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Region Galactic Core
Sector Coruscant
System Coruscant
Galactic coordinates (-6, 50)
System coordinates (10, 2)
Suns Coruscant Prime
Moons 0
Primary Terrain Urban Cityscape, mountains
Planet Type temperate/breathable
Planet Size 15 x 15
Points of Interest
Native Species Coruscanti
Official Language Galactic Basic
Approximate Population 58,665,266,203 inhabitants
Major Cities
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Grand Moff {{{moff}}}


The major planet Coruscant, and the surrounding sector known as “The Coruscant Sector”, is located roughly 10,000 light-years away from the centre of the Galaxy. When the need for a Galaxy-wide government arose, this centralized location made Coruscant the logical choice, and Coruscant has served as Galactic Capital under various political bodies since the beginning.

The entire planet's surface is one large city with layers upon layers of structures. The buildings were built upon each other creating the most densely populated planet in the entire Galaxy.

Coruscanti standards exported

It’s not by chance that Coruscant defines the standards for the Galaxy is the by-product of Coruscant's influence on the Galaxy. The Coruscant date and time systems, for instance, are used as a galactic standard. Throughout the stars, one can often hear people referring to time as 1700 SCT (Standard Coruscant Time); or perhaps referring to the amount of time it requires to complete a job as four Standard Hours. Language too, is standard based on Coruscant, setting the Coruscanti tongue as the Galactic Basic language. Other Coruscanti units of measure that are ruled as Galactic Standard include, but are not limited to, distance and weight units, seasonal references, and the luminosity level of stars. Coruscant, being the seat of power for such a long span of time is also the symbol of galactic control. Every rising government, whether the New Republic, the Galactic Empire, or any other group, wish to hold Coruscant as their capital as a means to establish legitimacy. The controller of this planet is often viewed as the rightful ruler of the galaxy, asserting a powerful psychological effect to the countless number of sentient beings in the entire galaxy.

The never-ending city

Coruscant, though perceived as one large city from space, still has lots to offer the tourist and native alike who wish to get to know the heart of the Empire.

With a seemingly infinite number of residential skyscrapers, some of which stand as high as 6000 metres when measured from the lowest habitable layer, Coruscant is certainly one the most populous planets.

Layers upon layers of structures, decks, residential and commercial quarters, as well as factories and mining facilities (which now lay dormant in the lowest reaches of the planet) form a second planetary crust. It is unknown how old the lowest levels really are and who dwells in them, as they escape the notice of the upper levels. It is rumored that humanoids dwell the lower levels of the planet, but most attribute those tales as nothing but urban legends.

In order to govern a planet wide city, the governors have established a planetary grid that divides the planet into grids which are considered sub-divisions of the planet. This is a rather arbitrary division, as the structures do not quite fit into this scheme. It is quite common that the grid borders run directly though a facility or even an apartment. Most of those grids have been given names according to the structures built in them, such as the Trade District. Although it is not a recorded fact, it is commonly believed that the size of the grids were fashioned after the size of the palace, which serves as the seat of government.

The Imperial Palace is the most prominent structure on Coruscant, and thereby the Empire. Its size, even by Coruscanti standards, is immense and is the ultimate centre of power with the Emperor as its top resident.

Many layers, especially the ones that lie deep in the shadows of the skyscrapers are inhabited by dubious people. In some areas a wondrous fauna has either evolved, or developed from imported animals. The lowest reaches of Coruscant are a dark and forbidden place. Neither sun nor artificial light can reach that far and they are, therefore, considered off-limits. Even the dauntless do not go there without a good reason.

In order to accommodate for the still growing demand for space, engineers try to develop plans to re-colonize those nether regions of Coruscant. One of the obstacles facing them is large amount of carbon dioxide, the by-product of living organisms and industry. Being heavier than most gases, it sinks to the surface and makes life virtually impossible. As a stop-gap solution, Coruscant’s ecological engineers install atmospheric dampeners, and equipped them with repulsors and various sensors. These dampeners constantly monitor their respective sections of the atmosphere and remove the excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the lower regions. Due to the fact that the layers of carbon dioxide are as thick as several thousand meters, this process takes a long time and will likely take as long to remove as it had time to build up; several hundred years.


Coruscant's importance stems not only from its proximity to the centre of the Galaxy, which makes it a Core World, but also from the fact that it is home to the Coruscanti people.

Some 400,000 years ago the first modern Coruscanti appeared on the planet after a long evolutionary process. Unfortunately, most archaeological evidence of that period is lost and cannot be recovered as the sedimentary layers of the planet do not exist any more. Little is known of the development of culture on the planet prior to the time when writing was invented. Virtually no artifacts have survived those ancient times, and what was preserved, is now stored in various museums across Coruscant.

Even before the invention of Hyperspace, Coruscant was already densely populated and its inhabitants were traders by heart and scientists by mind. It should come as no surprise that they colonized the nearest planet, Jkhanp, which was already well developed when Hyperspace reached Coruscant.

Hyperspace changed the fate of the Coruscanti people, who were quick to adopt this technology that allowed them to spread their influence much faster than any other sentient species. In only a few generations, the population of their homeworld grew immeasurably, leaving the government no choice but to enforce a colonization policy. In less than 600 years the known as Coruscant Sector has been colonized by the Coruscanti and to this day remains the centre of their culture.

In the early days of colonization the planet's central position remained unrivalled and gave rise to the first government spanning more than one planetary system. This influence expanded through the trade routes and the wise and astute agenda of Coruscant's rulers solidified their role as a dominant cultural and economical power. The sheer insatiable consumption of raw materials and consumer goods on Coruscant and the immeasurable output of culture and technology forced some races to deal exclusively with the Coruscanti.

Many merchants seeking dealings with Coruscant found it easier to deal with the customs officers as well as Coruscanti merchants in their own tongue. This dependence gave rise to a phenomenon that it today known as “Galactic Basic”. It is the fusion of the Coruscanti native language and several neighbouring dialects and is the de facto lingua franca throughout the entire Galaxy.

Coruscant's influence grew exponentially and during large periods of galactic history they remained the driving force behind many innovations and dominated many aspects of the interstellar commerce and trade.

The recent history of Coruscant has seen a shift from the remnants of the Old Republic being replaced by a more centralized structure finding its pinnacle in the Galactic Empire, with Coruscant continuing to serve as its capital.

Where the Old Republic was a Federalist government, having to cope with interior difficulties and power struggles, the Empire emerged as the strongest faction and rose to power by replacing the former government with a more effective, military oriented structure. Power was centralized pouring from the Imperial Palace, and is executed in all sectors controlled by the Empire through regional governors, called Moffs.

Visiting Coruscant

Some of the attractions on Coruscant include the Grand Towers, the Skydome Botanical Gardens, the one-kilometre long Grand Reception Hall, the underground city of Dometown, the Grandis Mon theater, the Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals, the Galactic Museum, the University of Coruscant, the Candreal Gardens Centre, the Imperial Security Operations Building, and the Temple of the Circle.

Annual celebrations and festivals also draw an exceptional number of visitors to this planet, such as Carnival Week and New Years Celebration. The traditional Imperial Fair, involving parades and exhibits, is held at the Pliada di am Imperium every four years.

During the Coruscant's ancient War Day celebration, laser cannons were fired off in ceremonial salute and this tradition is upheld by the Empire, but has been moved to the closing ceremony of the Imperial Fair.

Monument Plaza is a popular mall built around one of the peaks of what was the Manarai mountain range, where visitors can actually touch bare rock, perhaps the only where a part of the planet’s surface is actually still visible without venturing into the deep underground. For the last three hundred years the clock in the Central Gathering Hall has marked the hour by spreading a light across the sky, and every evening spectacular gray-green and red auroras flash throughout Coruscant's atmosphere.


Plant life is quite rare on Coruscant. With the exception of fungi and mosses in the damp areas of the cities, there is almost no natural plant life left on his planet. However, a large number of public and private parks, gardens, and green houses provide just the amount of green the citizens on this planet need to soothe their souls.

It is safe to assume that the Yagren-fungus is the only survivor of Coruscant's once rich fauna. While not a plant per-se, it is a plant-like survivor. The fungus has managed to find its niche in between the high rise structures and has evolved to find sustenance by digesting organic refuse and at times befalls the dreaded durecate-worm. It is this usefulness that allowed the fungus to evolve without interference.


With the entire surface inhabited, indigenous wildlife is nearly non-existent on Coruscant. Several species of insectoids, arachnids, roaches, rodents, and duracrete worms act more as parasites to the planet than true wildlife. Perhaps the only real animals left to the planet are a small number of species of birds that nests atop the atmosphere reaching towers, occasionally swooping down and grab the sandwich out of the hands of a unsuspecting pedestrian or hunting for insects. In recent days environmental issues lead to the protection of these birds, and one, the Yellow Skimp, has been put under protection.

Whatever wildlife was once present can be seen in the various museums. There is evidence, however, that a new form of life, considered fauna, has developed far off in the deepest reaches of the city-structures. Little is known of this life and it is not certain whether it evolved from Coruscant's fauna or if it is an off-shoot of imported life-forms. Rumours persist that semi-sentient beings live in the lower reaches of the cities. But to this day no hard evidence has been found to support those rumours.


As far as cities in go, Coruscant has only one. However, for reasons that root in jurisdiction and governmental issues, the planet is divided into several 15 columns and 15 rows.

Many of those squares are named, in order to distinguish them from each other. Unfortunately, unimaginative, yet efficient governmental naming standards won out over creativity, leading many cities bear the name “City” followed by a simply number. Yet some cities have been given names, the more famous are:

  • Vodo City - named in honour of the Emperor and rumoured to be his birthplace
  • Coruscago – named after the ancient capital of the Coruscanti people
  • Senate District – centre of the Old Republic senate, now the house of representatives from the Imperial sectors
  • Observer – the highest, in relation to the rock surface, point of Coruscant, upon which the structures reach as high as out of the atmosphere

Local Crime

Every dwelling, every city, every planet has its criminal element and Coruscant unfortunately, is no exception. The crime rate on Coruscant, when compared to other planets, is relatively low. However, according to local security enforcement agencies it should be significantly lower were it not for the high traffic in the system and on the planet itself.

Considering the fact that each day almost 300,000 ships, and on special occasions almost 750,000 ships, of all shapes and sizes frequent the system and most of them dock at one point or another on Coruscant, it is unsurprising that a good portion of the freight, as well as passengers, are somewhat shady.

It is a well known fact that several smuggler rings and crime syndicates have gained a foothold in the lower habitable levels and some are actually run by them. One of the more notorious gangs, found in the southern hemisphere, is known as the “Invisible Dagger”.

They started out as a petty gang, beating up peasants and extorting money. Then they graduated to murder-for-hire, and now participate in all aspects of the criminal life.

Local law enforcement hunts them down and shows no mercy when a member is caught, but through fear and physical force the Invisible Dagger manages to replenish their ranks.

Other, smaller and more specialized gangs, usually find a special niche to operate and do not meddle with the big boys of crime. Some steal information, others extort money from merchants or blackmail rich individuals and others do their “business” on black markets and trade with goods usually forbidden on Coruscant.

Society and Culture

Coruscant is the homeworld of the Coruscanti people who are a humanoid race. There is a general consensus among scientists that evolution went much the same as on other planets that spawned humanoid life. Despite the physical and genetic parallels, there is scientific uncertainty as to whether the Coruscanti are actually human. Several theories exist to explain this trait, as well as the profound impact of humans on the Galaxy as a whole. The most accepted theory is that millions of years ago, there was a space-faring civilization that colonized planets across the Galaxy and left behind both the seeds of their own DNA, as well as animals and semi-sentients from their homeworld. Those gave rise to several species that are now classified as human or near-human in genetic make-up.

As far as Coruscant is concerned, little is actually known to be scientific fact. Some of its history has been pieced together by analyzing oral folklore that has been supplemented with the few archaeological findings that were brought up from the lowest levels of Coruscant. Other facts and assumptions have been derived from linguistic analysis of the Coruscanti language.

In ancient times Coruscant was ruled by tribal chiefs that had dominion over small pockets of land and city-states. During this time Coruscanti were still doing some sort of farming and lived in mostly rural communities. It is safe to assume that Coruscant, like many planets, underwent a sharp transition into an industrialized era. It was certainly during this time when the foundations for the mega cities were laid. Back then, the cities did not cover the entire planet, and grew mostly in width and not so much in height.

Since the Coruscanti lacked several linguistic concepts concerning agriculture, it is a commonly accepted fact that they had either given up farming, or moved into high-rise gardens by that time and thereby conventional concepts of farming yielded to more industrialized ones.

After several centuries, the Coruscanti people had developed sub-light space travel and undertook several trips inside their star system. By that time they most certainly have started colonizing Jkhanp, which is a nearby planet. With the introduction of hyperspace travel things have changed dramatically, and Coruscant exploded in terms of population growth. Records from those times are sparse, but the ones that do exist show a significant impact on the society and their view of the galaxy.

Shortly after stepping beyond the rim of their system, the Coruscanti people adopted a unified government and started to colonize nearby systems and planets. For some unknown reason this lead, not to the usual power struggles as seen in other societies, but rather to a social fusion. Theories for this are varied, but it is certain that the Coruscanti people were never a war-like people. Instead they relied on trade, politics and technological advancement.

After centuries of colonization and trade, the numbers of Coruscanti people grew immensely and instead of spreading further out into the galaxy, they preferred to settle in the neighboring systems. Coruscant remained a hub and center for all activities, and was influenced by a centralized government, and soon became very densely populated. Little room was wasted, and it wasn’t long before the first layers of cities were added on top of the old ones when there was nowhere else to build.

The cultural impact of aggressive colonization on the Coruscanti society was marked by a transition from an industrial economy towards a more trade and service oriented one. During this period of cultural upheaval, many old customs became forgotten and were replaced by ones more fitting the new lifestyle. In every aspect of their culture, including arts, sports and entertainment felt this impact.

The present day culture on Coruscant has become a mix of several influences, likely a bi-product of importing trade goods. The influx to Coruscanti from the colonies and the exchange with the Humans did their part to transform Coruscant's culture into what it is today.

Paradoxically, the modern Coruscanti people are very home-bound, and even after years in the outer rim they tend to return to Coruscant and even consider it home, though they were not even born there. This might be a contributing factor to the adoption of centralized structures in society, politics and culture. The Galactic Empire has certainly left its stamp on Coruscant, but so has Coruscanti concepts influenced the Galactic Empire, and many Imperial ideals are adopted from Coruscanti culture, particularly, their concept of government.

Arts and Entertainment

By modern standards Coruscanti arts are very unimaginative, leading some art critics to say that Coruscant is allergic to arts. While this may represent the view of several critics, Coruscanti does have its followers who praise the resilient style that Coruscanti artists exhibit when working their magic.

Modern paintings are mostly thematic topics that concern the artist. Among the more popular topics are images and sculptures of the long lost times on Coruscant. Just recently a holo-painting of a meadow, based on factual geological data of a survey of City 773-A, hit a record at an auction with 3.5 million credits. Holo-paintings in general are popular on Coruscant and many citizens carry smaller ones with them to find solace by looking at peaceful and idyllic scenes. The most recent fad is to place oneself in such holopaintings.

It is noteworthy that holo-transmissions and classical theater do not play any role in Coruscant's arts. There is a lot of speculation about this, and several endeavors to remedy that. Several companies have tried to install holo-projectors or open up megaplex theaters for entertainment, but soon they realized that is was as promising as farming on Tatooine.

The average Coruscanti likes to read and it would seem that it is the only planet in the galaxy where people prefer to read from books, rather than datapads. Coruscant has the only known publishing company, Crescent Books, Ltd., which prints books on polymer surrogate; real paper having dropped out of favor in the past years, despite several undertakings to revive that trend.

The Coruscanti people are famed for their lust for games, especially when it comes to placing bets. Since betting is state organized, many Coruscantis place private bets with friends, family members or neighbours to supplement their need for gaming. Perhaps the most unusual bet that has been running for at least a decade, is about the end of the Galaxy. As macabre as this sounds, the Coruscanti opened a betting pool to those who would like to place a bet on the exact date of the end of all time. Bets range from tomorrow to several dates a few million years into the future. The question remains what the winner will do with the prize money, which by now exceeds several billion credits, much less how they will collect on them.


Coruscant's economic force is unrivaled in the Galaxy and is most certainly the most diverse. Even during the times before hyperspace, Coruscant boasted a vibrant economy.

In ages past Coruscanti merchants traveled the planet and have established a trade-network that spanned the whole planet. This knowledge and their vigor in pursuing wealth has prevailed and was a key factor in the success of Coruscanti colonization efforts. The expertise in logistics and a keen understanding of global economy's changing factors allowed for a quick adaptation of known practices and their translation into a galactic context.

During those times Coruscant had a whole range of different economic endeavors ranging from raw material extraction to refinement and production. But still, the Coruscanti people were always good traders and were able to keep this trait as their own, even after they mingled with other races and adopted new tactics and strategies.

With the advent of hyperspace travel and galactic colonization, the focus of past ages shifted. Once Coruscant did produce its goods itself, and imported only raw materials, it now offers services in all areas and basically all corporations operating on a galaxy-wide scale have their headquarters set up on Coruscant. Both the primary and secondary sectors have been moved off planet and now Coruscant is basically a service oriented centre of commerce.

The major sectors of Coruscanti wealth stems from banking, trade, and off-world manufacturing. In the recent years the rise of the Empire gave Coruscant's economy a considerable boost. The Empire employs many people in its service, who in turn like to spend their hard-earned money on entertainment and exotic goods.

While the Coruscanti were never a war-like people, they have learned that feeding the Imperial war-machine does have its merits, and now Coruscant possesses several large arms factories on the nearby planets as well as a shipyard in the sector.

Another trade good Coruscant is exporting very effectively is security. Many companies offer various services ranging from simple counter-espionage to employable mercenaries and find their pinnacle in effectively running whole sectors for governments that are unable or unwilling to do the job.


Although some geographical features of Coruscant still remain visible from orbit, most have been covered by city structures or have been removed to accommodate the ever growing demand for space. For example, tall mountains of volcanic origin that once stood close to the equator, now house important sites on Coruscant.

Before the invention of Hyperspace, Coruscant was a lush planet with a wide range of climates ranging from arctic in the polar regions to tropical near the equator.

However, today none of those features remain and few records exist to confirm that Coruscant was once a planet like so many others.

Today the entire planet's crust has been stripped of all soil and leveled to make room for the cities. The only natural features still visible are the polar caps, and structures have been erected even on these to tap into the large reservoir of fresh water captured in the ice-shield.

This was placed here intentionally. Do not delete. —Kate Black-Granger 17:16, 26 December 2009 (CST)