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Vynk Night

MT-1.png gold1.gif

Recruit Vynk Night
Imperial Academy

Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Unknown (Deceased)
Father Unknown (Deceased)
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -8 Day 270
Imperial Service

Imperial Academy


Imperial Academy

  • Recruit
Prior Service



Vynk Night (born Year -8 Day 270) is a male Coruscanti from Coruscant. He was born by an unknown father and mother, which he was told were soldiers in the Imperial Army. He didn't know much of his birth parents as he was raised in an orphanage on the surface of Coruscant. His Life has always been turmoil after turmoil, not knowing where he will end up next.

Early Life

For his entire childhood, all he knew was the Orphanage that he was raised in. Without the guidance of his parents, it was only natural for Vynk to get into trouble with authorities. The Orphanage tried their best to keep the young child in line but was unable to. Which results in Vynk getting caught up in the local gangs. While in some of the Swoop Gangs, he made a name for himself for being able to manipulate people in letting their guard down, while the rest of the gang will swoop in and steal from their person, or from these speeders. As He was a child no one would ever expect him. As he grew in age, the law finally caught up to him. Standing trial in Imperial Court, there was given one of two options. To enroll in the Imperial Royal Academy to learn how to be a proper Imperial Citizen. Or to spend the rest of his life in a Star Ship Graveyard striping the ships for parts.

Vynk chose to go to the Academy, where he spend 15 years in. While in the Academy, he strived for perfection. His mind was allowed to flow freely and was able to put himself into situations where he would always be the victor. There was time's where he would act out and do what he wanted to do, only to end up severely beaten by the Academy Wardens until it stuck in his head that he was there for a purpose.

When he turned 20, He was allowed to participate in the Live fire exercises that his instructors felt every Imperial Citizen should know how to handle themselves in. Once he was given a blaster something clicked in his head. Something that he never felt before and that was power. With his weapon, it gave him Authority. And that Authority he was able to control those who don't fall in line. He Excelled in his Live Fire Simulations, surpassing those in the Imperial Army that came before him. His Instructors took note of this and enrolled him in to Battle Feild Tactic's courses and Military Prowess. It seem like he was a natural-born soldier. Scoring very high, shattering records that were placed in the past. This is where he finally took to a liking and where he left the childhood thug and became an Imperial Citizen that anyone would love.

His Instructors thought that they taught him everything they could, and placed him in for a Transfer to the Military Academy on Prakith.

A Photo of Vynk as a child

Military Career

The Academy

Vynk heard the news that he was being transferred over to Parkith. Upset that he could not finish his course's on his homeworld. He was encouraged to take this step and to see the stars. And that doing so, will result in him having a bright future. He was told once he finished the academy, there may be a chance he can return home and be stationed there. But Deep Down, he knew that was the last time he would see Courscant for a very long time. Vynk boarded the shuttle as it set course to Parkith. After what seemed like Months on a shuttle, he finally arrived at Parkith, where he was met by his new Instructor, Seb Jacobi. Immediately he could tell that this new Instructor was nothing like the ones at the Royal Academy, but he showed him the respect he knows that he deserves. With the fear of being beaten again, but those days were in his past. He has made his decision on what he wants to do with his life, and how he will obtain it. His story starts from here and will only grow as time goes on.

Imperial Army


Personality & Traits


Vynk is a quiet individual, known to have a cold heart, and a cold smile. He will show respect where respect is due. He lives his life by respecting the position or rank. As someone times the person may not be worth it. Even though he may be cold, he is approachable and will have a conversation, and will help his fellow Imperial out if they need any help.


[TBD once I choose a Avatar]

Imperial Service Event

  • Joined the Empire - Y22 D236

Imperial Service Record

Grade Insignia Rank Time held (Combine Time)
[E-1] MT-1.png Recruit Y22 D236 - Current


Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded by
