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Fourth Imperial Fleet (Pre-Y12)

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4th Imperial Fleet
Abbreviations 4IF, "the Fourth"
Motto Terror Noster Socius Est! (Fear Is Our Ally!)
Active Y7 D198 - Present
Branch Imperial Navy
Garrison/HQ Corellian sector
Fleet Command
FCO CMDR Igneus Esh
CoS CFOF Mo`Rak Stice
(in progress)
(in progress)

The 4th Imperial Fleet, commonly referred by its abreviation 4IF or in naval enviroments just as "the Fourth", is one of seven fleets in the Imperial Navy. It is the succesor of the Corellia Defense Group and the Corellia Defense Fleet, therefore the Fourth Fleet's HQ is located on the Corellian system and its area of patrol includes the entire Corellian sector where it works closely with CorSec to maintain peace. However, as the other fleets, its mission isn't only defensive, as it acts everywhere in the galaxy in assault, support, transport and escorting missions when needed.

Before its creation

Main Articles: Corellia Defense Group and Corellia Defense Fleet

The offical Formation of the Corellia Defense Group was announced on Year 6 Day 326. The first CO of this new unit was Lieutenant Fess Laenda and the XO Lieutenant JG Veneslas Jerankav. The Galactic Empire formed this unit to strenghten its hold on the entire Corellian Sector. The unit was of course headquartered in the capital system of Corellia.

A month after its creation, the unit was sent on an operation to the Commenor system. For its work in Commenor the unit was awarded the Fleet of the Month award. During this time LT Laenda resigned and was replaced by LT Jerankav as CO of the Fleet, with Captain Dale Chambers as XO.

After 6 months in service, the Corellian Defense Group was reorganized into the Corellia Defense Fleet with Captain Endorph Morbelis as CO and LT Jerankav as XO. Shortly after the fleet was dispatched for an operation in the Hapan Sector that lasted for 3 weeks.

Again after an active 3 months of service the Imperial Navy announced some major reforms and the Corellian Defense Fleet was renamed the 4th Imperial Fleet.

Before the last Navy Reform

Command of the 4IF was given to Commodore Ramos Rob with Captain Endorph Morbelis as his XO. These mean would rise through the ranks and would with in a year both be welcomed into Navy High Command.

A few weeks after the found of the 4IF, the Fleet was dispatched for the Sacor/Corri II operation. Their excelent leadership and training was able to finsih this operation in just over 2 weeks.

As the Fleet returned to its patrol zone, several new members were assigned, including the Fleets current CO, Crewman Igneus Esh, and formwer XO Crewman Kato Forn.

Two Months after the formation of the 4IF, their first offical Fleet meeting was held.

Before the end of the year, current Fleet COS, Crewman Mo'Rak Stice is assigned to the Fleet and creates the FLeets first Contact list. And Crewmen Kiger Wulf and Execurus Edun are assigned to the Fleet. Both would go on to great things in their service to the Empire. A mission in the Corellia system was begun and the Fleet's Adjutant positions were created for the first time. Also the Fleet wide scenerio Shadows and Mystery begins, moderated by Igneus Esh.

In the first few weeks of the new year, now Commodore Morbelis is reassigned to the 3IF as its Commanding Officer. And now Chief Master Sergeant Igneus Esh is made the Fleet's XO. Rear Admiral Ramos Rob begins drafting the Fleet's Manual.

Members of the Fleet begin forming the IRC help team and the FLeet City project is started.

3 months into the year, the first Navy wide meeting is held. The Fleet Scenerio, Shadows and Mystery is finished a few days later. The Emperor, himself, orders that Mo'Rak Stice is to be know as "Smith" Stice. The scenario: Dead in the Water, begins moderated by Kiger Wulf.

2 months after returning as Fleet CO, RADM Rob steps down as CO and is reassigned as XO of the Imperial Navy. Captain Sarod Jaeger becomes Fleet CO with LTJG Esh as his XO.

Scenario: Dead in the Water is finished a month after it was started.

The Rebel Alliance assaults the Imperial controled planet of Tyferra and after exploiting a BUG, gains control of the planet. Members of the 4TH are dispatched to try and stop them.

Construction of the Fleet city begins in May, 2007

In June, Members of the Fleet begin deploying TIE craft in the cities on the planets of Talus and Tralus in order to block the New Rebelion from builing Power Generators in the cities. Due to a rules change that was over looked, the mission fails and the NR builds the Power Generators anyway. And the TIE's are collected up and docked aboard VSDs

After the last Navy Reform

On Year 8 Day 276 Naval High Command announced a complete reformation of the Imperial Navy. The current fleet structure of 4 Fleets with 2 groups each was abandoned, and in its place 2 more fleets (the 5th Imperial Fleet and the 6th Imperial Fleet) were created. This leads to having smaller and more functional fleets, with the fleet pilots being directly in charge of fleet command, without Group CO and XO as intermediates. LTCMDR Igneus Esh is named officialy the CO (although he was acting CO since weeks before because of Captain Sarod Jaeger going into reserves) and Ensign Kato Forn was appointed as the Chief of Staff. Several long time members of the Fleet are transferred to the 5th Imperial Fleet, while others join the 4th from the 3rd Imperial Fleet, one of them being Lieutenant Rann Van, that would assume the position of XO, although himself would be also transferred to the 5IF after months of service in the 4IF.

On Year 8 Day 330 VADM Ramos Rob issues orders for the retrieval of all ships assigned to the fleet. Pilots are dispatched across the galaxy to gather fighters and capital ships alike.

On Year 8 Day 357 fleet command issues orders for its pilots to begin patrolling all systems in the Corellian Sector. Special attention is focused on those systems with a known Rebel presence.

On Year 9 Day 35 the final building of the first Fleet city had finished construction. After a long process of planning, gathering materials and construction delays the 4th Imperial Fleet's first ever Fleet City was finally finished. Investors rejoiced as they started to see the credits rolling in.

On Year 9 Day 36 fleet alert level was changed to RED. This marked the beginning of Operation Zulu.

On Year 9 Day 84 the remaining elements of the Fleet began reporting an invasion by joint forces from the Falleen Federation, the Rebellion and the Anzatan Commonwealth. The returning pilots of Operation Zulu quickly change course and head back to Corellia. With additional help from the 1IF, the system is secured and the invaders are pushed out of the system without a single Imperial life being lost.

On Year 9 Day 156 Operation: Tea and Biscuits began. The Fleet was divided into 4 groups with each responsible for patrolling different systems in the sector. Training exercises were begun to teach new personnel how to operate during actual combat conditions.

On Year 9 Day 209 the 4th installment of the Fleet Quiz came to and end, and the Grand Prize was awarded.

On Year 9 Day 219 Major elements of the Fleet are dispatched to participate in a training exercise with a naval unit from the Trade Federation.

On Year 9 Day 222 Naval units from the Falleen Federation begin arriving in the Corellia system. Local defense forces are put on RED alert and begin to actively scan and haras the invaders.

On Year 9 Day 246 LTCMDR Forn steps down as XO of the 4IF and is reassigned as XO of the 1IF. LTJG Arya Downing is transfered to 4IF and assigned as the new XO.


Recorded Fleet Scenarios


4IF DIS1 award (before it became a Navy, then Empire-wide award)
