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The Lord Admiral (Painting)

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"The Lord Admiral"
Artist Seren Ngo
Year Y12
Type Oil on canvas
Dimensions 60 cm × 120 cm

On display at the Imperial Gallery

The Lord Admiral is an intimate painting of Lord Admiral Senki Blackrain, commanding officer of the Imperial Navy. Painted in year 12 as a tribute to the Admiral's rise to Lord Admiral] by junior Naval Officer and member of the Imperial Art Society, Seren Ngo. The painting has since gone on to become one of the most popular and converted pieces on display at the Imperial Gallery.

"I have never had the honor of meeting the Lord Admiral in person until the day I arrived on his flagship. Like the majority of the Navy, and perhaps even the Empire, I have always seen him from a distance if not from a transmission. When I began to paint his portrait, I asked him not to speak because I had no idea how to paint him. I didn’t ‘know’ him, and I was terrified that my hand kept moving despite that. But as I continued to work, I slowly began capturing the quiet around him and soon, what I saw from afar that was reinforced when I finally met him: a calm and collected man well deserving of respect and admiration that the entire galaxy can now see without actually ever meeting him."
— Artist Seren Ngo speaking about the creation of the painting.