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Leole Mahou

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Leole Mahou
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Imperial Army
  • Legionare
Prior Service COMPNOR_Seal.png


  • Director of the Imperial Center for Recruitment


Imperial Academy

  • Recruit
Awards 8560_mahou.png

Leole Mahou is currently serving as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Imperial Army and has served in the past as the Director of the Imperial Center for Recruitment.


Service Summary

Service Record

Imperial Academy

Grade Insignia Rank Galactic Date Authorization
[T-1] MT-1.png RCT Year 15 Day 2 Unknown

Imperial Army

Grade Insignia Rank Galactic Date Promoted by
[O-1] MO-1.png Second Lieutenant Year 15 Day 2 Unknown
[O-2] MO-2.png First Lieutenant Year 15 Day 95 Classified
[O-3] MO-3.png Captain Year 15 Day 293 Classified
[O-4] MO-4.png Major Year 16 Day 306 Classified
[O-5] MO-5.png Lieutenant Colonel Year 17 Day 326 Classified


Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded by
IABG.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate [IABG] Year 15 Day 42 Unknown
UDS.jpg Unit Distinguished Service Award [UDS] Year 15 Day 51 Classified
LOC.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 15 Day 76 Classified
LOCx2.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOCx2] Year 15 Day 293 Classified
ISM.jpg Imperial Service Medal [ISM] Year 16 Day 62 ISB
ISM-1.jpg Imperial Service Medal [ISM-1] Year 16 Day 62 ISB
MID.jpg Mentioned in Dispatches [MID] Year 16 Day 110 Classified
ISM-2.jpg Imperial Service Medal [ISM-2] Year 17 Day 60 ISB


  • Basic Infantry
    • Infantry-M-B.png
  • Basic Armor
    • Armour-M-B.png


Director of the Imperial Center for Recruitment
Preceded By:
Navarro de Molay
Leole Mahou
Year 16 Day 58 - Year 16 Day 175
Succeeded By:
Eeshol Jaro