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Szardra Kaika

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Szardra Kaika
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo
Mother Balrus Kaika
Father Marianne Kaika
Spouse None
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Year -20 Day 284
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Imperial Army Soldier

Assistant Director, Galaxy Archives

Prior Service N/A
Awards IAHG.jpg




Szardra Kaika is a Staff Sergeant in the Imperial Army who was born and raised on Naboo. He is also a current member of the Galactic Empire Art Team and the Assistant Director of the Galaxy Archives.

Character History

Before the Empire

Szardra Kaika was born and raised on Naboo, leading a normal life, and initially went to university in Moenia. However, he found himself increasingly restless and unhappy, which negatively affected his grades, which in turn fed the cycle. He changed his area of study multiple times, and transferred to two different universities before finally dropping out altogether at age 23. Szardra found work as a mechanic in Keren, and found himself loving his job, looking forward to each day at the shop tinkering with things.

As the years passed, Szardra tested for and earned certificates in a plethora of mechanical tasks, officially qualifying him to work on any manner of civilian-grade vehicle, and even a number of military-grade ones. Once he had saved up enough capital and built up a client base that he knew would follow him, Szardra started up his own repair shop in Keren. For the next two years, he lived well and happily, making a comfortable profit and doing work that he enjoyed thoroughly. However, lady luck had a whim to take everything away from him, in the form of arson. A series of fires plagued Keren, and one of the targets was Szardra's repair shop. The entire building was lost, including all of the cash in the safe, and while he had about 25,000 credits still in his pocket, it wasn't nearly enough to reestablish his business. Disheartened, Szardra decided it was time for a total change, and so he packed up all his belongings, said goodbye to his family, and bought a ticket to Coruscant, hoping to find work and a change of pace.

After searching the various prospects available to him, he found both in signing up with the Galactic Empire. He admits later that it was something of an impulse, but one he does not regret.

Service in the Empire

Upon entering the Imperial Academy, Szardra was assigned to the class of Command Sergeant Ralkata Tyrran. Initially, his previous experience with universities made him anxious about his courses, but these worries were soon completely dispelled. Szardra performed admirably in the Academy, and graduated with honors into the Imperial Army on Y9, D329. About a month and a half later, on Y10, D13, he was double-promoted from Private First Class to Sergeant. Shortly after, having discovered a surprising knack for image and holographic work, he joined the Art Team, establishing himself for his fast and quality work in the Passport Centre of the Holonet. On Y10, D52, Szardra Kaika recieved a promotion to Staff Sergeant

During his service, Szardra Kaika organized and started a tournament for the members of his legion that is currently ongoing. Army High Command funded him a cash prize of 1 million credits, which he divided into a 700,000 credit prize for the champion, and 300,000 credits for the runner-up. Staff Sergeant Kaika also himself funded an Eta-2 Actis Starfighter as an additional prize to the winner of the tournament.

Through his work in the Art Team, Szardra befriended Overseer David Crow and Captain Ralkata Tyrran, the latter likely also helped along by their former relationship as professor and student. He has also made fast friends with a fellow member of his legion, Staff Sergeant Riles Cole.

Learning the Truth

It was not long after he earned his promotion to Sergeant, that Szardra learned a terrible truth about the day his shop was burned down. He had always been loyal to the Empire, primarily caused by feeling like he fit in very well, and it felt satisfying to be part of something so large and important. However, his loyalty to the true cause came about when he happened across a news article about the arson in Keren. Apparently, investigators had discovered that agents of the New Republic had started the fires, with the intention of contacting the owners of the buildings with false intelligence blaming the Empire for the fires. The plot had apparently been to say that the Empire set the buildings on fire, and blamed them on Rebel terrorists in order to boost recruitment, however the plan backfired when stormtroopers arrested the instigators, who had been planning on setting at least two dozen more fires. Infuriated that someone had tried to use him as a pawn, Szardra vowed that he would use all of his power to ensure that such tragedy never befell anyone else, and that the Rebels who would stoop so low as this dirty trick would be brought to justice.

Ship of Dreams

On Y10, D48, Szardra Kaika got a shock that left him slack-jawed. Ever since he had become a mechanic, he had wanted his own ship, but not just any ship. The A-24 Sleuth was his dream ship, one which he admired for its speed, reputable longevity, and ease of maintenance, not to mention the sleek style. At one point on Naboo, he almost had one within his grasp, but when he got the funds for it, the starfighter had already been sold, not a week earlier. However, that day David Crow astonished him by showing the Sergeant an A-24, and telling him that it was his. It was no accident on David's part, as Szardra had said to many that he dreamed of owning his own Sleuth one day. When he tried to pay David, the man refused to accept it. Dumbfounded, Szardra managed a number of 'thank you's, while taking a long look at the ship. Within a day, he had a name for the ship, calling it "Shatter Zero." Some have asked him how he arrived at that name, and he would merely shrugs and laughs, saying that it just hit him and sounded cool.

Ranks Held

Recruit [E-1]
Private First Class [E-3]
Sergeant [E-5]
Staff Sergeant [E-6]