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Sebastian Alfan

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Revision as of 02:13, 11 October 2009 by Sebastian Alfan (talk | contribs)
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Biographical Information
Race Chiss/Mandolorian
Homeworld Tatooine
Mother Jennifer Alfan (Deceased)
Father Mike Alfan (Deaceased)
Spouse None
Siblings Jonah McFozz (Alive)

Karon Alfan (Alive)

Children None
Born Year -15 Day 318
Imperial Service
Branch compnor_archive.png
Positions Planet Governor

Imperial Diplomat

Assistant Director, Imperial Wiki

Academy Training Officer

Imperial Historian

Prior Service Director of Logistics for Primus Medical
Awards TUT.jpg

_______________Death Before Dishonor_______________


Dr. Sebastian "The Chief" Alfan or mostly known as just Alfan is a radically devote Imperial citizen, Governor, Diplomat, Administrator, teacher, Imperial Historian and astrophysicist.

Dr. Alfan is currently a Non-commissioned Officer, different from an Enlisted member because he has been given authority to carry out in Moff Machkhit's name as High Magistrate of Gortis.



Alfan values education highly and is always eager and "hungry" to learn. He graduated from Syndaar Military Prep School at age 15 and at age 20 graduated from the Imperial Institute of Higher Studies on Ferrhast, majoring in Political science, Imperial History, Security, and Administration. He has also gained a Doctorate in Political Science and astrophysics.

Syndaar Military Prep School Year 0

Dr. Alfan's Doctorate in Political Science from IIHS

Imperial Government

After leaving Primus began the long road ahead of him in the Empire by joining the Imperial government working in the Kuat Sector as the Governor and High Magistrate of Gortis under the direct command of Moff Machkhit.



Planet: Gortis
System: Kuat
Sector: Kuat
Galactic coordinates: (128, 33)
System coordinates: (0, 6)

Planet type: cold/no atmosphere
Planet size: 9 x 9

Controlled By: Galactic Empire
Governor: Sebastian Alfan
Magistrate: Sebastian Alfan
Total population: 51,807 inhabitants
Hireable Population: 403 People
Civilisation level: 0%
Tax level: 5%
Planet income: 1,045 credits
Tax income: 52 credits


Coalition for Diplomacy

Dr. Alfan has accepted the job as an Imperial Diplomat to further the political and intergalactic goals of the Emperor

Coalition for Progress

Imperial Academy


During his time in Primus Alfan volunteered to join the Imperial Academy staff as a history advisor and quickly begun to broaden his scope in this job by doing other tasks assigned to him by Lieutenant Colonel Vaan. Dr. Alfan has recently been chosen with two other imperials to become the new generation of Academy tutors for the newly releases basic training automation system.

Imperial Wiki

Alfan recently joined up with the wiki staff to clean up the place, provide security against spam, and to update all old forgotten articles and more. On day 281 He was appointed as Assistant Director by Director of the Imperial Wiki Inwe Ventidius

Service Record


Chief Alfan is a worker in the Imperial Government under the authority of the Kuat sector. He is also a part-time worker in COMPNOR as an Academy Professor. He has also joined the Imperial Wiki staff with the goal of updating all the old unfinished pages people forgotten about and has become it's Assistant Director. He is a radically devote Imperial citizen and hard worker who does not look kindly on people who get involved in traitorous activity


  • Clerk[E-5] - Year 10 Day 182 by Vaklu
  • Senior Engineer[O-2] - Year 10 Day 204 by Vaklu
  • Provisional Prefect[O-2] - Year 10 Day 253 by Machkhit
  • Chief [E-10] - Year 10 Day 256 by Guinar


  • Year 10 Day 182: Assigned Pilot
  • Year 10 Day 218: Appointed Deputy Director of Logistics
  • Year 10 Day 250: Promoted to Director of Logistics
  • Year 10 Day 251: Transferred to Regional Government
  • Year 10 Day 281: Appointed Assistant Director of the Imperial Wiki
  • Year 10 Day 285: Appointed Academy Junior Training Officer
  • Year 10 Day 300: Appointed Governor of planet Gortis
  • Year 10 Day 307: Appointed Diplomat for Imperial Diplomacy Corps.


Year 10 Day 285: Awarded Certified Academy Tutor ribbon

Command Positions

Governor of Gortis
Preceded By:
Year 10 Day 300 - Present
Succeeded By:

Assistant Director - Galaxy Archives
Preceded By:
Szardra Kaika
Year 10 Day 281 - Present
Succeeded By:

Director of Logistics - Primus Medical
Preceded By:
Vade Vinto
Year 10 Day 250 - Year 10 Day 251
Succeeded By:

Deputy Director of Logistics - Primus Medical
Preceded By:

(Position Created)

Year 10 Day 204 - Year 10 Day 250
Succeeded By:

Job History

Other Jobs

Alfan before the Alignment had many smalls jobs after graduation from college. He couldn't find a job in his field for a long time. So he joined Black Nebula and began working like a dog for a few moths before going back and forth Telegron Rothani Shipworks and Pulsar Recycling hauling RMs and picking up NPCs much of what he is doing right now in Government. There he met a young pretty Chiss lady named Parias, he became fond of here, but knew it wasn't his destiny to stay there and he must leave to pursue his dreams.

Pentastar Alignment

During Sebastian's run from Regent Goth he joined the Alignment to hide from the Regent's grasp. Much of his service record was lost but some records survive including his ranks and positions. Alfan stayed short as he had a feeling all along that the Alignment wanted him dead. Months later after his departure he was contacted by one of Araith's aides and they explained to him that a Pentastar spy inside the GE reported back to Pentastar that he was a spy for the GE and that he had to arrest him which is why he resigned. Alfan hears that just weeks after Major William Black CO of PSP contacted him to ask him to become a spy for their side, Alfan refused and he hasn't heard from the Major since.

  • Year 10: Appointed Sergeant of Armed Forces
  • Year 10: Promoted to Warrant Officer of PSP
  • Year 10: Appointed Army-Liason Officer for PSP
  • Year 10: Promoted to Chief Warrant Officer
  • Year 10: Appointed Commanding Officer of Pentastar Security Patrol

Commanding Officer - Pentastar Security Patrol (PSP)
Preceded By:
Araith Black-Granger
Year 10 Day ? - Year 10 Day ?
Succeeded By:
William Black-Granger


Alfan's PSP Identification Card
The only physical remaining artifact of Alfan's time in Pentastar

Primus Medical

For a few months Alfan lead Primus Medical's Logistics Department and ran their website until his transfer to Imperial Government on Year 10 Day 251.


Alfan isn't much for material things, with only the clothes on his back and his standard-issued imperial equipment. He owns one personal vehicle, nothing fancy, just a fighter to transport him to places fast.

Ginivex-class Starfighter main.jpg "Das Schutzstaffel"

Das Schutzstaffel in battle
