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*  Participated in [[Operation Vakkar]]
*  Participated in: [[Operation Vakkar]]
*  Participated in [Empire] System Failure II: Deja Vu
*  Participated in: [Empire] System Failure II: Deja Vu
*  Participated in: [2IF] Into the Shadow - the longest running scenario in the Imperial Forces(1 year and 2 months),(position of fleet commander)

Revision as of 09:38, 25 October 2008

Tareg DaRuup
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Sah'ru DaRuup (deceased)
Father Lt. Tokan DaRuup (K.I.A.)
Spouse none
Siblings Roa DaRuup
Children none
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Pilot
Prior Service -
Awards FoM1.jpg - Y9D212 -
Fleet Of Month Award #1

FoM2.jpg - Y9D246 -
Fleet of Month Award #2

TPVK.jpg - Y9D195 -
Operation: Vakkar

2IFV.jpg - Y9D138 -
2nd Imperial Fleet - Veteran

DIS.jpg - Y9D71 -
Mentioned in Dispatchers #1

DB1.jpg - Y8D358 -
Imperial Duty Bars - 1 Year

2IF.jpg - Y8D177 -
2nd Imperial Fleet - Member

IABG.jpg - Y8D59 -
Imperial Academy Basic Graduate

Tareg DaRuup is a veteran member of the Second Imperial Fleet. He joined the Empire on 22th of September 2006.


under construction

Service Record


  • Y9D280 Promoted to Flight Officer
  • Y9D246 Given Fleet of Month Award #2
  • Y9D212 Given Fleet Of Month Award #1
  • Y9D195 Given Operation: Vakkar
  • Y9D183 Promoted to Chief Master Sergeant
  • Y9D141 Promoted to Master Flight Sergeant
  • Y9D138 Given 2nd Imperial Fleet - Veteran
  • Y9D134 Assigned to Pilot in Imperial Academy
  • Y9D85 Promoted to Staff Flight Sergeant
  • Y9D71 Given Mentioned in Dispatchers
  • Y9D62 Promoted to Flight Sergeant
  • Y8D358 Promoted to Flight Corporal
  • Y8D358 Given Imperial Duty Bars - 1 Year
  • Y8D288 Status changed to Active
  • Y8D288 Return from AWOL to Active Duty
  • Y8D288 Transferred to Navy, 2nd Imperial Fleet
  • Y8D232 Transferred to Inactive, Reserves, Navy
  • Y8D226 Status changed to AWOL (due to heavy injuries sustained in a blaster shoot out with rebel forces)
  • Y8D177 Given 2nd Imperial Fleet - Member
  • Y8D177 Status changed to LOA
  • Y8D170 Status changed to Active
  • Y8D150 Transferred to Navy, 2nd Imperial Fleet, Gamma Group
  • Y8D150 Status changed to LOA
  • Y8D94 Promoted to Crewman FC
  • Y8D59 Promoted to Crewman
  • Y8D59 Transferred to Navy, 2nd Imperial Fleet
  • Y8D59 Graduated from the Imperial Academy (23. Dezember 2006)
  • went on LOA for a few weeks due to caused by accident (crash landing of a malfunctioning trainings TIE-Fighter)
  • 30th of September 2006 Enrolled in the Imperial Academy
  • 22th of September 2006 joined the Empire


  • Participated in: Operation Vakkar
  • Participated in: [Empire] System Failure II: Deja Vu
  • Participated in: [2IF] Into the Shadow - the longest running scenario in the Imperial Forces(1 year and 2 months),(position of fleet commander)

Ranks Held in the Imperial Navy

  • Recruit
  • Crewman
  • Crewman First Class
  • Flight Corporal
  • Flight Sergeant
  • Staff Flight Sergeant
  • Master Flight Sergeant
  • Chief Master Sergeant
  • Flight Officer

OOC Stats