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Karei Mikon
MT-1.png gold1.gif

Recruit Karei Mikon
Imperial Academy

Biographical Information
Born Year -6 Day 29
Race Human
Homeworld Space
Father Doran Mikon
Mother Raylia Mikon
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Political Party COMPNOR
Profession Regional Government
Imperial Service
Branch academy.png
Imperial Academy
Positions Current Service:
  • Recruit
Prior Service

Freelance Spacer

Imperial Academy

  • Recruit

In Brief

Karei Mikon was born to a team of freighter pilots. Her mother was from Hapes and served as Captain while her father, a Corellian, worked as the self-proclaimed brains of the operation. Her life spent growing up a spacer taught her how truly lost the Galaxy is and how much the Empire is needed. After tragedy struck her family, Karei dedicated herself to furthering the goal of peace and order in the Galaxy. She made her way to Prakith to become someone that she could be proud to see in the mirror.

Early Yearss

Growing Up

While not the top of the nobility hierarchy of Hapes, Karei's mother grew up to wealth. Her father would always claim that he married up, which was probably one of the few areas that he did not embellish. As she was the third daughter of a conservative family, she was given a brand new YT-1300, an Imperial Commerce License and some start-up money to get a transportation company up and running with Karei's father. Given a few years, the two of them built a prosperous company with multiple ships with the ability to move virtually any commodity. Doran and Raylia offered employment to any who would work. This is the world in which Karei was born, in the medical bay of that very YT-1300 affectionately called "The Dreamer." As a child, her favorite spot was the navigation chair, where she could see all aspects of the business.

Career of Her Own

Karei as a Transporter

For her eighteenth birthday, Karei's parents gave her a brand new YT-2000 and and job as part of their Mikon Logistics. She was set to enjoy a long career doing what she loved. Her missions took her to every corner of the Galaxy, though she missed the Core worlds more and more the further she out she went. Most of the alien worlds that she visited disgusted her as dens of thieves or houses of depravity. Her favorite missions consisted of long material hauls for various rich corporations near closer to civilization. She did make a name for herself among clients as someone who was honest and quick, even to the point of being requested by name. As her fifth year approached, Karei made plans for a new branch to open in the company for large material transportation.

Things End

As Karei's career was about to see a huge upswing, tragedy found a way to strike. A few elements in the company, mostly aliens picked up from outside civilized space, began to suggest that the company begin changing it's focus to more lucrative and illegal business ventures. Her parents, Raylia and Doran would always turn it down. They were an established company which did things the right way, they were not going to risk all that they had built for a few extra credits. After firing a pair of Duros for illegally smuggling spice from the Outer Rim, those who disagreed with Doran began to meet. The group decide to take measure into their own hands. In order to carry the company in their direction, they needed to cut off the head. The group planted a bomb on "The Dreamer" and set it to explode upon entry to hyperspace in order to look like an accident. Upon their success, they took over the company, renamed it and fired Karei. Karei did not discover the truth of what happened until months later. When she found out, she decided to dedicate herself fully to ending the rebellion and to help spread the light of the law and order to the Galaxy. She sold all that she had for a ticket to Prakith.

Galactic Empire

Imperial Academy

Upon her arrival to Prakith, Karei felt joy that she had not felt in some time. The sites, sounds, and the order to it all gave her the sense that she truly belonged. While awaiting her chance to be selected by an instructor, she made friends with a number of new recruits. She was also able to meet a good number of officials, both military and civilian. All of them left her with a feeling that the Galaxy was in good hands. For some, the sheer numbers and size of everything would have made them lose heart as being just another cog in the grand machine. To Karei, it felt comforting. Even a small cog held an important rle in making the machine work, and she was determined to become the best cog that she could be.

Imperial Service Records

Ranks Held

Grade Insignia Rank Galactic Date
[T-1] MT-1.png Recruit Year 18 Day 33 - Current



Personality and Beliefs

If any word can be used to describe Karei, it would be determined. As a result of her upbringing, she knows the importance of getting the job done. Life was simple, if the job wasn't done to the client's satisfaction, you didn't eat. She is rather new to the formalized setting, so she is still a little naive to bureaucracy and laws. However, she is determined to learn and excel at her new lot in life. She lives simply and has yet to develop a taste for the luxuries provided to to Galaxy's upper crust. She views the Empire as the Galaxy's last beacon of hope. She follows that view with loyalty that is unshakable. Her wish is that every person in the Galaxy could live within the Empire's border. Law and Order are what separates the civilized from the barbarians. She does not want what happened to her family to happen to another citizen of the Empire as long as she has a say in the matter. She will do anything for the triumph of law and order.

Education & Language

Karei's education came mostly from on the job training and immersion in business and cultures from a young age. Her natural language is a Corellian accented Basic and her mother's Hapan, though time has changed this into an almost noble scounding Coruscanti accent. During her life she picked up a fluency in Huttese and Bocce. She could pass in basic conversation in Mand'oa and Twi'leki. Karei could also understand but not speak Shyriiwook.

Imperial Academy - Prakith Campus
Degree: Government Administration

Physical Traits

Height: 1.67m
Weight: 56kg
Eye Color: Green Brown
Hair Color: Black
Skin Complexion: Caucasian