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User:Nok Rik

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Standing a tall 2.1 meters (6' 10"+) , and a lean 90.71Kg (200Lbs). Often wearing a form fitting imitation leather ship suit of deep gray with cuffs, collar, and belt line of black. additionally wearing a utility belt with several small pouches, a tan engineers vest, small black pack with an attached water flask, and a empty shell of a short range comm set often hanging from one ear,
"one day I hope to replace the innards of this thing. I have Already amassed many bits and pieces which could restore the unit to its former original function, it is what I hope to make of it that I am holding out before starting to re-assymble it anew."
Apprenticed as a trader to a Givin at the age of 11 standard years, Nok spent another 10 years with Belloc, trading is not the only thing he taught me. Belloc had an illegal advanced Military Flight Simulator stashed in one of the staterooms, and that simulator was Nok’s favorite off-duty playground. With an hour or two notice, the droids could configure it to be the cockpit of any one of dozens of known fighters or frigate/freighters.
"With my own ship I will become a great trader, but trading is not the only thing on my mind. I have begun designing entire lines of 'modifications' for ship and droids that would improve my marketing ability's. Now I just need to collect the credits to start my plans in action."
Nok'Rik earned his name after suggesting and assisting in the 're-manufacturing' a set of 10 medical droids as a respectable droid repair team, which Belloc was able to re-sell to the hospital station with an over abundance of medical droids due to an administrative error, which occurred several days after our last visit.
"Hmm, I guess even an accountant can make a mistake... but one would think that there would be some form of checks and balances in place to prevent the ordering of 1000 medical droids and 10 medical droid replacement components rather than the other way round, oh well, their loss was our gain..."
"Will wonders never end, my 21st birthday and I take my leave of Belloc to explore the wonders of the universe on my own, to travel anywhere, and do anything my wallet and my will take me! Within a day of leaving Belloc, and I already have an offer with 'Magnaguard Manufacturing' building basic droid models."
Nok freely used, with the hiring managers knowledge, the many and frequent opportunities to dig through the scrap bins and collect bits and pieces of discards and Et cetera. Unfortunately a parting of the ways occurred when an upper level management issues resulted in missing paychecks and matters of communication and coordination broke down. Months of unemployment followed and Nok finally stumbled upon an opportunity that would hopefully play out favorably with the 'Crimson Veil.' Nok began to amass his wealth under the aid of the Crimson Veil's leadership.
"In the not too distant future I hope to have my dreams realized."
Nok Rik
Formerly Nok'Rik.
I create Bio's and Descriptions from your layout. Ref's listed.
Asking in-game credit donations for work. amount of credits your option.