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Eric Jackson

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Eric Jackson
Biographical Information
Race Kuati
Homeworld Kuat
Mother Katherine Marie-Jackson
Father Josef Taylor Jackson
Spouse Alita Antigra (Deceased), Isis Demala (divorced)
Siblings None
Children Lucas, Leilani, Lainey
Born Y -25, D37
Imperial Service
Branch compnor.png
Positions Moff
Prior Service Imperial Navy (O-3), Avance Coalition (Highlord, 2IC)
Awards Plenty

Eric Jackson has been the Moff of Corporate Sector since Year 13 Day 199.


Eric was born in Y -25, D37 in a small hospital on the outskirts of Kuat city, the firstborn son of a Naval pilot named Josef Taylor Jackson and an Eraiduan woman, Katherine Marie-Jackson. Eric was diagnosed at birth with nearsightedness that would be surgically corrected later in life. His childhood was relatively normal until Y -18 D37, when the Jackson family home was destroyed by fire, killing Josef and Katherine. Miraculously, the young Kuati was found alive in the neighbor’s yard, shivering and sobbing. Visits to a child psychologist proved to be fruitless, and Eric was sent to live with an Uncle, Ronald Jackson. Eric has refused to elaborate on this portion of his life, so not much is known. However, what is known is that on Y -9 D213, Ronald was found dead in his home and the young Kuati was missing. Records would not turn up on his whereabouts for several years, and Eric was assumed to be a missing person.

Twelve Sentries of Kuat

Editor’s Note: Eric has never publically commented on his whereabouts between Y -9 and Y -1 when he was incarcerated in Kuat City Penitentiary pending charges of Murder and Theft. The following transcript appears to take place shortly before his joining the Imperial Navy in Y3. Normally, interrogation logs like this are unavailable to the public, however, it is believed that this log was leaked by individuals loyal to former Emperor Bonias in order to discredit him as a political figure in the Avance Coalition. Eric Jackson: (inaudible) Officer: Speak up, Mr. Jackson. I can't hear you if you whisper. EJ: I said no. O: Right. Well, you've been here three years. You haven't been much trouble for us, but it's a different story on the outside. There's a reason why you've been kept here in solitary, and that same reason's taken a toll on your old gang. EJ: You have word of them? O: Sort of. A lot of the gangs you caused trouble for banded together to hunt down the rest of your old crew. And they've succeeded. Well, sort of. There's still a few of your fellow vigilantes that are unaccounted for. But nobody's seen them for weeks now. EJ: I…Good. They will retreat. Hopefully they will disband. They are not safe without my gui--...Good. O: Look, kid, they're probably dead. It's much more likely they're rotting in some cellar or a dumpster, and we just haven't found them yet. Silence O: There's nothing for you to return to. But there's a way out for you, a new life that could be yours. People higher up than me heard about your vigilantism. A lot of people supported you and your gang. Or did, anyway, until they all started dying and went from front-page news to a blurb buried in the back. EJ: i don't want a way out. I want to return and save my people. I am responsible for them. O: How are you planning on saving the dead? EJ: Why should I think they're dead? You don't know for sure. You've admited it yourself. The officer threw some pictures onto the table, before spreading them out with a palm. O: These bodies were found. Based on our intel, they were all your lieutenants. Your top people. EJ: Raina... She...she can't be. ...That's her ink. The one she got for me. She came when Robert did...she was never meant to be mixed into this...but we got...oh Sithspawn... O: I'm sorry, kid. Look, your trials are about to wrap up. It's probably going to be the spice mines for you, considering how many people you've murdered. But we're offering you a way out, if you're willing to be more forthcoming about your past. EJ: I...I want the death penalty. I got these people killed. I want justice for them. The spice mines are a death sentence anyway. Might as well make it quick. O: Well, to be fair, the option we're offering is more or less a death sentence, too. We're offering you the chance to become a TIE fighter pilot. The powers that be have been impressed by your vigilantism and decided they could use your skills in a cockpit. EJ: Hah. They want me in the Imperial Navy based off of my experience getting people killed. This has got to be the least funny joke you could've told me. Unless Raina came out from under that guard's hood there and yelled that this was an elaborate prank. That would be worse. O: Well, to be sure, a lot of those people were people the Empire wanted dead. Just didn't have the time or personnel to deal with them. You could make a name for yourself in the Navy. A fresh start. Your experience of getting people killed is exactly why we want you with your hands at the controls. You recall why you're getting sent to the spice mines, don't you? EJ: Because I killed people. O: And why did you kill them? EJ: To stop them from killing other people. O: And that's what you'd do as a TIE pilot. Only you'd be legitimate, rather than doing so against the law. EJ: And in a few months, I'll be killed flying one of those tin cans, and this will all be moot. Silence EJ: I keep the photos of my people. Do me this favor, and I will answer your questions and get killed in the Navy. O: That's fair. Now? we need to know what you've been doing since the day your uncle died." EJ: Fine. What would you like to know? O: What did you do? How'd you survive? EJ: After...after my uncle...died...I wandered the streets for a while. I saw a woman being attacked. Went in to stop it. Killed her attackers. She was Sasha Santrix. She became my second. We ...we ewnt into a burning building once. Rescued two more from it before the whole structure collapsed. Raina and Robert Knight. These were low class housing. The slums. The places you guys forget about. We banded together. Stuck together. We made it off of what I was able to shoplift and steal, but soon we got caught in between the Vipers and the Scorpions. That was a bloody war, and they did not care that people were being hurt in the crossfire. The four of us agreed. We had to do something. There were plenty of people who knew us at that point, and I ended up recruiting eight more people. Keep the group small, so you can split into fire teams and use guerilla tactics against them. That's how our war started. O: How'd you pick your targets? EJ: At first we did it reactively. We'd see a guy attacking someone, we'd take him out. Over time, we started being able to identify problem elements in the upper levels. After Santiago replaced Vini, we realized that this wasn't always the best idea. Santiago was effective. Vini was a madman but somewhat predictable. We should've left him in power. I got a lot of people killed when we picked off Vini and let Santiago take over. Hard lesson. But you probably knew that already. O: Yes, we kept tabs on your little war. But we needed to know your reasons. All right. You'll be checking out of here at 0300. None of your personal effects will be returned to you, but you will be issued a uniform for the Academy. We'll give you something for you to keep those photos in. I wish you the best of luck, Mr. Jackson. EJ: You were doing a job, Officer. Don't condescend me by pretending to care. I eagerly await my uniform. O: Good. End of Transcript

A New Path in the New Order

The Return of the Sith

The Fall of the New Order


The Wandering

The Beginnings of Avance

A Jedi…?

The Rogue Knight

The Revenge of the New Order

The Rise of Darth Sigyn

On Broken Wings

Moff of Corporate Sector
Preceded By:
Eric Jackson
Year 13 Day 199 - Present
Succeeded By: