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Harmonia de Chatillon

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Harmonia de Chatillon
Biographical Information
Race Kiffar
Homeworld Kiffex
Mother Diana de Chatillon
Father Ajax de Chatillon
Spouse N/A
Siblings Danae de Chatillon, Aleister de Chatillon
Children N/A
Born Year 0, Day 88³
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Stormtrooper Corps
  • Second Lieutenant
Prior Service {{{prior service}}}
Awards {{{awards}}}

Harmonia de Chatillon (b. Year 0 Day 88) is a Kiffar female, currently serving as a member of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps as a Second Lieutenant for the Galactic Empire.



Harmonia, born Year 0, was the second daughter born to Ajax and Diane de Chatillon, and their third child, both prominent members of the de Chatillon clan. From the time that she could walk and talk, she had it in her mind that she was the head of the household, and that everything in it was hers. In fact, her parents to this day swear that the first words to come out of her mouth were "No, mine!". As she got a little older, she would try to order the households servants to get her sweets and items that were either out of her reach, or that she knew she wasn't supposed to have, when she was not following her sister Danae around, annoying her as little sisters often do.

Harmonia's early education focused on both survival and hunting skills, as well as the tools needed to run an estate. Her father, though allowing his youngest daughter to get away with much while on the estate, much to the dismay of her mother, was a strict taskmaster when out in the field. He expected perfection from her, and was not one to suffer too many mistakes when the skills he was passing on could be the difference between life and death. Though she felt like she was excelling in all tasks that her father set before her, it was never quite good enough for him, and he would constantly compare her to her sister. Every time that she felt that she had surpassed his expectations, she would be reminded that Danae had completed it faster, had been more quiet or had hunted a larger beast. From an early age, she had come to see her older sister as a rival for her father praise, and this would only spur her on later in life.

Her mother was in charge of her tutelage of all other matters, and where she herself lacked, hired only the finest tutors for Harmonia. She also instilled an appreciation for the arts in her youngest daughter, and encouraged her burgeoning talent with the piano, going so far as to obtain an antique Grand Piano for her to practice on. When she wasn't hunting or taking her studies, Harmonia threw herself into perfecting her ability. This was something that she alone was good at, something that couldn't be taken away from her, and she devoted herself to being better than anyone else, winning countless awards and accolades for her talent, some critics even calling her a prodigy. At the age of sixteen. Harmonia applied in secret to the Musical Conservatory on Kiffu, and was surprised when she had been accepted. Convincing her family oriented parents had been a little more difficult than she had thought, as her sister had left Kiffex four years earlier, and they didn't want to feel like they were losing her as well. A screaming match ensued, and ended with Harmonia, eyes red rimmed from tears, locking herself in her room, refusing to leave or speak to anyone until they relented.

A few months later, Harmonia saw herself on the clan shuttle, headed to Kiffu to begin her new life away from her family

Following Years

A mere two years after leaving Kiffex for Kiffu, Harmonia found herself expelled from the Conservatory for reasons that she refuses to speak of to anyone. For three years, she moped around her families estate, depressed and unwilling to open up, and refusing to attend any functions that her parents had invited her to. After that three year period, her parents had decided to send her to live with her sister, who had recently settled kn Ord Cantrell, and was making a name for herself as a bounty hunter and was also home to many of her cousins and clan all gathered under the Clan banner, placed their by head of the clan, the Pirate Lord Artemis de Chatillon.

The next three years were a blur, and saw Harmonia rise through the ranks of the clan, finally surpassing her own sister in prestige, if not in deeds. However, after three years, she found herself looking for more, looking for order in a galaxy of chaos, and with a heavy heart and not a few tears, she said goodbye to her life on Ord Cantrell and made her way to the Imperial Academy.

Imperial Life

Imperial Academy Training

Harmonia was accepted into the Imperial Academy on Year 25, Day 223, and immediately threw herself into her studies.

First Assignment: TBA