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Thorne Valis

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Thorne Valis
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Alyna Valis†
Father Altrex Valis†
Spouse N/A
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Y 5 D 283
Imperial Service
Branch academy.png

Imperial Academy

Positions Student
Prior Service N/A
Awards N/A

Personal History

Early Life: The Fall of House Valis

Thorne Valis was born in Year 5 on Coruscant to House Valis, a family of wealth and prestige in the Core Worlds. His father, Altrex Valis, had been a successful businessman and political figure in the years leading up to the rise of the Empire, while his mother, Alyna Valis, was a well-known socialite. Their family, like many others, benefited from the stability and order brought by the Galactic Republic and, later, the Galactic Empire. Young Thorne grew up in luxury, sheltered from the chaos that plagued the Outer Rim and the galaxy’s fringes.

However, when Thorne was just five years old, his father’s betrayal shattered his life. Altrex Valis was implicated in a bribery scandal that deeply shook the foundations of Coruscant's business elite. He had accepted illegal bribes from corrupt officials and crime syndicates in direct defiance of the newly established Imperial order. The Empire had promised to bring law and order to the galaxy, and Altrex had betrayed that promise by engaging in underhanded dealings. His actions brought disgrace upon the family, and Thorne’s view of his father turned from admiration to disdain.

When Altrex Valis was sentenced to a high-security Imperial prison, the family lost everything. The Valis name became synonymous with treachery and weakness, and their wealth and influence vanished overnight. Thorne’s mother, unable to bear the shame, succumbed to despair and abandoned her son. At the age of six, Thorne was left alone, an orphan in a city that no longer cared for him.

Life in the Imperial Orphanage

The Imperial orphanage on Coruscant, located deep in the lower levels, was a stark contrast to the life of privilege Thorne once knew. The orphanage was strictly regimented, designed not only to care for children but to shape them into loyal servants of the Empire. The staff emphasized discipline, self-reliance, and loyalty to the regime above all else. For many, it was an oppressive environment—but for Thorne, it was a place of clarity and purpose.

Thorne internalized the values of the Empire from a young age, seeing its order and stability as a necessary force in a galaxy prone to chaos. Unlike other children who were embittered by the strict rules, Thorne welcomed them. The Empire had brought peace to the galaxy, crushed the lawlessness of the Clone Wars, and made Coruscant safer. His father’s treachery was not just a personal failing, but a betrayal of the order that the Empire stood for. Thorne despised him for it and vowed to rise above his family’s disgrace by proving himself a loyal servant of the Empire.

It was in the orphanage that Thorne’s natural talents for flying first began to emerge. The Empire valued potential pilots, and Thorne quickly stood out in flight simulators designed to test children for their future roles. The thrill of piloting gave him a sense of purpose, and his competitive nature drove him to excel. He saw flying as a way to escape his past and contribute to the Empire’s continued strength, one day dreaming of becoming a pilot in the Imperial Navy.

Adolescence: Loyalty to the Empire

As Thorne grew older, his loyalty to the Empire deepened. He admired its vision of galactic unity and stability, and he found comfort in its structured, merit-based approach to governance. While other orphans occasionally spoke out against the Empire’s authoritarianism or lamented the loss of freedoms under Imperial rule, Thorne remained steadfast in his belief that the Empire was the best thing to happen to the galaxy. It was the chaos of the Old Republic that had led to the Clone Wars and countless unnecessary deaths; the Empire was simply correcting the mistakes of the past.

Thorne became known for his discipline and sense of duty, even as his reputation for excellence as a pilot grew. He constantly pushed himself, refining his skills in the simulators, often spending extra hours after curfew perfecting maneuvers. He studied the tactics of famous Imperial pilots and read about the glory of the Empire’s expanding fleet. Flying became not just a talent, but a calling—an opportunity to prove his worth and to serve something greater than himself.

Despite the orphanage’s harsh environment, Thorne made a few trusted connections. He formed a bond with a fellow orphan, Rav Tenaris, who shared his ambition but also had a rebellious streak that occasionally put the two at odds. While Rav would sometimes challenge the Empire’s methods, Thorne stood firm in his belief that order was worth the sacrifice of personal freedom. The two remained close, but when Rav was conscripted into the infantry at 18, Thorne was left to pursue his dream of becoming a pilot alone.

The Road to the Imperial Academy

At 19, Thorne’s consistent excellence in the simulators and his demonstrated loyalty finally caught the attention of Imperial recruiters. Though his father’s disgrace still haunted him, Thorne’s own merits outshone the past. The Empire valued results, and Thorne had shown time and again that he could deliver. When he received his acceptance letter to the prestigious Imperial Academy on Prakith, it was a moment of vindication.

Prakith was known for its grueling training programs and emphasis on turning recruits into the best the Empire had to offer. Thorne welcomed the challenge. He understood that the galaxy was still rife with rebels and dissidents who would seek to undo the order the Empire had built. He had no sympathy for them. Thorne’s goal was clear: to become an elite pilot, to rise through the ranks, and to ensure the continued dominance of the Empire.

At the age of 20, Thorne left Coruscant, eager to begin his new life at the Imperial Academy. The orphanage had taught him discipline and loyalty, but the Academy would teach him to serve the Empire on a grander scale. In his mind, his father had failed the Empire, but Thorne would not. He would prove his worth and restore the Valis name, not through wealth or political games, but through service, dedication, and strength.

Professional History

Y25 D283 - Joined the Empire