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Revision as of 21:47, 22 June 2012


Early Life

Though born on Anzat he was not trained as an assassin or to hunt like many of his kind, rather his father rose him up on the freighter ship he piloted between the core worlds. He is fairly young for an Anzati, being only a bit more than 100 years old.

His father was an oddity for the Anzati in that he attempted to fight off his urges to feed off of other sentient races. For months his father would starve himself, making it a wonder that he did not die of hunger. He passed this behavior down to his son by teaching him feed as little as possible and isolating him from the majority of the Anzati population.

He learned much about the basics of piloting a freighter from his father.

Around Elch's 95 birthday his father's hunger finally overcame him, driving him mad and sending him into a rampage, killing and consuming anyone who came into his path. Elch, feeling pity for his father and not wanting to see him in such a state was forced to kill his father.

Elch was still too young to travel the galaxy on his own at that time and he was contacted by relatives who lived on their home planet of Anzat. so he returned and lived there 20 more years until he was prepared to travel on his own. While there his guilt about eating other sentient species and distaste for his own species was only intensified as he was made to go through the training that his fellow Azanti went though to hunt down prey for the rest of their lives. While there he also witnessed the unhindered consumption of other species, something his father fought within himself his whole life, causing him only to push himself that much harder to not hunt.

Even still, from time to time he is driven by hunger to find a victim, but he still feels sorry for his prey in doing so, even though not eating means death for him. its not uncommon for him to be completely overcome by guilt for a short period after feeding.

Instead of a life of pursuing prey Elch hopes to become a freighter pilot like his father, though he fears that his hunger may drive him to a similar fate.

Recent Life

After leaving Anzat he joined the imperial academy where he has been studying in hopes of joining the navy and becoming a freighter pilot.


He is sympathetic towards the galactic empire since he saw the transition from the old republic to the empire first hand as he was flying around the core worlds growing up. He viewed the shift in power as a positive change since it will most likely bring more stability. He wishes to contribute to that stability. He does not mind the empires treatment of non-human species as he does not care for his own species all that much.

He is for the most part hesitant to kill another sentient, though this has not prevented him from doing so in the past when he feels justified or when his hunger has driven him to do so.