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{{SuccessionBoxGrey | position = Assault Force Executive Officer  | predecessor = Graeda L'Annan | successor = Position Abolished | name = Gunther Rall | time = }}
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Assault Force
Abbreviations AF
Active Y10D6 - Y12
Branch Imperial Navy / Imperial Army
CO Rex Corwyn (Y10D6 - D170)
Graeda L'Annan (Y10D170 - Y12)
XO Graeda L'Annan (Y10D6 - D170)
Markus Saretti & Gunther Rall (Y10D170 - Y12)
AEGIS.jpg Operation: Stellar Aegis

MBUH.jpg Operation: Dumbo Drop


The Assault Force, commonly referred to as the AF, was an experimental elite unit of the Galactic Empire that merged the Second Imperial Legion and the Seventh Imperial Fleet to execute military operations as one body. The Assault Force's focus was the elimination of military threats to the established Imperial order no matter where the contention arose. The Assault Force was equipped with the ships of the Imperial Navy and the vehicles of the Imperial Army, essentially making it an all-response unit capable of any task the Galactic Empire assigned it. This mission-oriented unit used methodical, orderly and tactical responses in its special operations through use of a specialized Standard Operating Procedure coupled with the drive and determination to reach for an extremely high level of tactics and teamwork.


"It is my great hope, and that of our superiors, that our success in this endeavor will be a model for future cross-branch military operations."
Rex Corwyn


The idea of a unit capable of missions in any theatre of operation had been discussed by Imperial Leaders for many years. These discussions eventually came into being with the merging of two of the Empire's most seasoned and battle hardened divisions. The Imperial Army's Second Imperial Legion and the Imperial Navy's Seventh Imperial Fleet were summoned to band together for this new experimental unit.

Together these two powers form what may be the most powerful weapon that the Imperial war machine has at its disposal. The Assault Force has the capacity to wage war in space, on the ground and anywhere in between.


Immediately following the success of several construction projects at the end of Year 9, through which Captain Rex Corwyn of the 7IF proved his outstanding logistical abilities coupled with his ability to pinpoint the essentials, Imperial High Command appointed him as the first commanding officer of the Assault Force. The military units were joined, but they remained autonomous; AF executive officer Captain Graeda L'Annan retained full authority over the 2IL as Corwyn did for the 7IF. They strove to achieve their objectives in a spirit of cooperation and camaraderie.

Operations and Missions

Operation Stellar Ageis

Originally intended as a training mission “Operation Stellar Ageis” emerge from the cocoon of simple exercises soon enough. While the mission was on its way a group of putschists assassinate members of the Imperial inner Circle - in particular the supreme commander of the Navy Admiral Assam. The putschists’ nexus spared no-one and not the AF either. During the mission not less than seven AF soldiers in charge had been arrested or suspend from office. To make matters worse the climatic conditions on a huge number of the operational areas forced men and equipment over permissible exposure limits. Notably Etain Fusick, a member of the 2nd Legion, who was in over her head due the enormous physical stress that came along with the hostile to life in the ice desserts of Caross.


How long does it take to gather information about a planet? Sure enough this will take some time! Though, how long does it take to gather information about a whole system? Well of course this will depend in the kind and in the depth of the information that is of interest. However, in due consideration of the mission operatives the assignment was anything else then taking a peek at a planet’s atmosphere. Anyway, 47 days after the united task force of the AF has entered the Koornacht Cluster on the 76 day of year 10, the entire system had been investigated and the job had been done in the main. Yet to evaluate and analyze all information plus to ensure an ordered end of the mission further 35 days had been of need. On day 160 LTCOL Graeda L'Annan awarded the troops in an appropriate ceremony.

One of the hangar bays of the VSD Ruthless carrying Team Crimson’s equipment.

Organisation and Optional Goals

Split into 4 standalone operating combat units a total of 28 planets and moons within the Koornacht Cluster have had to be investigated for any kind of unauthorized constructions. To sanction illegal activities with all due hardship the combat units were authorised with executing privileges. While this ultimate executive authority was restricted to the combat units’ leaders only, troops were asked to arrest lowlifes. The combat units, whose leaderships alternated halfway through the entire mission, had to report the AF command staff directly:
Combat Unit Lead Crimson Emerald Amber Azure
1st Round ENS Kendan Tarr CFOF Rawther Den SFC Endora Strax FOF Euna Miriel
2nd Round 2LT Michael Beckhart FOF Kavash Orr SGT Mark Scott CMSGT Gunther Rall

Mission Outcomes

The Assault Force has proven itself as a reliable unit, capable to perform ordered assignments even under critical conditions. Neither adverse living conditions nor political reprisals had been able to infect the unit, which had proven to stay loyal to the Emperor and the aims of the New Order. By mastering “Operation Stellar Ageis” the Assault Force has got its baptism by fire.

Operation Dumbo Drop

Commonly known as the Liberation of M'Buh, Operation Dumbo Drop is the official name of the mission in which the Galactic Empire took on the New Republic in the N'Zoth System. Dumbo Drop was the necessary military prelude that enabled the commencement of a policy to bring liberty for the people of M`Buh. While “Dumbo Drop” was a clearly defined military operation in deployment and duration, the Liberation of M`Buh was a socio-political process, which was aimed to establish law and order to the people of M`Buh in the long term. This confusion of ideas resulted in a baseless rumour that claimed an implicated defeat of the Galactic Empire. The truth was that the military portion was a complete success, enabled by a smooth meshing of all involved units. However, whether the socio-political reforms will establish a stabilized government system on M`Buh will be told by time.


The entire military part of the mission lasted from 54th through to 64th day of Year 11. In less than 10 days the well trained task force gained control over two planets within the N'zoth system.

Members of the 2nd Legion securing an entrance to one of the countless hideouts of rebel forces

Optional Goals

Dumbo Drop was divided into different missions stages. The primary objectives had been to occupy and secure planetary grids of priority military relevance. At first, Imperial forces had an unexpected easy time of it, since the enemy was found unprepared and unorganized. Only a few hours after the initial offense, all primary goals had been accomplished. However, the situation for the secondary mission objectives was much different. Due to treachery, the enemy was forewarned and were to entrench in a wide range of subterranean defensive works. At M`Buh, the military main goal, the Assault Force picked up enemy forces in a grueling skirmish.

Mission Outcomes

The entire operation had its moments of seeming ill-omened. Despite using the highest levels of security regulations, the enemy was informed by a mole in the early stages of the operation. Dara Starwind, one of the enlisted ranks within the 7th Fleet betrayed the Empire and informed the enemy about the time and place of assault. Although the traitor was executed by Captain Saretti at the end of the operation, the betrayal tarnished the glory of the outcome and left a stigma on the hitherto impeccable reputation of the AF and the 7th in particular. However, from the beginning, an outstanding performance of the Assault Force Command resulted in the success of all given military goals by attacking the New Republic on their homelands, with the commanders of the operation earning the rarely issued Imperial Cross by the word of the Emperor himself.

Upcoming Operation


- will be announced timely -

Optional Goals

- Classified -

Mission Outcomes

- Classified -

See also

Assault Force Commanding Officer
Preceded By:
Rex Corwyn
Graeda L'Annan
Year 10 Day 170 - c. Y12
Succeeded By:
Position Abolished
Assault Force Executive Officer
Preceded By:
Graeda L'Annan
Markus Saretti
Year 10 Day 170 - c. Y12
Succeeded By:
Position Abolished
Assault Force Executive Officer
Preceded By:
Graeda L'Annan
Gunther Rall
Succeeded By:
Position Abolished