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Alani Myrtel

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Alani Myrtel
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant, Coruscant Sector
Mother Amy Myrtel-Sondi
Father James Myrtel
Born Year 0 Day 14
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Stormtrooper Corps
Service Code
Positions Second Lieutenant
Prior Service
25px-academy-emblem.pngImperial Academy
20px-onenation-emblem.pngOne Nation Under Jou
Captain of the Abraxi Company
Awards 9361_myrtel.png

Alani Myrtel, born Year 0 Day 14, is a 25 year old female from Coruscanti descent, currently serving the Empire in the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps.

Prior to her service within the Empire, she used to serve as a Captain in One Nation Under Jou, a neutral nation in the Morobe system. For her efforts in Morobe, she earned the Exemplar Cross (EC), valid only within One Nation jurisdiction.

imperial-emblem-black.png Appearance and Description

Alani is a relatively short Coruscanti woman, standing at 5' 6" tall (167cm). Off-duty, she can often be found wearing casual clothes, such as cargo jeans, tank tops, and loose shirts. However, in public she presents herself more professionally, in a dress, suit or uniform. Her natural hair color is brown, but much to her father's chagrin, she was known to dye her hair all sorts of colors in her youth. Her complexion can be described as 'pale but not too pale', and her natural eye color is blue.

Due to her upbringing in the planetwide ecumenopolis, Alani never extensively interacted with non-humans. Living on the upper layers of Coruscant, and growing up under the Imperial influence of her father left her to develop a natural wariness for aliens. Once she departed from the city-planet in Year 22, she had no choice but to cooperate with other races. As such, she started to tolerate them, and finally started to accept them for their usefulness in their own fields of works. Her preferable work partner was still a human one, though, and she was never able to shake off the unease when looking at aliens such as the Baragwin or Hutt. This initial shift of her views let her to view the galaxy, and most notably the Empire's enemies like the Jedi Order, in a more passive manner, realizing that the Imperial propaganda was just that: propaganda. However, this passiveness reverted back to the largely Imperialistic view when Alani's ex-girlfriend Nari Noble died in Year 23.

Generally, you can view Alani as someone who values order and justice, with a generous natural curiosity.

imperial-emblem-black.png Pre-Imperial History


A New Soul

Only two weeks after the Imperial Declaration of War against the Rebel Alliance, on Year 0 Day 14, Alani was born in a Coruscanti hospital to Amy and James Myrtel. Despite the expertise of the Imperial medics, Alani's mother had a complication during childbirth resulting in a pelvis fracture. The medics were initially forced to perform a C-section, but the stubborn mother denied. With a stroke of luck, Alani was birthed healthily. Amy, however, was left with lingering stability and walking issues for the rest of her life.

The Years Ahead

Alani and her family had the luxury of being decently-off, living in a family apartment on one of Coruscant's upper layers. Free from most petty crime of the lowest layers, the girl was able to enjoy the comforts of a well-educated childhood. In the following years, she followed a minor management course, with her free time being spent taking care of her mother. Over the course of those years her caring duties slowly began to fall on droids. Alani was more interested in going out enjoying the nightly life of the mega-capital when she reached adulthood. It was at this time that she learned she was attracted to both genders. Unable to stay attached to to a person for too long, she decided to not commit to a relationship until she had found the one.

The Father that Looked

James, Alani's father, was an honest believer of the Imperial morals. Being an ex-trooper, he had his fair share of combat experience. At the time of Alani's childhood, he was employed by a private security corps outside the system. Due to this, he was away from home more than he was not. When his job did allow him to take a few days off, James spent his time at home, enjoying the company of his family. It did not take long for Alani to get interested in James's job. Whenever he sat down and talked about his duties, she sat there next to him, glittering, listening carefully. Alani developed an interest in the security work as the Imperial doctrine started growing inside.

Sprouting Views

The girl formed her views from both her father and mother: her father's Imperial upbringing and her mother's soft and kind approach. Both traits made for a mix that was Alani's. While living on Coruscant, she did not interact with many non-humans, most of the places she went to were populated mostly by humans. This non-interaction, along with the general segregation that many may think of when thinking about an Imperial society, made her naturally wary of those not like her. While not wholly denying to do business with non-humans, she would think twice when dealing with those who bore little resemblance to the people she grew up with.

New Experiences

Departure from Coruscant

One could say that the logical route after having been trained in basic blaster combat, would be to enlist and join the Imperial Army. Much to Alani's father's disappointment, Alani chose not to follow this path, deeming herself not yet fully ready to commit to the Empire. She felt that is would be better to first travel the galaxy, to get some real life experience beyond the Empire's influence. The Empire would surely still be at the back of her mind, and her father would make sure to remind Alani not to aid the enemy. It took quite some time to convince James, but he finally saw the advantages in her decision. After all, as Alani would put it, "The more experience I gain, the better chance I'll have at enlisting in the Army."

After having said her goodbyes, Alani would leave the Coruscant Sector in Year 22. She would move from system to system, looking for any decent leads towards a well-paying job. Eventually she found a advertisement of Lone Star Industries, originating from the Venaari System, but was unfortunately quickly disappointed after some research, ultimately not pursuing the ad after certain allegations came to light about the staff of Lone Star. Apparently the company registrars had ties to the then-defunct Exelis Runners—which in turn was a cell of the Exelis Crime Syndicate—and criminal Xyre Weltmon.

Glacial Distress

Approximate galactic date: Year 22, Day 80—90

Moving on, she stumbled upon a promising ad, leading her to the Avindia system. Once closing in on Polus's orbit, the situation took a turn for the worse: Bandits had attacked a YG-4210 freighter, which was forced to send out an emergency message and land on Polus. After an indecisive moment, Alani diverted her course to the current origin of the distress signal. At the location of the signal, plumed of smoke billowed from the beleaguered vessel. A firefight ensued between the bandits and Alani's crew.

Unbeknownst to Alani, a Defender-class designated Crusader had also picked up on the distress signal. The arrival of the Crusader had marked a turning point in the battle. A calculated touchdown between the bandits and the attacked vessel positioned the Defender-class as a protective shield, shielding the vulnerable spaceship from further harm. Swift and precise deployment of ground assault squads, equipped with heavy weapons and jetpacks, caught the bandits off-guard.

The engagement unfolded rapidly, with the jetpack squads descending upon the bandits and providing the needed firepower. Meanwhile, the long-range squad provided suppressing fire, ensuring that the bandits had little to no room to maneuver. The well-coordinated efforts of the Crusader's forces prevailed, quelling the threat posed by the bandits. The crew of the Crusader served under One Nation Under Jou, who were on a mission in the system. This event unexpectedly forged an alliance, with Alani eventually diverting towards the Morobe system to enlist in the neutral nation's forces. Passing the hundredth day of Year 22, Alani found herself employed as an officer cadet.


Approximate galactic date: Year 22, Day 295

Alani, at the time a Second Lieutenant within One Nation Under Jou, was stationed aboard the Defender-class Light Corvette Templar during a flight from Morobe to Nimban. As the vessel approached its rendezvous, the 2LT's thoughts dwelled on a peculiar event from the previous day. The Templar suffered from some unusual hyperspace turbulence, resulting in a wrongly-fastened crate falling on top of her. With no space to duck away, Alani instinctively raised her hands in an attempt to 'cushion' the impact. To her astonishment—when she opened her eyes—the crate had not impacted her. It remained in the air, defying the artificial gravity in the cargo hold. This inexplicable incident left her with lingering question, so much that she decided not yet to report the incident. A glitch in the artificial gravity systems, as local as that, would be nigh impossible.

As the Templar approached Nimban, Alani prepared herself and her squad for the arrival of Lilith Delcroix, monarch of Vorsia Companion and leader of One Nation, whose security was partly her responsibility. Their encounter took an unexpected turn when the monarch sensed a connection to the Force within Alani. Alani would later be summoned before her in the Templar's chapel. Here they discussed the Force, with the Coruscanti recounting her incident in the cargo hold. Lilith offered to asses Alani's Force sensitivity, and explained the potential dangers on an untrained Force user. Alani agreed, and this encounter marked the beginning of her journey towards harnessing the Force.

A Darker Side

Approximate galactic date: Year 23, Day 297

Never Far from Home

Approximate galactic date: Year 25, Day 240

imperial-emblem-black.png Imperial History

Imperial Academy

imperial-emblem-black.png Imperial Service Record

Service Ranks

Grade Insignia Rank Branch Time Held
[T-1] T1-RCT.png Recruit Imperial Academy Year 25 Day 242—Year 25 Day 256
Grade Insignia Rank Branch Time Held
[O-1] STC-O1-2-LT.png Second Lieutenant Imperial Stormtrooper Corps Year 25 Day 256—Present


Code Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded By Citation
[IABG-H] IABG-H.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate - Honours Year 25 Day 248 Academy Commandant Thovcor

"For graduating from the Imperial Academy with honours."

[IAM] IAM.jpg Imperial Activity Medal Year 25 Day 286 Fleet Admiral Vin-Reth

"For impressing Task Force Command with her overall activity levels during her first month of service. Not only did she show initiative by proposing a well-organized plan to her Operational Command, but she also set an example by creating role-playing posts for her operational updates and Roll Calls."