchers


The Second Imperial Fleet was officially formed on Y 6 D 338 (November 5, 2005) and is the result of the fusion of the old Elrood Defense Fleet with the original Second Imperial Fleet. Under command and guidance of some of the best officers the Imperial Navy has to offer it has evolved into an elite combat unit in the armed naval forces of the Galactic Empire. The enlisted personnel that is serving in this fleet is well drilled, well trained and well organized and thus a force to be reckoned with! Under the able leadership of their senior officers they vigilantly guard the space lanes, planets and systems of the Galactic Empire, and they go willingly wherever duty takes them. Each member of this fleet - from the lowest enlisted to the highest ranking officer - does possess an unfaltering iron will to support and defend the Galactic Empire against all enemies, be it foreign or domestic.

The 2IF today

Fleet Command

- Command Structure -

Fleet Commanding Officer


CAPT Janos Korin


Fleet Executive Officer


ENS Tareg DaRuup


Fleet Advisor


CMDR A. Jakhim


Fleet Chief of Staff


CFOF Silvio Caetano


Operations Adjunct




Fleet Commanding Officer

CAPT Janos Korin
He started out as pilot in the 1IF and worked his way up through the ranks to finally gain the CO position in the Second Imperial Fleet. Even if a storm is brewing he manages to remain calm and make swift, well-thought-out decisions. He is an unyielding leader with a dry sense of humour who is highly respected by everyone for his immaculate ways in handling all aspects of the daily CO duties and his firm understanding of many important areas. His pilots know that they might have to work hard to hear a word of praise from him, but when gained they value it even more because of that fact. The whole fleet is honoured to serve under this able commander.

Fleet Executive Officer

ENS Tareg DaRuup
The right hand of the CO lives by the principles "leading through example" and "leading from the front". His sense of duty and his dedication - not only to his work but to the people serving in the Second - has earned him their respect and sympathy. He always has an open ear for the problems of the enlisted and in lending a hand he has guided more than one young pilot through the first few steps of their naval careers.

Fleet Chief of Staff

CFOF Silvio Caetano
This long serving fleet member is one of the most experienced pilots in the whole Imperial Navy, an excellent man of great consequence and unquestionable loyalty to the Empire.

Fleet Advisor

CMDR Andhers Jakhim
This veteran member of the Imperial Navy is the Fleet Advisor of the Second in the best sense of these words. His experiences from long years of service provide a valuable source of information for the command staff and have earned him respect not only in the 2IF but also in every other branch of service. The very same knowledge also makes him one of the first addresses for the enlisted, especially when it comes to any technical questions. In times of crisis he remains calm and skilfully leads those entrusted into his care. Although he is known for his friendly character his awards show without doubt that behind this easy going man is a highly decorated officer of the Imperial Navy who is to be reckoned with.

Operations Adjunct

Currently held by the 2IFs XO until a replacement is found.

Fleet Personnel


2IF Pilots


TIE-Ln made ready to launch from the 2IF's flagships fighter hangar.


TIE-Pilot in the 2IF

The first line of defence in every Imperial Fleet are the fighter pilots - here the Second Imperial Fleet is no exception. Far from being anything but ordinary those hotshot pilots of the swift and deadly Inmperial fighters represent the true elite of the Imperial Navy! Common believe, nurtured by enemies of the Empire, has it that the success of a mission is more important to a TIE pilot than personal safety or the safety of fellow wingmen. While this might be true in some fleets it isn't the case in the Second Imperial Fleet:
Here all fighter pilots are drilled in countless training scenarios to work together, to coordinate their actions to achieve the mission goal, while at the same time they are teached to look out for each others and watch their backs. The officers of the fleet know that the women and men under their command are the most valuable asset so they constantly work out new tactics and command-control procedures for their TIE squadrons to further the vigor of their elite fighter squadrons. Like in most other fleets the primary mission of the fighter corps of the 2IF is to attack enemy ships, defend capitals, space stations, convoys and planetary garrisons. They are also used to escort and guard TIE-Bombers on their assault runs. While off duty all 2IF pilots usually train in the flight-sims provided to them in the pilots ready rooms to further hone their skills. If you think the 2IF pilots only trained to handle fighter class vessels then think again! All pilots in the Second able to handle any ship that is in service in the Imperial Navy - be it a shuttle, freighter or one of the huge capital behemoths that put the fear in our enemies - they are true aces in any cockpit or any bridge they find themselves in. At the same time they are familiar with most of the vessels they might see used against them while fulfilling their duty.

Fleet History

Previous Fleet Commanding Officers

Fleet Admiral Samurai

Was the 2IFs first commanding officer. Captain Dimitri Sephiroth was appointed as fleet FXO. At the beginning of 2006, right aftert the successful Blockade of Commemor, NHC decided they needed Admiral Samurais sound abilities in other areas. His XO Captain Sephiroth took over the daily duties and soon enough Samurai took the “Admiral of the Fleet” position. Later in October of the same year FAdm Samurai, who had been closely overseeing the 2IF since his technical departure as its immediate CO, was promoted to the position of Navy Executive Officer, a change which would leave the Fleet Admirals position vacant for a long time. *

*(Big thank you to all those who helped to retrieve Samurais old avatar and to BGEN Kex who was the one finally coming up with it.).

Captain Dimitri Sephiroth

Captain Sephiroth was appointed to the fleet commander position right after the Blockade of Commemor in the first quarter of 2006, while LTCMDR Dujaan Korr became the new FXO. Some of Sephiroths closest friends and comrades in arms knew him to be a true Imperial from the depths of his heart and soul, who fulfilled every duty faultlessly. One reason for this was that a long time ago the peaceful population of his home planet Nar Challa was whiped out by the ruthless Hutts. Before fleeing into excile he had to witness the death of his parents, former rulers of Nar Challas monarchy, and his poor sister suffering an even worse fate at the hands of disgusting aliens before getting killed as well. From that moment on he hated every single hutt that crossed his path and was willing to bestowe order and justice with all means necessary to make sure everybody was safe and happy. It was only a matter of time until he found his new home in the Empire. Sephiroth was one of the rare people that had served the Imperial Core, the Dark Empire, and the Galactic Empire in a row and had risen rather high in the Imperial rank structure during his long career. 2006 he retired from the Empire with the rank of Commodore.

Captain Prijo Sacha

In Octover 2006 he became the new FCO, after joining the fleet mid 2006, with LTCMDR Corran Nu as FXO. An unignorable accumulation of inconsistencies over his 8 month long service prompted NHC to step in and command was given to Vice Admiral Savk. Nothing ever could be proved and thus he was never officialy trialed for any of the accusations that lead up to his replacement. Still Sacha never saw any commanding position again, moved through various office duty positions and later left the Empire to join the BlasTech Corporation, or BTC, an independent enterprise that did span several sectors. BTI was the successor to the Imperial Outer Rim Authority, that acted on behalf of the Galactic Empire. Later BlasTech broke relations with the Empire, joined into an Alliance with the Red Star Alliance and after that was reformed into the Pentastar Alignment - a declared enemy of the Galactic Empire. What became of Sacha is unknown.

Vice Admiral Zachary Savk

Vice Admiral Zachary Savk, who shortly before had returned to active duty after a 3 year break, took over on the 7th of July 2007, LTCMDR Jakhim became his XO. Time went by and the 2IF prospered under Savks guidance and his able XOs dedication. A few months later Savk was, once again, called to higher duty in NHC. He surrendered the FCO position to LTCMDR Jakhim and was given the Admiral of the Fleet position, which only once before had been held by an Imperial officer in the history of the 2IF. After his first month LTCMDR Jakhim stepped down as CO and LTCMDR Korin took over the helm. Under CMDR Korins command and the watchful eyes of Admiral Savk, the 2if was the first fleet in the Empire to receive the valued Fleet Of Month Award for 2 months in a row! Then disaster struck as the Navy CO Admiral Caldor Assam was murdered by cowardly traitors. The CoC kicked in and with Assad dead RADM Vulcan had to step up to the task of leading the Imperial Navy, with Savk as his NXO. Vulcans new duties made it impossible to deal with the entire Navy and the needs of his own fleet. A fleet of the Emperor was in need, since the 8IF now was without a proper commander, as well as without any able officers. So on Y10D77 Savk - the Admiral of the 2IF and it's long time CO was transfered over to the 8th. The Second wishes him luck in his endeavour to restore the 8th and make it as good a fleet to serve in as the Second is.

Lieutenant Commander Andhers Jakhim

Being the right hand of the fleet commander for many months he stepped up to command position as Admiral Savk was called to higher duty in NHC. So LtCmdr Jakhim stepped up to the difficult task to lead the Second Imperial Fleet, which he did for a whole month with formidable results. Still this able Imperial officer felt that he could not give the fleet members all the level of attention that he expects a Commanding Officer to give his fleet. Rather than waiting for something bad to happen he wisely contacted parts of Naval High Command and asked to be replaced. After stepping down LtCmdr Jakhim was granted the position of Fleet Advisor, a position that was last used when Commodore Hack Skice was a part of the fleet.

Previous Missions and Operations

Only a few days after the Seconds formation in the 4th quarter of 2005, its first trial came along: Rebel insurgents on the planet Commenor were organizing violent uprisings against the Empire as well as starting to commit terrorist acts against Imperial installations. Imperial High Command decided to act fast before things could get out of hand, so the 2IF was send out to deal with the problem and squash the rebellion. A heavy blockade was set up around Commemor, lasting for two months (from December 2005 through January 2006), which finally prompted the rebels to give up.

(under construction)

Fleet Awards

Fleet Ribbons

  • Y7 (2006)
    Y7D118 - FoM1.jpg - Fleet Of Month Award #1
  • Y9 (2008)
    Y9D212 - FoM2.jpg - Fleet Of Month Award #2
    Y9D246 - FoM3.jpg - Fleet of Month Award #3
  • Y10 (2009)
    Y10D67 - FoM4.jpg - Fleet Of Month Award #4
    Y10D76 - DIS.jpg - Mentioned in Dispatchers #1

Fleet Badge


Fleet Banner

  • old banner (Imperial Art Team)


This page is maintained by Tareg DaRuup, if you want to add anything or make changes please inform him prior to doing anything. Thank you.



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See also