Welcome to the Imperial Archives! The main source of information in the Galactic Empire. Be sure to check out the Editing Protocol before making new pages or editing articles. If you need help feel free to contact the Archives manager at archives@swc-empire.com !
User:Adrian Owen
From Imperial Archives
I,Adrian Owen,being a SWC player I found a great place to have fun,meet people and entertain myself in the wide galaxy.
I am interested in the History of most important factions and individuals.Reading Old GNS and archives in the Holocron.
Working around all Regional Goverment Archives.
Current Projects:
- Udpate High Command of Regional Goverment Individuals under Imperial Regional Government Category.
- Create all Moffs Pages.
- Udpage all Sector Pages.
- Clean Red Links from http://archives.swc-empire.com/index.php?title=Special:MostLinkedPages.
- Improve the Dojo Archive.
- Own Character archive Adrian Owen.
- Udpate Leadership in Imperial Academy page.