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As Saretti stood on the bridge of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Widowmaker, looking out over the now-peaceful planet of M'buh, he felt the weight of his new responsibility. Awarded the Imperial Cross, he knew this was not just a medal but a mandate to continue leading with courage and integrity, pushing forward the Empire's vision of a unified galaxy.  
As Saretti stood on the bridge of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Widowmaker, looking out over the now-peaceful planet of M'buh, he felt the weight of his new responsibility. Awarded the Imperial Cross, he knew this was not just a medal but a mandate to continue leading with courage and integrity, pushing forward the Empire's vision of a unified galaxy.  
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| image = https://i.postimg.cc/8c3jpphM/execution.png
| description =  <center>Execution of Starwind</center>
However, victory was tinged with the darker duties of command. The traitor, Crewman Dara Starwind, was apprehended due to her own admission over public channels, a betrayal that shook the core of the fleet. After a thorough investigation confirmed her guilt, Saretti was tasked with the grim duty of carrying out her execution. In a somber ceremony aboard the flagship, witnessed by key members of the fleet, Saretti read out the charges against Starwind. With a heavy heart but unwavering resolve, he executed the sentence by casting her into the void of space, marking the first and only execution of his career.
However, victory was tinged with the darker duties of command. The traitor, Crewman Dara Starwind, was apprehended due to her own admission over public channels, a betrayal that shook the core of the fleet. After a thorough investigation confirmed her guilt, Saretti was tasked with the grim duty of carrying out her execution. In a somber ceremony aboard the flagship, witnessed by key members of the fleet, Saretti read out the charges against Starwind. With a heavy heart but unwavering resolve, he executed the sentence by casting her into the void of space, marking the first and only execution of his career.

Revision as of 19:09, 28 July 2024

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Markus Saretti
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Father Jonathan Saretti
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year X Day X
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Prior Service Fleet Commanding Officer 2nd Imperial Fleet, Director of RADIN, Navy Executive Officer, Group Commanding Officer

Markus Saretti is retired Vice Admiral in the Imperial Navy. He was the Commanding Officer of the 2nd Imperial Fleet before his retirement.

Captain Saretti: "My rebellion was to join the Empire."

Brigadier General L`Annan: "I don't comprehend the words rebellion associated with the Empire"

Captain Saretti: "If your father is a pacifist, enlisting in the Empire is a good way to get back at him."

― Captain Saretti and Brigadier General L`Annan

Pre-Imperial History

A Father's Failure

Young Markus at the Storehouse

The air was heavy with the scent of ionized metal and lubricant as Markus Saretti wandered through the labyrinth of his father's sprawling shipyard on Corellia. The clangs and hisses of machinery played the symphony of industry that had scored Markus' entire childhood. His father, Jonathan, owned Saretti Parts & Parcels, a modest but well-respected business that dealt in all manners of starship components.

Jonathan Saretti was a man of medium stature but possessed a presence that seemed to command the sprawling warehouses far more than his height would suggest. His face, often smeared with grease, carried a constant, contemplative frown—less out of any displeasure and more from a perpetual state of deep thought about his next deal or shipment.

That particular day, the warehouse was quieter, the staff reduced to a skeletal crew due to a local festival. Markus, who should have been at the festival enjoying the festivities with children his age, had instead snuck back to explore the less frequented parts of the storage facility. His mother, Nala, would have scolded him for shirking his chores and studies, but the allure of adventure among the towering racks of ship parts was too tempting to resist.

As Markus delved deeper into the older sections of the warehouse, a part of the hangar rarely visited these days, he stumbled upon a hidden alcove behind a false panel. The discovery sent a thrill of excitement down his spine. Behind the panel, covered in dust and shadows, were various crates marked with symbols that he didn't recognize—sinister looking marks that didn't belong in the legal shipping registries his father often tutored him on.

Curiosity piqued, Markus brushed off the layers of dust from one of the crates to inspect its contents. The seal gave way with a hiss, revealing rows of high-powered blaster mods and what looked unmistakably like contraband enhancements for speeders and small starfighters. Markus’ heart raced; he knew these were illegal, items that could get a merchant imprisoned.

Fear replaced excitement as the implications of his discovery began to dawn on him. His father, his hero, involved in something so dangerous? It couldn't be. But the evidence was glaringly irrefutable, nestled right before him in the dim light of the alcove.

Before Markus could further contemplate his next actions, heavy footsteps echoed in the corridor leading to his secret corner. Panicking, he quickly closed the crate and hid behind a larger container just as two figures entered the alcove. Through a gap, he recognized one of them: Mara Sintor, a longtime family friend, and her companion, an imposing figure Markus didn't know.

"I told you, Jonathan is getting too scared. He’s going to fold if the Imperials push just a bit," Mara's harsh whisper carried across the small space. "We need to move these now."

Her companion, a burly man with a scarred face, grunted in agreement, "Let’s just hope your trust in him isn’t misplaced, or we’re all going to end up on a labor colony on Kessel."

Sweat beaded on Markus’ forehead as he listened, the weight of the conversation pressing down on him. The adults continued to argue, unaware of the young boy’s presence. They were planning something big—something that undoubtedly involved the contraband he had just uncovered.

When the coast was clear, Markus sprinted from his hiding spot, heart pounding in his chest. He needed to warn his father, to save him from whatever web Mara was weaving around him. But as he burst into his father’s office later that evening, breathless and frantic, the look on Jonathan Saretti’s face wasn’t one of surprise but one of resigned guilt.

“Son, I suppose it’s time we had a very serious talk about what it means to be a merchant in these troubled times...”

The ensuing conversation was a mix of disillusionment and awakening for young Markus. He learned of the pressures his father faced, the moral compromises required to navigate the murky waters of commerce under Imperial oversight and the fringes of legality. That night, Markus grew up more than he had in all his years on Corellia.

The Forgotten Lore

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the streets of Coronet City as Markus Saretti headed home from the local library. He was older now, nearing the end of his pre-teen years, his mind ablaze with stories of ancient Corellian lore and legends he had discovered among dusty tomes that day. The library had become a sanctuary for Markus, a place to escape the complexities of his family life and the unsettling realities he had uncovered in his father's business.

Grove of the Relic

This evening was different; Markus had stumbled upon a forgotten section in the library's lower levels, an area seldom visited, where the oldest records and manuscripts were kept. Among these relics, he found a book bound in weathered leather, its pages yellowed with age, titled "The Echoes of Corellia." It spoke of hidden artifacts and secret places of power on Corellia, remnants of a time when mystics and seers were said to walk the planet.

Enthralled by the possibilities, Markus decided to investigate one of the locations mentioned in the book—a secluded grove in the Tyrena foothills, rumored to house an ancient stone with inscriptions that could reveal the future to those who deciphered its symbols. The next day, brimming with anticipation, he enlisted the company of two friends, Elia Roon and Gav Daragon, fellow adventurers eager to uncover hidden truths.

Their journey took them through winding paths and lush, untamed wilderness until they arrived at the grove, which was even more serene and mystical than Markus had imagined. The ancient stone stood proudly at the center, covered in strange runes that none of them recognized.

The trio spent hours trying to make sense of the inscriptions, using a makeshift cipher Markus had copied from the book. As the day waned, their efforts bore fruit; the symbols began to form coherent phrases, speaking of a great calamity that once befell Corellia, averted only by the unity of its people under a single banner.

The story struck a chord with Markus, resonating with the discord he felt at home—his father's compromised morals against his own burgeoning sense of justice. The lore spoke of unity and strength, virtues he found lacking in his own life but desperately wanted to believe in.

Their discovery was cut short by the sudden appearance of a group of hooded figures, watchers of the lore, who emerged from the shadows of the trees. The figures were stern and imposing, guardians of the grove who were none too pleased to find the youths meddling with sacred secrets.

"You tread on forbidden ground," one of the figures intoned, his voice echoing slightly under the hood. "What you learn here could change the course of your life, for knowledge, once gained, cannot be unseen."

Faced with the threat of severe repercussions for their trespass, Markus and his friends argued for their right to seek out the lore, to understand their planet's hidden history. The confrontation escalated until Markus, with a courage he didn't know he possessed, repeated the prophecy they had unearthed.

Silence followed. After a tense moment, the guardians conferred among themselves, then surprisingly, they chose to permit Markus and his friends to leave unharmed, with a stern warning to respect the lore's power and keep its secrets safe.

Returning home, Markus was changed. The adventure had ignited a new resolve in him—a desire to find unity and purpose, like the ancient Corellians before him. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but the lore had shown him that the past could inspire the future, and perhaps, just perhaps, he could help steer his family, and maybe one day the galaxy, toward a better tomorrow.

Siege of Sentiments

Corellia's capital, teeming with commerce and the everyday bustle, was a city split by unseen lines—lines that young Markus Saretti was becoming increasingly aware of as his teen years began to form his future outlook. Amidst the city's vibrant trade lanes, the encroaching presence of the Empire cast a long shadow, one that seemed to darken the doorstep of his family’s ship parts store and stretch even into the hallowed halls of his mother’s academic circles.

One seemingly ordinary morning, marked by the routine hum of activity, was violently interrupted by an explosion not far from the marketplace. Though minor, the blast's ripples were seismic in their societal impact. The Imperials were swift to respond, casting a wide net of suspicion that ensnared innocent and insurgent alike.

The Saretti family shop, a mere two blocks from the explosion, suffered not only physical damage from the shockwave but found itself under the heavy scrutiny of the Empire's forces. Jonathan hastily attended to the damages, while Nala salvaged what remained of their merchandise. Markus, caught between his parents' distress and the chaos unfolding around them, found himself drawn to the Imperial response rather than repelled by it.

It was during this tense period that Captain Idran Krell, an Imperial officer assigned to suppress any Rebel activity in the area, made his indelible mark on Markus' path. Krell, with his imposing figure and commanding aura, established a command post close to the Saretti’s store. His presence was both a menace and a magnet; his uniform, a stark symbol of order amidst disorder.

Young Markus & Captain Krell

"Your father's store, I presume?" Krell inquired upon noticing Markus amid the debris. His voice bore the weight of authority and an underlying promise of safety through strength.

Markus acknowledged him, his curiosity piqued by the captain’s directness.

"A regrettable loss, a casualty of a larger battle," Krell commented, his eyes scanning the damaged storefront. "This ongoing conflict is a disease, young man. If not addressed, it consumes all—good businesses, innocent lives. The Empire aims to cure this malady. Have you ever considered that perspective?"

This conversation became the first of many, with Krell often engaging Markus on matters of power, order, and destiny. The captain's words, filled with conviction about the Empire's role as the galaxy’s arbiter, resonated with Markus, particularly as he witnessed the tangible effects of Rebel activities on his family's livelihood.

"Why stay passive in the face of chaos when you could join a cause that molds the galaxy’s destiny?" Krell challenged him during one of their discussions. "The Empire values the youth who dare to realize their potential."

As Markus' admiration for the captain grew, so did his disillusionment with his parents' apolitical stance. The tipping point came during a covert crackdown on a Rebel cell in the area. Hidden in the shadows, Markus felt an unexpected thrill at the display of Imperial might and efficiency. His fear was replaced by admiration; the power wielded by the Imperials was not just effective—it was seductive.

Seizing a moment of conviction, Markus provided Krell with crucial information about local dissenters, information that led to significant Imperial victories. Krell's approval was palpable, filling a void in Markus that had been expanding with every act of Rebel-induced disruption.

"I see great potential in you, Markus," Krell confided as they surveyed the now tranquil marketplace. "Consider what the Empire could offer you as your stage."

These words cemented Markus’ resolve. The city, once a playground of innocent childhood pursuits, had become the forge of his new identity. Under Krell’s mentorship, he saw a path lined not by the ideals of his upbringing but by the stark realities of power and ambition. The Siege of Sentiments was over, but for Markus, the battle for his soul was just beginning, pushing him ever closer to the Empire's dark embrace.

Disillusionment & Power

As the echoes of the recent skirmish settled into the streets of Corellia, the Saretti family continued to navigate their fractured existence. The marketplace had become a frontier of Imperial authority and Rebel defiance. Amidst this, Markus Saretti’s wanderlust into the more arcane aspects of the galaxy’s history deepened—his escapades into the ancient archives now tinged with the sharpness of personal stakes.

It was during one of his clandestine visits to the restricted sections of the city’s grand library that Markus stumbled upon a hidden trove of Sith lore. Hidden behind a false panel, the collection was vast, detailing forbidden techniques and forgotten histories. The texts whispered of power, not merely to control but to reshape reality, to bend the will of others and to forge destiny with one’s own hands. It was a seductive promise that Markus felt drawn to, especially as the shadows of war loomed ever larger over his family.

Young Markus in the crumbling library.

Intrigued and unsettled by his findings, Markus began to spend his nights poring over the texts, the words of the Sith seeping into his thoughts, offering a stark contrast to his parents’ teachings of neutrality and restraint. Each line read was a silent rebellion against his perceived imprisonment by his parents’ ideals.

His mother, Nala, focused on her academic pursuits, remained blissfully unaware of Markus’ descent into the darker ideologies until one fateful evening. A Rebel insurgent group targeted an Imperial gala, causing collateral damage that reached the academic halls where Nala was working late. The attack left nothing but devastation in its wake, claiming the lives of many, including Nala.

The news shattered the fragile veneer of Markus’ restraint. The death of his mother, a collateral victim of a conflict she had never supported nor opposed, ignited a fierce and dark resolve in him. The Sith doctrines no longer seemed mere historical curiosities; they became a manifesto for his burgeoning hatred toward the Rebellion and a justification for his thirst for vengeance.

“Your mother’s death shall not be in vain,” whispered an enigmatic voice one evening as Markus sat alone in the darkened ruins of the library, the Sith texts spread out before him. It was Captain Idran Krell, who had been monitoring Markus’ potential for some time.

“Her passing is a consequence of chaos, the very chaos the Rebels sow,” Krell continued, his voice a catalyzing force in Markus’ fractured world. “But you, Markus, you can harness your grief, mold it into power. The Empire can teach you, guide you to wield it.”

This belief was cemented the day he confronted his father, who continued to preach the merits of staying apolitical, even after his wife's death. “It’s about survival, Markus. We must think about the business, about you. Taking a side could ruin everything we’ve built.”

“Everything you’ve built,” Markus spat back, his voice cold and hardened by the Sith teachings. “You're a coward, father. You hide behind your business, using it as an excuse to do nothing while the galaxy burns around us!”

Jonathan's face, usually calm and unreadable, fell in despair at his son's words. But Markus was unmoved. His path had become clear. The Sith lore had shown him a galaxy ruled by the strong, where indecision was met with derision and defeat. He would no longer be bound by his father's fears or the false safety of neutrality.

Krell’s words, "Markus, you can harness your grief, mold it into power. The Empire can teach you, guide you to wield it." echoed in his him after his confrontation with his father. He began to see his mother’s death as a catalyst, a necessary pain that awakened him to the realities of the galaxy—that peace was a lie, there was only passion.

With each passing day, Markus’ resolve hardened, and his actions grew more calculated. He started aiding Imperial efforts more directly, providing intelligence, and participating in minor skirmishes against Rebel factions. Each act of defiance against the Rebels was a strike back for his mother, a blow against the chaos that had taken her from him.

The once innocuous boy who had navigated the market streets with wonder was now a youth cloaked in the shadows of his own rage and sorrow. Markus Saretti was no longer just a citizen of the Empire; he was its secret weapon, its emerging avenger. His path was set, and it led away from the light of his childhood, deeper into the darkness of a galaxy at war, towards an inevitable enlistment in the Galactic Empire’s ranks. His destiny, like the hidden texts he had uncovered, was sealed in shadows—shadows that promised power, retribution, and a chance to strike at the heart of his enemies.

Under the cover of darkness, Markus left his home. With nothing but a satchel of belongings and the Sith manuscript, he set out to find his destiny, to join those who dared to wield power and enforce order—the Galactic Empire. His heart was a cauldron of unresolved grief and unspoken love, now overshadowed by the dark allure of vengeance against the Rebels, against all who threatened what he deemed to be right.

His departure was quiet, and by morning, only the echo of his resolve remained, whispering through the rooms of the Saretti household, a constant reminder of what was lost in the pursuit of what was to be gained.

empire-logo.png Imperial History

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A Test of Allegiance

In the legendary halls of the Imperial Academy, the tension was palpable. Markus Saretti, whose reputation for ruthlessness was already well-known among his peers, walked with a deliberate pace towards the simulation room. The air was thick with the anticipation of the day’s trials—a series of tests designed to sieve out the weak and mold the perfect Imperial tools.

The simulation room, a cavernous space lined with high-tech equipment and holographic displays, was buzzing with activity. Cadets, in crisp uniforms, were huddled in groups, discussing strategies and potential scenarios. Among them was Cadet Lira Wessex, known for her compassion and adherence to what she believed was the moral backbone of the Empire. Her views often clashed with the harsh realities of Imperial doctrine, making her an ideal target for Markus’ machinations.

Instructor Captain Teryn Rel, a stern woman with sharp features, called the room to attention. “Today,” she began, her voice echoing off the metallic walls, “you will face a scenario that tests your loyalty, your ability to follow orders without hesitation.” Markus listened, his mind already racing through possible scenarios, calculating angles and advantages.

Markus in the Simulation mission

As the cadets were briefed, Markus learned that their mission was to eliminate a supposed insurgent hideout. The catch, however, was that the hideout was located within a civilian complex. Markus saw his opportunity here, a chance to demonstrate his unwavering commitment to Imperial orders.

Before the simulation began, Markus leaned in close to Lira, whispering under the hum of conversation, “I heard from a reliable source that the insurgents might be holding hostages. Saving them could turn the tide for us.” Lira looked at him, a flicker of doubt crossing her otherwise resolute face. But the seed was planted.

As the simulation kicked into motion, chaos unfolded. Blaster fire echoed in the simulated environment, and the smell of ozone filled the air. Markus charged forward, leading his squad with precision, every move calculated. Lira, conflicted by Markus’ words, hesitated at a crucial moment. Instead of following the mission’s directive, she led her team to a different part of the complex, attempting to locate and save the nonexistent hostages.

Markus, executing the mission’s original orders, set charges and detonated the building, not flinching as the simulation ended with the structure collapsing on holographic civilians. The debriefing was brutal. Captain Rel praised Markus for his ruthless efficiency. “Exactly what the Empire needs,” she declared, her eyes glinting with approval.

Lira, on the other hand, was devastated. During the review, her actions were scrutinized, her failure to comply with direct orders highlighted as a severe breach of conduct. “You let sentiment cloud your judgment,” Captain Rel scolded. Lira's career at the academy was jeopardized, her future uncertain.

In the aftermath, as the cadets dispersed, Markus was approached by Lieutenant Commander Axe Vulcan, who had observed the simulations. “Impressive work, Cadet Saretti,” Vulcan said, a rare smile breaking his usually stoic demeanor. “Your ability to act decisively under pressure will serve you well in the 1st Imperial Fleet.”

As Markus prepared to leave the academy behind, joining the ranks under Vulcan, he felt no remorse. In his mind, Lira’s downfall was a necessary sacrifice for his ascension. The Empire, after all, had no place for weakness. His eyes, cold and calculating, were set on the future, a future where he would rise to power, fueled by the dark teachings of the Sith and the harsh lessons learned under the Empire’s unforgiving regime.

And so, under the sterile lights of the Imperial Academy, a new servant of the dark side was forged, ready to take his place in the endless ranks of the Empire’s ambitious and ruthless.

Service History

1st Imperial Fleet: The Campaigns



Markus before his first mission

The Darpa Campaign unfolded as a critical theatre of conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. At the heart of this operation was the ambitious Markus Saretti, a fresh graduate from the Imperial Academy, now serving aboard the formidable fleet led by Lieutenant Commander Axe Vulcan. His first year in the Imperial Navy would prove to be a crucible of growth, challenge, and relentless duty.

As the engines of war roared across the Darpa Sector, Saretti was thrust into the thick of strategic operations. The campaign was not just about the overt clash of starfighters and the thunderous exchanges of turbolaser fire; it was equally a battle of wits and rapid infrastructure development. Both factions raced to establish dominions over planets—constructing bases, deploying advanced communication arrays, and fortifying their positions.

Saretti's role in the 1st Imperial Fleet involved him in high-stakes engagements designed to secure the Imperial builders and their convoys from Rebel skirmishes. Under the steely command of Vulcan and the experienced tutelage of Flight Sergeant Rex Corwyn, Markus quickly adapted to the volatile nature of space warfare. His tasks were manifold—from coordinating with the Imperial Navy's capital ships to protect vulnerable transports to leading small squadrons against Rebel encroachments.

One notable operation saw Markus and his squadron navigate through a perilously mined sector to intercept a Rebel convoy attempting to supply their forward operating bases. The operation was a resounding success, with Markus displaying a blend of tactical acumen and fearless resolve that earned him the commendation of his superiors and the respect of his peers.


The campaign was a bold strike into the heart of the New Rebellion, aimed at establishing over twenty military outposts across Rebel-held sectors. The strategic move was designed not just to weaken the rebels but to assert Imperial dominance and order in the outer rim. The operation began with meticulous planning aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Vigilance, where Markus, now a seasoned officer, played a key role in the strategic simulations and briefings.

One of the most notable confrontations occurred on Chalcedon, a key outpost where Rebel forces had amassed in anticipation of an Imperial retreat. Contrary to their expectations, the Imperial forces, under the direct command of Vulcan and with Markus leading one of the assault squadrons, launched a decisive attack. The operation was swift and brutal. Rebel forces, caught off-guard, attempted a chaotic retreat across the planet’s rugged terrain, only to be cornered at a critical pass near a lava stream—an error that would lead to their tragic demise.

Throughout the campaign, Markus’s leadership was instrumental in several ground assaults and dogfights in space. His tactical acumen and relentless drive ensured the success of his missions, often without sustaining any casualties on his team. His actions not only earned him commendations but also the respect and trust of his commander and peers.

Despite the military success, the campaign wasn't without its controversies. The treatment of Rebel POWs became a focal point in Imperial propaganda, showcasing the Empire’s might yet underlining its commitment to order and humanity. Rebels captured during the campaign were transported to Imperial soap-making factories in the Outer Rim, a move publicly justified as a humane alternative to execution, which inadvertently led to economic benefits like the drop in soap prices due to increased production.

Embedded journalists with the fleet chronicled the campaign, broadcasting updates that highlighted the strategic victories and the daily life of the soldiers. Markus, often at the center of these stories, became a symbol of the ideal Imperial officer—brave, unwavering, and dedicated to the Empire’s cause. His interviews often emphasized the necessity of the campaign, echoing Minister Goth’s statements about the importance of bringing law and order to the underprivileged sectors of the galaxy.

The success of the Outer Rim Campaign marked a turning point in the war against the Rebellion and a significant milestone in Markus’s career. It demonstrated the effectiveness of Imperial strategy and the capability of its fleet, influencing the balance of power in the galaxy and solidifying the Empire’s grip on the outer sectors. For Markus, the campaign was more than just a series of battles; it was a reaffirmation of his commitment to the Imperial cause, a cause he believed was the galaxy’s best hope for peace and order.


Markus' Tie Interceptor in Action

The planet Adkinien loomed as a beacon of Imperial ambition and economic potential. It was chosen by the Galactic Empire to become a pivotal tax planet, designed to bolster the economic might of the Empire through strategic taxation and commerce. Yet, with wealth came the whispers of greed and conflict. Markus Saretti, now a seasoned non-commissioned officer in the 1st Imperial Fleet, found himself at the heart of these turbulent times, his duty crystal clear—secure Adkinien against any threat.

As the Empire’s engineers and economists began constructing the vast financial infrastructures needed to transform Adkinien into a thriving tax hub, Markus and his fleetmates patrolled the skies. Their mission was not only to protect, but to ensure that the economic lifeline of the Empire remained uninterrupted by the festering threat of the Rebel Alliance and opportunistic interlopers.

The planet’s transformation attracted not only the ire of the Rebels but also the attention of rogue elements. Independent smugglers and black-market traders saw Adkinien’s burgeoning economy as ripe for exploitation. These criminal factions aimed to siphon off resources, funnel illicit goods, and disrupt the orderly economic processes set by the Empire. It was during one such patrol that Markus’ tactical acumen and resolve were put to a stern test.

A squadron of smuggler ships, sleek and agile, darted towards Adkinien’s main industrial sector. Their goal was clear: infiltrate the economic zone under the cover of the nebulous dusk. The Imperial fleet, led by the ever-watchful eyes of Markus and under the direct command of Flight Sergeant Rex Corwyn, intercepted the intruders with precision.

Markus piloted his TIE interceptor through the maelstrom of blaster fire, his HUD flashing with tactical data, each movement choreographed like a deadly dance in the void. The skirmish was brief yet intense. Using a combination of superior training and the fleet’s coordinated maneuvers, Markus managed to disable the lead smuggler’s vessel with a well-placed ion blast, causing a chain reaction of confusion and fear among their ranks.

The captured smuggler vessels were towed to the nearest Imperial holding facility, where they would soon divulge the secrets of their illicit networks. It was a minor yet significant victory for Markus and the 1st Imperial Fleet. It showcased their readiness to defend the Empire’s economic interests against all forms of treachery.

Rising Hopes and Shifting Sands

The freshly polished insignia of Staff Sergeant Markus Saretti gleamed under the stark lights of the Carrier Group 1’s briefing room, reflecting both the new rank and the weight of expectations now resting on his shoulders. His promotion was more than just a step up; it was his entry into the command echelons of the Imperial Navy, a validation of his relentless pursuit of excellence and a testament to his potential for leadership. The sense of accomplishment was palpable, swirling around him like the cold vacuum of space outside the carrier’s viewing ports.

Rex Corwyn, his longtime friend and mentor, now an Ensign, offered a rare smile, clapping Markus on the shoulder. “This is just the beginning, Saretti. You’re meant for this,” he had said, his voice tinged with pride. Together, they would steer Carrier Group 1, with Markus as the Executive Officer and Rex as the Commanding Officer. It was an ideal arrangement; their synergy in strategy and execution was well-tested by fire and time.

However, the winds of change within the Imperial Navy were as unpredictable and forceful as a nebula storm. Markus’ excitement was short-lived. Within weeks of assuming his new role, the structure of the Imperial fleets underwent a drastic reorganization. Carrier Group 2 was absorbed by the 3rd Imperial Fleet, causing a significant reshuffling of positions and responsibilities within Markus’ own group. Suddenly, the solid ground of command under his feet seemed to dissolve into the chaos of bureaucratic reshuffle.

Imperial Briefing Room

Markus found himself reassigned as a pilot, stripped of the nascent command authority he had barely begun to enjoy. Rex’s role evolved into that of the fleet Chief of Staff, removing him from direct command alongside Markus and thrusting him into a more administrative position. Commander Djuan Korr entered the scene as the fleet’s new Executive Officer, while Captain Axe Vulcan continued to hold the reins as Fleet Commanding Officer.

Sitting in the cockpit of his TIE fighter, surrounded by the familiar controls and the hum of the engine, Markus felt a searing mix of frustration and impotence. The cockpit, once his sanctuary, now felt more like a cage. His ambitions seemed to mock him, reflected in the glass of the viewport as distant stars streaked by. He had tasted command, savored its challenges and responsibilities, and now it was wrenched away, leaving a bitter aftertaste of what could have been.

The reorganization, while logical from a strategic standpoint, felt personal—a thwarting of his trajectory through the ranks. Markus’ thoughts often wandered to the conversations with Rex, their plans, and their shared vision for leading their men to glory under the Imperial banner. Now, relegated back to the ranks, Markus' resolve hardened. Each mission, each sortie became not just a duty to be performed, but a statement of defiance against the bureaucratic chains that bound him. He flew with a relentless drive, pushing himself and his craft to the limits, determined to prove that his place was not in the backlines but at the forefront of command.

The experience steeled him, forging a resolve that was as cold and unyielding as the hull of his TIE fighter. If the Empire would not give him command, he would take it, one mission at a time. The ambition that simmered within him was not extinguished; it was merely waiting, gathering strength from the fires of frustration and disappointment. In the vast chess game of Imperial politics and military strategy, Markus Saretti was far from a mere pawn. He was a player—biding his time, learning the rules, ready to make his move.

A Star is Born

Markus Saretti’s promotion to Ensign came amidst the quiet hum of anticipation that filled the corridors of the 1st Imperial Fleet's flagship. The young officer, freshly minted and eager, stepped into his role as the fleet's Chief of Staff with a mix of nervous energy and calculated determination. The vastness of space beyond the viewports served as a constant reminder of the responsibility now resting on his shoulders.

Markus after his promotion.

Rex Corwyn, now Lieutenant and the Executive Officer, greeted Markus with a firm handshake and a challenging smirk. "Welcome to the big leagues, Ensign," he said, his tone light but edged with the weight of expectation. Their partnership, born from the crucibles of earlier campaigns and solidified through mutual respect, was about to be tested in the arena of leadership.

Under the watchful eye of Captain Axe Vulcan, who had shaped much of Markus's naval philosophy, the young officers were entrusted with the daily operations of the fleet. Their first major challenge came swiftly. Intelligence reports indicated a surge in pirate activities along the trade routes of the ???? system, threatening vital supply lines crucial to the Empire's logistical network.

Operation Starfall was conceived—a rapid response mission to reinforce the system and quash the pirate uprising before it could gain any more traction. Markus, with his acute tactical acumen, proposed an audacious plan to use decoy convoys to lure the pirates into a trap, while Corwyn advocated for a more straightforward show of force, arguing that a direct assault would send a stronger message to any other potential disruptors.

The friendly rivalry between them sparked intense debates in the strategy meetings, each pushing the other to refine their tactics and approach. Ultimately, they combined elements from both their plans, using decoy convoys to draw the pirates out, then crushing them with a decisive strike from their hidden battle groups.

As the operation kicked off, Markus and Corwyn manned the command center, their eyes glued to the holodisplays tracking the progress of their forces. The initial phase went smoothly, with the pirate ships taking the bait and engaging the decoys. Just as the enemy realized their mistake, Imperial Star Destroyers emerged from behind nearby moons, their turbolasers blazing.

The battle was intense but brief. The pirates, outmatched and outmaneuvered, stood little chance against the coordinated might of the Imperial fleet. As the last pirate vessel was neutralized, cheers erupted throughout the command center. Markus and Corwyn exchanged looks of relief and triumph, their strategy a resounding success.

In the aftermath, as they reviewed the operation's debriefing, the respect between the two deepened. "You had a good plan, Markus," Corwyn admitted, clapping him on the shoulder. "But remember, it’s the combination of our ideas that really made the difference."

Captain Vulcan praised their performance, noting their potential and the effective synergy they demonstrated. "You two are shaping up to be quite the team," he remarked. "Continue this way, and there's no telling how far you'll both go."

As the fleet moved on to its next assignment, Markus felt a sense of accomplishment and belonging. His partnership with Corwyn was not just about leading effectively; it was about learning from each other and competing to bring out the best in both.

A Choice Between Brothers

The corridors of the 1st Imperial Fleet's flagship were quieter than usual, the usual hum of activity somewhat muted as Markus Saretti walked towards the command center. The news had just broken: Navy High Command had announced the formation of the 7th Imperial Fleet, and to everyone's surprise, they had appointed Lieutenant Commander Rex Corwyn as its Commanding Officer. The choice was unexpected, given the plethora of veteran officers available, but Corwyn's talent and rapid rise through the ranks had clearly made an impression on the higher echelons.

Markus felt a complex mix of pride and apprehension. Corwyn was not just his commanding officer; he was his mentor and close friend. They had faced numerous challenges together, each victory forging stronger bonds between them. Yet, as Markus approached the command center, he knew that the dynamic was about to change dramatically.

Captain Axe Vulcan greeted him with a nod as he entered. "Saretti," he began, his voice steady, "you've probably heard the news about Corwyn and 7IF."

"Yes, sir," Markus replied, trying to keep his emotions in check. "It's a great honor for him. He'll make a fine commanding officer."

Vulcan's eyes narrowed slightly, reading the undercurrents of Markus’s response. "And it leaves you at a crossroads," he said. "I know Corwyn has asked you to join him as his Chief of Staff. It’s a significant opportunity, Markus, but it also means leaving the 1IF—your home."

The weight of the decision pressed heavily on Markus. The 1st Imperial Fleet had become more than just a posting; it was where he had grown into his role, supported by Vulcan, who had been like the father he wished he had back on Corellia. Leaving felt like a betrayal, yet following Corwyn felt like loyalty to another kind of family.

Over the next few days, Markus wrestled with his options. He consulted extensively, first sitting down with Corwyn in the quiet of an officer's lounge. "Markus, you know I need someone I can trust absolutely," Corwyn said, his voice earnest. "We’ve been through hell and back, and I know I can rely on you. Together, we can shape 7IF into something formidable."

Their conversation was long and filled with shared memories and ambitious plans for the future. Later, Markus met with Vulcan, who offered a different perspective. "It’s not just about loyalty to people," Vulcan advised, his tone thoughtful. "It’s about where you can grow and where you can serve the Empire best. Both paths have merit, Markus. This decision is yours, and yours alone."

The night before the decision was due, Markus stood alone in the observation deck, staring out at the stars. The vastness of space seemed to mirror the enormity of his choice. He thought about his path—from the streets of Corellia to the decks of the 1IF. Each step had been guided by a desire for strength and purpose. Now, another step loomed ahead, possibly away from the safety of his known world into something uncertain but potentially great.

In the end, his decision came down to the potential for growth and the chance to truly make a mark. The following morning, Markus submitted his request for transfer. He would follow Corwyn to the 7th Imperial Fleet, embracing the new challenges and opportunities that awaited him.

As he packed up his quarters, his thoughts were a mix of anticipation and sorrow. Leaving was hard, but the future held the promise of new horizons. Markus knew that no matter where he went, the lessons learned under Vulcan's command and the friendships forged in the fires of conflict would guide him. He was ready to step into the unknown, to a place where his skills, loyalty, and resolve would be tested anew.

7th Imperial Fleet

The Meridian Campaign: Lieutenant Markus Saretti's Ascendancy

As the Galactic Empire embarked on the ambitious Scylla Operation, another critical campaign was unfolding under the aegis of the newly promoted Lieutenant Markus Saretti. Within the frigid depths of space in the Meridian Sector, Saretti, now the Executive Officer of the 7th Imperial Fleet, was about to demonstrate why his tactical acumen and leadership were invaluable to the Empire's grand strategy.

Vice Admiral Assam

The Meridian Campaign, orchestrated by Vice Admiral Calor Assam and Minister Orphea Imperium, was a masterclass in military strategy, designed to seize control from the pro-Republic mercenary force, Renegade Inc. Markus Saretti, freshly appointed as XO under Assam's command, found himself at the heart of the operation.

From the outset, Saretti's role was crucial. His insight into fleet dynamics and his ability to anticipate enemy movements were instrumental in planning the campaign's intricate phases. The sector, divided among the three systems of Chorios, Pedducis Chorios, and Till Chorios, presented a complex theater of operations. Saretti's task was to coordinate assaults across these systems, ensuring that Imperial forces could establish footholds with minimal resistance.

Under Saretti's guidance, the 7th Imperial Fleet deployed stealthily, leveraging the intelligence provided by the double agent, Aay Zavos. Saretti orchestrated the fleet's movements with such precision that Renegade Inc.'s forces were caught completely off guard. His strategies involved a series of swift, decisive strikes, avoiding direct confrontations in favor of strategic occupation of key planets.

This approach not only minimized Imperial casualties but also maximized the psychological impact on the enemy. Saretti's innovative use of area denial weapons and rapid-deployment outposts enabled the Empire to control significant territories overnight.

One of the highlights of Saretti's campaign leadership was his initiative to establish over sixty cities across the sector—more than double that of any other commander in similar operations. His efforts to solidify Imperial presence on three additional planets were pivotal in extending the Empire's reach and influence within the sector.

"For his exceptional contribution to the Meridian Campaign, Lieutenant Saretti is awarded the Navy Activity Medal and a Letter of Commendation," proclaimed Minister Orphea Imperium in recognition of his efforts. Saretti's strategic placements and rapid urbanization tactics not only secured new territories but also laid the groundwork for the Empire's economic and military logistics in the region.

As the campaign drew to a close, Saretti's leadership had decisively shifted the balance of power in the Meridian Sector. The once-contested region was now firmly under Imperial control, with Renegade Inc. forces either captured or dispersed. The success of the operation not only demonstrated the Imperial Navy's dominance but also cemented Lieutenant Markus Saretti's reputation as a brilliant tactician and a rising star within the Imperial ranks.

The Meridian Campaign would go down in Imperial records as a significant victory, largely attributed to the daring and strategic genius of Lieutenant Saretti. His actions during this pivotal time did not just earn him medals and commendations; they ensured his legacy as a key architect of the Empire's expanding dominion across the galaxy.

A Storm of Transitions

The galaxy never sleeps, and neither does the ambition that drives its key players. Lieutenant Markus Saretti, now a seasoned officer of the Imperial Navy, found himself facing a rare pause in his otherwise relentless career. Year 10 Day 13 marked the beginning of his extended leave of absence—six months to address pressing personal matters that had long been overshadowed by his duties. The decision was not made lightly; Saretti knew the risks involved. Stepping away from the ever-evolving machinations of the Galactic Empire could mean stepping back from the very advancements he had fought so hard to secure.

As Saretti prepared to depart, his mind was fraught with uncertainty. The 7th Imperial Fleet had become more than just an assignment; it was his home, and its crew his family. The thought of leaving, even temporarily, stirred a deep-set trepidation about the changes that might occur in his absence. Nonetheless, duty to family called him away from the battlefield, compelling him to entrust his legacy to the hands of time and the interim command.

Upon his return, the landscape of the Imperial Navy had transformed dramatically. The merger of the New Imperial Order with the Galactic Empire had reshuffled the decks of leadership and loyalty, blurring the lines that once clearly defined the structures of power. To Saretti's dismay, his old friend and mentor, Rex Corwyn, was resigning from his command of the 7th Imperial Fleet. The news of Vice Admiral Calor Assam's assassination added a grim tone to the already chaotic environment, signaling a period of vulnerability and uncertainty within the Navy's ranks.

Saretti's reunion with the fleet was overshadowed by the unfamiliar faces that now populated the decks of the ships he once knew so well. Many of his trusted comrades had been reassigned or had moved on to other sectors, leaving a void that was filled by newcomers who had yet to prove their mettle.

In the midst of this upheaval, an opportunity arose that Saretti could not have anticipated. Vice Admiral Vulcan, recognizing the need for steadfast leadership, offered Saretti the command of the 7th Imperial Fleet. It was a role that carried with it the weight of legacy and expectation. Having received Corwyn's blessing prior to his departure, Saretti accepted the position with a sense of duty and determination. He resolved to uphold the standards of excellence that had defined his predecessor's tenure and to steer the fleet towards unprecedented achievements.

The test of Saretti's leadership came sooner than expected. Just a month into his command, the Eidola Pirates launched a brazen offensive in the Agrilat system, threatening Imperial assets and civilian safety. The 7th Imperial Fleet, under Saretti's command, was quick to respond, mobilizing alongside the 2nd Imperial Legion to form the First Assault Force. The legion, led by Colonel Graeda L’Annan—a friend and former academy tutor of Markus—ensured a robust ground support as Saretti's forces took to the stars.

The battle for Agrilat was fierce, with the pirates employing guerrilla tactics that tested the mettle of Saretti’s leadership. Yet, with precise maneuvers and unyielding resolve, the Imperial forces managed to thwart the pirates' advances, securing the system and reinforcing the Empire’s dominion.

In the aftermath of the battle, as the dust settled on the scarred landscapes of Agrilat, Lieutenant Markus Saretti stood on the bridge of his flagship, contemplating the journey ahead. His return had not been the homecoming he had envisioned, but it had thrust upon him a mantle of responsibility that he was now determined to carry forward. With the legacy of his mentors behind him and the potential of his crew before him, Saretti was poised to lead the 7th Imperial Fleet into a new era—an era marked by the same courage, innovation, and indomitable spirit that had defined his ascent within the Galactic Empire.

The Tides of Ithilivir

As the embers of conflict in Agrilat began to cool, a new fire sparked on the horizon, compelling the 7th Imperial Fleet to once again spring into action. The tranquility of victory was short-lived as urgent communiqués from Grand Moff Imperium pierced the calm, drawing Lieutenant Markus Saretti and his fleet to the fringes of known space, toward the planet Ithilivir. It was a rapid mobilization, with the fleet joining forces with two other fleet detachments and an Army brigade, all summoned to stave off an emerging threat near the heart of the Empire.

In these moments of accelerated crisis, the true mettle of a fleet's command staff is tested and tempered. Lieutenant Kendan Tarr, a steadfast companion and confidant from Saretti’s days in the 1st Imperial Fleet, stood as his Executive Officer. Tarr’s acumen for strategy and calm under pressure were invaluable assets as they navigated the complexities of inter-fleet coordination. Beside him, Command Flight Officer Euna Miriel, demonstrated her prowess and reliability, earning not only Saretti’s trust but also his quiet hopes for her future leadership within the 7th Fleet.

However, the winds of change were as relentless as the tides of war. As the crisis on Ithilivir began to deescalate, Miriel tendered a transfer request to the Army—a decision that struck a poignant chord in Saretti's plans for the fleet's future. Her departure was a reminder of the transient nature of military camaraderie and the personal aspirations that often diverged from shared paths.

Following the intensity of back-to-back missions, the 7th Imperial Fleet returned to a state of relative normalcy. Their duties shifted to the recovery of assets dispersed during the recent operations and routine patrolling of the Corellia Sector, their designated sphere of vigilance. It was a time for replenishment and reflection, for the fleet and its commander alike.

Yet, stillness in the life of a fleet can be as challenging as the throes of battle. The lull led to a noticeable dip in activity and morale among the personnel. The command staff, ever vigilant, sought to counteract the creeping malaise with engagement and preparation for future assignments. Saretti, alongside his senior officers, maintained close communications with the Naval High Command and the Imperial High Command, seeking opportunities to reinvigorate the fleet with purpose and direction.

As days turned into weeks with no significant orders, the ambiance within the fleet grew pensive. Saretti found himself walking the line between maintaining operational readiness and fostering the morale of his crew. The challenge was not just about finding new missions but about keeping the spirit of the fleet alive—ensuring that when the call to action came, they would be ready not just in body but in spirit.

In these quiet moments, the echoes of past battles and the whispers of future glories mingled in the corridors of the fleet’s ships. Markus Saretti, now more than ever, understood that leadership was not just about leading charges into battle but also about steering the ship through the silent vastness of space, awaiting the next storm on the horizon.

The Battle of N'zoth

As the icy dawn broke over the N'zoth system, the silence was shattered by the roar of Imperial starships descending through the atmosphere of M'buh. Under the direct command of Captain Markus Saretti of the Seventh Imperial Fleet, the operation to liberate M'buh was not just a military mission but a statement of Imperial dominance mere days from key rebel strongholds.

The operation commenced with a dual-pronged assault. While Saretti led the primary assault on M'buh, a secondary force initiated a diversionary attack on the smaller planet of T'grel. This maneuver was designed to dilute rebel forces, sowing confusion and preventing a coordinated defense, demonstrating the tactical acumen of Imperial planning.

The rebels, ill-prepared for the intensity and precision of the Imperial onslaught, quickly fell into disarray. High-ranking rebel officer Angela LaSalle conceded the battle's outcome prematurely, reflecting the despair and defeatism that had gripped the rebel ranks. Her comment pre-empting an Imperial victory within 48 hours highlighted the psychological edge the Empire had achieved.

As Imperial troops advanced, they encountered an unexpected hurdle: reports of chemical weapons used by the rebels, aimed at slowing the Imperial momentum. Affected troops experienced disorientation and lethargy, leading to a temporary suspension of reinforcements. Despite this, Saretti's leadership shone through; he adapted quickly, ensuring his forces maintained pressure and adapted to the toxic battlefield.

The battle for M'buh culminated swiftly with the Imperial forces achieving overwhelming control. Saretti's strategy of avoiding direct assaults on heavily defended population centers and instead targeting strategically valuable and less defended sites allowed for rapid territorial gains with minimal Imperial casualties.

In recognition of his leadership and the successful execution of the campaign, Captain Markus Saretti was awarded the Imperial Cross, a prestigious honor for extraordinary heroism. His actions not only secured a critical victory but also significantly disrupted rebel operations in the sector, marking a turning point in the regional dynamics.

In the aftermath, Saretti was hailed not just as a successful military leader but as a symbol of Imperial valor. His tactical decisions and personal bravery under fire set a standard for Imperial conduct in the war, contrasting starkly with the rebels' desperate tactics.

"The Empire will continue its advance with honor and resolve," Saretti commented in the wake of the victory, underscoring the moral high ground the Empire maintained. His leadership was not just effective but inspirational, setting the stage for further successes under his command.

As Saretti stood on the bridge of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Widowmaker, looking out over the now-peaceful planet of M'buh, he felt the weight of his new responsibility. Awarded the Imperial Cross, he knew this was not just a medal but a mandate to continue leading with courage and integrity, pushing forward the Empire's vision of a unified galaxy.

Execution of Starwind

However, victory was tinged with the darker duties of command. The traitor, Crewman Dara Starwind, was apprehended due to her own admission over public channels, a betrayal that shook the core of the fleet. After a thorough investigation confirmed her guilt, Saretti was tasked with the grim duty of carrying out her execution. In a somber ceremony aboard the flagship, witnessed by key members of the fleet, Saretti read out the charges against Starwind. With a heavy heart but unwavering resolve, he executed the sentence by casting her into the void of space, marking the first and only execution of his career.

This action, while harsh, underscored the uncompromising nature of Imperial justice and the weight of command. For Saretti, it was a stark reminder of the burdens that come with leadership—a duty to act decisively not only in battle but also in upholding the stringent codes of Imperial law and order. His resolve in the face of such trials only further solidified his reputation as a leader of integrity and valor within the Imperial Navy.

The Corellian Chronicles

The year following the tumultuous events of M’Buh marked a quieter, though no less significant, chapter in the career of Lieutenant Markus Saretti. As the 7th Imperial Fleet made its way back to the familiar starlines of the Corellian Sector, a sense of homecoming pervaded among the crew, many of whom had not seen the core worlds in months. The fleet, renowned for its resilience and effectiveness, was tasked with a monumental project that would further solidify its storied reputation: the construction and fortification of dozens of planets within their home sector, in collaboration with the 5th Imperial Fleet.

Markus found himself working closely with Commander Mayas Lennorian, a seasoned officer whose strategic acumen and cordial demeanor quickly earned Markus’s respect and eventual friendship. Together, they coordinated the logistics and deployment of resources, ensuring that each planet within their purview was developed to its fullest potential. This operation wasn't just about expansion; it was about making a statement of power and stability, hallmarks of the Galactic Empire.

As the months wore on, the construction efforts in the Corellian sector expanded, turning into one of the largest infrastructure undertakings in recent Imperial history. Markus, with his keen understanding of both tactical and strategic nuances, became an essential conduit between the Navy and the various Imperial branches involved in the sector’s development. His ability to navigate the complexities of Imperial bureaucracy and cut through red tape with the same ease that he commanded a starfleet did not go unnoticed, and his reputation as a skilled liaison grew.

During this period, the 7th Imperial Fleet's prowess and reliability caught the attention of the Naval High Command (NHC), which frequently tapped them for sensitive missions requiring a delicate touch or an iron fist, sometimes both. It was during one such mission that the fleet faced an unexpected challenge in the planet Aracalanakt. Intelligence had surfaced that several privately owned cities on the planet had been bought by factions hostile to the Empire, intending to use them as bases for anti-Imperial activities.

With a strategic calmness, Markus ordered the fleet to split its focus. While the majority continued their work in Corellia, a select contingent, led by the astute junior officer Wilhelm Draagvarg, was dispatched to Aracalanakt. Draagvarg, under Markus’s guidance, executed a series of covert operations that culminated in a high-stakes arrest that dismantled the emerging threat on Aracalanakt. The rogue builders were left with no choice but to flee or negotiate terms of surrender to the Empire.

Through these missions, Markus not only cemented his status as a capable fleet commander but also as a man who could be both a loyal friend and a daunting adversary. His dual nature was something that both his peers and subordinates came to respect deeply. Stories of his off-duty camaraderie contrasted sharply with his commanding presence on the bridge, painting the picture of a man who was as complex as he was effective.

Conflict & Treason

In Year 11 Day 265, amidst the grandeur of the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, Commodore Markus Saretti stands among his peers during the Imperial Monthly Meeting. As the ceremony unfolds, with the glittering array of uniforms and the shimmer of holographic attendees, the weight of the Empire's gaze is palpable. The room buzzes with the anticipation of announcements, the exchange of salutes among officers, and the quiet discussions of distant battles and strategies.

As his name echoes through the hall, Markus steps forward, his demeanor reflecting both pride and the gravity of his new responsibility. Promoted to Commodore, he accepts his new rank with a nod, understanding that his decisions will now impact not only the lives under his command but also the strategic directions of the Empire itself.

Days later, the galaxy trembles as Grand Moff Orphea Imperium declares his rebellion against Emperor Bonias. The news spreads like wildfire, sowing uncertainty and fear among the ranks. Markus, ever vigilant, perceives the imminent danger not just to the Empire's stability, but directly to his squadron.

With a keen strategic mind, he immediately cancels the ongoing operation, a decision that might draw criticism for its abruptness but one he knows is necessary to safeguard his pilots. He orders a retreat to a secure ship, a bastion amidst the brewing storm. Here, he personally oversees the fortification of defenses and the consolidation of resources, ensuring that his pilots are insulated from the political upheaval.

As the rebellion unfolds with rapidity, leading to the abdication of Bonias and the ascension of Emperor Cherokee, Markus watches closely. The transition brings about a shift in the Empire’s structure, potentially altering the very fabric of their military engagements and command hierarchies. Throughout this turmoil, his primary focus remains the safety and readiness of his squadron. They are his responsibility, his to protect in the chaotic chess game of Imperial politics.

This chapter in Markus's career is not just a testament to his rapid rise but also to his leadership style, marked by foresight, decisiveness, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare of those under his command. As the Empire stands on the brink of internal revolution, Commodore Saretti's actions during these critical days further cement his reputation as a leader not only capable of navigating through tumult but ensuring his squadron remains a cohesive, formidable force amidst the storms of change.

New Regime

With the rise of Cherokee to the throne, his first acts were to bring sweeping changes to how things were structured. Slab decay became a sticking point for keeping control over planets and Markus' saw an opportunity to tighten Imperial grip over the newly won M'Buh. In the intricate web of Imperial military strategy, Commodore Markus Saretti’s ambitions for M’Buh represent more than just a tactical maneuver; they embody his commitment to the Empire’s expansion and security. His meticulously crafted plan, approved by Brigadier General L’Annan, signals his readiness to fortify one of the outer systems, a move he deems critical. However, when the Imperial High Command overrides this decision, favoring the reinforcement of core worlds, the rejection is more than a professional setback; it’s a direct affront to his judgment and capabilities.

Markus’s frustration boils beneath the surface. He views the decision as a myopic strategy, blind to the nuanced threats looming on the fringes of the Empire's domain. This resentment simmers as he is compelled to redirect his focus to a substantial construction operation in the Corellian Sector—a vital task, yet one that feels like a consolation rather than a strategic victory.

The situation in Sacorria adds salt to his wounds. The planet, under the protection of Corporate Sector Authority (CorSec), becomes a target for the New Republic and Falleen Federation. The rebels' cunning strategy of constructing hidden cities to claim dominance over Sacorria catches the Imperial forces off-guard, a scenario Markus finds painfully avoidable had his original plan been implemented.

Ordered by Director of Imperial Intelligence, Inwe Ventidius, to intervene, Markus swiftly mobilizes the 7th Imperial Fleet. He selects Ensign Dratt Darkstar and Command Flight Sergeant Nikolaus Ephranor—his most trusted and capable subordinates—for the mission. Despite their rapid response, the situation on Sacorria deteriorates. The rebels cunningly use civilians as shields against orbital bombardments, a tactic that disgusts Markus but also ties his hands, preventing a full-scale assault without massive civilian casualties.

For over a month, Sacorria is embroiled in chaos. Markus and his team fight valiantly, navigating the complex urban warfare and attempting to minimize harm to civilians. However, the indifference and delayed reactions from CorSec's leadership only compound the challenges, eventually leading to the planet's fall.

Returning to their original assignments, Markus, Darkstar, and Ephranor are left with a mix of pride and profound disappointment. They know they did everything within their power, yet the bitter taste of what could have been—had his original plans for M’Buh been approved—lingers with Markus. This experience cements a crucial lesson in his military career: the dynamics of power and influence within the Empire's hierarchy can be as formidable an adversary as the rebels themselves.

6th Imperial Fleet & A Career Ending Turn

The morning sun cast long shadows across the bustling docks of the Corporate Sector’s new Imperial headquarters. Admiral Markus Saretti stood on the command deck of the lead Star Destroyer, overseeing the final stages of the fleet's relocation. His eyes, sharp and calculating, missed no detail as he coordinated the complex ballet of starships maneuvering into their new berths.

“Admiral, all docking protocols are now in Green status,” reported Lieutenant Karis, her voice steady over the comm.

“Excellent, Lieutenant. Begin system-wide diagnostics and make sure our defense perimeters are fully operational by 1900 hours,” Markus replied, his voice calm but authoritative.

As the new Fleet Commanding Officer of the 6th Imperial Fleet, now restructured as part of the massive fleet reform, Markus faced the dual challenge of logistical relocation and maintaining the iron grip of Imperial law in the Corporate Sector. It was a task he approached with a mix of strategic acumen and a keen understanding of the broader implications for the Empire.

In the weeks that followed, Markus launched a series of operations designed to secure the most vulnerable trade routes in the sector. The "Secure Transit Protocol" was his brainchild, enhancing surveillance and increasing patrol frequencies along these critical passages. Under his command, piracy incidents plummeted, and trade revenues saw a marked increase, bolstering the sector's economic stability and reinforcing the Empire's dominion.

In the Shadows of Giants

Inside the strategy room, the holographic map of the galaxy flickered with countless points of light, each representing an Imperial fleet asset. Admiral Markus Saretti, now also the Navy Executive Officer, stood beside Lord Admiral Senki Blackrain, discussing the deployment of fleets across contested regions.

“Blackrain, if we reposition the 12th Division to the Outer Rim, we can cut off any potential threats from the Syndicate before they materialize,” Markus suggested, pointing to the flickering stars on the map.

“I agree, Markus. Your insights have proven invaluable,” Blackrain responded, the respect in his tone unmistakable.

Together, they implemented the "Fleet Modernization Initiative," which saw older starfighters replaced with the latest models equipped with enhanced targeting systems and cloaking capabilities. Training programs were overhauled, focusing on real-world combat simulations that prepared the pilots for the unpredictable nature of space warfare. Markus took pride in these advancements, knowing they significantly boosted the operational efficiency of the Navy.

The Unseen Storm

Admiral Markus Saretti’s hands trembled slightly as he clasped them behind his back, staring out the viewport at the star-studded expanse. The symptoms had started as minor annoyances—headaches and brief moments of dizziness—but had escalated into something far more concerning. His once impeccable memory now betrayed him at moments, and the sharp pains behind his eyes became frequent visitors.

Despite the best medical minds in the Empire at his disposal, the cause of his affliction remained elusive. Environmental scans of his past campaigns turned up nothing; neurological scans were inconclusive, leaving more questions than answers.

As the days passed, the burden of his health weighed heavily on his decision-making. It wasn’t just about his capacity to command; it was about the safety and effectiveness of his fleet. With a heavy heart, he recorded his resignation, stepping down from his role as NXO.

“I have always placed the Empire above all,” Markus spoke into the recorder, his voice firm despite the underlying strain. “It is with this in mind that I must step back, for I cannot in good conscience risk the lives of my men due to my own limitations.”

Submitting his resignation, Markus stepped down, not with a sense of defeat, but with the dignity of a soldier who knew when to pass the torch. The Empire would continue, and he would watch from the sidelines, battling an unseen enemy, perhaps the most daunting he had ever faced.


  • First Imperial Fleet Retired Veteran
  • Imperial Duty Bars - 1 Year
  • Certified Veteran Academy Tutor
  • Imperial Academy Basic Graduate
  • Darpa Garrison
  • Divine Tempest
  • Operation: Adkinien
  • Operation: Restrained Force
  • Operation: Free Meridian
  • M`Buh Liberation Award
  • Tax Planet: Scylla
  • Letter of Commendation 3
  • Mentioned in Dispatchers 4
  • Fleet of the Month Award #2
  • Navy Activity Medal
  • Imperial Cross
  • Fleet Service Medal