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(New page: The '''Dawn series''' is a trilogy of branch- and Imperial-wide scenarios that were oriented around the loss and recapture of an Imperial colonial planet. ==History== When Imperial astro...)
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The Dawn series is a trilogy of branch- and Imperial-wide scenarios that were oriented around the loss and recapture of an Imperial colonial planet.


When Imperial astronomers noticed a blur around X-232BE2 during astronomical photography, the 134th Recon Squadron was tasked with the placement of a medium-range galactic telescope to investigate the occurrence. Whilst it was likely that the blur was a technical glitch it was required by the Ministry of Research and Development to investigate and eliminate any errors in astrocharts. With the possibility of it being a star, which would effect the hyperspace lanes, it was deemed a priority.

Under the command of Lieutenant (jg) Stonham, the squadron entered hyperspace alongside the research vessel Intrepid to deploy the telescope nine light years for the mysterious blur. The results they found were shocking. The blur that was near designated star X-242BE2 was an orbiting planet, one that had not been previously recorded. When word reached Imperial High Command of this planet, orders where given for the Squadron to "investigate with caution". Due to the overwhelming amount of star systems that were excluded from official records, more often than not due to highly illegal activities occurring in the system, a colonizing force would not be risked if the planet was occupied by rival governments.

The Squadron headed off for a three-day exploration of the planet and any other planetary body in the star's orbit. The planet was populated, although relatively small, with the inhabitants genetically similar to Corellians. The data provided to be the key to the start of colonization by the New Imperial Order, with the results showing that the planet's atmosphere was well suited to the majority of Imperial citizens and with the planet being unknown to the rest of the galaxy it could quickly become the home planet of military task-forces.

As Imperial settlers came to the planet, many budding explorers and scientists set off to explore the vast wilderness in the hope that they could make a name of themselves by discovering a lost tribe or finding a miracle-granting plant. The majority came back empty-handed, finding nothing more than long forests and rolling hills in their long treks. Even the scientists came back without any findings, the plants and animals already known in the galaxy. Colonization programs were canceled, local governments preferring to spend the credits on improving and constructing more cities rather than send citizens to a wasteful planet.

For those that were on the planet, they had to make do with what was available to them. Two cities were created on opposite sides of the planet, the citizens of each all looking for a way of making money to return to their home planets. A few begin trading with the natives, exchanging weapons and food for the hides of animals and knowledge of raw material deposits. It was believed that if the planet was found to be rich in the precious metals that mining companies would arrive and the colonists could sell the land, forfilling the dream they had when they arrived.

Whilst some where looking only for ways to get off the planet whilst making money, others were looking to adapt to the land. Farmers got natives to show them how they grew their crops and which way an animal should properly be raised to get the maximum meat yield. Whilst the natives shared their agricultural knowledge, they also shared the stories of their ancestors to those willing to listen.

Myths of great monsters terrorizing villages, demons taking the souls out of those who walked in the shadows and villagers devouring their family in fits of madness were told. The tales were laughed off, the census believing that the natives were just savages that had fought and terrorized each other until civilization found them. One person, a Bothan Monk of the Tiuse Order, reported that "these savages must be taught how to be civilized, for they still live in the fear of their own shadow." The religious elements of the New Imperial Order eagerly jumped at the chance to convert more to their beliefs, the rewards their Gods would give to them propelling them into paradise throughout eternity.

Missionaries were sent, along with materials of the construction of religious buildings to be used as a place of pray and peace. Many monks choose to build in the hills, allowing the peace of the area to flow through the building and into the hearts and souls of those that were there. With the promise of food, warmth, drinks and a place into the promised land, the natives came and converted to those they named 'higher beings'.

Villages became deserted as strong communities were created around the churches. The Tiuse Order, seeing one community blossom, ordered the construction of a cathedral to be constructed close to the city of Niakwa. From there, a cardinal would oversee the blossoming faith across the planet. Named after one of their Saints, the St. Telio Cathedral became the key building on Ortenga with the New Imperial Order placing the seat of government in the grounds.

Dawn Chorus

A bad harvest caused small uprisings and riots in the smaller communities, the natives angry that the colonists hadn't provided the food they had promised to them. Storage facilities were damaged as those that were starving forced their way in, taking all that they could carry with their arms. Quickly the supplies were devoured in greed, the monks that were rationing the supplies for the long winter pleading with the cities to grant more food supplies.

Defringo, capital city of Ortenga and site of uprising.

The requests were denied, the cities facing the same supply problems. With major supply lines unwilling to risk a travel to the isolated planet, not only due to the unstable hyperspace route but as the risk of making a loss at the planet. The planet's income was not enough to support the growing population.

Supplies were now relied on the Tiuse Order, who sent semi-regular shipments to assist the communities they had built. The citizens survival was now down to the monks of the Order, who had to ensure a balanced diet along with rationing of the supplies until the next shipment arrived. Several communities, knitted together for survival, attacked the supply ship. The weapons that had been traded for knowledge now used against the colonists.

The attack fueled a massive riot in the city of Defringo, scared citizens trying to get on board the only ship in the landing pad. The captain of the AA-9 transport Columbus panicked, ordering the ship to depart immediately as well as broadcast a plea for help to military forces. Unknown to the captain, the take-off resulting in the death of 23 citizens and thousands of major burns.

With their one hope of getting of the planet gone, the rioters began looting and ransacking the city. Anything that would allow them to survive the harsh weather was taking, people murdering one another to take the valuable furs and food. Several monks led those that hadn't succumbed to rioting to the outlaying villages, the churches sending their own pleas of help for rescue.

The New Imperial Order, along with several religious orders, responded. Plans for the evacuation were brought up and the hard work to put them into effect began. The 3rd Naval Fleet of the New Imperial Order were tasked with the evacuation, the government deciding that the events on the planet meant it was unsafe for civilians to embark on the risky trip.

A nearby patrol-craft, the Bayonet Light Cruiser Vigilance, was tasked to head to the planet and establish a base of communications. A detachment from Iron Brigade, on board as an immediate action force, were given orders to evacuate the planetary government and key members of the Tisue Order from the St.Telio Cathedral.

Upon completion of this task, the New Imperial Order made further withdrawals whilst plans for a recapture of the planet were prepared. Many stated the belief that the planet's loss was due to the religious elements that were allowed partial control of the government in exchange for the colonization and immigration programs they held on the planet. These plans would be put on hold, as the merger between the New Imperial Order and the Galactic Empire shifted attention to the merger preparations.

Twilight Raid

As this delay extended over several months, the remaining colonists had began to fight for control of the planet. With several different religions having been on the planet, they soon became combative groups as they fought against each other. In addition to the angered natives, who had entered the revolt in an attempt to remove the off-worlders from their planet, the entire planet had become the center for a massive revolt.

One group would rise to the top, eventually taking control of the rebelling citizens and uniting them under one banner through political and military force. The Tisue Order, once a peaceful religion, had been taken over by a man called Fenix. Once a colonist, he seized on the chance to take over the religion and quickly used the religion as a tool to getting him the planet. Using mercenaries and smugglers to supply him with weapons and troops, Fenix led the brutal assaults against his opposition.

Fenix would also gain control of two orbitting stations, used as a resupply depot and a trading outpost before the rebellion. These two stations would be combined into one, acting as a defensive station to ensure Fenix remained the sole leader of Ortenga. In addition to the merging of the stations; they were fitted with added defenses and thrusters allowing the station to relocate. One of the defenses included a massive industrial mining laser, capable of destroying medium-large freighters with one of it's enhanced 'shots'.

The station would become the central point for Fenix's funding, with smugglars using the station as an exchange point for their illegal goods. It helped bring people to the planet, in addition to supporting Fenix's military operations, whilst ensuring the planet had some extra defenses in case it was assaulted. Quickly, the station would become a well-known entity throughout the Outer Rim for those weary crooks that disliked seeing their buyers or sellers in person.

The New Imperial Order, and then Galactic Empire, were well-aware of the genocide and smuggling acts occurring on and above the planet. Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau deployed various teams to gather the intelligence required for the re-taking of the planet. The intelligence gathered would be used to adjust the assault plan, with a duel strike occuring before a full ground-assualt regained control.

A Naval Squadron was dispatched to take control of the space around Ortenga whilst the Army deployed several Platoons to destroy key installations before the ground assualt the next day. Additionally, II and ISB began their operations to capture key members of the 'Tisue Order'.

Behind the Scenes

"Overall word count: 38089. Round with the most gruesome death: Round 5. Moderator's favourite round: Round 3. Being in an awesome scenario: Priceless. For some things there is 1st Lieutenant Greg Black-Granger. For everything else, there's Mastercard."
— Greg Black-Granger

The Dawn series is the brainchild of Greg Black-Granger, who created and modded Dawn Chorus when he was a First Lieutenant in the New Imperial Army. Participants included the then-Major Sola Tao, Second Lieutenant Selene Tal-Kryte, Sergeant Zelsic Cretim, Sergeant Mak Callipso, Sergeant Eric Twaites, William Black-Granger, and Agent Kate Black-Granger, with a special guest appearance by SA-Corporal Cassy Black-Granger.

After the merge of the Galactic Empire and New Imperial Order, Kate Black-Granger took the reigns of the second installment of the scenario: Twilight Raid. Expanding it to an Imperial-wide scenario, the participants included the then-Captain Daelis Stanov, ISB-Lieutenant Colonel Greg Black-Granger, Lieutenant Colonel Igneus Esh, Lieutenant Colonel Tec Vaan, Lieutenant Commander Marshall Ridgeway, Captain Michael Beckhart, Second Lieutenant Cyrus Minx, Ensign Gredek Dregoth, Command Flight Officer Josef DeLaurel, Command Flight Officer Vrogard Delahon, Command Sergeant Petrov Kazlov, Command Sergeant Jason Con, Command Sergeant Euna Miriel, Command Sergeant Endora Strax, Sergeant Major Szardra Kaika, Sergeant First Class Mark Scott, Flight Sergeant Mark Hadrian, Corporal Elvira Falston, Corporal Straus Doakes, Private First Class Nixon Spears, Private First Class Nilius Rose, Private First Class Vislor Foreman, and Cadet Alor`ad Cuun.