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Chase Caulfield

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Chase Caulfield
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Jan Caulfield
Father Ryan Caulfield
Spouse None
Siblings Jason Caulfield (Deceased)
Children None
Born Manarai Heights, Coruscant
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy

Fighter Pilot
Bomber Pilot
Squadron Leader
Capital Ship Pilot
Group Training Officer

Prior Service None


Family History and Childhood

Chase was born to a modest, hard working family in a middle class section of Coruscant. His father, Ryan Caulfield, was a hard working blue collar man who was well liked and respected by his peers. His mother, Jan, was a Teacher in the Coruscant School district. He had one older brother, Jason, who is since deceased [natural causes].

According to all records and accounts, Chase grew up in a very normal household and had a happy childhood. He excelled in school and sports, and was quickly put into an accelerated learning track. He graduated from his classes in the top percentile, but never seemed to reach his full potential in the classroom. "His heart never seemed to be in it. He has all of the tools to be one of the very best," his teachers would remark. Despite this apparent lack of interest, Chase continually finished at, or near, the top of his class throughout his schooling.


Chase was hard working and driven when it came to Athletics. Often times he would stay late after practice to work out in the gym. His father's blue collar attitude was instilled from an early age, and Chase never considered anything less than giving 100%.

Looking back, Chase would be the first to admit that playing sports was one of first ways he bonded with his father and his older brother. As a child they spent hours throwing a ball around or in friendly competition. These memories and moments were important interactions that shaped Chase's character. He quickly learned what it meant to do your best, but also to win with humility and to lose with dignity. As he grew older, Chase used sports as a way to keep that bond and make his father and brother proud.

During his late teens, he gained many accolades for his performance and briefly considered pursuing sports as a professional career. However, during one of his final amateur games, he suffered a serious injury, which landed him in heavy rehabilitation for months. It was quite possible that Chase would never be able to play sports again.

The Decision to Enlist

Faced with a lengthly rehabilitation, Chase re-committed himself to his studies and to his future. It was during this time that his older brother, Jason, died of a rare heart disorder. Devastated, Chase shrunk into a period of mourning and depression.

During this challenging period, he happened across a flyer that had shown up in his father's holomail. The flyer was from the Imperial Academy and was addressed to his older brother, who had decided to enlist before unexpectedly passing away. Interested, he researched a career in the Imperial Navy. After all, Chase was physically fit enough to endure the basic training and had the intelligence to become a successful strategist. He was already an excellent pilot, and had the desire and drive to do something meaningful with his life. He knew it would be a noble tribute to his brother's life.

After making his decision known, Chase was relieved to see that his parents, family and friends were deeply supportive of his new career move. He worked hard to rehabilitate his body and he used his free time to study anything and everything that had to do with the Imperial Navy. History, strategy, tactics, he studied it all in hopes off becoming the best Imperial soldier he could.

After a few last minute preparations, Chase said his goodbyes to his mother and father and boarded the shuttle with the other hopeful enlisted. As he looked around frantically to find a free seat, his impossibly overloaded rucksack smashed into the face of a very grumpy Trandoshan named Cameron Mandell. In an instant flash of anger, nervousness and bravado, the two were in each other's faces ready to throw down. Seeing that the slightly shorter and outmatched human would not back down, Cameron instantly took a liking to Chase. Laughing off the incident, he put his reptile-like arm around Chase and sat him down next to his seat.

The two would fast become friends, roomates, friendly rivals and Academy graduates. It was a short-lived friendship, unfortunately, as Cameron was killed while on duty. The incident was considered a confidential Navy matter. No details were made public.

Naval Career

Chase was accepted to the Academy and officially began his Imperial career on Day 29 of year 12. His instructor was a very patient and understanding Navy woman named Seren Ngo. She quickly quieted his nerves and helped get him on track in his coursework. Not long after enlisting, Chase graduated and was transferred into the Imperial Navy. Once transferred, he was promptly promoted to Crewman and assigned to his Fleet.

Promotion History and Important Dates:

Event Date
Enlisted Year 12 Day 29
Graduated from the Imperial Academy [Basic Graduate] (E-1) Year 12 Day 32
Transferred to Imperial Navy Branch Year 12 Day 32
Promoted to Crewman (E-2) Year 12 Day 32
Assigned to Fleet and Group; [CLASSIFIED] Year 12 Day 40
Promoted to Flight Corporal (E-3) Year 12 Day 76
Received [DIS1] Award for Mention in Dispatchers Year 12 Day 110
Promoted to Flight Sergeant (E-4) Year 12 Day 132
Promoted to Master Flight Sergeant (E-5) Year 12 Day 176
Promoted to Command Flight Sergeant (E-6) Year 12 Day 258
Awarded Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 12 Day 260
Awarded Letter of Commendation [LOC2] Year 12 Day 292
Promoted to Group Training Officer Year 12 Day 300

Caulfield in uniform

Chase's call sign is "Ghost," which was bestowed upon him by his fleet mates

During Chase's time as an enlisted man, he drew upon his experiences in sports to prepare him for the teamwork required to work effectively within his group. He learned quickly that the success of the mission and of his group were far more important than personal accolades. This team-first mentality resonnated with Chase and he began to flourish. Missing home and remembering his brother, he often sought the approval of his superiors through hard work and volunteering for extra tasks.

It wasn't until mid-way through his enlisted years that he realized that the studying he had committed to prior to joining the academy was paying off. Chase quickly began applying his study of military strategy and tactics to his drills and exercises. Adding this component to his already sharp flying, hard working attitude and top physical skills made him an indispensable member of his fleet.

By the time that Chase became a senior enlisted member of the Imperial Navy, he had already begun committing himself to mentoring his group's younger pilots. He wanted to help them flourish, much like some of the senior enlisted had done with him when he first joined the Navy. Soon afterward, he was promoted to Group Training Officer.

Personality, Characteristics and Traits

At 6' 1" tall and weighing 190lbs, Chase is somewhat physically imposing for a human. While not the type to bully another person, Chase has no reservations about sticking up for himself or his fleetmates - even if that means he must become physically involved in a situation. He is dedicated to keeping his body in shape through an exhausting workout routine which he completes on a daily basis. By staying in peak physical condition, Caulfield is able to maintain a quiet confidence in his abilities to adapt to any situation he may come face to face with

Chase Caulfield's ship, the Red Star.

Caulfield is athletic and smart. He can be quick to lose his temper when he feels that he is being disrespected. He is known as an excellent pilot with quick reflexes and confidence. He makes no attempt to hide his pride for serving in the Imperial Navy and considers his fleet mates to be family.

Chase is loyal and believes in doing things the right way - nothing less than 100% is acceptable. He believes in the value of hard work and conducting oneself in an honorable manner. Chase has also been known to be a perfectionist - respecting Imperial Process and abiding by rules and protocols to the letter.

Off-duty, Chase enjoys bonding with his fellow pilots and employs a healthy dose of humor in his conversation.

He owns the Pursuer Enforcement Ship, the Red Star, which was left to him when Cameron Mandell passed away.