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Admiralty Sabers

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Upon reaching the rank of Rear Admiral, an Imperial Naval Officer is welcomed into what is collectively referred to as "The Admiralty". In recognition of this singular accomplishment, the promoted officer is presented with a ceremonial saber.

Officers who retire from the Imperial Navy, step down from a Command Tier position, or transfer to another branch may retain their sabers as a reminder of this achievement.

The Saber Awarding ceremony was started for flag officers by Katar Trilac on Year 18, with James Hudson preceding the ceremony with the special awarding of a saber to then-Emperor Guinar Ndengin.

Admiralty Saber Year 24 - Current

The most current Admiralty sabers (a cutlass design) feature aurodium plated guard, quillon, pommel, and basket. Currently, the pommel features an inset Star Destroyer design. The guard features an inset Imperial Cog in the Imperial Navy Blue. The grip is made from black Corellian leather over an aurodium plated core.

The hand-crafted scabbard has an aurodium plated core wrapped with dyed black Bantha hide and fitted with a velvet interior to protect and clean the blade. It comes with a belt mount that features four aurodium plated fasteners.

The blade itself is forged utilizing the same durasteel (graded 9093-T7511) procured for the construction of Imperial Star Destroyers - and - on rare occasions - sourced directly from an active ISD. The Imperial Navy insignia is attached on the blade just above the hilt.

Each saber is presented in a lacquered ebonwood box stamped with the Imperial insignia and the issue date.

Admiralty Saber Year 18 - 24

Admiralty Saber (Cutlass).

The previous Admiralty saber (a cutlass design) featured an aurodium plated pommel and basket, with the pommel featuring the Imperial Navy insignia, and a dyed hilt made of aged Corellian leather. The hand-crafted scabbard is made of dyed black bantha hide and fitted with two aurodium plated mounts.

The blade itself was forged utilizing the same durasteel (graded 9093-T7511) procured for the construction of Imperial Star Destroyers - and - on rare occasions - sourced directly from an active ISD. The Imperial Navy insignia is stamped on the blade just above the hilt.

Each saber is presented in a lacquered ebonwood box stamped with the Imperial insignia and the issue date.

List of Sabers

Name Recipient Date Issued ID # Note
Dauntless Zachary Savk Year 3 Day 149* 8495340 *Issued date retroactive to promotion as Rear Admiral
Named for first VSD command
Unnamed KD Kef Drenall Year 17 Day 316 8501505
Warhammer Katar Trilac Year 17 Day 350 9275164 Named for ISD Command as NLO
Unnamed VS Vidar Sicarius [FILE NOT FOUND] [FILE NOT FOUND] Issuance verification required
Unnamed SN Serris Nemor Year 18 Day 117 9275165
Unnamed FS Fenris Soontir Year 18 Day 196 [FILE NOT FOUND] Issuance verification required
Unnamed MN Mordus Nordstroem Year 18 Day 213* 12963599 *Issued date retroactive to promotion as Rear Admiral
Allegiance Tracyn Gouka Year 19 Day 5 11190651 Named for ISD source
Eternity Patrick Bisson Year 19 Day 166* 11445740 *Issued date retroactive to promotion as Rear Admiral
Named for first ISD command
Unnamed KV Ki Virtu Year 20 Day 46 11451617 Issuance verification required
Unnamed AR Aarto Ragnar Year 20 Day 46 11451621
Relentless Robert Gauge Year 20 Day 138* 12963600 *Issued date retroactive to promotion as Rear Admiral
Named for ISD source
Widowmaker Thea Corine Year 20 Day 46 11451620 Erroneously named for a VSD
Inexorable Cihllian Rezik Year 21 Day 248* 12963598 *Issued date retroactive to promotion as Rear Admiral
Named for first ISD command
Absolute Marc Farstan Year 23 Day 99 12963601 Erroneously named for first SSD command
Subjugator Shonblam Dacar Year 23 Day 99 15088873 Named for first ISD command
Oppressor Thokul Tovcor Year 23 Day 99 15088874 Named for ISD source
Tormentor Garret Vin-Reth Year 24 Day 98 16256246 Named for ISD source
[FILE NOT FOUND] Eeni Thesian Year 24 Day 161 [FILE NOT FOUND] Issuance verification required
[FILE NOT FOUND] Ryn Tavel Year 24 Day 192 [FILE NOT FOUND] Issuance verification required
Trident Eromu Shiroi Year 25 Day 188* 18921919 *Issued date retroactive to promotion as Rear Admiral
Named for first ISD command

Honorary Sabers

On rare occasions, NCOMD will present a saber to an individual who has not risen to the ranks of The Admiralty but is to be honored for some other significant merit. Often, these sabers will also include variations to the standard blade issued to new Rear Admirals.

Name Recipient Date Issued ID # Note Variation
Retribution Guinar Ndengin Year 18 Day 108 8441095 Presented in celebration of 5 years as Emperor of the Galactic Empire Blade contains the engraving "Servit Pre Selt" ("Service Before Self"). Scabbard bears a crimson strip down its length representing the Imperial Throne.

Dishonored Sabers

In the event a member, whether current or past, of the Admiralty dishonors themselves, their saber is marked as a "dishonored blade" and their names removed from the official roster. Should the asset be reclaimed by the Navy, its blade it to be broken and the pieces placed into a vault at the Navy headquarters in Kuat.