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Janus Wulff

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Janus Wulff
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Terra Wulff - Alive
Father Caelus Wulff - Alive
Spouse Venilia Wulff - Deceased
Siblings None
Children Tiberinus Wulff, Canens Wulff & Fontus Wulff
Born Year -14, Day 267
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Naval Officer
Prior Service
Awards 9355_wulff.png

Janus Wulff (/ˈdʒænʌs/ JAN-us /ˈwʌlf/ WULF) is a Naval Officer in His Majesty's Imperial Navy. Following an unsuccessful period of enlistment as an ISD crewmember in his youth; marred with a tumultuous time at home with family strife and tragedy he left to obtain a good education and, much later in his life, obtained a Commission to serve as a proud officer of the Galactic Empire.


cRaDp2q.png Early Life

Janus was born during the era of the Galactic Republic in what is widely considered to be the darkest period of its history, rife with corruption, bureaucracy, and transgression. His homeworld, Corellia, famed for its astro engineers, space navigators, and explorers ultimately became a hotbed of activity for pirate raiders. Though cities like the capital, Coronet, were generally safe from such violence and disorder, with dedicated security and military personnel to repel interlopers, smaller settlements across the world like the one he was born in were left to their own devices, completely at the mercy of cutthroats and brigands. In his thirteenth year, Janus' settlement was completely wiped out as marauders pillaged their humble shipyards and ravaged the population. The Wulff family were fortunate to escape with their lives and fled to Coronet to begin anew, but Janus never forgot the failures of the Republic that day, something that would drive his ambitions, deep rooted beliefs, and the development of his adult psyche.

Less than a year later the Republic collapsed and the Galactic Empire was born.

Impressed by the grasp on which the newly formed Empire held over its territories, Janus could see even as a teenager that the umbrella cast was not just a great deterrent to the corsairs of old, but also a safety blanket for those who pledged their allegiance and accepted citizenship, offering service to the New Order.

mCzQ1Hq.png Joining the Empire

As an adolescent, Janus began working immediately with his father in the shipyards of Coronet, though his desire had always been to serve the Galactic Empire and its security was at the centremost point of his heart. After a number of years working alongside his father, Janus submitted an application to the Imperial Academy, against the expressed wishes of his family. It was not that they weren't loyalists to the Empire, far from it, it was simply that their experiences around the time of the Republic's collapse were jaded and the notion of their only son locked in heated combat was traumatic for them to think about. Despite the opposition to his application, Janus' parents were unable to prevent him from boarding the shuttle.

mCzQ1Hq.png Enlisted Service

Upon arrival at the Academy, Janus met and befriended other likeminded individuals, bolstering his decision to have enlisted in the first place. Janus was assigned to a Lieutenant Junior Grade, at that time the Academy's Deputy Provost General, who instilled him with great confidence throughout his time there. He also met a Command Flight Officer during his time at the Academy and the two became great friends; Janus discovered the CFO to be a gifted linguist, something he held him in the highest regard for. Later, that same CFO would retire a Commodore with full honours.

Following his graduation, Janus was assigned to the Imperial Navy as a Cadet and was more than proud to have done so. In an extra-curricular capacity, after showing promising writing skills to the Editor-in-Chief of the Imperial News Bureau, Janus was accepted into the INB on a fast-track basis as a Junior Writer. Seizing the opportunities that came with this position, he quickly established a strong flair for reporting (and censoring) Imperial News and, after writing an article honouring a Captain that had returned from retirement, was promoted at the Bureau to full Correspondent. When Janus' mother heard of his early success behind a desk, rather than in a cockpit, she rekindled with her son, though his father still refused to forgive his disobedience. After impressing his Fleet Commanding Officer with his devotion to both the Navy and the News Bureau, Janus was duly promoted and granted the further honour of becoming the Fleet's News Adjutant.

mCzQ1Hq.png Reserve

While his early success showed great promise, things at home were still very unsettled. Janus' parents were at one another's throats constantly since his mother had now accepted his military service but his father showed no intention of doing so. In a desperate plea his mother, Terra, wrote to him, begging him to enter the military reserve - satisfying his own need to retain some level of service while also accepting a compromise with his father in which he would be allowed to return to their home on Corellia and begin an academic course of his choosing, rather than go back to the shipyards.

With overwhelming sadness, Janus gave notice to his CO that he intended to enter the reserve until, at least, his academic studies were completed.

The classes that Janus involved himself in back on Corellia were Politics, Public Services, Analytics, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Justice, Forensics, and - inspired by his friend from back at the academy - Xenolinguistics. He also took an extra-curricular interest in the Arts. Even at the most rudimentary level, the skills he acquired on an academic basis would turn out to be of great use to Janus in his eventual Imperial career. After two long years, Janus graduated on Corellia and sought once more to serve in the Galactic Empire.

Thankfully his father, Caelus, had been afforded more time to consider and come to terms with the fact that his son's destiny seemed to be that of a military career in the Galactic Empire to which they owed their years of peace and protection. Instead of effectively running away, Janus sat down with his parents and discussed his options, coming to a consensus together that it might be better for him to serve this time in the Imperial Army, as there was at least a chance he might be stationed on Corellia itself, or at least remaining on one of the core worlds.

Sadly, his re-enlistment never came to fruition, as Janus' grandfathers, both Caelus' and Terra's fathers, became critically ill. The timing could not have been worse and the care for both of them and eventual bereavement took a heavy toll on the Wulff family. Janus remained in the Imperial reserve and, for the longest time, it seemed a decorated Imperial military career was simply not on the cards for him.

academy.png Downtime and Imperial Academy Redux

During his off-years, Janus took on the role of Chief Security Officer in a private corporation on Corellia, utilising and honing his investigative, intelligence, analytical, and judicial skills. After fifteen years, out of what seemed like the blue Janus was personally contacted, as an experienced former service member of the Imperial military, by High Admiral Marc Farstan, who called Janus back into service as part of a recruitment drive. With his military career all but forgotten, Janus was moved that he had been considered by this offer and gladly accepted a return to service. His greatest ambition was to finally put all his years of experience and learning to use and assist in Imperial Intelligence and Security.

Janus finished up the final case in his previous job as CSO with a little work that took him to Darkness Prime. Upon completion, he resigned his post and made immediately for the Prakith System, where he could re-attend the Imperial Academy for a refresher course and get back into Imperial Service as quickly as possible. Janus was assigned to Training Officer Brigadier General Marquis Hamet and enjoyed good rapport with his instructor, with there being a good balance of camaraderie and respectfulness between the two. Soon afterwards, Janus graduated the Academy with honors and a glowing review from his mentor.

IN_mini.png Imperial Navy

Following his graduation from the Imperial Academy, Janus was commissioned an Ensign in the Imperial Navy.

Further Information

Personality, Traits and Facts

  • Very ambitious, which can sometimes come off as stiff.
  • Believes fervently in Imperial security and the work carried out by all branches of the Imperium, particularly II and the ISB.
  • Is a skilled investigator, able to put himself into the shoes of a suspect or assailant and determine the steps they make take before they've even taken them, keeping him ahead in the game.
  • Is conventionally handsome, but often appears cold - both physically and emotionally.
  • Has known a great deal of influential Imperials over the years.
  • Would gladly give his life in service of the Empire.

General Information

  • Weight: 190 lbs.
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Age: 38
  • Eye Colour: Icy Blue
  • Hair Colour: Raven
  • Interests and Hobbies: Criminal Justice, Analytics, Intelligence, Security, Piloting, Politics, Subterfuge, and the Arts
  • Distinguishing Features: Scar beside eye
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Rank: Refresher Student
  • Appearance: Generally well kept, clean shaven, occasionally messy hair that could have connotations of both genius and madness

Career Highlights

  • Y10 D265 Joined the Imperial Academy as a Recruit.
  • Y10 D276 Graduated the Imperial Academy.
  • Y10 D315 Entered the Imperial Reserve to settle a family dispute and begin an academic course.
  • Y25 D179 Re-entered the Imperial Academy as a Refresher Student.
  • Y25 D190 Graduated the Imperial Academy Refresher Course with Honours (IABG-H)
  • Y25 D195 Commissioned an Ensign in the Imperial Navy

Service Record & Awards


Grade Insignia Rank Branch Time Held
[T-1] T1.png Recruit Imperial Academy Y24, D179 - D195
Grade Insignia Rank Branch Time Held
[O-1] NAV-O1.png Ensign Imperial Navy Y24, D195 - Present


Code Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded by Citation
[IABG-H] IABG-H.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate - Honours Year 25 Day 190 Brigadier General Marquis Hamet

"For excellence in graduating from the Imperial Academy with Honours."

[IAM] IAM.jpg Imperial Activity Medal Year 25, Day 223 Command General Alexander Darthmoor

"For exceedingly high levels of activity, engagement, and embracing your duties in ways that empower your fellow officers you are awarded an Imperial Activity Medal."