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DATABASE RECORDS ACCESSED... Opening Personal logs of Lasidious von Feldure, Y-11 - Y12...

Log Entry #01 - Y11 D39

Log of Crewman Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D39

Entry Time: 0607 Hours

Sector: Coruscant

My first log within the Fifth Fleet, and not much to report; I'm presently stationed on-board the VSD I ::CLASSIFIED::: and awaiting further orders. I feel the Navy has a fear of trusting new graduates with anything more expensive than a can opener, leaving me hear counting the stars. But on the up-side the down time has given me the opportunity to get to know my fleet mates better, and I must say I feel the fleet is a damn good one.

So now it's 59 days since I left the Imperial Academy, 59 days since I took those daunting steps up that long ramp of the Shuttle that was to escort me to my new Fleet and I remember at that time wondering what lay ahead for me, had I made the right choices, would I succeed. But now these 59 days later looking down at my rank bars, I feel I must be doing something right.

Log Entry #02 - Y11 D103

Log of Flight Corporal Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D103

Entry Time: 0548 Hours

Sector: Corellian

A new rank means new responsibilities, new horizons, new challenges, new problems and sometimes a new uniform. For the immodest the uniform will fit well, for the ambitions too tight and for others it will feel foreign, too big and hard to fill like the responsibilities demanded of the insignia it displays. I'm not sure how this uniform fits me, but I like it and it seems to inspire something within those of lower office that I was somewhat in-expecting yet had and still do feel towards my superiors, qualities like; admiration, trust, fear, respect and sometimes pure inspiration itself; the ability to have people follow you anywhere, to hell and back again, to fulfil their duties with relentless efficiency and pride. Inspiration is a quality that I don't find emitted from all officers, but one of vital importance. Some people I feel lack inspiration of any degree, others save it for themselves, but some will offer it to others, whether they are aware of it or not. This is a most vital ingredient for a leader, and one I will not surpass or forget. A soldier will truly follow his fleetmate to the death if he knows that his fleetmate will undoubtly and unhesitantly do the same for him.

Log Entry #03 - Y11 D104

Log of Flight Corporal Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D104

Entry Time: 0916 Hours

Sector: Corellian

I was called Lasidious von Feldure; Lasidious, for centuries past has been the name given to the second son in our family. Also has it been the tradition for one son to be in military service and one to shadow the father and manage the family estate. My elder brother Kal lacked the courage to face the dangers of military action, and regarded the military profession with the opinions that come only from a coward's point of view. So I entered the Imperial academy, to my farther's shame, a lifelong fool and puppet who saw the Empire as a villainous, burden on the galaxy, he was a fool of a Republican by choice, that is to my shame. So I changed my name to Von Pook and entered the Imperial Academy and was happy to do so for my mind was beginning to work; I was anxious to learn, to know, to get on, to serve the Emperor. I devoured books, learnt the ancient galactic campaigns, embraced the Imperial mindset and soon became the talk of the class. I was admired, envied; I was conscious of my growing powers and I admit I enjoyed my superiority.

It was on my third month at the academy that I received the news that we have lost our father, the sole financial support of my youth, killed in a local worker uprising. The galaxy had lost a rebellious, old fool and my dull witted, cowardly brother had gained the family estate. From that day I have found myself dedicated beyond duty to the Empire, determined not to have such a pointless and naive life as my father.

And now I am here, between stars, dreaming, and dissolving my melancholy in the full vent of Imperial service. To where will it take me today? Again to the verge of death? Still at the dawn of life, I must hope for many more days to come. It now feels a lifetime since I last saw my family, a parting that filled me with nothing but the greatest of joy. That was a time when I feared death, but now I do not, now I fear a life of failure. So what then drives me to not fear self-destruction? It is not through despair and a will to give-up because I'm lost in endless thoughts of the sufferings of life, no it is not, it is simple; death is inevitable, beyond our jurisdiction, so why not commit one's end to that of a greater cause? One that will live on when you are dust, and that is one reason why I will always serve the greatest of the Galaxy's causes, that of the Galactic Empire!

I often wonder what spectacles await me when I return home, one spectacle of-course will be that of my family who will swiftly find themselves on their knees, laden with chains and kissing in fear the hand that strikes them!

Log Entry #04 - Y11 D105

Log of Flight Corporal Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D105

Entry Time: 1107Hours

Sector: Corellian

I happened to be on a planet in Coruscant on the last day of the year, and found a chance to sit in a cantina with two merchants from Corellia, one from Selonia, and one a Duros from Drall, both self proclaiming patriots of the Empire.

The Duros seeing my Imperial Naval insignia first took my attention and announced, "You see what galactic war means; we bicker, we hate, we kill one another! Why do some people fear the GE? The GE respects the people. No one has sacrificed more for the general good of the galaxy than the Galactic Empire. The people must think better of us, and will find no better friends from doing so. Believe me, once we shake off the yoke of the handful of rascals who are carrying the galaxy constantly down the path of revolution; reestablish the old authorities; and the trouble makers see the light of reason and accept the constitution; the Galaxy will forever live in peace."

The second merchant then decided to take me profusely by the hand and shook it as he dramatically thanked me for all my work and how he was grieved that he couldn't have been in the Imperial Navy but his bad eyes had stopped him.

Pleased as I always am to meet loyal supporters of the GE it does concern me the large amount whom do nothing but speak of their support but fail to offer up any-form of service in any capacity to the Empire. But of course that is my thinking as a soldier, when you're surrounded by loyal, hard-working, dedicated servants of the Empire who put their lives on the line 24hrs a day it can be hard to except anything less.

Log Entry #05 - Y11 D106

Log of Flight Corporal Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D106

Entry Time: 1011Hours

Sector: Corellian

The events of one year ago to this day, today came to my mind once again. It was whilst I was at the Imperial Academy when Brall, a Recruit, committed suicide because of a love affair; he was, however, a good soldier. That was the second and last incident of this nature I heard of whilst there. I confided to a friend at the Academy that a soldier must overcome grief and the melancholy of love; that there is as much courage in supporting with firmness the afflictions of the soul as there is in standing steady under the blasts of a battery of guns. To give one's self up to grief without resistance, to kill one's self to escape it, is to abandon the battlefield defeated and as a coward.

Log Entry #06 - Y11 D111

Log of Flight Corporal Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D111

Entry Time: 0509Hours

Sector: Corellian

The Fleet has had another week of hard work under tough conditions. This has called forth the highest spirit of endurance from officers and men, and, as usual, it has been well displayed by all ranks. Yesterday we received a message from Commander Lennorian that he will have minimal contact with the 5th due to unavoidable technical problems; all are immensely sorry to hear of this temporary loss of our fleet CO. Commander Lennorian has always had the best interests of the Fleet at heart and has guided us through the good times and bad, I'm sure this period of loss will give an opportunity for new leaders to shine in the Fleet, namely FOF Lemeth.

Log Entry #07 - Y11 D208

Log of Staff Flight Sergeant Von Pook [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D208

Entry Time: 0320Hours

Sector: Classified

Ivy will cling to the first met tree, that, in a few words,is the whole history of love. What is love? The realization of weakness that sooner or later pervades the solitary man, a sense both of weakness and of immortality. The soul finds support, is doubled, is fortified; the blessed tears of sympathy flow. There is love, there is weakness, there is weakness, there is love.

Log Entry #08 - Y11 D317

Log of Ensign Lasidious von Feldure [5IF]

Entry Date: Y11 D317

Entry Time: 0904 Hours

Sector: Classified

And so I return to my personal log, the dust untouched and the log itself unmoved by my lack of personal documentation. I return a new man, although maybe not a young man, but apparent ever in my true guise, an old picture in a new frame. The wheels of fate pulling me ever forward as I today dress in my uniform of an Imperial Naval Officer; the beacon of Imperial might for every sentient, mutant and beast the galaxy has to provide. A pillar of hope and stability for all of sane mind, a symbol of an omniscient union for galactic peace and prosperity. And for those of a disposition for destruction and chaos; a warning that they will fall swiftly and without care.

As for the name; time will unveil.