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User:Olga Gorchakov

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Olga Gorchakov
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo (planet)
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -6 Day 170
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Current:
  • Legionary
Prior Service Imperial Academy Student


Awards IABG.jpg [IABG]

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Olga Gorchakov (born in Naboo, Year -6 Day 170) is an Imperial Army’s Private.
Olga doesn’t have any family left in the Galaxy. Daughter of an independent weapon manufacturer and of a successful merchant, her parents left the world when she was only 14, as their ship was captured and looted by pirates. Olga spent her teenage years cut from the world, from her friends, family, far from her home planet of Naboo. She only resurfaced 5 years after the disaster when she joined the Galactic Empire, with no record about the period of her disappearance.
Much about her is unknown, but what seems certain so far is her dedication to the Throne.

Service Record

Y13 D200 : Joined the Galactic Empire
Y13 D200 : Promoted to Recruit [E-1] ME-1.gif
Y13 D204 : Graduates from the Academy
Y13 D204 : Receives the [IABG] award
Y13 D204 : Transferred to the Imperial Army
Y13 D204 : Promoted to Private [E-2] ME-2.gif


Teenage years

Nothing is known about Olga’s disappearance since her 14’s, and all records of her were erased. In fact it was speculated that she was a spy. However, some intriguing records salvaged from a destroyed research facility mentioned her. Although the data was partially damaged, it revealed parts of the mysterious life of Olga as “Subject 6”. The first entry mentioning her was written only about 24 hours after her escape pod launched, and said that “everything went according to the plan”. The (ERROR: NAME DELETED) Planet was under Imperial rule at the time, creating other theories about the identity of the attackers. For example, what if it was Imperials, acting secretly without the Empire knowing of their plans, that organized the attack on Olga’s father Capital ship ? It would be understandable, as he wasn’t in good terms with them. More importantly, what would be the psychological effect that will happen to her once she learns that she now works for the same group that her kidnappers and her parent’s murderers worked for? To this day, knowledge of these entries have been kept a secret to Olga, as she doesn’t seem to be aware of anything the happened to her all those years.