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Revision as of 21:08, 24 September 2010

Remi Bonnefoy
Biographical Information
Race Alderaanian
Homeworld Alderaan
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Hikaru Yuki (Fiancee, Dead)
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -6 Day 12
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Soldier
Prior Service None
Awards IABG.jpg

Remi Bonnefoy

As a very young Imperial who experienced the loss of a beloved person too soon, Remi joined the Empire early at his 17's. Serving primarly at the Imperial Army, right after his Academy graduation he began his completely dedicated life for the Empire, since for him, his life has no longer a value.


Early Life at Aldera

While still a very young child, Remi used to be a timid and shy person. Ever had problems at finding himself company, or friends. Born at the Aldera city, capital of his homeplanet Alderaan, the technology and wide society was never a problem for the young that was raised among them. Altrhough Remi never had close friends over his childhood, he never seemed to be very affected by that, for the contraty at all. While many other kids from his age played over the long and almost infinite hallways of the majestic city of Aldera, Remi almost all of the time remained at his home reading or trying some sketches, influenced by the strong artistic society of the planet.

Before he was born, his parents have died aparently at a travel outside the planet, their ship malfuction brought them into a terrible accident that ended theirs lifes. The young Remi never had problems at carrying out his daily life without any adult suppervision; The credits were handed out by distant familiars that sympathyzed by the young's fate but could not afford taking care of him. With monthly deposits of the nescessary ammount of credits to at least survive at a decent rate, Remi lived alone his whole childhood.

By staying at home, Remi used to draw the background and scenes inspired by the many and common artists that born, or visited the Aldera city or the Alderaan Planet, wich was very rich in natural beauty. His many inspirations however was driven out the Holonet, or at a very rare times, when he traveled the short way at the city outskirts to find with his own eyes the endless grasslands that formed the Aldera City surroundings. His manual skills at drawing, however never were of great talent, but the hard times praticing gave some poor results, at least bringing the boy's hobby to a pleasant degree. His painting and drawing were never at the level of admiration, but also could at least be apracieted by those with modest eyes over it. Remi never drawed or painted for comercial reasons, it was more like a way to pass his lone time over his house, since yet as a child he was not thinking about a way to gain his life.

Besides painting or drawing, Remi also loved to read. After spending some well-served years at the public school of Aldera, wich indeed paid off, even at the young ages he could already read and write, however still learning the meaning of some more dificult words or complex character since the Alderaanian culture were rigid about the fine art of writing. He read almost anything that he found over the Holonet, for some time even making the young boy think that he could know everything around the galaxy just by sitting at home and reading holonet files. His devices however were far from good ones, the small ammount of credits provided by his familiars gave the boy's just the enough to eat and live properly, never being able to buy recent or more advanced devices for his modest home. A poor and out-of-date Datapad, and a Holonet access device mainly formed the whole technological centers of his house, that indeed has only the nescessary for one to survive at with no needless goods.

By reading that much, Bonnefoy also developed the interest for the regional culture, more exactly, for the local poetry. The names of the authors of such works never interested Remi however, since his eyes were not aiming for the fame of the authors but for the beauty he found over the letters and complex line formations. As he was already reaching the age of his 13 years old, the interest in beauty were rising also, and the school, culture and people surrounding the city where he lived contribued a lot for such interest. Some small works and with no outside attention were written by Remi, that as his paintings and drawing, were nothing more than a self art, just for a hobby and admiration of his own.

Never surrounded by luxury or expensive goods, the boy who had only a family name to remember had find himself a good way to survive. As he was getting older, the need of more credits were begining to increase, along with the feeling that he was abusing of his familiars that provided the early support. However still too young to serve at any corporation of the planet, Remi has a very little options to rely on, such as his stardard skill as drawing backgrounds or the nearly poor poetry writting. By this time the young Remi tried to sell some of his so called arts, by the local arts supports center where the magnific Alderaanian arts were exposed and sold to the whole galaxy. His innocence however soon was crushed by the truth of the adult world, his standard painting has no place between the great arts of the Aldera Museum, and so nothing was brough from the Kid's works. Noiticing that the credits wouldn't be enough to survive for a long period of time, Remi decided to try his fortune at a smaller city, where maybe the cost of life could be lower and the focus at talent could be better. After some hours researching, he found out about the small but still redemptor of the title of architectural wonder, the Terratium city.

Remi travelling from the Aldera City to Terratium city in search of new life oportinities.

Travel to Terratium

Remi saved the little ammount of credits that he could for the travel, even though knowing that it was a blind trip. He didn't had anything prepared for reception at Terratium City, but there was nothing else he could do about his life. Trying the Aldera University was already an out of mind possibility since he barely had credits to survive a poor life at the city. By closing his door and taking with him nothing more than his datapad and the important files saved on it, such as some drawing and poetry working, the Bonnefoy went on the road just with a name and his clothes on. The first place he faced after leaving Aldera City, was the beautifull carpet of well cut grass that composed the background scene of the capital. It was a nearly infinite grassland plains, that reached as far as the young one eyes could reach. At first glance it seemed impossible for him to make it by foot, but if he payed a transport to take him to Terratium, half of his credits would be gone.

With a terrain map loaded on his datapad and the courage of having no other choice, Remi stepped outside the city, heading towards the south of it, direction of Terratium. He knew that he could tell he was near, when the scenary changes from the grassland to the almost desertical background of Terratium. If the Holonet histories about the city were right, it was a long ago aim for battleships that used to bombard there at ancient wars. The result of such, was a desertical and arid terrain formation. That didn't seemed to intimidate the Alderaanians though, since they used from the damaged terrain to rise the now well known structures, that formed a complex way of architetal working, one of the most visited and known beauties of the planet.

Even though Terratium City was that known, due to the ambient arid and cold at the night, many people that visited it came just for that reason, very few Alderaanians choiced to live on that lands. Maybe for this reason Remi decided to travel for that city, hoping that it was a place of a low cost to live on, and maybe to find himself a new carrear or at least, a job to keep himself alive for some time.

After some time travelling by foot, and spending many nights over some rural farmers houses, Remi could noitice that he was already reaching his destination. He couldn't tell for sure how much time he spent on the road to Terratium, but it was for sure about a month or more. Feeding himself of fruits along the way, wich the region of Aldera was very rich of, Remi's journey was not much different from his life over Aldera City, since not many things endangered him. The wild life of Alderaan was easy to be avoided, many of the carried their food from the flora, and the most dangerous creatures was big enough to be spotted before it was too late.

By reaching the City, Remi finally found himself in front of the indeed marvel of Alderaan; It was a regular complex of stone, wood and rocks structures that composed a beautifull background for the city, that even though was small compared to Aldera, seemed to have a good way of living. Remi paid some of the farmers over his way to spend night at their homes, and now has nearly no credits do start a life over Terratium. He could however find a good job at the farms, since he has now 15 years old, he could very well be used for any work.

The streets of the city, covered by a metal surface, was populated, not as Aldera but still many people passed by, most of them seemed to be foreigners that came to apreciate the landscape shaped into art. The first place that Bonnefoy reached was the local Cantina, since that used to be a good place to obtain information over Aldera he presumed that it was the same for Terratium. By entering the first one he saw, it was a small place. Not many customers, but a young smiling girl greet him. Remi didn't refused the conversation, as he has no many options but to talk for information. The chat with the Cantina girl was longer than expected, he revealed that her name was Hikaru Yuki, and was the owner of the Cantina, the only good left by her dead parents. A not so much different history from Remi's, but with a better financial stability.

Hikaru's Cantina was far from the most popular in the city, it was small, but well cared by the dedication of the girl that worked alone over there. The Alderaanian pacefull culture made possible for a young girl around her 16 years old to take care alone of a Cantine, what indeed reflected the difference in societies between Alderaan and many other planets wich she could have been robbed or worse. The conversation with Hikaru lasted the whole day, and when Remi figured out, it was already the so feared night of Terratium. At the day the temperature was normal, but at night it was indeed too cold for many species to live on those lands, but the locals seemed to be adapted by the situation. Without thinking twice, Hikaru invited Remi to spend the night over the above quarters. She lived in the second floor of the Cantina, that has a vacant room where her parents used to sleep. Remi also didn't thought twice and accepted.

By the next day, after the early conversation, Remi has just found a job at the Cantina. The proposal was not very benefical, he was to work on the Cantina with Hikaru in exchange of a home to live on, but no salary. Having no other option, he accepted. The time then passed, with the young boy working and living with the older girl at Terratium City. They was about to be what it could be called a family, credits was not a problem, and even though not being paid, what they both received by the Cantine was used to satisfy they both. Life finally was shining for Remi.

New Homeland

The time passed since the journey from Aldera City to Terratium City, and the adaptation was going very well. He was already living by as a local, along with Hikaru that used to run a Cantina on that lands. The credits were no longer a problem, and at last Remi found himself happy for the first time. He never felt himself happy back at Aldera City, at least glad once he was treated good by the elders or the teachers, but now he finally found someone who indeed felt like helping him, and Remi, couldn't not repay in a better way than feeling the same for her. The relationshp between Hikaru and Remi was shinning, with no fights of discordance between both, by now living like brothers.

However with the teenage approaching, the view of the life was changing for both of them, Hikaru now with his 17 years old, and Remi now with 16. The feelings between them started to get confused, and warmer. They knew that what they were feeling for each other was not brotherhood, it was the exchange of care and hapiness. Remi never felt that, and so did Hikaru. It was the first touching of love between them. It didn't took too long for them to understand at half what was happening, and finaly, accept themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Remi Bonnefoy and Hikaru Yuki at the roof of Hikaru's Cantina.

Now it was everything settled down, Remi and Hikaru knew that they could live the rest of theirs lifes like that. While one took care of the other, they needed no one else but themselves. By now Remi knew more about Hikaru and her past. Hikaru's parents was Imperials, military personel serving at the Galactic Empire that died in service. Hikaru revealed that by herself, she was very inclined to support the Imperial cause, while Remi never though too much about politics. The reason why her parents joined the Empire was because the bombardment that took place at Terratium City some years ago, before the structures were formed. It was a cruel scene, while the invaders did not wanted to take lifes away, but to sting the soil and atmosphere with biological armament. That later reflected by some of the locals that born with some unknown diasease, bringin themselves to death soon in their lifes. That took place many years ago, but the effects of such act were still present, and the Alderaanian medicine could not explain it yet. Hikaru's parents lost many of their close friend due to such diasease, and then vowed revenge on those who invaded.

Althrough the ones who did such thing was not known by Hikaru, she didn't felt for revenge or such thing. She just supported the Empire because it was taking good care of her homeplanet, and after all, the politics visions of the girl matched the Empire's. Remi developed a good eye towards the Galactic Empire, however nothing fanatical or enthusiat. He never though about joining the Empire, for him at that time all that mattered was to live on at Terratium City with his girlfriend.

The months passed by, and now they were indeed a well estabilished family. They were happy with each other and no problem seemed to affect their lifes. Now it was a crucial time at the couple's life, however. One day, Remi finally brough up with the idea to marry Hikaru. It was not a strange idea for the way they were living, already as a couple, and their low age was well accepted. Before marry however, they declared themselves Fiancees. They was to wait for a little longer to merry up, since the locals around the city, that by now had a friendly relationship with both, refused to merry them up at such a young age, but agreed with the pre-merriage fiancees. Nothing could be better for Hikaru and Remi by now, they finally was living together and completing the first phase of their lifes, but Hikaru has something else to reveal to Remi that she didn't at first.

Such information from Hikaru was to change Remi more than both could imagine. The girl by now told Remi that she born herself with the same diasease provoked by the ancient bombing at the city, and she was to die sonner than a normal Alderaanian would. That was a shock for Remi, but Hikaru seemed to face it very well, or pretended to. When finally the boy found himself living a good life and loving a person more than himself, he found out that she was about to die. It twisted him too much that he couldn't control his own emotions. He loved that girl more than his own life, and by now, she was do disappear. He felt like his ife was disappearing along with Hikaru. Remi however has to accept that, there was nothing he could do to change Hikaru's fate. If even the most graduated medics from Aldera City couldn't help, Remi couldn't either.

Decided to make Hikaru's life being a glad and happy one, Remi decided himself to dedicated all of his efforts in name of his fiancee. If she was about to die, than her life was to be well lived. Now finally the Bonnefoy found a reason to live, even though it was not the reason that he wished. He was to live his own life just for Hikaru, giving her all and every happy moment that he could afford for her. Six months later however, the fatal moment came. Hikaru died at the young age of 18 years old, due to the diasease from the long came bombardment over Alderaan. It was a painless death, all of her internal organs stopped working, bringing an end to her life all of sudden.

By this time Remi Bonnefoy completely lost his ground. He had nothing once again, the reason for him to continue living has just be gone, it was Hikaru. Continue living no more made sense for the boy who was lost in the internal emotional darkness. Suicide was a brighty option to end that, but Remi was afraid to die also. Not by cowardice, but because that was not Hikaru's wish. She would never want for Remi to die, and himself couldn't go against his now dead Fiancee. Remi could no longer look at the Cantina, where he first met Hikaru years ago. It was way too painfull for him.

The last picture from Remi and Hikaru together.

A new life as Imperial

After Hikaru's death, Remi roamed by Terratium City almost like a souless person in search of a meaning to continue on with his life. He has nothing else, and the more he tried to figure out what was happening to himself, the more he suffered by remembering of Hikaru. After two months living like that, wishing to have his life ended but too afraid of making Hikaru sad and end it himself, Remi noiticed something. Stopping to think about her for a while even though it was like a stab on his heart, Remi realized what he could to for his fiancee. Even though his emotions was as twisted as possible and his sense of judgment was not too trustfull, he made up his mind. No matter what would be to happen to him, he has to avenge her.

By that claim some called him crazy, others said that he was emotionally dead and not thinking anymore. But Remi decided to make all the people who bring him to that end suffer the same way as he was right now. It was a sharp and cruel thinking, but it may be understandable how he felt at that time. He never knew the names of the people who bombed Alderaan, but he was to make anyone who tried to do similar things again, to pay a huge price.

Remi once again became a closed person, but this time he was indeed looking like a specter or a corpse that forgot to be buried. His eyes no longer had a shine, and due to pass almost three months confined inside his home, his skin became as pale as never. The look over his eyes, was a death staring at the others, and it looked like he has no voice, since he never spoke with the locals again. The only thing left for him to do, was to find a way to bring an ease to his suffering.

The last way to fufill Hikaru's wishes and to please her was finally found, and also a way to be at peace once again. His fiancee was a very active supporter of the Imperial cause, and that now shinned like a light in Remi's mind. He could join the military and bring and end to any person or entity who was to make anyone suffer, and also join something that Hikaru loved. Of course his thinking was still affected by his loss, and probably would never be normal again, but at least for now Remi has a reason to carry on with his life. Probably at his service, he would be killed in action and finally die, he didn't cared for that anymore. If death finally came, he would embrace it and finally stop suffering the life with no soul anymore. But until that day was to come, he was to bring the death of the people who feed his suffering.

Without two moments of thinking, he enlisted himself for the Imperial Academy, and took a transport from Terratium City towards the mighty Imperial Academy, center of all training of the Empire. By now having the early days of his 17 years old, Remi found the mighty and imponent building of the Empire. Never being before the Imperials before, the Alderaanian didn't felt intimidated. Claimed for himself that he already met the hell and came back, nothing else could scare him. Besides being a depressive and, half-dead personality, Remi was still the young and respectfull boy born at Alderaan. The academy courses was no problem for him at all, since his only motiavtion to live was to now serve the Empire.

Besides the physics exams, Remi was a brighty person at the theorical ones, revealed himself to be a very intelligent and disciplined person. His physical however never helped at the pratical tests. He was weak, and fragile looking. It was obvious that he was giving his best but when compared with the well built body of many other recruits, Remi outshined indeed. Being popular was something that he didn't knew the meaning of at that time, his looking and behaviour scared or at least backed off many persons who tried to be friends. He didn't want friends, even though respecting the others he never was very happy with socializing with the recruits.

Remi Bonnefoy partipating on an Imperial Academy's training operation of Facility Infiltration.

Due to his way of acting, his depressive way of looking and also his devotion to his own cause, the turors of the academy quickly pointed a good feat of the boy. Remi not only looked like a specter or a ghost but also acted like one. It seemed easy for the Alderaanian to lurk in the shadows of any dark corridor without being noiticed, since he kept a low profile even for himself. That being developed, the eyes of the officials quickly blinked towards him as being a good candidate for the Scouting roles of the Army, or infiltration.

Remi didn't cared of what the others was thinking of him, he just wanted to join the ranks of the Empire in order to fufill his desire to bring death upon those who deserved that in his concept. During the whole Imperial courses, Remi was oriented through his advantage, the ability to be stealthy with no dificulties. The months passed, and finally the day of graduation came. As usual Remi acted normal while many other recruits were happy and guessing where they would be directed at. When finally his moment came, his name was called and "Imperial Army" as mentioned. Yes, for Remi that was the beginning of his new life as an Imperial, and for his self depressive illusion to be the one who will bring suffering for those who made him suffer.

After entering a small transport ship, Remi was being transfered to his Legion, where he was to serve under. He didn't yet knew how he was going to work, or what kind of duties he was to carry. Nothing besides confidence on his own motivations was to be cared for Remi. With a final glance over the ring on his right hand finger, he watched the Imperial Academy disapears among the clouds as the ship was transporting him to the new lands of his Army Legion.

Imperial Career

Imperial Army

The beginning of Remi Bonnefoy's career was at the Imperial Army. Soon after his Academy Graduation he was directed towards his Army Legion's HQ, so he could start of his services. Still with his dead finace on his mind and heart, Remi was ready to serve the Empire's cause at the first Army Rank, a Private.

Service Information

Event Date Provided by
Enlisted Year 11 Day 295 Grand Moff Orphaea Imperium
Academy Courses Year 11 Day 295 - 296 (Tutor)Command Flight Officer Doogie Darkrose
Academy Graduation (Basic) Year 11 Day 296 (Tutor)Command Flight Officer Doogie Darkrose
Promoted to Private Year 11 Day 296 Major Dante Wehr
Assigned an Army unit Year 11 Day 296 Major Dante Wehr