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Revision as of 01:28, 15 February 2009

Orodreth Surion
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Shalista Surion
Father Turkin Surion
Spouse Evangeline Surion (deceased)
Siblings none
Children none
Born Year -17 Day 189 (Age 26)
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Imperial Pilot
Prior Service NA
Awards TPVK.jpg




Orodreth Surion was born on Corellia to Turkin and Shalista Surion in the city of Coronet. His father was a civilian pilot and part-time smuggler, and was the one who taught Orodreth how to fly. Being a drunk, however, he abused Orodreth and his mother most of the time, and squandered away most of his income on liquor and gambling. To support his mother, Orodreth turned to petty theft and joined one of the many street gangs of Coronet. He rose to a position of leadership quickly, and eventually took over when their leader, who was also in many ways Orodreth's mentor and friend, was killed during a Rebel raid. He married when he was 19 but was soon made a widower when his wife was claimed by disease. He left the gang at the age of 26 in order to join the Empire. He is currently a pilot serving in the Imperial Navy. He has enjoyed his service so far, and has made many friends who refer to him oftentimes as simply "Surion".

Character History

Early Life

Orodreth was on Corellia, in the Capital City of Coronet on Year -16 Day 193 as Orodreth Surion, the only son of Turkin and Shalista Surion. Turkin had a job as a civilian pilot, and as of such, was away from home most of the time, leaving the raising of Orodreth primarily to Shalista. Shalista wanted nothing more for her son but to see that he was properly educated and grew up to be an honest, hardworking man. Because of this, she had Orodreth enrolled in the Corellian School System as soon as he was old enough. She dreamed of her son attending Corellia University and taking his place among the many Corellians who designed the best ships on the galaxy. Orodreth would often get into fights when he was at school, most of them started by others, and most of them because he was made fun of. He hated it when his classmates would make fun of him because he was poor, because most of them were from middle-class families, and loathed the fact that because he was poor, they automatically assumed that he was also stupid. This did nothing but to spur him on to study harder, and to get the best grades he could get. He became increasingly cynical towards his classmates, and also pushed himself to maintain a strong physique so that he would not always be on the losing end of all the fights he got into. Eventually, his peers stopped picking on him, for the reasons that not only did it make him angrier, but he was now tougher than they were.

Orodreth was extremely interested in all things having to with starships even from an early age, and would often long to go with his father on his trips. Turkin, of course, would often refuse. He claimed that a pilot's life was not an interesting one, was long and arduous, and that he did not need his son around to pester him about going home. One of the most exciting moments of his young life was when his father said yes to one of his pleas. It was only a short trip over to Crollia, but Orodreth was ecstatic, and he knew the moment he sat in the copilot's chair next to his father, this was what he wanted to do. He wanted to fly ships. He sought to learn as much as he could about ships, and as many ships as he could learn about. Unlike most other Corellians, he had no interest in the designing and building of ships on his own, but stayed true to the stereotype that Corellians liked ships, no matter what.

When Orodreth was still young, Turkin began drinking heavily, possibly as a result of his ill-reputable business associates. He had a number of staggering loans and gambling debts to the mob, and had taken to smuggling to help pay for it. Turkin would often come home in drunken stupors, all cut up from whatever fight he had gotten into that day, and would physically abuse both Orodreth and his mother as an outlet for his anger. The few times Turkin was sober, he taught Orodreth as much as he knew about flying, hoping his son would be a pilot one day as well. They were the only happy memories Orodreth had of his father.

One of Orodreth's most impressionable moments during his childhood was his school's field trip to the Corellian Security Headquarters in the nearby city of Argos. The point of the trip was to show the students that it was CorSec's duty to help keep the Corellian Sector safe for the Galactic Empire. The teacher praised the organization's accomplishments, but while Orodreth found those interesting, the thing he really took to heart was this: for the first time, he realized there was a whole big galaxy out there, and he wanted to see all of it. It was this adventurous spirit that spurred him to, when he returned to the school, begin a new hobby of spending hours on end in the library, learning as much about the galaxy as he could. Knowledge was he thirsted for, and it got to the point where he realized that the only way he could get more, was to experience it firsthand.

Gang Life

Orodreth's family had never been very wealthy, Turkin's paycheck proving ineffective the classify them as middle-class, but his drinking and gambling habits did nothing to help, and only made things worse. What had once been a lower-class family, plunged into outright poverty, and Orodreth never knew or experienced the things more fortunate families enjoyed. When he was 12, to help his support his mother, he became a street thief. His mother disapproved of his petty thefts, of course, but out of love for his mother, Orodreth did it anyways, feeling that it was of neccessity. His various escapades did not do much to help his family's financial position, but he felt that he was helping his mother out some, and even helping repay her for all she had done for him. He thought that the least he could do for Shalista's strong advocation of his education was help make life a little easier for her by bringing home some extra credits.

When he was 14, Orodreth met Salvios on one of his outings. Salvios was a couple of years older than Orodreth and seemed to know what he was doing. Salvios saw potential in Orodreth, and extended an invitation to join the street gang of which he was the leader, the Dark Howlers. Tantilized with promises of scores so big he would never want for credits and friends so close he would never want for company, Surion agreed. Sal, as he was fondly referred to by the Howlers, told Orodreth that before he could join, he would first have to pass the same initiation that every other Howler was forced to complete before he would be considered a full member: steal something big. Orodreth's mission involved breaking into a warehouse and stealing a new speeder that had yet to hit the market, and Sal trusted that Orodreth would not fail to deliver.

Orodreth was a little apprehensive when he first approached the destined warehouse, and a little scared. He had never pulled off something this big before. But he was determined to join the Dark Howlers, if for nothing else than the credits he could secure for his family. He scaled the fence surrounding the complex easily, and stealthily crept to the door at the rear of the building. Using a crowbar he had brought along, he plied the door open and cautiously stepped inside. His eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, and spotting the speeder sitting in the middle of the warehouse floor, he quickly sneaked over to it. He managed to unlock the door by using a metal pin he found on the floor and tricking the lock open. He hotwired the speeder, and rushing back out towards the front of the warehouse, flung the doors open so he could pilot the speeder out. He opened the doors to see a warehouse security guard squinting into the dark, and panicking, pull his blaster out and start shooting. Orodreth quickly jumped out of the way, taking cover behind a pile of crates. The guard ran in after him, stumbling. Orodreth could tell that the guard's eyes had yet to adjust to the dimly lit warehouse, and taking advantage of the fact, sneaked up behind him and knocked him out. Taking the guard's blaster, Orodreth flew the speeder out without further incident to the alley where he was to meet Sal.

When he arrived, Sal and the rest of the Howlers were waiting. They applauded Orodreth on his success, before Sal pulled him aside. Sal explained to Orodreth that the entire theft was planned out by the owners of the warehouse, and that the Howlers had been hired to test their security system. Obviously, Sal pointed out, their security was extremely lacking. Sending new recruits to test it out at regular intervals was just a convenient way to do business. After all of them had a good laugh about it, the Dark Howlers welcomed Orodreth with open arms. To make him a true member of the gang, the symbol of the Dark Howlers was tatooed onto his upper left arm. He made many new friends that day, and discovered he had a lot in common with his new fellow Howlers. Like him, most of them were from poor families, and only wished to better the lives of their families. It was Sal who started regularly calling Orodreth by his last name of Surion, complaining that his first name was too difficult to pronounce. In time, Orodreth allowed the other members of the Howlers to start calling him Dreth, a shortened version of his name, but Sal still called him Surion. Surion and Sal soon became fast friends. Surion would teach Sal what he knew about flying, and in return, Sal taught him how to fight. Sal saw Surion was a natural fighter, and quickly made him one of his top lieutenants. Surion continued to earn the respect of his fellow Howlers through many successful missions, several of which entailed stealing shipments of weapons from smuggler ships. Surion would later find out that the pilot of the smuggling craft was none other than his own father, and that the weapons were to be shipped to Rebels.

Uninvited guests

After only two years being with the Howlers, for one of which Surion had been a lieutenant, Rebel forces made a raid on Corellia. Though he was only 16, he was already very adept at utilizing weapons, and he and the Howlers knew the layout of Coronet, both of which they used to their advantage. Instead of engaging the Rebels in the open, they used guerilla warfare, hiding in buildings or alleys before ambushing enemy patrols. The Dark Howlers was one of only a few gangs who fought back against the rebels, becoming a beacon of hope for other Corellians who wished to remain under Imperial control. The Howlers did all that they could to hold back the Rebels until Imperial troops could be sent down from orbit, but they could only stem the tide for so long. The Rebels had been planning this raid for months, and had been recieving weapons from smugglers like Surion's father for even longer. They constantly were recieving reinforcements, and it often felt like they would never stop coming. The Howlers and other courageous Corellians were slowly fighting a battle that they had already lost.

The Rebels were dispicable, utilizing tactics that were both sickening and disgusting. They would often use unarmed civilians as meat shields, throwing the lives of the inhabitants of Coronet and other cities away carelessly. They would build their command posts within Corellian cities, knowing that the citizens would not needlessly attack their own homes, and then destroy the cities when they were no longer useful. Surion grew to hate them, and their self-proclaimed "war on evil", even though it was plain to see they were a frightening evil in and of themselves.

In one of the many skirmishes between the Howlers and the Rebels, Surion and Sal, along with a few of the other gang members, were pinned down on an open street. They were hiding behind and wrecked speeder when Sal motioned towards an alley. Surion and Sal rushed towards the alley, trading shots with the Rebels. Sal fell behind, and as Surion glanced back, he looked on as Sal was gunned down and mortally wounded, unable to reach his friend in time. Surion dragged his friend off the streets, shooting down rebels when he could, and managed to into the safety of a nearby alley. Sal told Surion that he wanted him to be the new leader. Surion insisted that Sal couldn't die yet, he had too much to live for. Sal shook his head, and told him he counted himself lucky for having been able to enjoy Surion's friendship. He smiled, finally at peace after years of living on the streets, and then died in Surion's arms. Enraged, Surion took up Sal's blaster along with his own, and charged back into the street. He shot down any and all rebels he saw, until the power packs in both of the blasters were depleted. Even then, he would not stop. He engaged the Rebels in hand-to-hand combat, fighting with fist and blade. Rallying the other gang members behind him, Surion led the Howlers against the Rebels with a renewed passion, wishing to avenge the person who had been his brother in all but blood. One rebel managed to sneak up on him, and slashed Surion across the face with a vibroblade. Surion snapped his neck, before ordering the Howlers to retreat.

Eventually, Imperial troops did arrive, and hunted down the rest of the rebels. Many civilians had been rounded up by the Rebels and taken into space for use as hostages, slaves, or whatever sick purpose the Rebels had in store for them. Coronet was still standing, but would take years of reconstruction before it would be fully returned to its former glory. Surion would not soon forget what he lost though, nor would it be the last time he was forced to fight for his life. The rebel that had gotten across the face, had left a large scar on the right side of his face, from the top of his ear to his lower jaw. It would serve as a constant reminder that he wasn't invincible, and that he shouldn't recklessly endanger himselves or those around him. The scar, along with the blood he had been forced to spill, and the memory of cradling his best friend while he bled to death, all made large mental impressions on Surion, and haunted his dreams for many years afterwards.

Happy at Last

Surion returned to his education as soon as the Corellian School System was back up after being down for so long due to the raid. He was able to balance leading the Howlers and continuing his studies quite well, and managed to graduate at the top of his class when he was 18. He planned to attend Corellia University, in hopes of achieving a degree in Weapons Design. He got in on a scholarship, and began attending the following fall. During his first year of college, he met Evangeline Veltam, a young woman about a few months younger than him seeking a degree in Medical Studies. They shared a Corellian History class together, a course required to be taken by all students, and he found himself so fortunate as to have a seat right next to hers. They would often talk before the class started, and eventually even after it already had. After having known her for a couple of months, and becoming good friends with her in the meantime, Surion finally worked up the nerve to ask her out to dinner. She agreed to accompany him, stating that she would love to. They began going out together more and more often, and eventually, they began officially dating.

In his second year of college, Surion decided to ask Evangeline to marry him. He asked her one night while they walked through a park near the city center, and she said yes. Even though both he and she were both barely 19, they were quickly married a few months later. His mother attended, extremely proud of the man he had become, and even his father stopped by after the ceremony to congratulate him. Surion had no best man, as he would have that honor extended to no other besides Salvios, and he was long dead. A number of the Howlers were at the ceremony, and congratulated their leader on his good fortune.

Surion stopped attending the college after finishing up his second year, opting to get a job for the time being so he could provide Evangeline and him with a home to live in, assuring himself he could always continue his education in the future. He acquired a job working as a pilot, ferrying passengers to and from the city of Coronet across the planet of Corellia. He wanted nothing more than to open his own company someday, and start a family with Evangeline. Their first two years of marriage went extremely well, and it seemed as if life was pulling out all the stops to afford them as much happiness as it could. Evangeline was only a few months aways from achieving her doctorate, and then she could open up her own practice. Surion had been saving away, little by little, in order to start his own business, specializing in cargo transport. He could, of course, had taken some of the money from the Howler Vault. They would have happily given it to them. However, since becoming married, his interaction with the Howlers had been minimal, and felt that it would have been stealing. Although technically the leader of the group still, he had deviated most of his duties to his lieutenants, as he was far too busy providing for his wife now. The Howlers understood perfectly, and offered to be an investing group in his new company instead. With the money he had saved, and what income he was recieving from his current job, as well as the wealth afforded to him by the Howlers as a part of their investment, Surion Shipping Co. seemed a dream only a little ways off. After its launch, he could bring the rest of the Howlers in under its wings, and turn the street gang into a respectable business, allowing him to once again resume direct control of its new direction.

Their happiness would come to a dramatic close, however, with all they had attained coming crashing down around them. Evangeline contracted a serious disease, and had to drop out of college as it worsened. In time, she became bedridden. Surion acquired a second job in order to earn enough money to continue to support to his wife. The cost of this increased workload, however, was obviously the amount of time that he was able to spend with her. At Evangeline's urging, he dropped the second job, and began to spend more time with her. The last few months he had with her, he felt as if he learned the most about her. He recognized his wife for the strong individual that she was, being able to battle this illness for longer than most doctors had given her time for. They had estimated she would die only a month after contracting it, when in reality, she lived with it for seven. During the final month of her life, Orodreth and Evangeline's conversations turned to the subject of what would happen after her death. Surion would of course be devastated, but Evangeline was adamant in the fact that she did not wish for him to dwell on it. She wanted him to be happy once more even after she was gone, and so they made a compromise. Surion would give no thought to further marriage after her death for three years, after which he would move on and seek further happiness. In this, they were both placated. Surion would mourn her, and she would die in peace with the knowledge that his mourning would not hinder future relationships. She died only two days later.


After the death of his wife, Surion returned to full active duty with the Dark Howlers. All the Howlers knew he was upset about Evangeline's death, but none dared to try to talk to him about. It was just as well, because Surion had returned to the Howlers to take his mind off of it. The next six years he spent with the Howlers passed by in a blur, the details unsabstantial, at least to Surion. Thoughts of Evangeline plagued his mind for the first three years, and even after that, it was hard to take his mind off of her. He grew more cynical as the days went past, a personage so alien to his former, easygoing self. He probably would have continued that way, had one of the Howlers, a lieutenant that Surion had known from the days that Salvios was leader, approached him. He said something to Surion that changed the way he looked at the whole matter of death. At first, he was angry at the man for confronting him with his grief, but eventually thanked him for it. He realized that although his wife was gone, it was only a temporary loss. Surion had never really been a religious person, but he accepted the belief of an afterlife. He took joy in the fact that he would one day see her again.

Even though he was, for the most part, over the death of his wife, Surion still longed to fill the gap in his life that she had left. He longed to be a part of something larger. The oppurtunity presented itself to him when he witnessed the arrest of his father. His father had been supplying weapons to the Rebels for years, and was partly responsible for the raid on Corellia that had occurred ten years earlier. After managing to evade arrest for so long, Turkin was finally tracked down and captured by Imperial Stormtroopers. Surion had been in the market at the time, and had just watched his father get thrown out of a tavern for bar brawling. Recognizing that there was a warrant for his arrest, a Corsec officer tried to take him in, and when Turkin turned hostile, a nearby squad of stormtroopers intervened. Seeing his son nearby, Turkin yelled for his help. Surion sauntered over, and was confronted by the squad's sergeant. Surion explained that the man they were trying to arrest was his father, and the sergeant let him by. Before Turkin could say anything else, Surion slugged him in the jaw, knocking him out cold. When inquired as to the reason for his actions by the squad's commander, Surion replied by saying that he was helping him help himself, by going into Imperial custody quietly. The sergeant smiled, and said that the Empire could use more men like him. When Surion asked where the nearest recruitment center was, the trooper gladly pointed him in the right direction. He left the leadership of the Dark Howlers in the hands of the lieutenant who had helped him get over his wife's death, and left Corellia to join the Galactic Empire onboard an Imperial Shuttle.

Imperial Service

Coming Soon...