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Joshua Chamberlain

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Joshua Chamberlain
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Obroa Skai
Mother Sarah
Father Jakob
Spouse n/a
Siblings n/a
Children n/a
Born Classified
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Stormtrooper Corps
Service Code ZX-013
Positions Ruby Task Force Executive Officer
Prior Service Imperial Army Command, COMPForce Command, COMPNOR Chairman, Imperial Navy Liason, Ruby Task Force Communications and Training Officer
Awards Infantry-S-G.png 9296_chamberlain.png

Joshua Chamberlain was born on Obroa Skai to parents who were both teachers at the Central University. They hoped he would follow in their footsteps, but the lure of military service superseded his love of academia. Soon after acquiring his teaching qualifications he stunned his parents by enlisting in the Imperial Army. His high level of education didn't endear him to his fellow Recruits, but he excelled in not only tactics, but also displayed a humane quality when dealing with situations of command. Most consider Chamberlain a dying breed of officer, one who considers personal honor and loyalty as well as mercy invaluable traits. He is considered a relic by those who would kill indiscriminately and without thought, but he looks upon such acts as deplorable. This is probably why Chamberlain is held in slightly higher regard by some of the Empires enemies. He also takes great pride in the fact that he is one of the very few in recent memory, at least in the Army rank structure, who has been promoted up the line to Major General without having been breveted.

Army Service

After graduating from the academy Chamberlain was given the rank of Private First Class and assigned to the First Assault Fleet. At the time this unit had two very high distinctions. The first was that it was the only offensive unit in the Empire and the second was that its commanding officer, Captain Trey Connel, was a former Emperor of the Empire. At the time this unit was also a fully integrated unit within the Navy. Chamberlain enjoyed his time here and was eventually promoted to Sergeant.

An Empire Divided

His time in the 1AF would be rocked by the massive split when then Emperor Charon vacated the throne. Defections were erupting in all areas of the Empire, but Joshua decided to remain loyal, even though first Connel, then his XO LT Steiner left the Empire. Being rather forcibly thrust into a command role, Joshua continued to work closely with the Navy members of the unit, even though many of them felt the effects of the split as well.

Home Garrison and ACO Assignment

Eventually Chamberlain was plucked from the 1AF and assigned to the home garrison on Coruscant, here he met two people who would have a huge impact on his career. One was Major Alvaro, who was his direct CO and the other was Raider Aspect. Chamberlain rose to officer status during his time with the home guard but it was during the reign of Brigadier General Durand as Army Commanding officer that both Chamberlain and Aspect would come into their own. Due to their levels of high activity both Chamberlain and Aspect were promoted quickly, Chamberlain received his highest number of awards and promotions during this time, eventually rising to the rank of Colonel. When Durand stepped down his AXO Drakken, became Major General and leader of the Army, this made Joshua AXO, with Aspect rising along with his, as had been the norm through their friendship and service. When Drakkens inactivity prompted a change Chamberlain was made a Brigadier General and made Aspect his Executive Officer as well as a promising Major Jacen Boshuu the new BCO.

Treason in the ranks and arrest

After a long while as ACO Chamberlain wanted his friend Raider Aspect, now a Colonel, to assume the mantle of Army Command, as he had always been one step behind him anyway. Aspect clearly wanted the role, but the Emperor did not wish him to have it. Chamberlains requests for reassignment were refused and in a move that shocked Chamberlain, Aspect assumed his new name of Owen von Ismay and defected to the New Anzat Order under the traitor Wilhelm von Ismay. Making the best out of a bad situation Chamberlain made Major Boshuu his new AXO, but in another surprising and bizarre twist, Boshuu murdered an Imperial Moff and was later executed. Boshuu claimed he was under the influence of Jedi at the time, but contemporary accounts are dubious at best. Chamberlain was arrested shortly after as he had been quite close with both of the men who eventually betrayed the Empire. He urged the member of the Army to remain loyal though whatever the outcome of his arrest.

Task Force Delta

Much to his surprise given the fact that most persons at the time who were taken into custody rarely left with their lives, Chamberlain was released and assigned to a special Army unit created by the Emperor himself called Task Force Delta. The unit was mainly responsible for arrest of Imperial enemies and quick strikes against a variety of targets. As well as this Chamberlain also still retained the role of ACO


Eventually Chamberlain was released as ACO and Task Force Delta was moved to COMPNOR under Admiral Frank Bach. The name of the unit was changed to COMPForce as many officers in other branches took offence at the elite nature of the unit and it was thought the new name might deflect some of the resentment. Chamberlain found a fast friend in Admiral Bach and it was the Admiral who promoted Chamberlain to Major General. It was here that Chamberlain first met Tnsumi Shine who became his XO in the unit. Chamberlain found him to be a highly motivated, if somewhat violate soldier. Shine apparent death in a hyperdrive accident devastated Chamberlain, who held the funeral aboard his flagship.

COMPForce reorganization

Eventually COMPForce absorbed Inquisition and Chamberlain basically had been handed the command of COMPNOR, with the exception of IRD. The influx of manpower and ships greatly increased the punch of the unit. It was shortly after that Chamberlain met a new Recruit named Rluso K Dark. Dark was hauntingly familiar and under questioning was revealed to be none other than Tnsumi Shine himself. The fact that his memory had been wiped and his death faked is still being looked into by Chamberlain, who has vowed to get to the bottom of his friends mystery.


A time Chamberlain would rather forget is the military intervention on Kashyyyk. His unit was assigned the task of "clean up" involving the Wookiee population of the planet. Being in the military many years Chamberlain knew the real meaning of the term and while he never personally killed any Wookiees, as military commander he took full responsibility for the massive deaths that occurred there. To this day many widows and orphanages still receive mysterious packages of goods and credits that are unsigned.

Last Days in COMPForce

With the emergence of the New Republic and activities that included the capture of COMPForces XO, Maxamillion Power, Chamberlains attitudes had altered. He became more hardline in his thinking, especially towards those who had hurt his command directly, a trait that had been common in his military career. While all the Empires enemies needed fear his wrath, he took a personal interest in a select few. At the time word began to filter down to him that he was in line to be moved to Chairman of the Select Committee of COMPNOR, which, while a government position, was a high honor, as COMPNOR represented the highest Imperial ideals and only the most loyal Imperials were considered for membership, let alone command of the entire organization.

A New Era for COMPNOR

In a move that surprised few, Chamberlain was elected to be the Chairman of COMPNORs Select Committee. He left behind his command of CompForce and assumed this new post full time. He wasted no time in implementing programs designed to improve Imperial morale and more importantly dedication to the New Orders ideals and methodology.

Naval Liason

After serving in COMPNOR for over a year, it was decided to once again promote Chamberlain to Vice Admiral and make his a liason in the Imperial Navy. While he would have preferred a Lieutenant Generals rank and his old army uniform back, he understood that given the tensions between the services at the time, that any orders or even suggestions he might have to give would be better received if it came from a Naval officer, so he gladly accepted the position. After serving in that capacity for a time Chamberlain began to feel less like the soldier he was. He began to think that not that long ago he had the Widowmaker as his personal flagship and now he was sitting in an office on Coruscant, staring out the window waiting for something to do more often than not. The feeling that he was a dinosaur in a world that was passing him by became overwhelming and after much soul searching, he put in his request to retire and be added to the Reserve roster. Upon receiving confirmation he quietly cleaned out his desk boarded his personal shuttle, and was off planet before most people were even aware he had retired. He had always hated fanfare and felt it was appropriate.

Retirement and Advisor to The Krath

Chamberlain used his newly acquired freedom to travel the galaxy, finding it refreshing to visit areas that he wasn't pacifying or conducting raids for insurgents. He traveled to the farthest corners of the known universe and spent a lot of time surveying ruins all over the galaxy, sending most of his findings back to the central college om his homeworld. It always amused him to see the replies come back from Chamberlain Hall regarding his discoveries. The Hall had been named just as much for his parents contributions to the field of archeology as much his own or his military exploits. After a few years of vagabond research he decided that he wished to return to the galactic stage in some capacity and approached the government of The Krath. They were neutral so he wasn't in danger of betraying the Empire and he was offered a position as Martial Advisor to the Throne. He got on well with the ruler of the Krath and he thoroughly enjoyed his time there. Sadly, the actions of a deranged Imperial shattered his new life. One day while watching the holonet, Jett Blackheart, the head of Imperial Intelligence and disgruntled because of perceived slights, released a list of supposed deep cover Imperial operatives. Chamberlain was shocked to see his name on the list. He spoke with Talek Kasra, the leader of the Krath and denied the allegations, but given the whole galaxy now thought it to be true, for the good of the Throne he would step down and leave The Krath. Once again he threw himself into travel and kept a low profile, yet the old urge came back, pushing him to return to the galactic stage.

Return to The Empire

Chamberlain began to put feelers out within the Imperial government about returning and was soon contacted with the response that he would be welcomed with open arms. He immediately flew back to Coruscant and reapplied for a position with the Imperial Army. After a refresher course at the academy, which was bizarre if only because he was was once again called a Recruit, it was decided that he would be given the new rank of High Colonel. Of course the rank probably wasn't that new, but it hadn't existed when he was in prior service. In fact, a lot had changed since be had left. There was now an Empress instead of an Emperor, a fact that his sojourn on remote planets had kept from him. The army had been reorganized into a structure that was totally alien to him, and almost everyone he had served with had long since left, but he was determined to show that he still had a valuable role to play in the Army and he was still ambitious enough to think that one day he would command the Army again. He had done it once and he knew he could do it again with time.

A New Era of Service

He found the new structure of the Imperial Army, upon closer examination, to be not dissimilar to when he retired. Instead of Brigades there were Legions now. The Army and Navy also had an excellent working relationship now, to the point of Task Force elements that combined both. This would never have happened in the years prior. Soon he was assigned to a Task Force and began to take part in unit operations. He also applied for, and was given, the position of Regional Signals Officer. It didn't offer anything in the way of tangible rewards, but it was a way for him to demonstrate the skills that allowed him to climb so high in his prior service. He was extremely happy in his new roles and everyone in the Task Force was both highly motivated and extremely competent. His time is well occupied with scanning missions and battling smugglers and enemies of the Empire, besides his Signals duties.

Promotion and a New Role

Soon the Signals job, which was not in any official capacity, thus could not be officially rewarded or recognized, was upgraded to a new official title, Communications and Training Officer. When it was announced, Chamberlain and his fellow CTOs were promoted to the rank of C-1, making Chamberlain a Brigadier General once again. When he is not advising sector Command, he is busy assisting his fellow soldiers with questions and coming up with new training options. After a lot of hard work as CTO, Chamberlain was promoted to the Role of Task Force Executive Officer, leaving his position as CTO in capable hands.


Imperial Army Ranks

Grade Insignia Rank
[E-3] ME-.png Private First Class - -
[E-4] ME-3.gif Corporal - -
[E-5] ME-4.gif Sergeant - -
[E-6] ME-.png Sergeant First Class - -
[O-1] MO-1.png Second Lieutenant - -
[O-2] MO-2.png First Lieutenant - -
[O-3] MO-3.png Captain - -
[O-4] MO-4.png Major - -
[O-5] MO-5.png Lieutenant Colonel - -
[O-6] MO-6.png Colonel - -
[C-1] MC-1.png Brigadier General - -


Grade Insignia Rank
[C-2] MC-2.png Major General - -
[HC-1] PGHC-1.gif Vizier of the Coalition for Progress - -

Imperial Navy Ranks

Grade Insignia Rank
[C-3] MC-3.png Vice Admiral

Ranks After Year 23 Return to Service

Imperial Army Ranks

Grade Insignia Rank
[O-7] MO-7.png High Colonel - -
Grade Insignia Rank
[C-1] STC-C1.png Brigadier General - -
Grade Insignia Rank
[C-2] STC-C2.png Major General - -
Grade Insignia Rank
[C-3] STC-C3.png Lieutenant General - -



  • Imperial High Command Bar (Retired Award-No Image available)
  • || LOCx7.jpg ||Letter of Commendation 7
  • || ISM-4.jpg ||Imperial Duty Bars - 4 Years
  • || EAM.jpg ||Exercise Achievement Medal
  • || MIDx3.jpg ||Mentioned in Dispatches X 3
  • || IAMx3.jpg ||Imperial Activity Medal X 3
  • || IOM.jpg ||Imperial of the Month
  • || GCA.jpg ||Good Conduct Award

Army Awards

  • Infantry-M-G.png Elite Infantry Qualification Badge
  • UDSx2.jpg Unit Distinguished Service X 2
  • BCM.jpg Army Command Medal (Formerly known as Brigade Commanding Officer Medal)
  • Army Betterment Award (Retired. No Image Available)
  • Imperial Army Command Bar (Retired. No Image Available)


  • IABG-H.jpg Imperial Academy Graduate-Honors
  • CSA.jpg COMPNOR Service Ribbon-1 year (Only Authorized to Wear While in COMPNOR)


Imperial Navy

  • 1st Assault Fleet - Retired
Army Chief of Staff
Preceded By:
Joshua Chamberlain
Year 5 Day - Year 6 Day
Succeeded By:
Owen von Ismay

Chairman of COMPNOR
Preceded By:
Frank Bach
Joshua Chamberlain
? - Year 9 Day?
Succeeded By: