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Julius von Alard

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Julius von Alard is currently a Crewman serving in the Imperial Navy

Julius von Alard was born under the name Julius von Alard junior, is 22 years old and was born a Hapan on the planet Lorell in Year 4016 Day 108 Hapan time. Julius has Military cut Blonde hair, red eyes (Disease unknown) he is 183cm tall and weighs 82kg. Julius was a delinquent child, always running from his parents and they were commonly seen chasing after the young Julius. Luckily due to his eye condition Julius was always easy to identify. His Father Julius von Alard snr, was an ex member of the Hapan Logistics Division. His mother Inara Estezovab was a Mandalorian and married Julius snr 30 years ago after a joint Hapan Mandalore insurgence. The surname ‘von Alard’ translates into ‘Lord of Alard’. Alard refers to a long forgotten system in deep space, the Alard family were the rulers of this system and thus once you became of age, your name was change to von Alard to show you were of ‘Royal’ blood. Julius and his father are the last known von Alard’s in Galactic History.

Template:CharacterBoxNBlue von Alard System System.png

Speculation continues that the image Named Von Alard Sytem was the system lost long ago owned operated and controlled by the von Alard's.

Early Life

Born as Julius von Alard junior on the Planet Lorell in the Hapes Cluster and under the command of Andrew Rai'ix Chume Starfyre of the Hapes Consortium at the time. At age 1 Julius had his first brush with the military, his father Julius Snr had minor trouble with the Hapen Royal Armed Forces. Julius Snr had conveniently forgot to register a shuttle of his and the shuttle was detained and for a period of a month Julius Snr was detained with it. After this incident Julius Snr was diagnosed with dimentia.


Lorell Julius` Homeworld

Julius spent the next 10 years of his life somewhat of a nobody being homeschooled till he turned twelve. 2 years later his father had died form several injuries including those he sustained during his time in the Hapan Logistics Core. On the same day his father died Rai'ix Chume Jessy James was coronated as the King of the Hapes Consortium.

Teenage Years

At age 16 Julius followed in his fathers footsteps and joined the Hapan Logistics Core. He was initiated and given the rank of Logistics Officer. He worked transporting goods from one side of the Hapes Cluster to the other, regularly taking 2 or 3 day leave to spend the money looking after his mother.

One day, after a miner speeder issue on the way to work Julius` CO was infuriated with him for holding up the delivery. Julius furious that he was being chastised challenged the captain to a brawl, a common occurence. Julius was easily the fitter and stronger after 2 years of hauling large boxes around and the intensive training regime he bested the Captain quite easily. Bloody Bruised and battered the captain was sent to a Hospital for some care, this earnt Julius an infamous reputation in the Hapan Logistics Core.

A month or so later the Captain returned and told the crew he was medically unfit to serve thanks to Julius. Julius was then arrested for aggravated Assault and was nearly executed under the ships laws. This incident was the only dent in Julius` impecable service record.

At 18 Julius headed to Coruscant the Imperial Center of the Galaxy. Julius studied at the Coruscant Institute for Advanced Learning. Only the best were allowed to enter and Julius past all the screening. Over the next 2 years Julius completed 3 different Diploma's recognised in every sovereign state of the Empire. He completed Diploma's in Fighter Piloting, Naval Command and Education. He graduated at age 20 as the youngest graduatee.

Training Excersises

After graduating from all of his courses Julius became a training instrcutor for independant company, training their officers in Space Warfare and Fighter Piloting techniques. The company wored out of the Republica System and was known as the Virath Syndicate. The Virath Syndicate has been wiped from all records in the galaxy under a chance settlement by the Imperial Union and the Galactic Alliance.

For his work Julius flew a Dynamic Class freighter known as the "Spirit of Lorell" He watched as the pilots of the Syndicate flew fig, directly telling them to strafe left or open fire when in the prime targetting bracket. Julius used his superior Flight skills to help bring the Syndicate into a position to take over the galaxy.


The Spirit of Lorell

After a year in this field of work, Julius moved into the new recruit department and began to teach about the basics of flying and not just the specialist training that he had received. Julius was barely 20 and he was teaching men and women who had been flying whilst he was in diapers. His mind far exceeded that of an ordinary individual.

However his most instrumental role was in the Battle of Rim as it was named, the New republic sent a wing of their "starfighter corps" to attack the Syndicate. In this time thousands of people died and the Syndicate was shattered. However Julius' role was something that many wouldnt believe, he was the mastermind behind the defense of the Virath Syndicate. Sending discreet scrambled comm messages to Capitol ship pilots as well as the Syndicates fighter squadrons.

The Battle reached the epi center of the Syndicates operations and Julius was critically injured. Julius then was in a bacta tank for several months and once he returned to the galaxy all memory of the Virath Syndicate was purged from his memory, either by the Imperial's who cured him or by some crazy mental problem.

Imperial Life

At age 21 Julius joined the CSB (Coruscant Security Bureau) and here he found his calling, working peculiar murders across the Capitol. it was a crazy few years.

On one such occaision Julius investigated the murder of an Imperial Stromtrooper, there was a brawl after an announcement by Imperial High Command after a reformation of the military. The Stromtrooper had been cruising the streets when he was jumped by a group of 3 sentients, a twi'lek a Human and a nasty Bothan who had a mean right hook.

The Bothan tripped the trooper and then the Twi'lek and human beat him to death, several blaster scorch marks were seen around the neighbourhood.


Scorched Imperial insignia at the scene

The trooper, a Sergeant managed to injure the Bothan in the initial findings, after killing the trooper the other 2 men ran after seeing their accomplice dead. Julius was called to the scene and the body was taken away and the scene proccessed.

Julius found out that the Bothan was a spy of the New Republic, the Bothan had been discharged from New Republic service and entered into a specialist Bothan Service. After the autopsy the body was released, after no leads in the case and a lot of Interogating and too much bullshit for Julius, he closed the case and filed it away.

However as soon as it was entered into the CSB database the Imperial Security Bureau got wind o the investigation and the death of AWOL Sergeant who had no imperial clearance whatsover. ISB found a leak and a break in security and several troopers were executed for high treason, Julius was commended and offered a position in the Empire. Julius accepted and will join the Empire after the end of his contract on Year 12 Day 179 when he will join the Empire.

Julius is 22 years of age and has a lot of experience.

Imperial Service Record


Year 12 Day 179, 7:53 You were accepted as a member of the Galactic Empire.

Year 12 Day 179, 7:53 Promoted to E-1 Recruit. ME-1.gif

Year 12 Day 179, 14:00 Enrolled in Imperial Basic Training.

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Completed IBT with a score of 90%

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Awarded IABG IABG.jpg

Year 12 Day 179, 16:30 Promoted to E-2 Crewman ME-2.gif