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Kate Black-Granger

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Kate Black-Granger
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Coruscant, Kathol, Kothlis, Carida
Mother Litara Strax
Father Peter Tilney
Spouse Greg Black-Granger
Siblings Endora Strax
Children Cassy and James Black-Granger
Born Year -25 Day 243
Imperial Service
Branch compnor_archive.png
Positions Government Employee

Professor, Imperial Academy

Prior Service Soldier. Imperial Army

Civilian, New Imperial Order

Pilot, Imperial Navy

Awards IABG-H.gif TUT.jpg AAM.jpg

Katelyn "Kate" Black-Granger is currently the wife of Greg Black-Granger in theGalactic Empire. Born on Coruscant three years before the start of the Clone Wars, Kate was effectively orphaned at six and raised, along with her cousin, by her grandparents. She attended the Imperial Academy at the age of seventeen and enlisted in the Imperial Navy. She soon met and married Greg Black-Granger and retired from active service to raise their two children, Cassy and James Black-Granger. When Greg resigned from his position in the Imperial Secret Police to pursue a business venture, the entire family moved to Csilla. When things fell through after a year, and Greg's attempt to re-enter Imperial service denied, the Black-Grangers moved to Kathol. A few years later, Greg enlisted into the New Imperial Army, a branch of the New Imperial Order, and the family again moved - this time to Kothlis. As the kids grew up and became more independent, Kate began working as an agent for the Ministry of Justice. She continued there until the reunification of the New Imperial Order and the Galactic Empire, when she enlisted in the Imperial Army.



Born Katelyn Tilney in Year -25, Kate was raised by her paternal grandparents on Coruscant. Mere days after Kate's birth, her mother disappeared, abandoning her new family and leaving no trace as to her whereabouts. All of Kate's earliest memories were related to the war between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, which officially started when Kate was three years old. Kate's father and grandfather were often away due to their Republic Navy obligations, the former serving in the Coruscant Home Fleet and the latter as a Rear Admiral. She was cared for, along with her cousin Zachary, by her grandmother; they closely followed the events of the war through the HoloNet. Peter Tilney, along with most of the Home Fleet, was shot down in an ambush by the Confederate Navy, which sparked the Battle of Coruscant.

Naval service

Kate came in the top two percent in her entrance tests for the Sector Naval Academy and was selected to attend the elite Imperial Naval Academy, where training lasted for thirty months instead of the traditional twelve. She graduated (as a Crewman) in the top third of her class, qualifying her to train as a TIE pilot. She was assigned to command a flight of the 271st Interceptor Squadron, based onboard the Nebulon-B frigate Crog's Grotto. She soon met and became romantically involved with the ship's commander,

Kate and Greg Black-Granger

Greg Black-Granger. Only months later, they were married onboard the Victory-class Star Destroyer Widowmaker by the ship's captain. Kate soon became pregnant with Cassy and James in quick succession and retired from active duty with the rank of Flight Corporal.

Raising a family

Greg remained in active service while Kate cared for their two children, born one year apart, with the help of her grandmother. Soon after her husband's promotion to First Lieutenant, he accepted the offer to work for Cortar Medical, which would allow him to spend much more time with the family. He handed in his discharge papers, and the family moved to Csilla. When the plans with Cortar Medical fell through a year later, Greg's career with the Galactic Empire unable to be revived, and their funds depleted, the Black-Granger family moved to Greg's homeworld Kathol, living there for the next three years. Even though she understood why the government was wary of her and her husband, Kate was frustrated that they couldn't return to serving the Empire they both supported wholeheartedly.

New Imperial Order

In Year 5, Kate supported her husband's decision to enlist in the New Imperial Order. A few months later, the family moved to Kothlis and Kate began working as an Agent for the Ministry of Justice.

In Year 9, Kate was sent to prepare the preliminary report on the security state on Ortenga, whose second major city Defringo had been destroyed, and some citizens killed, in a riot. Accompanied by her daughter Cassy, who was a member of the SA-Group and was sent along as a learning experience, they helped the North-Western Garrison at Niakwa fight off the uprisers.

Return to the Empire

About a year later, the New Imperial Order and the Galactic Empire merged into one government. Kate decided to transfer to the Imperial Army as a Corporal, the equivalent to the rank she had when she'd left military service nearly fifteen years before.

Personality and Traits

Kate was a strong supporter of Imperial ideology. Kate is friendly and approachable, always willing to help if she can, but only confides in very few. She doesn't hate or dislike aliens but is a supporter of humanocentrism. She cannot stand self-centeredness and disloyalty. She's empathetic and has a strong intuition that she trusts, which enables her to perceive a situation from multiple standpoints. She emotionally detaches during battles or crises and represses her feelings, and later has trouble coming to terms with those; she sometimes becomes overwhelmed weeks afterward and crashes. Kate sometimes has trouble paying attention to the fine details – misplacing items or forgetting , or not noticing, things she should know.

She strongly disliked the Jedi Order, seeing them as power-hungry, deluded hypocrites. She blamed the Jedi for the Clone Wars and her father's early death as his commander had been a Jedi Master.


Greg Black-Granger

Endora Strax