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User:Tywin Purkis

From Imperial Archives
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Tywin Purkis
Biographical Information
Race Kiffar
Homeworld Kuat
Mother Aleesha Purkis †
Father Wallace Purkis †
Spouse N/A
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Y -1, D 105
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Soldier
Prior Service N/A
Awards 8878_purkis.png

Personal History


Tywin was born on Y -1 D 105 in a small, run-down medical station on the Kuati orbit. His father, Wallace, was the youngest son of Baron Purcell Purkis; the patriarch of the mighty House Purkis, which made up one of The Ten families that governed Kuat. Tywin's mother, Aleesha was a lowly Kiffar immigrant who came to Kuat to accompany her father who was a foreman in the orbital yards. The unlikely couple had met through charity, through the common passion of helping the needy. Wallace spent long spells among the poor of the planet that dwelled on the orbit, providing food and clothing funded by his family trust. Aleesha, who was a trainee nurse at the time, was taking part in a vaccination campaign in the same station when he came across Wallace and they soon fell in love.

When Wallace announced his bride-to-be to his Family, he was immediately shunned by the elders. Baron Purcell went great lengths to make sure that his son was cut off from the inheritance and financial resources of the family. It was a tough time for the couple when Aleesha got pregnant with Tywin. Rejected by all, both Aleesha and Wallace had to put in hard labor through their marriage to provide a promising future for their baby. Only after Aleesha died at childbirth, Baron offered a deal to his son that would guarantee that; Wallace would join the Kuati Expeditionary Force and leave the family behind and in return Baron would ensure that his grandson would receive the best education possible and would be given a chance to live up to the family name.


Tywin spent most of his childhood at his grandfather's mansion on the surface, his every need attended by an army of servants. While he was being groomed to take an active role in the family businesses, Tywin developed a keen interest in military matters from a young age; starting with playing with soldier toys as an infant to reading tales of combat and valor at night time as a child. His primary education was attended by private tutors hired by his grandfather and as young as 10 years old, he started to receive shooting and fencing lessons in the family compound.

Tywin did not have much contact with his father growing up as the Rise of the New Order meant that Wallace spent most of his days in campaigns in the Colonies and Outer Rim, fighting for the Empire. Tywin only saw his father's face through the sporadic holo messages and news bulletins of award ceremonies, observing from a distance the life of the decorated hero. When Tywin was 12, Wallace's battlegroup was traitorously ambushed by the Rebel symphatizers near Hutt Space and he sacrificed his life fighting for the New Order. From that day on, Tywin made up his mind to join the Imperial Military and continued to follow with his training diligently. While his grandfather wanted Tywin to join a prestigious Coruscanti Academy when he turned 14, Tywin had different plans and one day sneaked out on a stolen speeder bike to sign up for the Kuati Military Prep Academy to start his military training.

Military Prep

As a member of a prominent family, Tywin did not fit in with the other students that came from more modest backgrounds. However, due to the extensive education and arms training he had received at the Purkis household, Tywin quickly proved himself to be a capable cadet and joined the Kuati Leadership Cadet Program, which historically trained some of the top command staff in the whole of the Empire. There Tywin studied military history at detail, in addition to his tactical and operational training. Proving himself to be a top marksman, Tywin represented his Academy at the Student Olympics during every year.

When he turned 18, Tywin graduated with top honours from the Military Prep, with his grandfather in attendance to congratulate him. While Purcell has been tough with Tywin through the years, he was truly impressed with this immaculate young officer that he grew up to be; combining the strength and grace of his mother with intelligence and valour of his noble father. As a parting gift, Baron Purkis used his government contacts to enlist Tywin into the Imperial Academy, where Tywin would be groomed into a military officer and a true representative of the Purkis family name.

On Y 17 D 190, 18-year old Tywin left Kuat to Prakith where he would join the Imperial Military and start his service of the Empire.


A blonde attractive young man with a resolute face and blue eyes that carry wisdom much beyond his age. 1.9 meters and well built, Tywin looks immaculate in his uniform, an exemplary soldier to all who see. While Tywin looks intimidating at first, those who know him well knows that behind the hard shell is a gallant, honourable man that always tries to do the right thing.

Service Record

Rank History

Grade Insignia Rank Time Held
[T-1] MT-1.png Recruit Y 17, D 190 - Y 17, D 194
[O-1] MO-1.png Second Lieutenant Y 17, D 194 - Present

Award History

Award Name Date Awarded
IABG-H.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate - Honours [IABG-H] Y 17, D 194