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Nyla Barrett

From Imperial Archives
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Nyla Barrett
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Elena Barrett
Father Henry Barrett
Spouse None
Siblings Four
Children None
Born Year 2 Day 103
Imperial Service
Branch OqFIdK4.png
Regional Government
Positions Staff Member
Prior Service Staff Member
Recruitment Officer
ISB Regional Supervisor
ICR Secretary
Awards 9291_barrett.png

Nyla Barrett is a Coruscanti currently serving within the Regional Government. From a young age she has strived to be a member of the Galactic Empire, having served within the Imperial Navy Youth Corps on Coruscant.

Early Life

Coruscant - Nyla's homeworld

Nyla was born into a life of luxury on the upper levels of the Imperial Capital with her family serving in key positions throughout the Empire. Her father, Admiral Henry Barrett, served within the Imperial Navy as a fleet commander, and her mother Elena was an officer within the local government offices of Coruscant. These jobs meant exposure to Imperial life was extremely high for Nyla and she often found herself sat around the dinner table with senior Imperial commanders, stood amongst crowds of the highest achievers and conversing with the most loyal Imperial citizens. This was easily the main reason for the passion to join the Galactic Empire and the determination to achieve within Nyla as she wanted to show her parents was just as good, if not better, than those she grew up around. Another significant factor in her childhood that drove Nyla towards an Imperial career was the Imperial Navy Youth Corp. Here she learned about the Empire and all its glory, history, structure and everything else a young Imperial should know, as well as some key skills that would be useful in both military and civilian life such as self defence, communication and forming relationships. In brief this organisation prepared Nyla for all of the trials and challenges that Imperial life would present to her which proved invaluable during her time at the academy and beyond, leading her to pass out of the academy as an honours graduate, and quickly getting her noticed by her superiors once assigned to a governmental posting.

Regional Government

Following in the footsteps of her mother by joining the Regional Government, Nyla hoped to improve the Galactic Empire on a humanitarian and civilian level by assisting in the construction of planetary infrastructure, defensive installations within Imperial systems and generally by ensuring the civilians had everything they needed to live a fulfilling and prosperous life. This was the case right from day one, and Nyla could not have been happier with what she was doing. In her eyes there was more to service than simply fighting the enemy, as without a strong civilian component to support front line troops all military operations would collapse and fail. Furthermore, a principle of humanity had been instilled within her from a young, emphasising peace and stability over mindless conflict and fighting. However this all began to change in the dawn of Year 24, not too long after graduating from the Imperial Academy, when she realised that the enemy did not share her same ideals; they favoured terror and destruction, with no care in the world for the safety and care of peaceful noncombatants. This was evident when a mining operation Nyla was apart of was ambushed by rebel pirates, killing hundreds of innocent workers and disrupting the procurement of raw materials destined for the development of a new medical district in the Corellian Oversector. Due to a lack of military support in the area Nyla became a key member of the defence attachment, swapping out the bridge of her mining vessel for the cockpit of a TIE fighter, and getting her first taste of real combat. From this point on the levels of forgiveness and hope in the humanity of those who oppose the Galactic Empire were crushed, and in the ashes rose a new personality, void of mercy for anyone who would dare oppose peace, freedom, justice and security throughout the Galaxy.

Ministry of Culture

With a passion for innovation and dedication towards the New Order, Nyla looked towards the Ministry of Culture at the start of Year 24 to help further the Imperial cause beyond her usual full time duties. The Imperial Information Service (IIS) in particular seemed like the right path to go down because of Nyla's superb literacy and research skills, which served great purpose within the Imperial Archives and the Imperial News Bureau. Through these roles Nyla was able to keep the records of Imperial life, service and organisation up to date, thus ensuring the preservation of the rich history behind the Galactic Empire, whilst also reporting on present day issues and advances, and ensuring all Imperial citizens were kept informed of what was happening across the galaxy. On top of this service she also took up a position within the Imperial Centre for Recruitment (ICR). Here Nyla quickly proved her worth by greatly expanding the scope of Imperial recruitment activities across a number of new communication platforms, with old and forgotten methods brought back to life and existing widely-used tactics revitalised and brought into the modern era. All of these efforts saw an immediate increase in recruitment rates which was a huge success for the Empire, but also for Nyla who had gained the attention of a number of high profile individuals.

Imperial Security Bureau

Return to Government Life

Service History

Full Time Ranks Held

Grade Insignia Rank Branch Galactic Date
[T-1] T1.png Recruit Imperial Academy Year 23 Day 306 - Y23 Day 312
[O-1] GOV-O1.png Junior Superintendent Regional Government Year 23 Day 312 - Year 24 Day 50
[O-2] GOV-O2.png Superintendent Regional Government Year 24 Day 50 - Y24 Day 169
[O-3] GOV-O3.png Senior Superintendent Regional Government Year 24 Day 169 - Year 24 Day 261
[O-4] GOV-O4.png Sub-Prefect Regional Government Year 24 Day 261 - Year 24 Day 327
Grade Insignia Rank Branch Galactic Date
[O-5] ISB-O6.png ISB-Lieutenant Imperial Security Bureau Year 24 Day 327 - Year 25 Day 135
Grade Insignia Rank Branch Galactic Date
[O-4] GOV-O4.png Sub-Prefect Regional Government Year 26 Day 15 - Present

Part Time Ranks Held

Grade Insignia Rank Branch Galactic Date
[O-3] CMP-O3.png Aide Ministry of Culture Year 24 Day 62 - Year 24 Day 318
[O-5] CMP-O5.png Senior Coordinator Ministry of Culture Year 24 Day 232 - Year 24 Day 318
[C-2] CMP-C2.png Administrator Ministry of Culture Year 24 Day 318 - Year 25 Day 135

Current Positions Held

Former Positions Held

Recruitment Officer
Preceded By:
Nyla Barrett
Year 24 Day 62 - Year 24 Day 232
Succeeded By:
Senior Recruitment Officer
Preceded By:
Thrae Claddlyl
Nyla Barrett
Year 24 Day 232 - Year 24 Day 318
Succeeded By:
Staff Writer
Preceded By:
Nyla Barrett
Year 24 Day 72 - Year 24 Day 318
Succeeded By:
Preceded By:
Nyla Barrett
Year 24 Day 60 - Year 24 Day 318
Succeeded By:
Secretary of the Imperial Centre for Recruitment
Preceded By:
Thrae Claddlyl
Nyla Barrett
Year 24 Day 318 - Year 25 Day 135
Succeeded By:
Arthur Smith
Emerald Imperial Security Bureau Supervisor
Preceded By:
Eliana Nicabre
Nyla Barrett
Year 24 Day 327 - Year 25 Day 135
Succeeded By:
Tyler Struan


Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded by
IABG-H.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate - Honours [IABG-H] Year 23 Day 312 Academy Commandant Auberin Jaxson
MID.jpg Mentioned in Dispatches [MID] Year 23 Day 354 Grand Moff Aurren Takla
IAM.jpg Imperial Activity Medal [IAM] Year 24 Day 50 Grand Moff Aurren Takla
ISM.jpg Imperial Service Medal [ISM] Year 24 Day 129 Imperial Security Bureau
LOC.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 24 Day 152 Minister of Culture Leeanna Mailhot
LOCx2.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 24 Day 169 Grand Moff Aurren Takla
LOCx3.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 24 Day 283 Minister of Culture Leeanna Mailhot
ISM-1.jpg Imperial Service Medal [ISM] Year 24 Day 312 Imperial Security Bureau
DDS.jpg Departmental Distinguished Service [DDS] Year 24 Day 344 Grand Moff Aurren Takla
CMM.jpg COMPNOR Member Medal [CMM] Year 24 Day 361 Grand Vizier Marcus Elensar
IRM.jpg Imperial Recruitment Medal [IRM] Year 25 Day 55 Minister of Culture Leeanna Mailhot
IMM.jpg Imperial Meeting Medal [IMM] Year 25 Day 83 Imperial Security Bureau
CISA.jpg Certified Imperial Security Agent [CISA] Year 25 Day 83 Director of ISB Patrick Bisson
LOCx4.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 25 Day 83 Director of ISB Patrick Bisson
CSA.jpg COMPNOR Service Award [CSA] Year 25 Day 85 Grand Vizier Marcus Elensar
UDS.jpg Unit Distinguished Service [UDS] Year 25 Day 97 Supreme Commander Hatori Hoorl
LOCx5.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 25 Day 174 High Moff Kef Drenall