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Zultra Megalith

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Zultra Megalith

Zultra Megalith
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Tatooine
Mother Garther Megalith
Father Ulga Megalith
Spouse NONE
Siblings NONE
Children NONE
Born -8/250
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Pilot
Prior Service None
Awards IABG.jpg - [IABG]

Zultra Megalith was born on the year -8 day 250 on Tatooine there he grew up in a small settlement called Zultra (he was named after the settlement), there he grew up with aspirations of being in the Empire, but due to the fact that the New Republic controlled his homeworld he had to supress his dreams, instead he liked to sneak into Rebel facilities causing trouble and mischief, even though he has been caught many times he continued on.

Zultra has a intense dislike bordering on Hatred for the Terrorist rebels, constantly dreaming for it's destruction, he also dislikes the Tusken Raiders (or commonly called 'sand peoples'), who commit routine raids on the settlement of Zultra.

Zultra is also fond of Alcohol and bars, he would regulary spend his weekly wages in the sole bar in Zultra.

Memorable Quotes

"The perfect way to solve any problem is to sit down and have a few"

Zultra to His fellow Enlisted Amne Zailyn

Battle of Zultra Ridge

25 locals (Including Zultra) formed there own defense militia after the New republic 'authority' refused to send any soldiers to the settlement after a huge spike in the frequency of Tusken attacks, the local community got together to form a crude defense force armed with crude weaponry in a effort to stop them.

On Year 11 Day 198 a conflict happened on Zultra Ridge overlooking the settlement, 35 Tusken Raiders descended on the settlement expecting another easy looting spree. but the locals knew of there attack before hand, Zultra with 24 other locals gunned down 28 Tusken Raiders in a quick battle, Zultra personally killed 4 of the raiders himself.


Zultra finally decided to leave his homeworld to Join the Empire, he smuggled himself out on a cargo freighter, where he is now serving loyaly as a Pilot in service of the Imperial Navy.