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Kathleen Tate

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Kathleen Tate
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo
Children None
Born Year -14 Day 31
Imperial Service
Branch compnor_archive.png

Imperial Security Bureau/SecOps
-Ruby Region Liaison
Imperial Development Team/CT-IDT
-Server Administrator
Imperial Art Society/CT-IAS

Prior Service

Imperial Security Bureau (Security Operations/SecOps)
-Kuat Sector Liaison
Imperial Art Society (Culture/CT)
-Deputy Director
Imperial Intelligence
Chief of Military Intelligence (Analysis)
-Military Intelligence Sector Liaison (DMI)
--Deep Core
-Military Intelligence Officer (DMI)
--Deep Core
Imperial Army
-6th Brigade Executive Officer (3IL)

Awards 8682_tate.png

Kathleen Tate (born Y-14 D31) is an Imperial Security Bureau major general who is currently the Ruby Region Liaison since Y18 D16. Prior to her acceptance into the Bureau, Tate served in Imperial Intelligence as the Chief of Military Intelligence and as a Military Intelligence Sector Liaison for various Imperials sectors. In her service as Chief of DMI, Tate was appointed as a pro tempore member of Imperial Intelligence Command.

A member of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, Tate serves not only as an ISB Regional Liaison but also as Director for Imperial Art Society, overseeing the Imperial Identification Bureau and the Imperial Graphics Division; and as a System Administrator for the Imperial Development Team, overseeing the technological and communications infrastructure for the Empire. Tate is also the recipient of the coveted COMPNOR Medal of Progress.

Just like cousin Gaila, Tate also has her own moon.

Imperial Career

Imperial Army

Tate received a commission in the Imperial Army through the Imperial Academy Basic Training Program after graduating with full honors and has served in the Imperial Army since Y15. She began her career in the 6th Brigade commanding the 10th Reconnaissance Battalion "Cobra". Shortly after she was appointed Executive Officer of the Brigade.

Imperial Intelligence

Around the same time of her appointment to Brigade XO, she was approached by an Imperial Intelligence recruiter who had monitored her career from the time she graduated. She was offered a chance to apply for an opening as an Intelligence Officer under the Department of Military Intelligence. Although at the time she was very young in the Empire, only having a few months of service, she was granted a special waiver by the Throne to obtain a Secret security clearance. This clearance level allowed her to apply to II and serve in a part-time capacity.

Tate was soon enrolled in a long recruitment process that required her to complete many exams and go through a series of long interviews and polygraph tests. She soon learned that II's claim of being the hardest branch to gain entrance into was not exaggerated. After completing the recruitment process to the satisfaction of II, Tate was accepted into the agency on Y16 D64.

Tate spent most of her time in the Army doing training exercises and other tasks required for the Brigade. At the same time she served as Intelligence Officer under the Tapani Sector Command. She has not been involved in actual combat to date. While working for DMI she quickly began developing a number of innovative changes aimed at improving the quality of service II provided to Sector Commands and expanding the role of Intelligence Officers assigned there. For her ongoing work to improve DMI, she was selected by the Ubiqtorate to take charge of the department and to start enacting her proposed changes, making her the first female Chief of Military Intelligence.

Commission for the Preservation of the New Order

During her time as Chief of Military Intelligence, Tate had her eye on the seemly defunct Imperial Art Society. Whilst already a member of the Imperial Development Team, Tate joined the ranks of the Imperial Art Society. After the previous Director went inactive, Tate took the initiative to become Director and get things back on track. During her tenure as Director, IAS saw the introduction of auto-ribbon rack generation, for which she was awarded the COMPNOR Medal of Progress, as well as new avatar frames, new branch logos, and auto-avatar generation, in coalition with the Imperial Development Team (IDT). Tate has spent her time in IAS automating a lot of the mundane processes, improving Imperial artwork and preparing the next generation of artists and IAS personnel to take on the artistic challenges of the Empire without impedance from the routine tasks that used to be the department's responsibility. Daniel Ascarion of IDT was key in making all the automation possible on the technical side.

After a year Tate retired from Imperial Intelligence and joined the Central Government full-time, working for the Imperial Security Bureau. After a month of training she was posted as the Kuat Sector Liaison. Tate served uninterrupted until the sector reorganisation into Regions came into effect, then she was appointed Ruby Regional Liaison.

Late in Year 17, Tate was elevated to Tudor security clearance by the Throne, reaffirming her fidelity and their trust in her.

Imperial Service Record

Time of Service: Year 15, Day 324 - Present

Ranks Held

Grade Insignia Rank Time In Grade Promoted By
[T-1] MT-1.png Recruit Year 15 Day 324 - Year 15 Day 326 Enrollment into the Imperial Academy
[O-1] MO-1.png 2nd Lieutenant Year 15 Day 326 - Year 16 Day 58 Walter Watts
[O-2] MO-2.png 1st Lieutenant Year 16 Day 58 - Year 16 Day 108 Navarro De Molay
[O-3] MO-3.png Captain Year 16 Day 108 - Year 16 Day 185 Nathaniel Durane
[O-4] MO-4.png Major Year 16 Day 185 - Year 16 Day 294 Nathaniel Durane
[C-1] IIC-1.png II-Brigadier General Year 16 Day 294 - Year 17 Day 112 Seele
[C-2] IIC-2.png II-Major General Year 17 Day 112 - Year 17 Day 136 Seele
[O-7] ISBO-7.png ISB-High Colonel Year 17 Day 136 - Year 17 Day 193 Daniel Ascarion
[C-1] ISBC-1.png ISB-Brigadier General Year 17 Day 193 - Year 18 Day 20 Daniel Ascarion
[C-2] ISBC-2.png ISB-Major General Year 18 Day 30 - Present Daniel Ascarion


Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded by
IABG-H.jpg Imperial Academy Graduate - Honours Year 15 Day 324 Imperial Academy
LOC.jpg Letter of Commendation Year 16 Day 76 Nathaniel Durane
IMM.jpg Imperial Meeting Medal Year 16 Day 112 Zhaff Orikan
ISM.jpg Imperial Service Medal Year 16 Day 145 Skyron Cyneran
MID.jpg Mentioned in Dispatches Year 16 Day 158 Navarro De Molay
MIDx2.jpg Mentioned in Dispatches x2 Year 16 Day 158 Navarro De Molay
CIIA.jpg Certified Imperial Intelligence Agent Year 16 Day 245 Marshall Ridgeway
IISA.jpg Imperial Intelligence Service Award Year 16 Day 245 Marshall Ridgeway
IMM-12.jpg Imperial Meeting Medal - 12 Year 16 Day 294 Seele
ISM-1.jpg Imperial Service Medal - 1 Year Year 16 Day 326 Seele
IAM.jpg Imperial Activity Medal Year 16 Day 360 Seele
LOCx2.jpg Letter of Commendation x 2 Year 16 Day 363 Seele
IISA-1.jpg Imperial Intelligence Service Award - 1 Year Year 17 Day 63 Seele
CMM.jpg COMPNOR Membership Medal Year 17 Day 136 Inwe Ventidius
CMP.jpg COMPNOR Medal of Progress Year 17 Day 140 Inwe Ventidius
CISA.jpg Certified Imperial Security Agent Year 17 Day 193 Daniel Ascarion
CSA-1.jpg Compnor Service Award - 1 Year Year 18 Day 19 Seele

Positions Appointed

6th Brigade Executive Officer
Preceded By:
Steve Humason
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 58 – Year 16 Day 210
Succeeded By:
Walter Watts
Military Intelligence Officer - Tapani
Preceded By:
Dratt Darkstar
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 65 – Year 16 Day 210
Succeeded By:
Walter Watts
Chief of Military Intelligence
Preceded By:
Dratt Darkstar
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 210 – Year 17 Day 136
Succeeded By:
Military Intelligence Officer (Acting) - Corellia
Preceded By:
Vash Andron
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 210 – Year 16 Day 302
Succeeded By:
Anabelle Na`hutal
Military Intelligence Officer (Acting) - Corporate
Preceded By:
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 210 – Year 17 Day 25
Succeeded By:
John Bell
Military Intelligence Officer (Acting) - Deep Core
Preceded By:
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 210 – Year 17 Day 70
Succeeded By:
Imperial Development Team - System Administrator
Preceded By:
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 277 – Present
Succeeded By:
Imperial Art Society - Artist
Preceded By:
Kathleen Tate
Year 16 Day 260 – Present
Succeeded By:
Other People
Military Intelligence Officer (Acting) - Tapani
Preceded By:
Walter Watts
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 11 – Year 17 Day 70
Succeeded By:
Military Intelligence Sector Liaison (Acting) - Tapani
Preceded By:
Position Created
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 70 – Year 17 Day 136
Succeeded By:
Military Intelligence Sector Liaison (Acting) - Deep Core
Preceded By:
Position Created
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 70 – Year 17 Day 136
Succeeded By:
Imperial Art Society - Deputy Director
Preceded By:
Position Created
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 77 – Year 17 Day 139
Succeeded By:
Military Intelligence Sector Liaison (Acting) - Corellia
Preceded By:
Walter Watts
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 116 – Year 17 Day 136
Succeeded By:
Imperial Art Society - Director
Preceded By:
Wummer Malephar
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 139 – Present
Succeeded By:
Imperial Security Sector Liaison - Kuat
Preceded By:
Nikai Tonnak
Kathleen Tate
Year 17 Day 193 – Year 18 Day 30
Succeeded By:
Imperial Security Regional Liaison - Ruby
Preceded By:
Position Created
Kathleen Tate
Year 18 Day 16 - Present
Succeeded By: