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Mathias Wartric (b. Year -9, Day 66, 18:20 CGT) is a Coruscanti male from the planet Coruscant. Standing 5ft 9in and weighing 170lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, muscular build

Mathias was born to Shay (Gaston) Wartric and Archer Wartric on the planet of Coruscant. Archer was a local businessman and intergalactic trader. Mathias’ father missed a lot of his son’s childhood due to his need for travel. His trading provided a comfortable living for the Wartrics. However, it did cause tension between his father and mother.

Shay Wartric, formerly Shay Gaston, was a stay at home mom. She was very loving to Mathias and supported him in his sporting endeavors. She was the most important person in his life. But due to Archer being gone all the time on business trips, it left Shay alone and unwanted. She found comfort in another man’s bed.

When Mathias was 15, Archer Wartric was killed by a bomb set by the rebellion on a far off world. He, his ship, and his entire crew were lost in the attack. Mathias had heard the news while he was attending school. Being distraught over the loss of a man he did not know but cherished with his whole heart he left school and went home. Upon arriving to the house he noticed an unidentifiable vehicle parked in front of the house. Not thinking anything was suspicious he proceeded to enter the house only to find him mother in bed with another man. This act of betrayal drove Mathias mad. He did not know that his mother was seeing this other man.

John Baker was a local news reporter who often spoke on political topics. He was also an undocumented Rebel sympathizer.

As years went on Mathias accepted his mother’s need for companion. After all the timing of his father’s death and the exposure of her relationship were mere coincidence. As Mathias started to see more and more of this John Baker he noticed that his conversations were more towards the Rebellion and against the support of the Empire. This was something Mathias could not stand. They would often have discussions and debates at the dinner table.

One night, John Baker was talking about the new regime and what would become if it was to come to full power. This discussion started as just an ordinary conversation and grew into a yelling argument. Mathias grew angry enough that he told John Baker to leave the house. Now that he was 26 and living with his mother to help take care of things he was the man of the house. He felt he had let this man talk his poison long enough.

As John Baker left the house, Mathias followed him. Knowing something was not right with this guy. He was always talking about the rebels and what they stood for and against the Empire. Mathias wanted to know just what he and his mother were into.

John Baker had left the Wartric house and traveled to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Dark and rundown, Mathias new this was not a place that a news reporter would want to live at. After waiting a few minutes for John Baker to get inside, Mathias decided to see what was inside. Getting off his speeder and walking up to the barely covered window, Mathias saw John Baker meeting with a group of individuals. Wanting to hear what they were discussing he decided to find a way in and get closer.

After maneuvering through debris and trash that was strewn about Mathias was able to get within hearing distance of their conversations. Mathias heard them talk about rebel plans and meetings. After listening for what seemed an hour or so, Mathias crept back to his speeder and went home to tell his mother.

After returning from his spying adventure, Mathias talked with his mother about what he had heard. He told her of the warehouse and the men that John Baker met with. He told her everything that he had heard and saw. He was shocked to hear that she knew about the meeting and that she herself had attended a few. Mathias was distraught over this news. He told his mother that he could not live with her or be associated with her if she sympathized with the Rebellion. He even blamed her for the death of his father.

The next day, Mathias woke up to find his mother and all her stuff gone. Searching through the house she had only taken her clothes and some pictures. She had left a note on the table addressed to him. It read:

My Dearest Mathias,

You will not understand my leaving you. You are my heart and what I live for. I cannot stay as I believe you should follow your heart. I believe that my place is with the Rebellion. You need to find your place, your belonging. Go achieve your dreams. There is nothing holding you to Coruscant any longer. I will always love you and carry you with me in my heart. Follow yours and it will guide you to your dreams.

Forever love,

Your Mother

As Mathias read the letter he couldn’t help but think that this was his fault. That he drove his mother away.

A week later Mathias was packing up the last of the boxes in the house. He had listed the house for sale and was packing up all the belongings to give to charity. You see three weeks prior to the John Baker spying incident he had submitted his application to join the Galactic Empire and attend the Imperial Academy. Ever since he was little playing baseball in the vacant lots, seeing the recruiting posters and recruiters, he wanted to be an Imperial Officer. He never got to tell his mother his plans before she left; he didn’t want to tell her unless he got in to the Academy. The day she left, after reading her note, a message came for him from the Academy’s acceptance department. He had been accepted into the Imperial Academy. This was a lifelong dream coming true. And now he was tying up loose ends.

Mathias had just dispatched a message to the Coruscant Charity Organization when he himself received a message. The address was unknown as well as the sender. The note only read: I am sorry to tell you this but your mother is dead. We loved her dearly and she will be missed

This infuriated Mathias. Not knowing how she had died, or where. Who had sent the message? Was it John Baker? The Rebellion? As he stood there thinking of all the possibilities, a gentle calm came over him. Mathias dismissed the message and carried on. That was his old life and it mattered no more. He was heading to the Imperial Academy to fulfill his lifelong dream. To become an Imperial Officer