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Kol Seraph

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Koltan 'Kol' Seraph

Agent Kol Seraph
Imperial Intelligence
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Taris
Mother Lasha Seraph (assumed deceased)
Father Garran Seraph (assumed deceased)
Spouse N/A
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Y-11 D232
Imperial Service
Branch II_Archive.png
Imperial Intelligence
Positions Current:
Prior Service SmallIILogo-1.png

Imperial Intelligence:

  • II Trainee

Imperial Army:

  • 4BDE Commanding Officer
  • Imperial Army Officer College Candidate (Elite Recon Specialization)
  • 1BDE Executive Officer
  • 1IL Signals Officer
  • Legionary

Imperial Academy:

  • Imperial Basic Training Candidate (Army Concentration)


  • Recruiting Officer [ICR]
  • Archivist [IIS]
  • Imperial Youth Militia
Awards UDS.jpg [UDS] CIIA.jpg [CIIA] CMM.jpg [CMM] BCM.jpg [BCM] LOCx2.jpg [LOCx2] ISM-1.jpg [ISM-1] IRM.jpg [IRM] IISA.jpg [IISA] ICM.jpg [ICM] IABG.jpg [IABG] IMM-H.jpg [IMM-H]

Koltan 'Kol' Seraph is a 24-year-old Human Imperial Intelligence Agent. In addition to his service in the Directorate, he has also served COMPNOR's Coalition for Progress in several positions on a part-time basis in the past, including Recruitment and Archival work. He made his start in the Empire as a Reconnaissance soldier in the Imperial Army, being decorated on multiple occasions, eventually receiving a field commission for his service.


Koltan Seraph was born on Y-11 D232, on the Outer Rim world of Taris. His parents were refugees from a conflict on Bonadan, a world in the Corporate Sector, also located in the Outer Rim, and as such, young Kol was raised in poverty and squalor. It was a hardscrabble life, and although his parents worked hard to the point of exhaustion to provide for themselves and their only child by way of food and basic education, it didn't take long for an adolescent Kol to become enticed with and join the 'Undercity Shades', one of the local swoop gangs. To make his commitment to the Shades, his new ‘family’, a permanent one, he ran away from home and vowed never to return, much less look back. Despite their name, the Shades resided and operated in Taris’ Lower City, using the grim notoriety of the lethal Undercity to boost their notoriety and ‘street-rep’.

Life in the Shades was nothing less than short and violent, but it was also exciting and kept one's stomach full, without having to resort to begging or worse. Kol had no desire to remain a lowly thug, however, and he was not content with the fact that the rest of the Shades had acclimatized to being considered a minor criminal element in the grand scheme of things. To rectify both of these slights, Kol proposed something bold: to actually make use of the dark, treacherous Undercity and attack rival gangs where they least expected it (Seraph called it “a rechristening of sorts”), and to intensify raids on the Middle City as a tour-de-force. Covering themselves in soot, sporting fearsome masks, and wearing only black, the Shades struck terror into the hearts of squatters and others unfortunate enough to find themselves living on the Lower and Middle levels of a world like Taris, as well as making a good deal of enemies among rival gangs like the Sabre Darts and the Blood Kin. Tensions among the myriad street gangs in the Lower City were always high, filled with intricate power-plays and danger from all angles, with full-on gang wars erupting every decade or so, but things were getting worse: something big was going on in the Upper City, and changes in the planetary political climate inevitably had dire repercussions in the lower levels. Having brought notoriety and established new sources of information and income for 'the family' (in the form of forcing terrified Lower City denizens to pay for 'protection' and intimidating spineless Middle City merchants to give the Shades a cut of their profits) and having the ingenuity and ruthlessness to use the deadly, infested Undercity to the Shades' advantage, Kol found himself elevated to a rather prominent position in the gang. Known for thinking ahead of the curve (indeed, a necessary trait for any street gang leader worth his salt in Taris’ Lower City), the enigmatic leader of the Shades, a quiet, ruthless man known to his followers and enemies only as ‘His Shadow’, confided his vision to Seraph and a small number of other trusted subordinates: to unite all the gangs under one banner (that of the Shades, of course), and prepare for the storm that was coming sooner or later from the Upper City. Indeed, whenever a new regime took power on Taris, it was a fact of life that it tried to cement its legitimacy in the Upper City by launching punitive strikes on the powers that reigned in the lower levels, to 'cut the revolutionary threat at the roots and clean up the streets'. But this new regime was no ordinary foe... the Empire, after all, had a war-machine feared throughout the Galaxy, and it did not tolerate any challenge to its authority, be it worlds in full-scale rebellion, or planets held in the sway of crime syndicates that thought they could take the New Order head-on.

Of course, saying you’re going to unite each and every gang against a common foe is one thing, but actually attempting it is a whole other matter entirely. The Shades, joined by sympathetic gangs, fought bitterly against its rivals in a battle for supremacy in the Lower City, gaining an upper hand and eventually consolidating the most turf of all the gangs. His Shadow’s right hand man, realizing that unifying all the gangs and keeping them cohesive against a foe like the Empire was a fever dream at best, and suicide at worst, was able to convince many of the Shades to abandon the war and forsake their leader. Kol remained loyal, having come to see His Shadow as something of a father figure, by virtue of allegiance if not by blood. However, taking advantage of the chaos that had fragmented the Shades, His Shadow’s allies and enemies alike fell upon the gang and its turf, squabbling over the choicest pickings like a flock of carrion fighting over a corpse. It was then that, much to everyone’s surprise, the Imperial Governor, who had kept a close eye on the developments in the Lower City gang war, deployed his troops to pacify the troubled levels and rid Taris of the swoop gang menace once and for all. Facing fragmentary resistance and with their superior arms, numbers, and discipline, the Empire’s troops had little difficulty in securing multiple positions in the Lower City. Realizing that staying true to the Shades at this point was a lost cause, Kol took the viable chance he saw and ran, never looking back. It wasn’t something he was proud to do, but hey, if there’s one rule in the Lower City, its do whatever you have to do to survive. However, even in the midst of the chaos, those who were known to be Shades had a death mark on them, and Seraph had no one to turn to: his former brethren thought him a traitor, no gangs would suffer any Shades to survive for long, and the Empire had no love for swoop gangers and miscreants.

Despite his caution, Kol found himself ambushed by members of the Screaming Wraiths gang, former allies of the Shades now led by none other than His Shadow’s former lieutenant. Beaten to within an inch of dying and taken captive, Kol accepted his fate, having prepared himself as best he could for death. Kol’s fate seemed set, that is, until a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers made their way into the Wraiths’ hideout, mercilessly gunning down anyone who put up a fight. The Empire was making headway in cleaning up the streets of the Lower City, and Kol's life had not only been spared, it had been redefined- the Imperial soldiers who happened to encounter him administered critical medical treatment, and after he was stabilized, Kol was sent to the Middle City to recuperate.

Having been given a second chance at living by the Empire he was raised to hate and fear, and believing that one had to make the most of the opportunities that life presented, Kol saw service in the New Order as a chance to redeem himself of all the past crimes he had committed. After spending several months in a medical facility (from which emerged a lifelong phobia of doctors, medical treatments, hospitals, and being confined in bacta tanks in particular), Seraph made his way to an Imperial Recruitment Station, voicing his intention to enlist in the Imperial Army (since Kol had no interest in being an Engineer, Government Aide, or serving in the Navy). Despite being 16 and therefore a year too young to enlist in the Army right away, Kol's desire to serve was not ignored, and instead, he was offered the chance to join the newly formed Tarisian Imperial Youth Militia, where his ‘expertise’ could be put to use to serve the Empire by acting as an auxiliary and garrison force in sections of the Lower City not yet fully pacified by the Imperial Army. His experience garnered in the Shades benefited him greatly here, and Kol excelled, eventually being among the first to attain the rank of Cadet-Warrant Officer, earning a full scholarship to the Imperial Academy.

As soon as he turned 17 (the minimum age for enrollment in the Academy), Kol did so, becoming Recruit Seraph, thereupon submitting a request for off-world assignment. Kol’s transfer request went through, and the new Recruit was ordered to report for duty and instruction at the foremost Imperial Academy campus in the Galaxy, that of Coruscant itself. Relishing a chance to visit another world for the first time in his life, and the chance to leave Taris behind forever, Seraph eagerly awaited the true commencement of his Imperial career.

The Coruscanti Imperial Academy has a tradition of assigning gifted candidates to personal tutors, who possess experience in the adult branches of the Galactic Empire that the candidates themselves wish to enter upon graduation, and it was no different in Kol’s case. Seraph had the distinct honor of being assigned to none other than Army Captain Rik Zoidic, then Commanding Officer of the 3rd Imperial Legion, who noted Kol's ability to adapt to new situations, his insatiable hunger for knowledge, and his undeniably impressive talents at grasping fieldcraft, precision marksmanship, and (due to his time in a swoop gang) his affinity for piloting repulsorlift craft, including Speeder Bikes, Chariot LAVs, and the Cloudcar Combatspeeder. Recognizing these talents, Captain Zoidic personally recommended the newly promoted Private Seraph (having graduated with a Basic as opposed to an Honors certification due to prejudice against his ‘provincial upbringing’, and his subsequent difficulty and inexperience in grasping the finer points of protocol) to be assigned to the Army Reconnaissance Corps.

Initially expecting to be assigned to one of the Brigades that made up Captain Zoidic's 3rd Legion, Kol was surprised when he was instead assigned to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion (the ‘Vanguards’), a subsidiary unit of the 1st Assault Brigade (the ‘Immortals’), itself a subunit of the 1st Imperial Legion, the premier unit of its kind in the entire Army. It would be here that his steady climb up the enlisted ranks would occur. Seraph's innate skills and passion for the Army life soon earned him a promotion to Corporal and a position as a Squad Leader, and his deft leadership during an operation to retrieve an Imperial Army starfighter from an Eidola Pirate installation made him a Non-Commissioned Officer, and Section Commander. Having a gift for Army administration that outshone even his skill with a precision blaster rifle, Seraph became Signals Officer for the 1st Legion as a Sergeant, a highly impressive feat, and as a Master Sergeant, he was appointed Executive Officer of the 1st Assault Brigade, under Captain Akai Ai. Ever restless in his quest to better serve the New Order, and with his insatiable ambition to go further, Kol pursued part-time employment within COMPNOR, on top of his full-time Army duties.

While engaged in a boarding operation of a renegade Imperial space installation (a boarding operation jointly planned by Captain Ai and Seraph himself), Command Sergeant Seraph (having attained the prestigious position of 1st Recon Battalion Commander shortly before), was given a field commission to 2nd Lieutenant, becoming one of the few Imperial Army soldiers to climb all the way up the enlisted ranks and attain an Officer's commission without a formal post-secondary degree. Shortly thereafter, Lieutenant Seraph was offered a Brigade of his own to command: the 4th Reconnaissance Brigade, 'the Spectres'. He did not refuse, and his leadership of this unit earned him another promotion to 1st Lieutenant several months after taking command.

Lieutenant Seraph then made the controversial decision to request an extended leave of absence, the duration of which made it necessary for him to step down as Brigade CO, and pass the torch onto his XO, Captain Icarus Carinae. Sometime during this period, it is now known that Kol successfully completed the notoriously difficult preliminary entrance exams for service within the Directorate of Imperial Intelligence. Upon returning from his ELOA, Seraph submitted a transfer request to his Chain of Command, making clear his intention to transfer from the Imperial Army and join the Directorate as a full time Agent.

On a side note, it was after joining on with Imperial Intelligence that Kol, having returned to Coruscant for a fortnight's leave, bore witness to the festivities and high spirits celebrating the first anniversary of Emperor Ndengin's ascension as Galactic Emperor. Ever the intrepid writer on his off-duty hours, Kol took it upon himself to report on the celebration, and submitted the article, titled: "Imperials Celebrate Anniversary of the Ascension of Guinar the First", to the Imperial News Bureau, the sister department of the Archives in which he worked on a part time basis. His initiative, patriotism, and sense of duty to the Imperial Information Service while enjoying some well-earned time off was recognized, and when he returned to active duty a week later, Agent Seraph was surprised and honoured to receive his second Letter of Commendation from Army CO and Lord General Graeda L`Annan herself, in recognition for his journalistic efforts.

Upon returning to work within the Directorate, Kol was assigned to several ongoing, long-term operations, the details of which are still highly sensitive. Sufficed to say, these assignments took Agent Seraph on a grand tour throughout the Galaxy, performing all manner of classified activities for the good of the Empire and its citizens from behind the scenes. Despite the importance of his work, Seraph soon began to feel a longing to return to the Army one day, the Imperial branch where he had come to feel most at home.


GUINAR NDENGIN THE FIRST, Suzerain of the Galactic Empire, of Its Worlds and Territories Emperor, Sovereign of Humankind, Defender of the New Order

To Koltan Seraph

hereby appointed an Officer in His Majesty’s Imperial Army

With Seniority of the One Hundred and Ninety-Ninth Day of the Thirteenth Year of the New Order

WE reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and Integrity do by these Presents Constitute and Appoint you to be an Officer in Our Imperial Army. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge your Duty as such in the Rank of 2nd Lieutenant or in such other Rank as We may from time to time hereafter be pleased to promote or appoint you to, and you are in such manner and on such occasions as may be prescribed by us to exercise and well discipline both the Inferior Officers and Non-Commissioned Members serving under you and use your best endeavor to keep them in good Order and Discipline, and We do hereby Command them to Obey you as their Superior Officer, and you to observe and follow such Orders and Directions as from time to time you shall receive from Us, or any other your Superior Officer according to Law, in pursuance of the Trust hereby Reposed in you.

IN WITNESS Whereof our Rightful Hand and Imperial Executor hath hereunto set his hand and Seal at Our Government House in the Imperial Palace of Coruscant this One Hundred and Ninty-Ninth Day of the Thirteenth Year of the New Order CXCIX XIII and in the First Year of Our Reign.

By Command of His Excellency Lord Seele, the Imperial Executor.

Imperial Personnel Profile

General Information

Surname: Seraph
Given Name(s): Koltan, 'Kol'
Race: Class A Human Citizen
Gender: M
Service Number: DII-K17-665-S89
Formal Education:
Imperial Academy Graduate (Army Concentration),
Imperial Officer College Graduate (Elite Recon Specialization),
Imperial Intelligence Agent Certification
Age: 24
Homeworld: Taris
Family: Lasha (mother) and Garran (father) Seraph, presumed deceased

Psychological Profile


Physical Description

Height: 6'0
Weight: 165 lbs
Build: Lean
Complexion: Fair
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond

Kol Seraph.
Academy Recruit.
Army Private.
Army Corporal.
Army Sergeant.
Army Master Sergeant.
Army Command Sergeant.
Army 2nd Lieutenant.
Army 1st Lieutenant.
Intelligence Agent.

Imperial Service Record

Army Ranks

Grade Insignia Rank Time held (Combine Time) Time held (Real Time)
[E-1] ME-1.gif Recruit Year 12 Day 189 - Year 12 Day 191 June 6th, 2011 - June 8th, 2011
[E-2] ME-2.gif Private Year 12 Day 191 - Year 12 Day 284 June 8th, 2011 - September 9th, 2011
[E-3] ME-3.gif Corporal Year 12 Day 284 - Year 12 Day 327 September 9th, 2011 - October 22nd, 2011
[E-4] ME-4.gif Sergeant Year 12 Day 327 - Year 13 Day 43 October 22nd, 2011 - January 11th, 2012
[E-5] ME-5.gif Master Sergeant Year 13 Day 43 – Year 13 Day 109 January 11th, 2012 – March 17th, 2012
[E-6] ME-6.gif Command Sergeant Year 13 Day 109 - Year 13 Day 199 March 17th, 2012 - June 15th, 2012
[O-1] MO-1.gif 2nd Lieutenant Year 13 Day 199 - Year 13 Day 275 June 15th, 2012 - August 29th, 2012
[O-2] MO-2.gif 1st Lieutenant Year 13 Day 275 - Year 13 Day 315 August 30th, 2012 - October 10th, 2012

Intelligence Ranks

Grade Insignia Rank Time held (Combine Time) Time held (Real Time)
[O-2] IIO-2.gif Agent Year 12 Day 315 - PRESENT October 10th, 2012 - PRESENT


Ribbon Name Date Awarded Awarded by
IABG.jpg Imperial Academy Basic Graduate [IABG] Year 12 Day 191 (08-06-2011) Captain Rik Zoidic
ISM.jpg Imperial Service Medal [ISM] Year 13 Day 101 (09-03-2012) ISB-Major Zhaff Orikan
ICM.jpg Imperial Campaign Medal [ICM] Year 13 Day 101 (09-03-2012) ISB-Major Zhaff Orikan
IMM.jpg Imperial Monthly Meeting [IMM] Year 13 Day 101 (09-03-2012) ISB-Major Zhaff Orikan
CMM.jpg COMPNOR Member Medal [CMM] Year 13 Day 186 (02-06-2012) ISB-Major Zhaff Orikan
ISM-1.jpg Imperial Service Medal - 1 Year [ISM-1] Year 13 Day 189 (05-06-2012) Captain Akai Ai
LOC.jpg Letter of Commendation [LOC] Year 13 Day 260 (15-08-2012) Captain Deryk Ysenm
IMM-H.jpg Imperial Monthly Meeting [IMM-H] Year 13 Day 266 (21-08-2012) ISB-2nd Lieutenant Draelor Nah`utal
BCM.jpg Brigade Command Medal [BCM] Year 13 Day 290 (15-09-2012) Brigadier General Gunther Rall
IRM.jpg Imperial Recruitment Medal [IRM] Year 13 Day 290 (15-09-2012) Grand Vizier Jorus Taidan
UDS.jpg Unit Distinguished Service [UDS] Year 13 Day 291 (16-09-2012) Lord General Graeda L`Annan
LOCx2.jpg Letter of Commendation x2 [LOCx2] Year 13 Day 328 (23-10-2012) Lord General Graeda L`Annan
CIIA.jpg Certified Imperial Intelligence Agent [CIIA] Year 14 Day 36 (04-01-2013) Director Inwe Ventidius
IISA.jpg Imperial Intelligence Service Award [IISA] Year 14 Day 36 (04-01-2013) Director Inwe Ventidius


[Legion Signals Officer]
Appointed 1st Imperial Legion Signals Officer
Year 13 Day 37 to Year 13 Day 306
January 5th, 2012 to October 1st, 2012

Appointed to the Imperial Archives Staff
Year 13 Day 58
January 26th, 2012

Appointed to the Imperial Centre for Recruitment Staff
Year 13 Day 59
January 27th, 2012

[Brigade Executive Officer]
Appointed 1st Assault Brigade Executive Officer
Year 13 Day 73 to Year 13 Day 203
February 10th, 2012 to June 19th, 2012

[Brigade Commanding Officer]
Appointed 4th Reconnaissance Brigade Commanding Officer
Year 13 Day 203 to Year 13 Day 288
June 19th, 2012 to September 13th, 2012

[Public Agent]
Appointed Imperial Intelligence Agent and authorized to wear DII 'Tans'
Year 13 Day 321
October 16th, 2012


[Commissioned Officer]
Promoted and Commissioned to the Rank of Army 2nd Lieutenant
Year 13 Day 199
June 15th, 2012

Memorable Quotes

"A great people can be killed, but they cannot be intimidated."
— RCT Seraph, on the Empire's citizens, at the Imperial Academy
"There is no room in an Army uniform for second thoughts."
— PVT Seraph, having heard the news of the desertion and arrest of his former classmate and friend, Kaylin Shen
"Come on, you Rebel DOGS! You want to live forever?!"
— CPL Seraph, participating in the defense of the ISD Protector
"Only fools go into battle looking for a 'glorious death'... I don't lead fools, I command SOLDIERS! A soldier's duty is to live and keep fighting!"
— CPL Seraph, addressing his men before deploying on the Elandorea Raid
"All three Corps give something to make the Imperial Army the greatest organization of its kind in the Galaxy. Armored with its superior firepower, the Infantry with their irresistible strength of will... but Recon, gentlemen, is where you will find the finest soldiers who have ever lived. I'm sure you'll soon see you've made the right choice."
— CSGT Seraph, addressing the newest additions to the 1st Recon Battalion
"The outcome of war is always uncertain. Victors are determined as those who are more willing to lose that which they hold dear."
— 2LT Seraph, to his XO
"To see the enemy while unseen, to learn what they know with them none the wiser, until its too late... that is power."
— 1LT Seraph, 4BDE CO, on Reconnaissance in the Imperial Army
"I could tell you what I've been up to, but then I'd have to kill you... no hard feelings, you understand."
— Agent Seraph, on his activities in Imperial Intelligence